Workaround for superclass mismatch for class SQLiteAdapter error - ruby-on-rails

I'm using torquebox 2.0 beta (i.e. jruby on rails). Everything was working fine until I installed the Citier gem. Once I installed the gem, I began to get the following error:
superclass mismatch for class SQLiteAdapter
the full error is included in this gist: Full Trace of Error Message
Does anyone have any suggestions for a workaround or a fix for this error.
Thanks in advance for your help.

'citier' is assuming a certain class hierarchy for SQLiteAdapter and PostgreSQLadapter, and that is clashing with JDBC adapters'. I don't know how to fix it; it might be as simple as removing the inheritance specification from the offending line 17, but maybe not. Either way, you should contact citier's author.


Rails: Nested Namespace'd Controller in Rails 3.2 fails to load (fine in 3.0)

I have a controller named Reports::Accountant::ApprovedTimeOffRequestsController. It's in the proper directory, and the class name is correct in the file its self. Rails console and unicorn load just fine, but rspec can't seem to load the file during testing.
Here's the error.
/Users/mdarby/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125-perf/gems/activesupport-3.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:503:in load_missing_constant': Expected /Users/mdarby/Documents/Code/ccw_32/app/controllers/reports/accountant/approved_time_off_requests_controller.rb to define Reports::Accountant::ApprovedTimeOffRequestsController (LoadError)
from /Users/mdarby/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p125-perf/gems/activesupport-3.2.1/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:192:in block in const_missing'
This file was find on Rails 3.0 stack, but now that I've upgraded to 3.2/rspec 2.9 this is bombing out.
The definition of the class:
class Reports::Accountant::ApprovedTimeOffRequestsController < ApplicationController
If anyone comes across this, I solved it by removing the specs :)
I bet you're using Spork. I ran into this exact problem. I removed Spork and I was on my way. Give that a whack and let me know if it fixed it. Might be worth filing an issue on spork if that's the case.
Are you doing anything fancy with your tests? I had a case in the app itself where multiple threads were trying to load the same module. I can only guess that one marks it as loaded before it actually runs it, and then the constant isn't available to the next. In any case, my solution was to add a prepare block outside the threading.
development.rb (you might need this in test.rb)
ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare do

I'm Getting An Uninitialized Constant Error From A Recently Installed Gem. How do you fix this?

I recently installed the Citier Gem. Its Gem a solution for simple Multiple Class Inheritance in Rails. After setting up models per the instructions and running Rake, I am getting the following error:
uninitialized constant Books::Writable
*/citier/core.ext.rb:33:in 'create_citier_view'
Its been my experience that this error message usually means the Gem is not installed properly, but I've checked my Gemfile and did a Bundler Show command and everything seems to be in order. Apparently, the core.ext file referenced in the error is supposed to be extending ActiveRecord to create views that are utilized for Multiple Class Inheritance.
I checked all the usual places for the problem but can't seem to figure this out. In suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I've been stuck on this one for a couple of days now.
Thanks for you input.
Simply type require 'rails_sql_views' in config/application.rb
U may need install gem rails_sql_views

Rails 2.3.9, adding ActiveScaffold, getting in `alias_method': undefined method `number_of_pages' for class `Paginator'

I have AS (as a plugin) working in another app just fine (I dont remember this
issue...) - its also using Rails 2.3.9, on same dev box.
Now trying to add it to a new app and getting this error when running
the webrick, script/server:
active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb:33:in `alias_method':
undefined method `number_of_pages' for class `Paginator' (NameError)
from /Users/kimptoc/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p302/gems/
33:in `alias_method_chain'
from /Users/kimptoc/Documents/ruby/borisbikestats/vendor/plugins/
I couldn't find any previous references to this error.
Embarassingly I dont know which version of AS I am using successfully... it says 1.2RC1 in the CHANGELOG file, but I seem to remember trying a few of the forks...(is there somewhere I can see which fork is in use...). I have tried using the the 'main' activescaffold in the new project, but it fails as above, but so does using the same plugin that is in the working project :(
Thanks in advance for any pointers as to what I am doing wrong.
PS Just realised that new Rails was using Rails 3 and old/working one was 2.3.9. It seems you need to use an alternate branch of AS for Rails 3, like this :
This is just a guess, but built in pagination was removed in Rails 2 as I recall, and you needed to install the classic_pagination plugin to get that functionality back.
I only used ActiveScaffold once, but the error there says paginator_extensions.rb ... it's probably monkey patching the old Rails paginator? Therefore the class exists but the number_of_pages method doesn't.

Starting out with vote_fu

Trying my luck with the vote_fu rails plugin. The functionality looks like exactly what I need for a project of mine, but I have hit a roadblock. I have followed the github readme to the letter, installing it as a plugin.
I have put acts_as_voteable on my "Event" model and acts_as_voter on my User model.
In the console, when I try:
>> event.votes
>> user.votes
it successfully returns an empty array.
but when I try to do the following:
I get
"NoMethodError: undefined method `user_id' for #<Vote:0x7f5ed4355540>"
Any ideas? I'm probably just missing something obvious, but maybe something is missing from the plugin's readme.
I created a blank application and the plugin works fine, so I think that this problem might be being caused by the use of the "desert" plugin, as my User class is split over two files. If I find the answer, I'll post it so that in the off chance someone else runs into this it may be some help.
Ok, I haven't found a definitive reason why this problem occurred, but I do have strong suspicions that it is due to the use of the "desert" plugin, as my User class is split over two files (the project is using the CommunityEngine plugin as a base),
Anyhow, I found a work around (something I should have tried before posting here). Instead of installing vote_fu as a plugin, I installed it as a gem. And now vote_fu seems to be humming along nicely.
So let that be a lesson to you all!

Error while using Fetcher plugin to process incoming mail with Rails?

I'm trying to get a basic example app running that processes email. Nothing fancy, just the barest of functionality at this point. I've installed Fetcher, configured the YAML, updated the :receiver, and created an IncomingMailHandler class.
When I go to start the FetcherDaemon, I get the following error.
/Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:105:in `const_missing': uninitialized constant MailerDaemonFetcherDaemon::IncomingMailHandler (NameError)
I'm using Rails 2.3.2, with the latest Fetcher plugin. The IncomingMailHandler class in my models dir looks like this:
class IncomingMailHandler < ActionMailer::Base
def receive(email)"Got a mail about: #{mail.subject}")
Ok, so basically, I'm a dumbass. I was following instructions all over the damn web, except for the mostly cut and dry explanation on github. Days later now, I just went through the motions, and boom, it worked flawlessly.
So, to anyone that finds this with the same problem (whether you were trying to follow the WAY outdated instructions on the PeepCode tutorial, or found some tips on a blog), don't be a dumbass like me. The most up-to-date info is on github.
Thanks to anyone that looked at this!
My guess is you didnt set the MailFetcher
MailFetcher.mailer_class = :incoming_mail_handler
put this in environment.rb after the RailsInitializer block.
If you want to use POP3 instead of IMAP you have to specify this there as well
