How to call LazyTableImages in my own project - ios

I am new to IOS development, and I would like to use the LazyTableImages sample in my project. I have main screen displaying a list of menus. What i want to achieve is that when a user clicks a menu on the main screen, it will start a new screen which calls the LazyTableImages code and downloads the images.
But i have no idea how to do that.Because in the sample, the screen with the images is the first window, and in my project, it is not.It seems that I will need to move the LazyTableAppDelegate.h and LazyTableAppDelegate.m to the my own delegate file AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.m files but i didnt get any luck doing that. Can anyone shed any light how should i make the change? Is there any sample code i can refer how to call one project in the other?

this links solve your problems.
1) [HJCache][1]
2) [Video Part1][2]
3) [Video Part2][3]


SKAction playSoundFileNamed Not Playing Sound on Physical iPad

I am currently on Whack-A-Penguin (Project 14) of Hacking with Swift. I am trying to get the sound to work, but I am unsure of why it is not working. There is no error code that comes up in debugger, which makes it hard to understand what is going wrong...
I am testing on a physical iPad with the sound settings on. Below is a snapshot of where i have placed the files and how the soundfile is being called in my code. Not sure what the issue is...Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Image of my file directory and code snippet
When you select your sound file in XCode, access the inspector on the right side, then make sure the file is selected for your target(s).
Screenshot from Xcode showing where to do this

Get all elements in the view of iphone app using xcode

I am trying to take screenshot of every screen during iphone app automation on a simulator. Along with the screenshot I also want to extract all strings in the that particular view before taking a screenshot using xcode. Is there a way to do that? Purpose is to send these screenshots and strings for validation to another tool.
This can be done using Web Driver Agent(WDA) provided by facebook. It does provide all the functionalities you need for your app.
Here is link to github repo for it:
Please have a look at it. It might help you achieving your goal.
If you are using the XCUITest framework for your automation, you can use XCUIScreen.main.screenshot() to get a screenshot of the current state.
To fetch all text currently on screen you can use XCUIApplication().descendants(matching: .textField) or .buttons or .any or whatever you expect to be on the screen, and extract the text from the element
let descendants = XCUIApplication().descendants(matching: .textField)
foreach descendant in descendants { descendant.label /*do something*/ }
You need to set an Accessibility Identifier on the view elements for this to work.

iOS Swift 4 before loading content

I build chat app using Firebase API right now. I wan't to make preload icons like on facebook screenshot. I thought i can create empty images and label fields and fill them after content loaded, but i don't know how to check if all data loaded from DB. How i can do that in correct way?
This is where i want to place objects
Install ListPlaceholder this lib.
import ListPlaceholder
To show the loader, start showing this from start
To hide the loader, end showing after data has been loaded
Please refer this may get help.
Facebook has it's own library called Shimmer. To use this on tableview, you can follow this StackOverflow question answer.
You'll just have to create the UIView you want to animate and above that you'll have to add your FBShimmeringView. At the end set shimmeringView.shimmering = true to start shimmering
To hide the loading use tableView.hideLoader()
ListPlaceholder helped me to resolve the issue. All that I did was added the ListLoader.swift file to my project and added tableView.reloadData(), tableView.showLoader() in viewDidAppear in the tableView where I wanted to show loading.
( ListLoader.swif uses visibleCells to determine the number of rows on which the loading should be shown. In my applications, visibleCell's count was incorrect on calling tableView.showLoader() method in viewDidLoad )

QuartzCode and Swift, how to show in Xcode?

I have made simple loader (custom progress indicator) inside QuartzCode app and in my new Xcode project I imported two file that have QuartzCode exported.
Can you please tell me how to show it, hot to start that animation? I have inserted in my storyboard UIView and connected class from imported QuartzCode .swift files, but animation is not showing. I see static image (suppose first frame), but not animation.
If someone has played with QuartzCode and it's animations, can you please tell me how to insert animations to my app?

App crashes on return from some share plugins of activityViewController

I've got a TableViewController with static table; one of it's cells houses an UIView named graphArea. The view renders a chart, it's background and an axis line - all inside it's drawRect(). There are also two another views (sunView & markerView), that are made with Interface Builder and used for chart dynamics (moving marker line and point on touch events).
All worked buttery smooth until I've implemented and tried to test a share button, that employs the ordinary activityViewController mechanism.
The magic begins, when one from a couple of share activities, whose share plugin window takes the full screen, is finished (no matter whether sharing succeeded or cancelled). The app crashes.
Discovery using debugger made apparent to me, that the crash happens, because some views, including graphArea, sunView, markerView are nil after return from sharing screen.
Only some of fullscreen share plugins (like preinstalled Mail and Messages, or, in my case, "Download to DropBox" action) lead app to crash. Other fullscreen share plugins do not (tested Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype). No one of those non-fullscreen plugins has ever caused crash (Evernote, Twitter, 2Do etc.).
It looks like graphArea, sunView, markerView are deallocated from memory when "malicious" share plugins take full screen. I haven't figured out, why.
Here's some debug info:
The traceback and assembly of fatalErrorMessage.
The next screenshot shows a part of controller code and properties, that are nil on return from share plugin (gray selection). And yes, they were all non-nil before.
Please, help me! Thank you in advance!
Thank you, Palpatim. My friend also pointed me at the same thing: I've put graphArea.removeFromSuperview() in viewDidDisappear(), and this caused the exception after share plugins, that have .presentationStyle = fullScreen. So at the point, when the app is to show again, there is no more graphArea in on the tableView.
