iCloud - renaming open documents on another device sometimes fails - ios

The issue: I'm working on an iCloud document on device A, e.g. iPod Touch. Then I change the name of the document on device B, e.g. my Mac (via the Finder). The change goes up to the cloud and after a pause device A gets to hear about it.
And then:
some of the time all is just fine - I pick up the change of name via a changed fileURL property and can update my interface accordingly - the document continues to behave just as it should
some of the time, the document's fileURL is returned as something such as: file://localhost/var/mobile/Library/Mobile%20Documents/.ubd/peer-43A0AEB6-84CE-283E-CA39-FCC4EF3BC8F8-v23/ftr/purg-012fdcfbe3b3bbce6e603fdfd2f000b2cb28649e95 Not surprisingly this file won't save.
Can anyone explain what is going on and how to work around it?
The name change is picked up fine by by NSMetadataQuery. So, for e.g., I can rename documents that are not open and all my iCloud functionality works fine. The issue only seems to occur with open documents.
Other iCloud features are working fine, e.g. I can change content on one device, e.g. my Mac, and detect and then update my interface on another device, e.g. my iPod Touch, that has the relevant iCloud document open.
I first spotted this when I added an override for presentedItemDidMoveToURL: to my UIDocument subclass. The override reliably picks up name changes made in the cloud, e.g. renaming the document on another device. Then sometimes newURL is the final expected URL for the renamed document, i.e. something sensible from which I can extract the new name use `lastPathComponent', update my interface etc. On other occasions newURL is a document in some other directory with a last path component beginning 'purg-', e.g. purg-012fdcfbe3b3bbce6e603fdfd2f000b2cb28649e95.
- (void) presentedItemDidMoveToURL:(NSURL *) newURL;
[super presentedItemDidMoveToURL: newURL];
if ([(id)[self delegate] respondsToSelector:#selector(documentNameChanged:)])
[[self delegate] documentNameChanged: self];
The presentedItemDidMoveToURL: method does not seem to be the root cause of the problem. For example, if I don't override that method at all, but periodically check in the viewController that is looking after the open document, then sometimes after a rename fileURL will return the new name and sometimes it will return `purg-.....'. So the issue appears to be to do with how renaming is handled.
As al_lea pointed out, the issue here was related to accommodatePresentedItemDeletionWithCompletionHandler:. Expanding on al_lea's answer, I added the code below to my UIDocument subclass. This fixed the issue.
- (void) accommodatePresentedItemDeletionWithCompletionHandler: (void (^) (NSError *errorOrNil)) completionHandler
PresentedDocument* presentedDocument = [self retain];
[presentedDocument closeWithCompletionHandler: ^(BOOL success) {
NSError* error = nil;
if (!success)
NSDictionary* userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
#"Could not close document that is being deleted on another device",
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey, nil];
error = [NSError errorWithDomain: #"some_suitable_domain"
code: 101
userInfo: userInfo];
completionHandler(error); // run the passed in completion handler (required)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: NOTIFY_presentedDocumentDeletedOnAnotherDevice
object: presentedDocument
userInfo: nil];
[presentedDocument tidyUpAfterDelete]; // app specific tidy up
[presentedDocument release];
With this code in place, there are no spurious and confusing presentedItemDidMoveToURL: calls made and, in addition, the relevant object can listen for notifications of deletions on other devices.

This type of URL appears when a UIDocument is opened on local and get deleted from a remote device:
You need to close the document first before it get deleted - detect this in NSFilePresenter's accommodatePresentedItemDeletionWithCompletionHandler:


Shared Core Data - What am I missing?

I have an app with a Today extension. Using App Groups, I am able to have a single repository for both the app and the extension. However, I must be missing something as the solution only partially works. If I am in the App I can add a record and will see that same record in the widget. However, if a change the value of a column, for example, setting a boolean from true to false. The app won't see the change if it were made in the extension and vice versa. I am saving the change to Core Data:
Using DB Browser, I am able to verify that the change was made; is in the DB. Clearly, I am missing something. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Make sure you're using the same db in both sides
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
if ([self.extensionContext respondsToSelector:#selector(setWidgetLargestAvailableDisplayMode:)]) { // iOS 10+
[self.extensionContext setWidgetLargestAvailableDisplayMode:NCWidgetDisplayModeExpanded];
} else {
self.preferredContentSize = CGSizeMake(0, 110.0); // iOS 10-
[MagicalRecord setupCoreDataStackWithAutoMigratingSqliteStoreAtURL:[MagicalRecord urlAppGroupStore]];
As you can see i'm using magical record but I'm specifying to use the share sqlite file
NSString *const kAppGroupIdentifier = #"group.com.carlosduclos.myapp";
+ (NSURL *)urlAppGroupStore {
NSURL *groupURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:kAppGroupIdentifier];
return [groupURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:#"mydb.sqlite"];

iMessageExt app Error starting application

I created my iMessage extension, when I try to open it, the first screen appears but it is totally frozen, and it does not react in any way.
I've put logs in the viewDidLoad of that first view and nothing appears there, after a few seconds I can already see those logs.
To make the application freezing lose that status, user has to slide screen left or right and back again.
I've tried looking all over the web for someone who happens to be the same, but I could not find anything.
It does not come to mind more screenshots or portions of code add, if you think I should provide some additional information, just let me know
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
This is my Project Structure.
This is my viewDidLoad code.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSLog(#"here viewDidLoad iMessage ext~~~!");
[self applyCornerRadiusToBtn];
[self registerPresentationAction];
NSDictionary *user = [self getUserInfoFromHostApp];
if (user) {
NSLog(#"Here != null user info");
//It is assumed that when you enter this point and run this log, the app should navigate to the next screen, but it does not.
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"goToYoutubeListIm" sender:nil];
} else {
NSLog(#"Here userInfo null");
- (NSDictionary *)getUserInfoFromHostApp
NSUserDefaults *myDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:#"group.com.xxxxx"];
NSDictionary *userNameSaved = [myDefaults objectForKey:#"userInfoExt"];;
NSLog(#"userNameSaved in xxxx Ext ==> %#",userNameSaved);
NSURL *groupURL = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:#"group.com.xxxx"];
NSLog(#"groupURL ==> %#",groupURL);
return userNameSaved;
For all concerned I have found the problem or problems to be accurate.
1) I was creating my controllers type MSMessagesAppViewController. Apparently there should only be one controller of this type.
2) I had logic in the viewDidAppear in my MSMessagesAppViewController. For some strange reason this also caused the problem, I had to get the logic out there and force the user to interact with a button to execute the logic that was in the didAppear

How to determine why WKWebView is crashing

I am using WKWebView in a Swift app built for iOS 8+. I use instances of WKWebView in a variety of views in my app, e.g. in each of the tabs in my tab view controller, the interface is based on WKWebView.
I and my testers have noticed these views sometimes go completely blank, and after researching that issue, it seems that WKWebView can crash, and the blank view is the result. Luckily, it doesn't bring down the app due to the way WKWebView operates, but I also am not clear on how to trap/log information about what caused it to crash (if that is actually what is happening).
How can I determine if/why a WKWebView has crashed?
My current workaround for the issue is that I use KVO (actually, Facebook's KVOController), to monitor the "URL" property of the WKWebView, and if it goes from non-nil to nil, I assume a crash has happened, and I reload the webview:
kvoController?.observe(webView, keyPath: "URL", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New|NSKeyValueObservingOptions.Old) { (areaViewController, webView, change) -> Void in
if change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] is NSNull && !(change[NSKeyValueChangeOldKey] is NSNull) {
areaViewController.setup() // reload our webview
But obviously it would be nice to figure out the root cause of the crash.
This is very nasty WKWebView issue that we also encountered in Firefox for iOS.
See the following bug report https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=148685
I have no great solution but I do have two tips:
First, we were also doing the reload when we found out via KVO that webView.URL turned nil. However it turns out that it turns nil on a number of events. For example when a redirect happens and possibly also when a form is submitted. So this is not ideal.
Second, in iOS9 there is a new API to detect when the WebKit content process has died. We have not tried this yet but I think that will be a better trigger to reload the webView.
There is no documentation yet I think, but you can see this in the header files:
- (void)webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate:(WKWebView *)webView NS_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0);
(void)webViewWebContentProcessDidTerminate:(WKWebView *)webView NS_AVAILABLE(10_11, 9_0); This delegate getting called only in iOS9.but if you reload webview ,you will lost all of the state information stored.
maybe can save info befor called [webview reload]
for example:
NSString *jsString = #"var arry=[];
for(var i=0; i<sessionStorage.length; i++){
var a={};a[sessionStorage.key(i)]=sessionStorage.getItem(sessionStorage.key(i));arry.push(a)};arry";
[webView evaluateJavaScript:jsString completionHandler:^(id _Nullable obj, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (obj == NULL ||obj ==[NSNull class]||obj==nil) {
[webView reload];
return ;
NSArray *arr = (NSArray*)obj;
[webView reload];

UIDocument open/close behavior

I have a UIDocument based app, without iCloud support. The user is able to create documents, and save them to app's Document directory.
I have also created few "sample" documents, and passing them with the app's bundle. I want the user to be able to open sample documents the same way as they can open their own documents:
NSArray *samplesContent = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLsForResourcesWithExtension:#"doco" subdirectory:#"Samples"];
for (NSURL *sampleURL in samplesContent) {
Doco *doco = [[Doco alloc] initWithFileURL:sampleURL];
[doco disableEditing];
[doco openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {
if (success) {
[self.docos addObject:doco];
if (self.docos.count >= samplesContent.count) {
[self.tableView reloadData];
} else DLog(#"Failed to open %#", [sampleURL pathExtension]);
What I am seeing is this:
On viewDidLoad, docs array gets populated with sample docs and displayed in the tableView the first time app launches. No issues here, all is smooth and nice.
Then I back out of the view with the following code to close all open docs:
int count = 0;
for (Doco *doco in self.docos) {
if (doco.documentState == UIDocumentStateNormal) {
[doco closeWithCompletionHandler:nil];
DLog(#"Closed %i docs", count);
When I open the view again, the array of docs should get populated again and tableView re-populated, but nothing happens.
The completion handler below never gets called, although the URL is pointing to the same file and it is valid:
[doco openWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success) {}
I do not have this issue for user generated docs stored in Documents, so my assumption is that it has something to do with auto-save, that gets called on read-only bundle and fails
But I am sort of stuck on this part, any help will be appreciated.
The problem has already been identified, but I think it's worth describing a couple of simple solutions since including sample documents in an app's bundle is not uncommon.
So the problem is that the sample document is trying to save changes when it is closed, but saving cannot succeed in a read-only app bundle.
I think there are two main solutions here:
Copy the sample document into the Documents directory, where it can be treated like any other document and saved successfully (if you want user edits to the sample document to be saved, use this approach).
Prevent the document from trying to save (for read-only sample documents).
So here are some simple examples...
1. Copy sample documents into Documents directory
On first launch (or indeed whenever you decide to 'refresh' the sample document), use NSFileManager to copy the file into place:
- (void)refreshSampleDocuments
NSArray *sampleFromURLs = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLsForResourcesWithExtension:#"doc" subdirectory:#"Samples"];
for (NSURL *sampleFromURL in sampleFromURLs) {
NSString *sampleFilename = [sampleFromURL lastPathComponent];
NSURL *sampleToURL = [[self documentsDirectoryURL] URLByAppendingPathComponent:sampleFilename];
// ...
// Do some checks to make sure you won't write over any user documents!
// ....
NSError *error;
BOOL copySuccessful = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtURL:sampleFromURL toURL:sampleToURL error:&error];
if (!copySuccessful) {
// Handle error...
2. Prevent sample documents from trying to save
This approach is much simpler (for read-only documents), and easier than trying to prevent updates wherever they might occur in the document.
When closeWithCompletionHandler: is called on UIDocument, autosaveWithCompletionHandler: is invoked to ensure the document file is saved before closing. This in turn invokes hasUnsavedChanges to decide whether a save is necessary. So if hasUnsavedChanges returns NO, then any invocation of the autosaving mechanism will result in no changes being written out.
(N.B. manually calling saveToURL:forSaveOperation:completionHandler: will still force a save, regardless of what hasUnsavedChanges returns.)
So in your UIDocument subclass, override hasUnsavedChanges to return NO if the document is read-only.
#interface MyDocument : UIDocument
#property(nonatomic, getter = isReadOnly) BOOL readOnly;
#implementation MyDocument
- (BOOL)hasUnsavedChanges
return [self isReadOnly] ? NO : [super hasUnsavedChanges];
If UIDocument is updated it will try to save changes on close.
Since UIDocument was loaded from read-only bundle, I had to make sure that it does not get updated, otherwise close block returns success=NO, and document is not closed...

Game Center Sandbox : "Could not create game" issue

I'm currently developing a turn based game using Game Center to handle the online functionalities (for matchmaking and turns handling).
I'm using two sandbox accounts - one on my 3gs and one on the ios Simulator.
I've been testing my app using the GKTurnBasedMatchMakerViewController to do the match making for a while without any problems, but I'm now stuck with an issue:
Every time I want to invite another player for a new (with either one or the other player), the GKTurnBasedMatchMakerViewController displays a UIAlertView stating :
Could not create game - Please remove an existing game and try again.
The thing is, I've deleted all the matches for each player (none of them has any game in his list (not even a closed game). So none of the user is in any match at the moment.
In my GKTurnBaseMatchMakerViewControllerDelegate the turnBasedMatchmakerViewController:didFailWithError: is not called.
The only called function called in the delegate- when I click the OK button on the UIAlertView - is turnBasedMatchmakerViewControllerWasCancelled:
The only thing I can think of is that my games are actually not removed from GameCenter, but as I'm removing them using the GKMatchMakerViewController UI, I barely think so.
When quitting from a turn-based match I've implemented the turnBasedMatchmakerViewController:playerQuitForMatch: like this:
- (void)turnBasedMatchmakerViewController:(GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController *)viewController playerQuitForMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
if ( [self isLocalPlayerCurrentPlayerForMatch:match] ) {
NSData* endData = match.matchData;
for (GKTurnBasedParticipant* participant in match.participants) {
participant.matchOutcome = GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeWon;
match.currentParticipant.matchOutcome = GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeLost;
[match endMatchInTurnWithMatchData:endData
completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
(NB: I only have two players in the game)
where isLocalPlayerCurrentPlayerForMatch is:
- (BOOL) isLocalPlayerCurrentPlayerForMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch*)match
return [[[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] playerID] isEqualToString:match.currentParticipant.playerID];
Has anyone encountered and found a solution to this issue?
Am I doing something wrong here, or is it so obvious I just can't see it?
Thank you very much for any comments that would help me find the root of that issue.
Thanks to #kaan-dedeoglu I managed to know that both users had an empty list of matches (consistent with the displayed state).
I also created a third Sandbox account.
Naming the two first accounts A and B, C the third one.
State 1:
A and B are not linked to any match.
A and B are both getting the "Could not create game" error while creating any game (A invites B, A||B invites other player, A||B creates new automatch).
State 2:
C (working account) can invite B and normally plays a party with B.
C (working) can invite B for another simultaneous party
C (working) invites A to play.
A can't play (can't access the list of current matches, the GKTurnBasedMatchMakerViewController directly goes to the creation of a new game).
C is not working anymore.
A, B and C are now stuck in "Could not create game" error.
As a complement here is how I initialize my GKTurnBasedMatchMakerViewController, but I don't see that being wrong.
- (void) displayMatchMakerVC
if (! [[GKLocalPlayer localPlayer] isAuthenticated] ) return;
GKMatchRequest* request = [[[GKMatchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
int nbPlayers = 2;
request.minPlayers = nbPlayers;
request.maxPlayers = nbPlayers;
GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController* matchMakerVC = [[[GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController alloc] initWithMatchRequest:request] autorelease];
matchMakerVC.turnBasedMatchmakerDelegate = self;
matchMakerVC.showExistingMatches = YES;
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] presentModalViewController:matchMakerVC animated:YES];
NB: I'm not using ARC, could that be related to a memory issue? I'm not really a memory management guru, but it seems correct to my understanding.
Any idea of how this could be related to my code and not to game center?
Thank you very much for any answer that could help me go further.
Update 2: turnbasedMatchmakerViewController:didFindMatchMethod:
Here's my turnbasedMatchmakerViewController:didFindMatchMethod: method.
- (void)turnBasedMatchmakerViewController:(GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController *)viewController didFindMatch:(GKTurnBasedMatch *)match
BLTheme* theme = [[[BLGameConfig sharedConfig] localPlayer] userTheme];
GameSceneRemoteGCLoader* loader = [[GameSceneRemoteGCLoader alloc] initWithGKMatch:match andTheme:theme];
[viewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{}];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:loader];
When I'm launching an automatch it's launching the exact same error "Could not create game - Please remove an existing game and try again.".
This may or may not be the solution to your problem, but I had a similar issue and solved it in the following way.
It seems that either by default, or somehow, Game Center treats apps with differing CFBundleVersion (build number, not version number, or CFBundleShortVersionString) values as incompatible with one another, and thus does not show matches between apps with incremented build numbers. (Often, developers increment this number as new ad hoc builds or stable releases are distributed during development, so this is quite unfortunate).
To find and remove the "missing" games, I decremented my CFBundleVersion value (which revealed the games), and then deleted the offending matches.
Alternatively, tweaking some settings in iTunes Connect seems to have removed this CFBundleVersion incompatibility. It takes a while to propagate, but I think what did it was tapping on my app, tapping on View Details, making sure the Game Center switch is set to "Enabled", and making sure there is an item in the "Multiplayer Compatibility" table. You could also play with the possibilities within the "Manage Game Center" button from the original app screen, but I think the "Multiplayer Compatibility" setting is what finally allowed me to see all the "old" matches that were previously hidden.
Good luck!
Just to make sure: In both these devices, add these lines in your authentication completion handler and run it once. (then you can comment it out).
[GKTurnBasedMatch loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:(^)(NSArray *matches, NSError *error) {
for (GKTurnbasedMatch *match in matches) {
[match removeWithCompletionHandler:NULL];
This will ensure that all games are removed from your playerID.
It's ridiculous . You don't have to remove an existing match to create a new match. I'm developing a game like this and it actually works.
The following worked for me. First I ran the app on the device for each player, calling quitAllMatches. Then I ran the app again on each device, calling removeAllMatches.
In the long run, it has to be better to clean them up as you go along. But this solved the immediate problem.
-(void) quitAllMatches {
[GKTurnBasedMatch loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray* matches, NSError* error) {
for (GKTurnBasedMatch* match in matches) {
GKTurnBasedParticipant* participant = match.currentParticipant;
NSString* playerID = participant.playerID;
NSString* localPlayerID = [GKLocalPlayer localPlayer].playerID;
if ([playerID isEqualToString: localPlayerID]) {
NSArray* participants = match.participants;
for (GKTurnBasedParticipant* participant in participants) {
participant.matchOutcome = GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeTied;
NSData* data = [NSData data];
[match endMatchInTurnWithMatchData: data completionHandler:^(NSError* error) {
if (error) {
WJLog(#"did not end -- error %#", [error localizedDescription]);
else {
WJLog(#"match ended!");
-(void) removeAllMatches {
[GKTurnBasedMatch loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray* matches, NSError* error) {
for (GKTurnBasedMatch* match in matches) {
[match removeWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError* error) {
if (error) {
WJLog(#"error: %#", [error localizedDescription]);
else {
WJLog(#"removed match");
