pass variable to jquery dialog - jquery-ui

I am wanting to pass a variable to a jquery dialog window. I am using classic ASP and have onyl really touched on the world of jquery. I have spent a few hours researching and tring to use the .data method but are having trouble. Your time and assitance would be very much apriciated!
Here is my stripped down page:
// Dialog
autoOpen: false,
show: "slide",
hide: "fade",
width: 452,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Ok": function() {
"Cancel": function() {
// Dialog Link
return false;
and this is how I call the window:
<a href='#' id='dialog_link' CLASS='OrangeButton'> Show Window </a>
and the contents of my window:
<div ID="dialog" TITLE="Periodic Report">
stuff here
Why can I not do this:
<a href='#' id='dialog_link(someValue)' CLASS='OrangeButton'> Show Window </a>
Thank you in advance
How it is used in the ASP loop is:
do until Products.EOF
--other code here---
<a href='#' id='dialog_link(Products(0))' CLASS='OrangeButton'>
--other code here---

The dialog is just a div on your page, so it can't really be "passed" a value. It can be manipulated by any JavaScript variables in scope though. You could change your click handler to use a variable to manipulate the dialog:
var myVariable = "Some new text for the dialog";
//New code to "pass" a value to the dialog
return false;
Or you could use the open member of the dialog:
width: 452,
open: function() { $('#dialog').text(myVariable); },
modal: true,
To make changes to the dialog div whenever it is opened.
The code id='dialog_link(someValue)' will not do anything, as the id attribute cannot make function calls, only event handlers like onchange can do that. Even if it could, dialog_link is not a function that can be passed a value. It is just the id of another element.
I'm sure you're probably already aware, but the jQuery documentation is very useful- here are the docs for dialog.
In response to your comment: I would drop the $('#dialog_link').click(); statement and change the link code to the following:
<a href='#' class='OrangeButton' onclick='openDialog(someValue);'>Show Window</a>
And then add the JavaScript function to be called on the click event:
function openDialog(value) {
Edit 2
Inside of the ASP loop something like this should do the trick:
Response.Write("<a href='#' onclick='openDialog(" & Products(0) & ");'>Show</a>")
This will create an <a></a> element on the page with an onclick handler that passes the desired value to openDialog, making it accessible by the dialog.
I changed the code for the link slightly so that it all fit on one line, but you could always add back the class='OrangeButton' and all that if you'd like.


why won't my jquery dialog fully fadeOut()?

When I call fadeOut on my dialog it only does a partial fade and leaves the grey header area where the dialog title is. I've tried removing the title as well as the various attributes that disable the exit button in the upper right corner of the dialog, but that didn't work. As you'll see in my script below, I want the dialog to close after the form submission has been validated.
<div id="dialog">
<form id="form">
<p id="thanks">Please provide a contact number. It will only be shared with the
host</p><input id="number" name="number" type="text"/>
<button id="submit" type="submit">Submit</button>
//These parameters are meant to disable the dialog close button
closeOnEscape: false,
beforeclose: function (event, ui) { return false; },
dialogClass: "noclose",
title: "Thanks For Volunteeering",
minWidth: 500
//other code
//Validate the phone number before saving it to local storage
rules: {
number : {
required: true
customvalidation: true
messages: {
number : {
required: "enter a phone number"
submitHandler: function(form) {
var number = $('#number').val();
localStorage.setItem('number', JSON.stringify(number));
} //closes submit handler
});//close validate
Ok I figured it out.
I got rid of the beforeClose parameter in the dialog init code, and in the form validation submit handler I added this:
$('#dialog').fadeOut('slow', function(){
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
//The fadeOut method has a call back function you can use with it to do something after the fade is completed.

Open jQuery UI Dialogs One After Another

I have multiple jQuery UI dialogs that I would like to show one after another (one closes, the next in line opens). Currently, they all display modal, but one of the back ones is larger, and it looks bad/confusing in my opinion.
I would normally have the close functions of one dialog open the next, but these dialogs are called from separate functions, and they are kind of dynamic in the sense that not all of them are always displayed based on certain criteria.
I am contemplating a way to use $.Deferred, but am unsure if this would work as my understanding is it works more for things like AJAX calls.
Here is an (extremely) simplified example of how the code could be structured as-is.
function displayAlert1(){
$('<div/>', {text: 'Alert 1!'}).dialog({
modal: true,
autoOpen: true,
width: 400,
buttons: { OK: function(event, ui){ $(this).dialog('close'); } }
function displayAlert2(){
$('<div />', {text: 'Alert 2!'}).dialog({
modal: true,
autoOpen: true,
width: 200,
buttons: { OK: function(event, ui){ $(this).dialog('close'); } }
// These are actually met from data passed by AJAX
var condition1 = true;
var condition2 = true;
$('a').live('click', function(event, ui){
if(condition1) displayAlert1();
if(condition2) displayAlert2();
<!-- The links are actually dynamically produced from AJAX, thus the live() event handler -->
<a>Click Me!</a>
My thinking is maybe I can have each alert function return a reference to the dialog element, or a $.Deferred object, but I'm not sure how to implement chaining from the main execution part (where the conditions are checked and the functions are called).
I would also like to make sure it chains to the next dialog no matter how the dialog before it is closed; whether by the X, by the 'close' method, or 'destroy' method.
Thank you for any input.
After thinking about the situation, I came up with the simplified method of using a stacked queue. I imagine I could have used the $.Deferred object, but it would be a little more complicated, and it essentially would be a stack in the end.
Below is my code. I basically initialized an array to use as my stack, and I will have each function push the dialog element into the stack. I bind into the close event of all future dialogs, and have it open the next one in the queue.
There are some obvious optimizations to do, but this is the barebones that works as I want.
function displayAlert1(){
return $('<div/>', {'class': 'alerts', text: 'Alert 1!'}).dialog({
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 400,
buttons: { OK: function(event, ui){ $(this).dialog('close'); } }
function displayAlert2(){
return $('<div/>', {'class': 'alerts', text: 'Alert 2!'}).dialog({
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
width: 200,
buttons: { OK: function(event, ui){ $(this).dialog('close'); } }
// These are actually met from data passed by AJAX
condition1 = true;
condition2 = true;
// Dialog stack
dialogs = [];
$('a').live('click', function(event, ui){
if(condition1) dialogs.push(displayAlert1());
if(condition2) dialogs.push(displayAlert2());
// Grab the next dialog in queue
d = dialogs.shift();
// Check if it is valid, and open it
if(d && d.dialog){
$('.alerts').live('dialogclose', function(event, ui){
// Grab the next dialog in queue
d = dialogs.shift();
// Check if it is valid, and open it
if(d && d.dialog){
// Return false, or the close button (X) will glitch and re-create dialogs
return false;
There are 2 things you can use to implement this:
1) have an identifier for each dialog ( you can add it as a 'id' attribute on the div)
2) listen to 'close' event on the dialog (
So, on the 'close' handler, you can check the current state, and based on that open/close the other dialogs.
Current State would be: which dialogs are currently open, and other params that you were using for condition1,condition2,etc.

Update jquery ui dialog from another jquery ui dialog

I have a jquery dialog and from this one, i open another dialog, where user insert some data. How can I update this user data from the second dialog to the first one, without closing them?
Is this possible? Are some examples in the web?
Thanks in advance
ok so this is my script, which opens the second dialog. I open this dialog with a link, which calls a function in my mvc controller, and this returns the partial view with the datas...
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
bgiframe: false,
autoOpen: false,
height: 200,
resizable: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
OK: function () {
$("#dialog2 > form").submit();
Abbrechen: function () {
$('#changePW').click(function () {
#Roysvork: then I have to but this in the buttons OK function?
As a dialog is simply an html element underneath, you can still access said element using jQuery in the usual fashion:
var dialog1 = $("#dialog1");
var dialog2 = $("#dialog2");
So in your event handler for dialog 1 you can just do :
var value = dialog2.find("#inputbox").val();
dialog2.find("#textbox").val(value) ;

jquery ui dialog is creating two dialogs

A screenshot :
This is my dialog code:
function popupbox(title,html,buttonTxt,buttonAction) {
var buttons = {};
if(buttonTxt != null) {
buttons[buttonTxt] = buttonAction;
buttons['Cancel'] = function() {
var p = jQuery('<form class="dialoginnerbox">' + html + '</form>');
autoOpen: false,
resizable: false,
modal: false,
width: 'auto',
height: 'auto',
maxHeight: 600,
maxWidth: 980,
title: title,
close: function(event, ui){
buttons: buttons
Any ideas?
---- UPDATE ----
I swapped out the returning html for some dummy text and that fixed it.. so something with the html that is being put into the popup is making it open twice...
Malformed html and inline script tags cause jquery ui dialog to open multiple dialogs.
With jQueryUI dialogs; jQuery may consider valid html as malformed html in some cases. The reason I say this is I ajax loaded the html for my dialog with valid html and valid html comments. I got double dialog boxes until I removed the html comments from the ajax loaded html. Example...
<div id="myDialogContent">Alert!</div><!-- Here is an innocent looking comment -->
$.get( '/content.htm', function( html ){
$( html ).dialog();
This would produce a double dialog. If the html begins or ends with an html comment, the same dialog issue occurs. The only way around is to either remove the html comment or wrap the html text in another html tag like so...
$.get( '/content.htm', function( html ){
$( '<div>'+html+'</div>' ).dialog();
This would produce one dialog.
function display_dialog() { if($('.dialog_wrapper').length) {
$('<div class="dialog_wrapper"</div>').dialog({
autoOpen: true,
modal: true,
A workaround for this problem is to use a counter:
var count = 0;
var $dialog = $('<div></div>') .dialog({ ...
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
height: 625,
width: 500,
title: pagetitle
if (count > 0) {
count = 0;
worked for me... for the dialog issue, but i am getting multiple requests on the server ...
something like that: when i click for the first time on the link, it sends on information to the server. When i click for the second time (without refreshing the browser) it sends the same information twice. When i click for the third time, three requests are sent to the server, and so on...
If you wrap your html in a single tag, it may clean it up.
The inclusion of divs inside the html may cause a dialog for each one unless there's a layer above:
This didn't work for me:
<hr /> blah blah blah
<div id=somestufffirst>here's the stuff</div>
<div id=someotherstuff>here's some more stuff</div>
But this did:
<hr /> blah blah blah
<div id=somestufffirst>here's the stuff</div>
<div id=someotherstuff>here's some more stuff</div>

Prevent default on a click within a JQuery tabs in Google Chrome

I would like to prevent the default behaviour of a click on a link. I tried the return false; also javascript:void(0); in the href attribute but it doesn’t seem to work. It works fine in Firefox, but not in Chrome and IE.
I have a single tab that loads via AJAX the content which is a simple link.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
ajaxOptions: {
error: function(xhr, status, index, anchor) {
$(anchor.hash).html("Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible. If this wouldn't be a demo.");
success: function() {
$('#lk').click(function(event) {
alert('Click Me');
return false;
load: function(event, ui) {
$('a', ui.panel).click(function(event) {
return false;
<div id="tabs">
The content of linkChild.htm is
Click Me
So basically when the tab content is loaded with success, a click event is attached to the link “lk”. When I click on the link, the alert is displayed but then link disappears. I check the HTML and the element is actually removed from the DOM.
$('#selector').click(function(event) {
The event object is passed to your click handler by default - you have to have something there to receive it. Once you have the event, you can use jQuery's .preventDefault() method to cancel the link's behavior.
Here's the fragment of your code, corrected:
$('a', ui.panel).click(function(event) {
return false;
Notice the addition of the word 'event' when creating the anon function (or you could use just e, or anything else - the name is unimportant, the fact there's a var there is.
