Animate a switch using an image sequence - ios

I would like to know how to solve a problem I'm having. I have an image sequence that basically animates a switch.
I'd like to implement this in iOS. How would you advise me to go for that? Maybe using UIButton? Or rather UISwitch?

For a rather simple solution (tap switches, no swiping possible), I would advise you to use two UIViews stacked.
-1- At the bottom, use a UIImageView which allows you to run image animations.
-2- At the top, use a UIControl which will capture the touché-up-inside events.
Alternatively, you could use a UITapGestureRecognizer as a replacement for -2-. The latter option should only be considered if the resulting control will not be used for iOS < 3.2.
As soon as your tap-recognizer (UIControl or UITapGestureRecognizer) receives the tap-event, you simply play the animation provided through your UIImageView.
For more details on animations using UIImageView see its class reference, specifically on things like animationImages (an array of images).
As UIImageView does not provide you with a reverse animation feature, you will have to assign the images in the reverse order before animating back to the start (that is after a user switched it on and now switches back to off).
For a more complex solution (tap switches, swiping is possible), you may add a UISwipeGesture Recognizer to your custom control and use the status of that UIGestureRecognizer to select the currently visible image of your UIImageView.

iOS 5 allows you to make animated UIImages. You can put the animated UIImage right into the UIButton and animate it on button presses. Animated UIImage


Insert blur layer between two existing view layers

I have a UIView with some buttons on it. What I would like to do, is add a full screen blur layer between the UIView and the buttons when the user does a long press on one of them. The visual appearance and location of the buttons shouldn't change.
What is the best way to do this? Also, if possible, I would like to avoid transfering the buttons from one view to another, as this might cause me a lot of trouble (the buttons are draggable).
You can use -[UIView insertSubview:belowSubview:] method to place blur view behind buttons.
I would suggest using Pop animation framework for animations.
As for creating blur view this looks good:
You could create a view with the blur effect, and use the method view.insertSubView(blurView, above|belowView: view)

Create Custom shaped button using CALayer

what is the best way to achieve the following.
Basically what I want to do is to create an "intractable area" where the user can touch and subsequent actions will take place. For example in the picture the user taps the green area a pop is presented with some options. Similarly there would be different colour "intractable areas or buttons" with in that pizza slice, if you may.
I was thinking of having buttons created through CALayer and try to fit them with in the bounds of the empty state image, but i don't know how to achieve this. Any other ideas are well appreciated.
I would subclass UIButton or UIControl to make your custom button. Then override pointInside:withEvent: to see if the touch event is within the correct region.
See these links for more info and ideas:
Non-Rectangular Buttons on iOS
Abusing UIView (see section on pointInside:withEvent:)
How to create a transparent window with non-rectangular buttons?
iPhone button with non-rectangle shape?

Changing look when tapping button with layer gradient

I used this question:
How to create a UIButton with a black gradient for iPhone?
... to set up a color gradient as the background of my button and it looks great, but when I tap the button it doesn't visibly change and give the user any feedback that they successfully tapped the button.
How can I set up a second gradient for the highlighted state or something like that?
Well, you are setting a sublayer and not providing any content to the button's views. The sublayers are drawn directly, so the UIButton doesn't think it has any content to "highlight". If you want a different effect on your button when you select it, there are three simple approaches.
One is to make two images with gradients. A pressed and normal state. This is much simpler as you can design them as you want and its a simple one line, one time implementation.
The other option is adding selectors that get called when your button gets UIControlEventTouchDown and whichever other Control Event(s) you want to have it switch back under.
The last simple option is to subclass UIButton and use the UIResponder touch methods to determine when to manually switch between the different background types.

iOS - Show the animation/effect in runtime based on the guesture

When we perform a gesture(pan, rotate, swipe...etc), usually we navigate page, scrolling, etc. The back end recognize the gestures, that's all. What I am searching is more on UI. How can I make the screen to provide visual feedback of the gesture I have just performed?
In other words, when user's finger is on the screen, example when
Swiping - one line displays on the screen, tab - one dot displays on the screen, rotate - two curve of lines display on the screen
Let me know if my question is not cleared enough.
This question is quite a big ask. There are lots of different elements to it.
Firstly you'll need to detect gestures: How to detect Swipe Gesture in iPhone SDK?
You can find some code here on recognizing simple gestures.
Once you can recognize gestures, you can change the UIImage contained in a UIImageView programmatically like this:
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"swipe_pic.png"];
[myImageView setImage:myImage];
You can read more about UIImageView here.
Hope this helps you.

Animate image like deleting Apps from iPad/iPhone

I have a ScrollView with several UIButtons (custom type). The UIButtons are shown as Images. I made it to subclass UIButton to shoot an event if the user taps on a button for a long time (approx. 3 seconds).
If a user tap's one of the subclassed UIButtons i thought about animating the selected UIButton the way the apps are animated if you want to delete them.
I have nearly no experiance with animations. Is there something somebody can point me to? All i've found was transitions, but thats not what i need.
(Ill rephrase) On SO, there are quite a few questions to answer this. One of then is this link How do you make images wobble like on the iPhone home screen?
