Recommendations to test API request layer in iOS apps using NSOperations and Coredata - ios

I develop an iOS app that uses a REST API. The iOS app requests data in worker threads and stores the parsed results in core data. All views use core data to visualize the information. The REST API changes rapidly and I have no real control over the interface.
I am looking for advice how perform integration tests for the app as easy as possible. Should I test against the API or against Mock data? But how to mock GET requests properly if you can create resources with POST or modify them with PUT?
What frameworks do you use for these kind of problems? I played with Frank, which looks nice but is complicated due to rapid UI changes in the iOS app. How would you test the "API request layer" in the app? Worker threads are NSOperations in a queue - everything is build asynchronously. Any recommendations?

I would strongly advise you to mock the server. Servers go down, the behavior changes, and if a test failure implies "maybe my code still works", you have a problem on your hands, because your test doesn't tell you whether or not the code is broken, which is the whole point.
As for how to mock the server, for a unit test that does this:
first_results = list_things()
results_after_delete = list_thing()
I have a mock data structure that looks like this:
{ list_things_request : [first_results, results_after_delete],
delete_thing_request: [delete_thing_response] }
It's keyed on your request, and the value is an array of responses for that request in the order that they were seen. Thus you can support repeatedly running the same request (like listing the things) and getting a different result. I use this format because in my situation it is possible for my API calls to run in a slightly different order than it did last time. If your tests are simpler, you might be able to get away with a simple list of request/response pairs.
I have a flag in my unit tests that indicate if I am in "record" mode (that is, talking to a real server and recording this data-structure to disk) or if I am in "playback" mode (talking to the datastructure). When I need to work with a test, I "record" the interactions with the server and then play them back.
I use the little-known SenTestCaseDidStartNotification to track which unit test is running and isolate my data files appropriately.
The other thing to keep in mind is that instability is the root of all evil. If you have code that does things with sets, or gets the current date, and such, this tends to change the requests and responses, which do not work in an offline scenario. So be careful with those.

(Since nobody stepped in yet and gave you a complete walkthrough) My humble advice: Step back a bit, take out the magic of async, regard everything as sync (api calls, parsing, persistence), and isolate each step as a consumer/producer. After all you don't wan't to unit-test NSURLConnection, or JSONKit or whatever (they should have been tested if you use them), you want to test YOUR code. Your code takes some input and produces output, non-aware of the fact that the input was in fact the output genereated in a background thread somewhere. You can do the isolated test all sync.
Can we agree on the fact that your Views don't care about how their model data was provided? If yes, well, test your View with mock objects.
Can we agree on the fact that your parser doesn't care about how the data was provided? If yes, well, test your parser with mock data.
Network layer: same applies as described above, in the end you'll get an NSDictionary of headers, and some NSData or NSString of content. I don't think you want to unit-test NSURLConnection or any 3'rd party networking api you trust (asihttp, afnetworking,...?), so in the end, what's to be tested?
You can mock up URLs, request headers and POST data for each use-case you have, and setup test cases for expected responses.
In the end, IMHO, it's all about "normalizing" out asyc.

Take a look at Nocilla
For more info, check this other answer to a similar question


How to set UserDefaults with XCUItest

I am doing iOS UI testing with XCUITest.
Since we do not have access to the app, how do we set defaults to the app?
You can pass all the required data using launch arguments.
Please read documentation
The other (and a bit slower) option is to use deep links.
This sounds much more complex than it is, but a technique that has worked for me is to set up an HTTP server in the testing suite that you can use to fetch mock data in your test code. I have had success with Embassy and Ambassador.
So you'd pass in a launch argument telling your app code to fetch from the server. For the case of UserDefaults a helper class for making these specific requests to the local endpoint works well. This unfortunately means your app code has to be doing some setup for testing, but depending on your needs it could be a good compromise.
Another possible solution to crossing the process boundary:
If you are not doing on device testing, you can access "SIMULATOR_SHARED_RESOURCES_DIRECTORY" and provide the data in a file for your test to consume.
On a real device this would be more difficult because you would need to use a shared Group container.
You probably can use "Application Data Package". It's when you save your app state into a container and then run tests with the saved environment.
There are many guides how to do it, that's just one of them:
It might me a more powerful and overcomplicated thing that you need, but opens a big world of possibilities ;)

Asynchronous UI Testing in Xcode With Swift

I am writing an app that makes plenty of network requests. As usual they are
async, i.e. the call of the request method returns immediately and the result
is delivered via a delegate method or in a closure after some delay.
Now on my registration screen I sent a register request to my backend and
want to verify that the success UI is shown when the request finishes.
Which options are out there to wait for the request to finish, verify the
success UI and only after that leave the test method?
Also are there any more clever options than waiting for the request to finish?
Thanks in advance!
Trivial Approach
Apple implemented major improvements in Xcode 9 / iOS 11 that enables you to wait for the appearance of a UI element. You can use the following one-liner:
<#yourElement#>.waitForExistence(timeout: 5)
Advanced Approach
In general UI and unit tests (referred to as tests here) must run as fast as possible so the developer can run them often and does not get frustrated by the need to run a slow test suite multiple times a day. In some cases, there is the possibility that an (internal or security-related) app accesses an API that can only be accessed from certain networks / IP ranges / hosts. Also, most CI services offer pretty bad hardware and limited internet-connection speed.
For all of those reasons, it is recommended to implement tests in a way that they do no real network requests. Instead, they are run with fake data, so-called fixtures. A clever developer realizes this test suite in a way that source of the data can be switched using a simple switch like a boolean property. Additionally, when the switch is set to fetch real backend data the fixtures can be refreshed/recorded from the backend automatically. This way it is pretty easy to update the fake data and quickly detect changes of the API.
But the main advantage of this approach is speed. Your test will not make real network requests but instead run against local data what makes them independent on:
server issues
connection speed
network restrictions
This way you can run your tests very fast and thus much more often - which is a good way of writing code ("Test Driven Development").
On the other hand, you won't detect server changes immediately anymore since the fake data won't change when the backend data changes. But this is solved by simply refreshing your fixtures using the switch you have implemented because you are a smart developer which makes this issue a story you can tell your children!
But wait, I forgot something! Why this is a replacement for the trivial approach above - you ask? Simple! Since you use local data which is available immediately you also can call the completion handler immediately too. So there is no delay between doing the request and verifying your success UI. This means you don't need to wait which makes your tests even faster!
I hope this helps some of my fellows out there. If you need more guidance regarding this topic don't hesitate and reply to this post.

Using AFNetworking to process multiple JSON responses for a single request

I'm trying to find a way to open up a connection to a web service and have that service send down JSON objects on an as-needed basis.
Say I request 20 profiles from a service. Instead of waiting for the service to build all 20, the service would build the first profile and throw it back down to the client until all 20 are created.
I've been using AFNetworking and would like to continue using it. Eventually I'd like to contribute this component back to the community if it requires an addition.
Anyone have any ideas on tackling something like this? Right now I have a service pushing JSON every few seconds to test with.
A couple of thoughts:
If you want to open a connection and respond to transmissions from the server, socket-based model seems to make sense. See Ray Wenderlich's How To Create A Socket Based iPhone App and Server for an example (the server-side stuff is likely to change based upon your server architecture, but it gives you an example). But AFNetworking is built on a NSURLConnection framework, not a socket framework, so if you wanted to integrate your socket classes into that framework, a non-inconsiderable amount of work would be involved.
Another, iOS-specific model is to use Apple's push notification service (see the push-related sections of the Local and Push Notification Programming Guide).
A third approach would be to stay with a pull mechanism, but if you're looking for a way to consume multiple feeds in a non-serial fashion would be to create multiple AFURLConnectionOperation (or the appropriate subclass) operations, and submit them concurrently (you may want to constraint maxConcurrentOperations on the queue to 4 or 5 as iOS can only have so many concurrent network operations). By issuing these concurrently, you mitigate many of the delays that result from network latencies. If you pursue this approach, some care might have to be taken for thread safety, but it's probably easier than the above two techniques.
This sounds like a job for a socket (or a web socket, whatever is easier).
I don't believe there is support for this in AF. This could be implemented in the NSURLConnection's didRecieveData method. This is triggered every time a piece of data is received, so you can do your parsing and messaging from that point. Unfortunately, I can't think of a very clean way to implement this.
Perhaps a better approach to this is to handle the appropriate rerequest via a pagination-style technique. You would request page 1 of profiles with 1/page, then request page 2, etc. You could then control the flow, i.e. if you want to request all in paralel or request one then the next sequentially. This would be less work to implement, and would (in my opinion) be cleaner and easier to maintain.
AFNetworking supports batching of requests with AFHTTPClient -enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperations:progressBlock:completionBlock:.
You can use this method to return on each individual operation, as well as when all of the operations in the batch have finished.

How to cleanly encapsulate and execute in sequence a series of background tasks in iOS?

My app includes a back-end server, with many transactions which must be carried out in the background. Many of these transactions require many synchronous bits of code to run.
For example, do a query, use the result to do another query, create a new back-end object, then return a reference to the new object to a view controller object in the foreground so that the UI can be updated.
A more specific scenario would be to carry out a sequence of AJAX calls in order, similar to this question, but in iOS.
This sequence of tasks is really one unified piece of work. I did not find existing facilities in iOS that allowed me to cleanly code this sequence as a "unit of work". Likewise I did not see a way to provide a consistent context for the "unit of work" that would be available across the sequence of async tasks.
I recently had to do some JavaScript and had to learn to use the Promise concept that is common in JS. I realized that I could adapt this idea to iOS and objective-C. The results are here on Github. There is documentation, code and unit tests.
A Promise should be thought of as a promise to return a result object (id) or an error object (NSError) to a block at a future time. A Promise object is created to represent the asynchronous result. The asynchronous code delivers the result to the Promise and then the Promise schedules and runs a block to handle the result or error.
If you are familiar with Promises on JS, you will recognize the iOS version immediately. If not, check out the Readme and the Reference.
I've used most of the usual suspects, and I have to say that for me, Grand Central Dispatch is the way to go.
Apple obviously care enough about it to re-write a lot of their library code to use completion blocks.
IIRC, Apple have also said that GCD is the preferred implementation for multitasking.
I also remember that some of the previous options have been re-implemented using GCD under the hood, so you're not already attached to something else, Go GCD!
BTW, I used to find writing the block signatures a real pain, but if you just hit return when the placeholder is selected, it does all that for you. What could be sweeter than that.

Core Data on client (iOS) to cache data from a server Strategy

I have written many iOS apps that was communicating with the backend. Almost every time, I used HTTP cache to cache queries and parse the response data (JSON) into objective-C objects. For this new project, I'm wondering if a Core Data approach would make sense.
Here's what I thought:
The iOS client makes request to the server and parse the objects from JSON to CoreData models.
Every time I need a new object, instead of fetching the server directly, I parse CoreData to see if I already made that request. If that object exists and hasn't expired, I use the fetched object.
However, if the object doesn't exist or has expired (Some caching logic would be applied here), I would fetch the object from the server and update CoreData accordingly.
I think having such an architecture could help with the following:
1. Avoid unnecessary queries to the backend
2. Allow a full support for offline browsing (You can still make relational queries with DataCore's RDBMS)
Now here's my question to SO Gods:
I know this kinda requires to code the backend logic a second time (Server + CoreData) but is this overkill?
Any limitation that I have under estimated?
Any other idea?
First of all, If you're a registered iOS Dev, you should have access to the WWDC 2010 Sessions. One of those sessions covered a bit of what you're talking about: "Session 117, Building a Server-driven User Experience". You should be able to find it on iTunes.
A smart combination of REST / JSON / Core Data works like a charm and is a huge time-saver if you plan to reuse your code, but will require knowledge about HTTP (and knowledge about Core Data, if you want your apps to perform well and safe).
So the key is to understand REST and Core Data.
Understanding REST means Understanding HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...HEAD ?) and Response-Codes (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx) and Headers (Last-Modified, If-Modified-Since, Etag, ...)
Understanding Core Data means knowing how to design your Model, setting up relations, handling time-consuming operations (deletes, inserts, updates), and how to make things happen in the background so your UI keeps responsive. And of course how to query locally on sqlite (eg. for prefetching id's so you can update objects instead of create new ones once you get their server-side equivalents).
If you plan to implement a reusable API for the tasks you mentioned, you should make sure you understand REST and Core Data, because that's where you will probably do the most coding. (Existing API's - ASIHttpRequest for the network layer (or any other) and any good JSON lib (eg. SBJSON) for parsing will do the job.
The key to make such an API simple is to have your server provide a RESTful Service, and your Entities holding the required attributes (dateCreated, dateLastModified, etc.) so you can create Requests (easily done with ASIHttpRequest, be they GET, PUT, POST, DELETE) and add the appropriate Http-Headers, e.g. for a Conditional GET: If-Modified-Since.
If you already feel comfortable with Core Data and can handle JSON and can easily do HTTP Request and handle Responses (again, ASIHttpRequest helps a lot here, but there are others, or you can stick to the lower-level Apple NS-Classes and do it yourself), then all you need is to set the correct HTTP Headers for your Requests, and handle the Http-Response-Codes appropriately (assuming your Server is REST-ful).
If your primary goal is to avoid to re-update a Core-Data entity from a server-side equivalent, just make sure you have a "last-modified" attribute in your entity, and do a conditional GET to the server (setting the "If-Modified-Since" Http-Header to your entities "last-modified" date. The server will respond with Status-Code 304 (Not-Modified) if that resource didn't change (assuming the server is REST-ful). If it changed, the server will set the "Last-Modified" Http-Header to the date the last change was made, will respond with Status-Code 200 and deliver the resource in the body (eg. in JSON format).
So, as always, the answer is to your question is as always probably 'it depends'.
It mostly depends what you'd like to put in your reusable do-it-all core-data/rest layer.
To tell you numbers: It took me 6 months (in my spare time, at a pace of 3-10 hours per week) to have mine where I wanted it to be, and honestly I'm still refactoring, renaming, to let it handle special use-cases (cancellation of requests, roll-backs etc) and provide fine-grained call-backs (reachability, network-layer, serialization, core data saving...), . But it's pretty clean and elaborate and optimized and hopefully fits my employer's general needs (an online market-place for classifieds with multiple iOS apps). That time included doing learning, testing, optimizing, debugging and constantly changing my API (First adding functionality, then improving it, then radically simplifying it, and debugging it again).
If time-to-market is your priority, you're better off with a simple and pragmatic approach: Nevermind reusability, just keep the learnings in mind, and refactor in the next project, reusing and fixing code here and there. In the end, the sum of all experiences might materialize in a clear vision of HOW your API works and WHAT it provides. If you're not there yet, keep your hands of trying to make it part of project budget, and just try to reuse as much of stable 3'rd-Party API's out there.
Sorry for the lenghty response, I felt you were stepping into something like building a generic API or even framework. Those things take time, knowledge, housekeeping and long-term commitment, and most of the time, they are a waste of time, because you never finish them.
If you just want to handle specific caching scenarios to allow offline usage of your app and minimize network traffic, then you can of course just implement those features. Just set if-modified-since headers in your request, inspect last-modified headers or etags, and keep that info persistent in your persistet entities so you can resubmit this info in later requests. Of course I'd also recommend caching (persistently) resources such as images locally, using the same HTTP headers.
If you have the luxury of modifying (in a REST-ful manner) the server-side service, then you're fine, provided you implement it well (from experience, you can save as much as 3/4 of network/parsing code iOS-side if the service behaves well (returns appropriate HTTP status codes, avoids checks for nil, number transformations from strings, dates, provide lookup-id's instead of implicit strings etc...).
If you don't have that luxury, then either that service is at least REST-ful (which helps a lot), or you'll have to fix things client-side (which is a pain, often).
There is a solution out there that I couldn't try because I'm too far in my project to refactor the server caching aspect of my app but it should be useful for people out there that are still looking for an answer:
It does exactly what I did but it's much more abstracted that what I did. Very insightful stuff there. I hope it helps somebody!
I think it's a valid approach. I've done this a number of times. The tricky part is when you need to deal with synchronizing: if client and server can both change things at the same time. You almost always need app-specific merging logic for this.
