UIButton Cuts off Image - ios

I am trying to create custom buttons, and I created one in photoshop and set it to the Background of a UIButton (using Interface Builder). When I run the app however, the image border is removed, but shows back up when highlighted. I want the border to show up always. How do I change this?

As a advise u should create 3 images for the button ., one image for background,and other two images stage config based on their state ..


UIbutton highlight part of the image

I want to have a UIButton that has an image as the button itself, to have a nice highlight when pressed but not on the entire rectangle but on the object in the image (quite similar to what Twitter is doing on the status bar buttons)
I thought that making an image with the background as transparent will solve the problem, the thing is that on one it works, and on one it doesn't and they are exactly the same property wise.
So my general question:
What are the steps I need to do in order to get this done?

proper way to set background image to IPad App

I have a working IPad App. I built everything on a default white screen and I want to add an image to background of the image. I read a couple of articles and most of the suggest to create a new UIImage with the background image and stretch it to the full screen. I tried that but I am using a couple UIImage to display the photos taken and my UIImage s seem to stay at the back of the background and they don't get shown.
What is the proper way to set the background of IPad App?
this is the screenshot of my IPad App
Follow these steps :
1) Add UIImageView to your UIView.
2) Fill it with your Background UIImage.
3) Select your Background UIImageView and Select "Send to Back" Option....
The key is your view hierarchy. If you do not want to hassle around with moving the subviews along and sendings ome to back and some to front, then start with a proper view hierarchy from the beginning.
Basic rules are: the subviews overlay their superviews.
If siblings overlay each other, then the last one added is shown.
Your view hierarchy could be:
\UIView (A: the underlying self.view from the view controller's point of view.)
\UIImageView (B: the view for your background image. Empty or hidden from start.)
\UIView (C: Container for all of your views, no background color, no background image)
\UIImageView (C1: One of your picuters)
\UIImageView (C2: One of your picuters)
\UIImageView (C3: One of your picuters)
\UILabel (C4: One of your labels)
\ ...
Build up your view hierarchy. And when you need to add or change the background then assign the appropriate UIImage ot the View B.
Certainly, there is more than one way to achieve this. However, I personally thinkthat some proper view hierarchy works best, regardless whether you do that in IB or programmatically.
The proper way is to create a UIImageView and set it to the size of your view, and put all the others View in fron of it. The tutorials that you read are giving you the right way.
If you do not want to add an image, only a color you can set the background color of your view to this color.
You can use this code to send the ImageView to the back:
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:YouBackgroundImageView];
Because you posted and XIB screenshot:
Your background image view must be in the first position, like this image:

What is this iOS Contol and How To Implement it?

I'm confused about:
1) What type of control is the one shown in the picture above. I tried slider, it's not giving that same visual effect
2) How can I implement such a control exactly as seen on the image.
It could be anything, but if i wanted to do it i would do it as a normal custom UIView, that has 3 UIButtons
This control will have a function like, setLevel:1,2,or 3
depending on the integer it will change the image of the UIButton accordingly
1) If you just want those 3 points(Low, High, Medium) you can do as #Omar suggested in his answer.
2) But if you want all intermediate points and the middle (blue) dot as a handle, you can use UISlider and change its minimumValue, maximumValue and thumb images.. See this tutorial
You can have two images one for selected and other for unselected and when any of the button is pressed change the image of button to selected image in button action and other two button will have unselected image.At a time only one button will be in selected state.
Now predefined iOS control have this presentation.
May be you can find in cocoacontrols.org or binpress.com to see if you can download a third controls made by developers.
Also, you can create yourself the control, on the two previous website, you can surely find a lot of control which mimic the display you want. You can download the source code, reverse engineering and build your own control
At worst, build this control from scratch with a UIView (maybe a UISlider) as super class.

Color/Opacity of a UIBarButtonItem image

I added two UIBarButtonItems to a toolbar.
The first I added using
For the second, I created a UIButton, containing a UIImageView with the image set to the same used in the first example. I also made the image view slightly smaller that the button to allow room for a label. Then I created the BarButtonItem with
I get very different renderings of the image:
What is going on here, and how do I get the image to be displayed as expected in the second example?
Note: I actually added the buttons in reverse order - in the image above, the first button is using initWithCustomView:
According to the documentation for initWithImage:style:target:action
The images displayed on the bar are derived from this image [...] The alpha values in the source image are used to create the images—opaque values are ignored.
So, the image is being used as a mask. This is the behavior you typically see used in toolbars, but is available here as well. I guess you need to use custom views if you want the image pixels to be used on the bar.

How to make custom buttons in iOS?

The default iOS UI is nice but if I wanted to use images for buttons instead how would I do that - is it OpenGL?
Make the button a "custom button" type in interface builder. Then set the background image to be whatever you want the background to be.
Unfortunately the default button style is a little boring. You'll need to find or make a button with an image editor.
UIButton has a lot of support for custom buttons. In the nib (or storyboard or whatever), just click on the button and set its "Type" to "Custom" in the attribute inspector on the right side of the screen. Then, just below that, set the State Config to the sate you'd like (default, selected, etc) to customize, and set Image attribute to the image you'd like.
That image must be part of the project first before it will show up in the Image attribute (or in the app). You can add the image to the project simply by dragging it into the file navigator on the left side of the screen.
You can use images for buttons using a few simple lines of code:
// code to set image for button at normal state
[myButton setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"buttonImage.png"]
forState: UIControlStateNormal];
You can also use Xcode to change the type to "Custom" then you can set images for each button "state."
You can read more about UIButton states here
You can simply use PNG files that you create yourself. The UIButton class allows you to use custom images for all the different states of the application.
You don't really need to do custom rendering yourself, but if you really want, you can use UIKit to draw the images yourself in code (no OpenGL involved): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/2ddrawing/conceptual/drawingprintingios/graphicsdrawingoverview/graphicsdrawingoverview.html
You can do it by setting image or backgroundImage properties of a UIButton.
If you want your button to look nice when the size changes, you can use stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: method of UIImage, with an appropriate image.
You may also want to use a custom component if it satisfies your need.
its very easy
change this two thing.Change "type" round rectangle to custom and drag image to project and select it as background .Run and Go
Well so far i was too looking for using custom buttons and the graphics, I've come through this site they have some awesome tutorial which was quite helpful for me. I've watched all the video tutorial and read some books but nothing helped me but this site and their 4 books are quite awesome and really helpful to read and understand it well.
