Implement model portion of the MVC - ios

I have a simple game made, still working on some of the additional portions of the game. I am not sure how/where to store my game data (scores, settings, etc)
I've been using a singleton with all of the data that I'll use in the program synthesized for ease of access, but I don't know if this is a good method? It seems to me it would make settings and such quite easy, because I can just share the singleton among the menu view and the game view, without having to copy the data.. Is there another way? Every book I've read so far seems to skip over the model and just combine it with the controller portion of the MVC.

Singletons while appealing for their simplicity generally make the code base less flexible to changes. They also do not encourage a clear separation of functionality in the model.
An alternative is to use core data for the model. You would have a managed object for game,scores, settings etc and pass around references to the objects. With Core Data you get persistence for free along with fast/efficient mechanisms for sorting and presenting data.


Separating Data model from View Model

I have an approach in designing MVC components which is to separate the Data Model (DB persistence) from the View Model of my component despite they represent theoretically the same element. I just map later the two models.
Do you think it's a good approach? Or I should try to make only one model?
When I run into issues like this, I try to create only the necessary classes that I need. This will help to keep the project smaller and to avoid confusion as to what class or object you are supposed to be using. I always try to picture the next guy coming and working on my code and what he would think of and where he would stumble in my logic. I would only use a ViewModel if you are creating objects from multiple Models you retrieved from the database.
Based on your statement it seems that you've created a duplicate data model which is mapped to a second model and would like to know if this is an optimal approach.
I don't think this is necessarily an optimal solution, but a lot depends on your use-case. What I typically do is create a data model that represents unique entities. Then I create a data management class that handles the interactions and use-cases of the data. The data manager would cover things like adding/removing custom objects from a collection. The approach I take is basically a lightweight approach to Apple's use of it's Core Data Framework (docs).
So for example one could use a dictionary, array, or set (or some combination of these) to manage the collection of custom objects together with a shared singleton object acting as a data manager and leveraging built-in archiving/unarchiving capabilities to handle a data graph requirements for an app. Actually,y the result is about the same as a simple use of Core Data, so I'd definitely recommend you get familiar with the standard approach used by Apple (it's embedded into every project template by default).
The good news is that once you choose an approach and develop it very carefully you could end up with a sharable resource that can be reused in many different projects. So for example, the data manager class might encapsulate the movement of data internally (files, local urls, etc) and externally (urls, soa, etc) and even deal with caching, serialization, etc.
I use only classes with get / set methods that operate a mapping of the DB and the VIEW. These are development policies. Using hybrid objects have a greater lightness of the project is in development at runtime. In some scenarios, there may be redundancy in the classes. It is important to aspire to the perfection of the code :-)

iOS: Dealing with data and a large amount of views

I have a general design question for dealing with data. I currently am working on an app that stores about 100+ different unique properties (mostly integers, some strings) and am currently using a single object of a custom class to manage all of them.
I need the data to be "persistent" throughout the app so I currently pass the object via segues. I have managed to build 20+ views, most with their own view controller. I am very new to Objective-C and iOS development and have a feeling this is a bad practice.
I do not understand that much about core data and am not sure if it would be a better solution for me. I have also read about singletons and have heard mixed things about using them for this sort of solution.
In the future, I will need to permanently store the data that is held temporarily in the custom class I have written.
What is the best way to deal with this situation? Is it standard practice to pass the object around over many different views?
If the data needs to permeate through the entire app then a singleton might be a good way to go.
In game dev there is a pattern called the chalkboard pattern that allows any part of the game to read and write to the chalkboard. This can be used for health points, scores, etc...
This would suit you well too. Rather than pushing your data model around all the time just use the singleton to access each bit/ If the data needs to be updated then store the updates to the singleton.
The thing to avoid is using the singleton just because its there. If a bit of data needs to get from one place to another then don't just use the singleton if it isn't necessary.

Model-Controller Abstraction with Core Data

In learning about Core Data, I've noticed how (in Xcode's templates) Apple directly used the query classes inside the view controller. This seems like it is bad MVC (having database access logic directly inside the view controller). Would it make sense to abstract out these kinds of actions to a separate suite of classes that obtain the data from the database and pass it back to the view controller calling it?
So, just to be clear, when I say "kinds of actions", I specifically mean CRUD Operations. Though if you have ideas about other things that a so-called "Model-Controller" would do, I'd be interested in hearing about them.
It's a matter of opinion, and often yes the templates are the most simple form of working example. It's hard to have a template spin out multiple files, for example.
Yes, personally, I generally spin out a separate NSManagedObject subclass. I like to have a _MySubclass object that has all the auto-generated stuff, then have the model actually reference MySubclass which has model-based business logic (you can use mogenerator or other methods to do this too if so inclined). Perhaps thinking of it as "Model-Controllers" and "View-Controllers" is another way of putting it.
This is a very good question and the answer likely depends on your situation. Perhaps architecture purists would insist on separate Model controllers and there are a lot of benefits to this approach. However, sometimes I find myself using Key Values when I'm doing a simple view. When things are more complex, for example, when coding the same Model for the Mac and iOS, having separate Model Controllers will allow you to reuse a lot of code. When you must diverge, Obj C Categories are a very clean way to extend functionality without adding a lot of overhead. I personally favor categories over extensive subclassing.
Since NSFetchedResultsController was released, my model classes are leaner. There are a lot of nuances to this and experience will help you come up with the best solution for your App. I've also found that writing unit tests up front will help you force through issues and validate your design, or send you back to the drawing board :)

Central Data Source for all my View Controllers

So I have an app with a bunch (like 25+) view controllers. And these vc's use a lot of data, most of which I could either store locally in the app, or store it on my server. I would rather store this data on my server to minimize app size, so in order to do that, I read somewhere that the best practice for doing that is to have a data class, which would be a special class that gets all the data from the internet at one time in one place, rather than just getting the individual data as needed, in like viewDidLoad or somewhere similar. So my question is, is it really better to make a central data source within my app and every class draw from it. And if so, could you provide an example of how I should set up that class. For example, how to make it run in the background (I guess a different thread) and how to pass NSDictionarys and NSArrays, etc. from the data source to individual class as needed. Thanks in advance. I can clarify if necessary.
You are talking about two different topics:
Accessing data from a main source from all the view controllers.
Accessing data from a server.
The best solution for you would be to create a new class that would hold variables that are used by some different classes. This tutorial explains how to do that - I think this would be one of the best solutions that you'll find on the internet.
For solving the second question, you should also create a class that execute SQLite statements and gets information from a database. You should use SQLite in order to do that, and if you won't like it, you could try to use Core Data, although SQLite in my opinion is much simpler.
This tutorial describes how to do that.
After you've done both of the things you can create an instance of the class that handles the database services for you in the class that shares information between the view controllers, and access that instance from different view controllers.
In the end, you could try to perform tasks like that on different threads. You should try doing it using NSOperationQueue objects - they will do most of the job for you. I suggest reading about them in the developer documentation provided by Apple in order to understand how it works.
Based on your replies in the comments, I would recommend this solution:
Transferring data from your server to the device - After downloading
your data from your server, store it into an SQLite database in the
Accessing your data from your many view controllers - Use Core Data
to access the downloaded data in your database from any of your view
If you don't know much about database programming, Core Data is an easy way to start. It encapsulates your tables into classes that you access like simple objective-c classes, so you don't have to learn SQL. You can also call them from any and all of your view controllers, whenever you need them, so you don't have to make a special class to handle your data. It is also better performance-wise and cleaner design-wise than passing your data through your view controller hierarchy. See the guide here.

Why does Apple documentation that getting ManagedObjectContext from UIApplicationDelegate is bad?

Just curious why ManagedObjectContexts should be passed to UIViewControllers when they are created, rather than just grabbing them from a UIApplicationDelegate?
The docs say that this makes your applications more rigid, but I am failing to see the nuances of when to use which pattern.
Imagine that I ask you to do some task, like painting a room. If I just tell you "go paint a room," you'll need to ask me a lot of questions, like:
Which room?
Where's the paint?
Where are the brushes?
Should I use a dropcloth?
In short, you won't be able to complete the task without help from me. If you have to depend on me every time, you won't be a very flexible painter. One way to deal with that problem is for me to give you all the stuff you need at the outset. Instead of "go paint a room," I'll say "please paint room number 348 using this bucket of paint and this brush, and don't bother with a dropcloth." Now, you've got everything you need, and you can get right to work with no further help from me. You're a much more flexible worker because you no longer depend on me.
The same thing applies to view controllers (and objects generally); it's better to give them everything they need than to have them depend on a particular object like the app delegate. It's true not just for managed object contexts, but for any information they need to do their job.
This is mainly because you want to use dependency injection with your UIViewControllers instead of just grabbing everything from UIApplication, this keeps your delegate clean instead of full of reference hacks.
This is also to keep with the MVC pattern:
View Controller (Only for view logic)
Controller (For coordinating between the view and the model)
I tend not to agree with this pattern.
First of all I try to treat Core Data as an implementation detail, and as any implementation detail it should be hidden behind a good facade. The facade is the interfaces I expose for my model objects. For example if I have two model objects; Cource and Student, any cource can have a number of students. I do not want to let the controller take upon the duty to setup predicates and sort descriptors, and jump through all Core Data hoops just to get a list of students for a particular class. There is a perfectly valid way to expose this in the model:
#interface Cource (StudentAccess)
Then implement the ugly stuff once and for all in the Model class. Hiding all the complex details of Core Data, and no need to pass around managed object contexts. But how would I find the sources, it has to start somewhere right? Yes, it does but you need not expose it to the controller. Adding methods such as these are perfectly reasonable as well:
#interface Cource (CourceAccess)
This also helps in minimizing dependencies between controllers. And reducing he dependencies between the model and controller. Assuming I have a CourceViewController and a StudenViewController is I did not hide the Core Data details behind a facade and wanted to pass around the managed object context as well, then I would end up with a designated initializer like this:
Whereas with good a good facade I end up with this:
Minimizing dependencies behind facades, in favor of dependency injection also makes it much easier to change the internal implementations. Passing around the managed object context encourages each controller to implement their own logic for basic stuff. Take for example studentsSortedByName method. At first it might be sorter by last/first name, if later changed to last/first name sort you would have to go to each and every controller that has sorted students and make the change. Where a good facade method requires you to change in one method, and all controller automagically get the update for free.
The Apple Docs try to foster the most widely applicable and sustainable design patterns.
Dependency injection is preferred because it allows for the most flexible, expandable, reusable and maintainable design.
As apps grow in complexity, using a quasi-singleton like parking the context in the app delegate breaks down. In more complex apps, you may have multiple context tied to multiple stores. You might want the same view-controller/view pair to display data from different context at different times or you may end up with multiple context on different threads/operations. You can't pile all those context up in the app delegate.
If you have a simple app with a single context then using the quasi-singleton with the app delegate can work well. I've used it on several smaller apps in the past without immediate issue but I did hit scalability problems on a couple of apps when the apps grew overtime.
Which pattern to use depends on your shipping constraints and you best guesses about of the evolution app over its entire lifecycle. If its a small one shot app, then the app delegate quasi-singleton will work fine. If the app is more complex, might grow more complex or might spawn other related apps that will reuse existing components, then dependency injection is the way to go.
