I am using youtube API for messages to send a youtube message. It works only when I am sending video message and add video id in the request body. I can't send a message without a video. Is there any other API method to send without the video?
Also, I can't set message title. Isn't it supported?
Also, is there a method to send a message reply?
There is currently no way to send a message without a video.
It is not possible to reply to a message.
is there any way how to send a message with video content to Slack over its API? I see support only for an image here https://api.slack.com/messaging/composing/layouts
The best you can do is link to a video file in the body of the message, and then Slack will "unfurl" (preview) it alongside the message. There's no native video block today.
You could upload the video to Slack as any other file, using the files.upload method. If you also specify channels and initial_comment parameters, the file will be posted to respective channels with messages.
Alternatively, upload the file without posting to channels, grab the file ID from the response (like F0TD00400) and pass it as an external_id to the File Block.
I am sending MMS through twilio rest api. I received message on phone but media preview is not visible.
Here is code:
MMS Preview:
I think twilio convert mediaUrl to tiny link that's why its preview not available.
when I click on twilio link media visible on web.
looking for help.
thank you
With Twilio you can only send MMS messages to numbers in the US and Canada. If you try to send an MMS to a number outside of those countries then Twilio will will convert the message to an SMS message with a URL link to the media, as in this case. You can read more about how this works in this article about the MMS Converter.
To see the media in the message, you need to ensure you are sending MMS messages to numbers in the US and Canada.
Previews can be shown from links, but it appears that is not working with the media in this case, possibly because the response is a redirect to the file in an S3 bucket. If you want to send images to phone numbers outside of the US and Canada I would recommend you send it as your own URL in the body of the message and ensure that the URL links directly to the image so that the SMS application can read it and preview it easily.
I have developed a program with the youtube api that get all the live chat (Message in live of youtube)
Now, I am looking for that every time there is a new message in the live chat,
This is because I want to create a bot so that when someone puts "Twitter!" the bot responds with my twitter.
Since I couldn't find a stream of the new messages, what I did was get the messages. And then get them back in 10 seconds. And then select the messages that you had not obtained before
In Twilio console WhatsApp setting I've config the A MESSAGE COMES IN callback for receiver message from WhatsApp user. If the user sends an image, the call back has a parameter is MediaUrl0 to get the image. But if a user sends an audio file, no param in the callback to get it.
Any way to get the audio file? Please help me. thank you.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
At this time, Twilio does not support incoming media in WhatsApp messages. This support is being worked on.
I'm trying to send a video to a reciever. So far I have sent files like 'myfile.mp4' but now I'm trying to send a youtube video. So, I need to send the URI of it.
Can you clarify 'send a youtube video' ?
If you have the VIDEOID and you want to send the URI just use