BigCouch cluster connection issue - erlang

I have successfully setuped BigCouch on two different machines. Both of them run locally very well. When I joins them in a cluster using one of or both this command: curl -X PUT machine1:5986/nodes/bigcouch#machine2 -d {} curl -X PUT machine2:5986/nodes/bigcouch#machine1 -d {}
I always receive positive results. The database nodes contains two documents bigcouch#machine2, bigcouch#machine1. But in fact, it is always erreous. I saw this error message in the command line of BigCouch
=*ERROR REPORT==== 9-Dec-2011::20:01:40 === Error in process <0.3117.0> on node '' with exit value: {{rexi_DOWN,noconnect},[{mem3_rep,rexi_call,2},{mem3_rep,replicate_batch,1},{mem3_rep,go,3},{mem3_rep,go,2}]} <148>1 2011-12-09T19:01:40.559992Z machine1 twig <0.159.0> -------- - mem3_sync nodes -> 'bigcouch#machine2' {{rexi_DOWN,noconnect}, [{mem3_rep,rexi_call,2}, {mem3_rep,replicate_batch,1}, {mem3_rep,go,3}, {mem3_rep,go,2}]} <148>1 2011-12-09T19:01:40.560106Z machine1 twig <0.159.0> -------- - mem3_sync dbs -> 'bigcouch#machine2' {{rexi_DOWN,noconnect}, [{mem3_rep,rexi_call,2}, {mem3_rep,replicate_batch,1}, {mem3_rep,go,3}, {mem3_rep,go,2}]} <148>1 2011-12-09T19:01:40.560205Z machine1 twig <0.159.0> -------- - mem3_sync _users -> 'bigcouch#machine2' {{rexi_DOWN,noconnect}, [{mem3_rep,rexi_call,2}, {mem3_rep,replicate_batch,1}, {mem3_rep,go,3}, {mem3_rep,go,2}]} [error] [emulator] [--------] Error in process <0.3198.0> on node 'bigcouch#machine2' with exit value: {{rexi_DOWN,noconnect},[{mem3_rep,rexi_call,2},{mem3_rep,replicate_batch,1},{mem3_rep,go,3},{mem3_rep,go,2}]} <147>1 2011-12-09T19:01:45.560979Z machine1 twig emulator msg - Error in process <0.3198.0> on node 'bigcouch#machine1' with exit value: {{rexi_DOWN,noconnect},[{mem3_rep,rexi_call,2},{mem3_rep,replicate_batch,1},{mem3_rep,go,3},{mem3_rep,go,2}]}*
Maybe it's the firewalled? If Yes, plese tell me the range port to let nodes connect each other. If not, Please explain it to me and how to solve it to connect them.
In the document, they ask that nodes can ping each other and the nodes set the same magic cookie. My machines can ping each other, but what is magic cookie?

Occasionally you can see this error when a node is first connected as there are various processes that receive update messages and monitor the other nodes as well as an internal replicator. These messages are harmless but if you see "noconnect" persistently then something is wrong.
On each instance there is a file, /etc/vm.args in which you will see two values of interest, -name and -setcookie The first -name corresponds to the doc id you must use when connecting the nodes and the second is the magic cookie that must be the same on all the erlang nodes for them to talk to one another. If this cookie isn't set it defaults to the value in ~/.erlang-cookie
When you execute "make dev" it will build a 3 node cluster that you can inspect to see how these bits should be set.
Also you only need to run the connect on one side, .eg. node2 to node1 as the internal replicator will sync the nodes dbs across the cluster


monitoring the number of RDP users using nagios core?

I'm using Nagios Core 4.3.4. Is there any way to monitor the number of users connected to the server RDP on a Windows server like nrpe check_users? Please tell me if you have.
you would have to write your own check for this.
In your check you could call a powershell script on the server (but it depends on your windows version):
ipmo RemoteDesktop # 1. import the remotedesktop module
$(Get-RDUserSession).count # 2. print the count of the session
But there is another approach mentioned on site. It's in german, so I try to translate:
1.) read window performance counters with nsclient:
c:\program files\nsclient\nsclient++.exe -noboot CheckSystem listpdh >counters_list.txt
2.) define the command (where -s $USER7$ is the passphrase to establishe the connection
define command{
command_name check_nt_Counter_User
command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -s $USER7$ -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -d SHOWALL
3.) define the service
define service{
service_description RDP-Sessions
host_name TerminalSrv
use sometemplate
check_command check_nt_Counter_User!"\\Terminalservices\\active sessions","RDP-User active","users"!18!20
notes get count of active sessions
process_perf_data 1
notifications_enabled 0

How to get Task ID from within ECS container?

Hello I am interested in retrieving the Task ID from within inside a running container which lives inside of a EC2 host machine.
AWS ECS documentation states there is an environment variable ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_FILE with the location of this data but will only be set/available if ECS_ENABLE_CONTAINER_METADATA variable is set to true upon cluster/EC2 instance creation. I don't see where this can be done in the aws console.
Also, the docs state that this can be done by setting this to true inside the host machine but would require to restart the docker agent.
Is there any other way to do this without having to go inside the EC2 to set this and restart the docker agent?
This doesn't work for newer Amazon ECS container versions anymore, and in fact it's now much simpler and also enabled by default. Please refer to this docu, but here's a TL;DR:
If you're using Amazon ECS container agent version 1.39.0 and higher, you can just do this inside the docker container:
| jq -r ".TaskARN" \
| cut -d "/" -f 3
Here's a list of container agent releases, but if you're using :latest – you're definitely fine.
The technique I'd use is to set the environment variable in the container definition.
If you're managing your tasks via Cloudformation, the relevant yaml looks like so:
Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
- Name: some-name
Value: !Ref AWS::Region
Value: 'true'
This technique helps you keep everything straightforward and reproducible.
If you need metadata programmatically and don't have access to the metadata file, you can query the agent's metadata endpoint:
curl http://localhost:51678/v1/metadata
Note that if you're getting this information as a running task, you may not be able to connect to the loopback device, but you can connect to the EC2 instance's own IP address.
We set it with the so called user data, which are executed at the start of the machine. There are multiple ways to set it, for example:
It could look like this:
cat <<'EOF' >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
Important: Adjust the ECS_CLUSTER above to match your cluster name, otherwise the instance will not connect to that cluster.
Previous answers are correct, here is another way of doing this:
From the ec2 instance where container is running, run this command
curl http://localhost:51678/v1/tasks | python -mjson.tool |less
From the AWS ECS cli Documentation
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster default
"taskArns": [
To list the tasks on a particular container instance
This example command lists the tasks of a specified container instance, using the container instance UUID as a filter.
aws ecs list-tasks --cluster default --container-instance f6bbb147-5370-4ace-8c73-c7181ded911f
"taskArns": [
My ECS solution as bash and Python snippets. Logging calls are able to print for debug by piping to sys.stderr while print() is used to pass the value back to a shell script
echo "TASK_ID: ${TASK_ID}"
Python script -
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import requests
# logging configuration
# file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='tmp.log')
# redirecting to stderr so I can pass back extracted task id in STDOUT
stdout_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
# handlers = [file_handler, stdout_handler]
handlers = [stdout_handler]
format="[%(asctime)s] {%(filename)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s",
datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_ecs_task_id(host):
path = "/task"
url = host + path
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
logger.debug(f"r: {r}")
d_r = json.loads(r.text)
ecs_task_arn = d_r["TaskARN"]
ecs_task_id = ecs_task_arn.split("/")[2]
return ecs_task_id
def main():
logger.debug("Extracting task ID from $ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4")
logger.debug("Inside, redirecting logs to stderr")
logger.debug("so that I can pass the task id back in STDOUT")
host = os.environ["ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4"]
ecs_task_id = get_ecs_task_id(host)
# This print statement passes the string back to the bash wrapper, don't remove
if __name__ == "__main__":

How to check the blockchain height in hyperledger-fabric

I am playing with hyperledger-fabric v.1.0 - actually a newbie. How can I check the chain height ? Is there a command or something that I can use to "ask" about the blockchain height? Thanks in advance.
Well, you have a few options of how you can do it:
You can leverage peer cli command line tool to obtain latest available block by running
peer channel fetch newest -o ordererIP:7050 -c mychannel last.block
Next you can leverage configtxlator to decode content of the block as following:
curl -X POST --data-binary #last.block http://localhost:7059/protolator/decode/common.Block
(note you need to start configtxlator first)
Alternative path assumes you are going to use one of available SDK's to invoke QSCC (Query System ChainCode) with GetChainInfo command. This will return you back following structure:
type BlockchainInfo struct {
Height uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=height" json:"height,omitempty"`
CurrentBlockHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=currentBlockHash,proto3" json:"currentBlockHash,omitempty"`
PreviousBlockHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=previousBlockHash,proto3" json:"previousBlockHash,omitempty"`
Which has information about current ledger height.
Another alternative.
Using the cli peer command line (for example docker exec -it cli bash) you can do:
peer channel getinfo -c mychannel
It seems that I found something - maybe cumbersome, but better than nothing:
docker logs -f 2>&1 | grep blockNo
Check for the "latest" line in the output, something like:
2017-07-18 19:40:39.586 UTC [historyleveldb] Commit -> DEBU b75b Channel [mychannel]: Updates committed to history database for blockNo [34]
So, if I am not wrong, in this case the block height is: 34
you can use blockchain-explorer (UI tool)
You should also be able to use the fabric CORE API (JSON/REST).
See the docs for the Blockchain GET/chain operation at;

Getting PID for a process running on a remote node

I am new to Erlang and we are working on a small scale messaging server.
We are trying to build a process registry using Redis ( not planning to use existing once grpoc, global etc due to other business needs ) as a datastore ( store to hold user-id to "node | PID " mapping). When a process starts it register itself with Redis in the form user_id (key) and {node | pid } as value. ( pid is tored as string in redis)
example value inserted in redis are "user_abc", {one#mf, "0.37.0>"}
Now when I try to find PID for "user_abc" which is running in the cluster - i get {node and pid} as value on a remote node which in this case is {one#mf, "0.37.0>".
Question is how do we use {node, pid} details on remote node to connect to the process user_abc.
Thanks in advance for your help.
You can get a "cluster wide" pid by parsing that pid on the remote node:
On node a:
(a#host)1> pid_to_list(self()).
On node b:
(b#host)1> Pid = rpc:call('a#host', erlang, list_to_pid, ["<0.39.0>"]).
(b#host)2> Pid ! my_test.
On node a:
(a#host)2> flush().
Shell got my_test
Note that the process might not be alive, so calling erlang:monitor/2 on it before talking to it might be a good idea.
If you want to store erlang pid to redis, and want other node read it as a remote pid, use erlang:term_to_binary(Pid) to store, and use erlang:bianry_to_pid(PidBin) to read.
See this post:Erlang Pid

roslaunch failed: cannot launch node

I have downloaded and compiled some Ros nodes from here (just to have more info). I am trying to launch the five ROS nodes with parameters using a launchfile that is taken from that repo.
After executing source catkin_ws/devel_isolated/setup.bash and executing roslaunch crab.launch(the launch file from the link above) the next error appears:
root#beaglebone:~# roslaunch crab.launch
... logging to /root/.ros/log/4f6332fe-dbe2-11e3-86a8-7ec70b079d59/roslaunch-beaglebone-2067.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://beaglebone:58881/
* /clearance
* /duration_ripple
* /duration_tripod
* /joint_lower_limit
* /joint_upper_limit
* /port_name
* /robot_description
* /rosdistro
* /rosversion
* /trapezoid_h
* /trapezoid_high_radius
* /trapezoid_low_radius
crab_body_kinematics (crab_body_kinematics/body_kinematics)
crab_gait (crab_gait/gait_kinematics)
crab_imu (crab_imu/imu_control)
crab_leg_kinematics (crab_leg_kinematics/leg_ik_service)
crab_maestro_controller (crab_maestro_controller/controller_sub)
core service [/rosout] found
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [crab_leg_kinematics/leg_ik_service]: can't locate node [leg_ik_service] in package [crab_leg_kinematics]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [crab_maestro_controller/controller_sub]: can't locate node [controller_sub] in package [crab_maestro_controller]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [crab_body_kinematics/body_kinematics]: can't locate node [body_kinematics] in package [crab_body_kinematics]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [crab_gait/gait_kinematics]: can't locate node [gait_kinematics] in package [crab_gait]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [crab_imu/imu_control]: can't locate node [imu_control] in package [crab_imu]
I have reinstalled the packages as suggested in some other threats about similar problems.
I also have noticed that
1º- if I move all the executablesof the nodes to the folder src/<package>/, I'm able to execute roslaunch crab.launch. But I don´t want to leave it like that, not proper way to work ;)
Additional info:
2º- If I execute, for example, source devel_isolated/<package>/setup.bashand then roslaunch crab.launch, the package which I have just source-d works and executes... (while the other still don't)
3º- So I have source-d all the source devel_isolated/<package>/setup.bash and try again: no one worked this time.
This leads to think that the problems are due to ROS variable enviroment: if I make an export | grep ROSafter 2º, I can see that the package path appears in $ROS_PATH-s and the others are not there:
root#beaglebone:~# export | grep ROS
declare -x ROS_DISTRO="hydro"
declare -x ROS_ETC_DIR="/opt/ros/hydro/etc/ros"
declare -x ROS_MASTER_URI="http://localhost:11311"
declare -x ROS_PACKAGE_PATH="/root/catkin_ws/src/crab_msgs:/root/catkin_ws/src/joy:/root/catkin_ws
declare -x ROS_ROOT="/opt/ros/hydro/share/ros"
declare -x ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR="/root/catkin_ws/build_isolated/crab_msgs/test_results"
root#beaglebone:~# source catkin_ws/devel_isolated/crab_imu/setup.bash
declare -x ROS_PACKAGE_PATH="/root/catkin_ws/src/crab_imu:/root/catkin_ws/src/crab_msgs:/root/catkin_ws
declare -x ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR="/root/catkin_ws/build_isolated/crab_imu/test_results"
Seems that 3º overwrites the source executed before..., meaning that in ROS_PACKAGE_PATHdoes not appear all he packages as they should.
I also have tried to force ROS_PACKAGE_PATHusing exportcommand, but it didn't work. So, I have to change more environment variables apart from that, but don't know which one...
So, I don't know if I diagnosis is correct and, if so, what should I do to correct this... Hope I have gathered enough info.
Thanks in advance!!
set the executable bit for files. most probably you need to set executable permissions for files.
chmod +x filename.
