How to check the blockchain height in hyperledger-fabric - hyperledger

I am playing with hyperledger-fabric v.1.0 - actually a newbie. How can I check the chain height ? Is there a command or something that I can use to "ask" about the blockchain height? Thanks in advance.

Well, you have a few options of how you can do it:
You can leverage peer cli command line tool to obtain latest available block by running
peer channel fetch newest -o ordererIP:7050 -c mychannel last.block
Next you can leverage configtxlator to decode content of the block as following:
curl -X POST --data-binary #last.block http://localhost:7059/protolator/decode/common.Block
(note you need to start configtxlator first)
Alternative path assumes you are going to use one of available SDK's to invoke QSCC (Query System ChainCode) with GetChainInfo command. This will return you back following structure:
type BlockchainInfo struct {
Height uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=height" json:"height,omitempty"`
CurrentBlockHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=currentBlockHash,proto3" json:"currentBlockHash,omitempty"`
PreviousBlockHash []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=previousBlockHash,proto3" json:"previousBlockHash,omitempty"`
Which has information about current ledger height.

Another alternative.
Using the cli peer command line (for example docker exec -it cli bash) you can do:
peer channel getinfo -c mychannel

It seems that I found something - maybe cumbersome, but better than nothing:
docker logs -f 2>&1 | grep blockNo
Check for the "latest" line in the output, something like:
2017-07-18 19:40:39.586 UTC [historyleveldb] Commit -> DEBU b75b Channel [mychannel]: Updates committed to history database for blockNo [34]
So, if I am not wrong, in this case the block height is: 34

you can use blockchain-explorer (UI tool)

You should also be able to use the fabric CORE API (JSON/REST).
See the docs for the Blockchain GET/chain operation at;


Why QProcess is not showing stdout from bash script executed in remote server?

I made an script (findx.h) that doesn't have any problem when i ran it on Solaris server via console (bash-3.2$ ./
The problem appears when i try to run it from a windows Qt app using QProcess (code below) where it doesn't display the ouput of the command.
I tried little variations and appear to show data when just use one pipe instead of two. But i need the two: grep and ggrep.
//findx.h in solaris
echo pass | sudo -S /usr/sbin/snoop -x0 -ta HSM1000 port 1000
echo pass | sudo -S /usr/sbin/snoop -x0 -ta HSM1000 port 1000 | /usr/sfw/bin/ggrep -A 2 KR01
//Qt on windows
QString commands="(";
commands +="source";
commands +=";/path/to/script/";
commands +=")";
QString program = "plink.exe";
QStringList arguments;
arguments <<"-ssh"
this->myProcess=new QProcess(this);
this, SLOT(onprocess_started()));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(errorOccurred(QProcess::ProcessError)),
this, SLOT(onprocess_errorOcurred(QProcess::ProcessError)));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)),
this, SLOT(onprocess_finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),
this, SLOT(onprocess_readyReadStandardError()));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()),
this, SLOT(onprocess_readyReadStandardOutput()));
connect(this->myProcess, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)),
this, SLOT(onprocess_stateChanged(QProcess::ProcessState)));
this->myProcess->start(program, arguments);
return 0;
// How i read, i do the same for stderr and put it also in plainOutput
QByteArray err=this->myProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
QString m="Standard output:"+QString(;
please any advice would be useful.
Thanks in advance.

How to use Snakemake container for htslib (bgzip + tabix)

I have a pipeline which uses a global singularity image and rule-based conda wrappers.
However, some of the tools don't have wrappers (i.e. htslib's bgzip and tabix).
Now I need to learn how to run jobs in containers.
In the official documentation link it says:
"Allowed image urls entail everything supported by singularity (e.g., shub:// and docker://)."
Now I've tried the following image from singularity hub but I get an error:
minimal reproducible example:
# Files
REF_GENOME: "c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS265.genomic.fa"
GENOME_ANNOTATION: "c_elegans.PRJNA13758.WS265.annotations.gff3"
# Directories------------------------------------------------------------------
configfile: "config.yaml"
# Setting the names of all directories
dir_names = ["refs", "logs", "benchmarks", "qc", "trimming", "alignment", "mark_duplicates", "variant_calling", "annotation"]
dirs_dict = dict(zip(dir_list, dir_names))
# Singularity with conda wrappers
singularity: "docker://continuumio/miniconda3:4.5.11"
# Rules -----------------------------------------------------------------------
rule all:
expand('{REF_DIR}/{GENOME_ANNOTATION}{ext}', REF_DIR=dirs_dict["REF_DIR"], GENOME_ANNOTATION=config["GENOME_ANNOTATION"], ext=['', '.gz', '.gz.tbi']),
expand('{REF_DIR}/{REF_GENOME}{ext}', REF_DIR=dirs_dict["REF_DIR"], REF_GENOME=config["REF_GENOME"], ext=['','.fai']),
rule download_references:
shell: """
cd {params.ref_dir}
bgzip -d {params.ref_genome}.gz
bgzip -d {params.genome_annotation}.gz
grep -v "#" {params.genome_annotation} | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n -t$'\t' | bgzip -c > {params.genome_annotation}.gz
tabix -p gff {params.genome_annotation}.gz
rule index_reference:
os.path.join(dirs_dict["LOG_DIR"],"references", "faidx_index.log")
Building DAG of jobs...
Pulling singularity image shub://biocontainers/tabix.
Failed to pull singularity image from shub://biocontainers/tabix:
ESC[31mFATAL: ESC[0m While pulling shub image: failed to get manifest for: shub://biocontainers/tabix: the requested manifest was not found in singularity hub
File "/home/moldach/anaconda3/envs/snakemake/lib/python3.7/site-packages/snakemake/deployment/", line 88, in pull
It appears this is a problem with the container?
(snakemake) [moldach#arc CONTAINER_TROUBLESHOOT]$ singularity pull shub://biocontainers/tabix
FATAL: While pulling shub image: failed to get manifest for: shub://biocontainers/tabix: the requested manifest was not found in singularity hub
In fact, I experience this problem with other biocontainers containers.
For example, I also need to use a container to do bowtie2 indexing and this is the error I get from the biocontainers/bowtie2 versus another developers container of the same tool comics/bowtie2:
^C(snakemake) [moldach#arc CONTAINER_TROUBLESHOOT]$ singularity pull docker://biocontainers/bowtie2
FATAL: While making image from oci registry: failed to get checksum for docker://biocontainers/bowtie2: Error reading manifest latest in manifest unknown: manifest unknown
(snakemake) [moldach#arc CONTAINER_TROUBLESHOOT]$ singularity pull docker://comics/bowtie2
INFO: Converting OCI blobs to SIF format
INFO: Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob a02a4930cb5d done
Does anyone know why?
Biocontainers does not allow latest as tag for their containers, and therefore you will need to specify the tag to be used.
From their doc:
The BioContainers community had decided to remove the latest tag. Then, the following command docker pull biocontainers/crux will fail. Read more about this decision in Getting started with Docker
When no tag is specified, it defaults to latest tag, which of course is not allowed here. See here for bowtie2's tags. Usage like this will work:
singularity pull docker://biocontainers/bowtie2:v2.4.1_cv1
Using another container solves the issue; however, the fact I'm getting errors from biocontainers is troubling given that these are both very common and used as examples in the literature so I will award the top-answer to whomever can solve that specific issue.
As it were, the use of stackleader/bgzip-utility solve the issue of actually running this rule in a container.
Once again, for those coming to this post, it's probably best to test any container first before running snakemake, e.g. singularity pull docker://stackleader/bgzip-utility.

monitoring the number of RDP users using nagios core?

I'm using Nagios Core 4.3.4. Is there any way to monitor the number of users connected to the server RDP on a Windows server like nrpe check_users? Please tell me if you have.
you would have to write your own check for this.
In your check you could call a powershell script on the server (but it depends on your windows version):
ipmo RemoteDesktop # 1. import the remotedesktop module
$(Get-RDUserSession).count # 2. print the count of the session
But there is another approach mentioned on site. It's in german, so I try to translate:
1.) read window performance counters with nsclient:
c:\program files\nsclient\nsclient++.exe -noboot CheckSystem listpdh >counters_list.txt
2.) define the command (where -s $USER7$ is the passphrase to establishe the connection
define command{
command_name check_nt_Counter_User
command_line $USER1$/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -s $USER7$ -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l $ARG1$ -w $ARG2$ -c $ARG3$ -d SHOWALL
3.) define the service
define service{
service_description RDP-Sessions
host_name TerminalSrv
use sometemplate
check_command check_nt_Counter_User!"\\Terminalservices\\active sessions","RDP-User active","users"!18!20
notes get count of active sessions
process_perf_data 1
notifications_enabled 0

Jenkins - Posting results to a external monitoring job is adding garbage to the build job log

I have a external monitor job that I'm pushing the result of another job to it with curl and base on this link :
Monitoring external jobs
After I create the job I just need to run a curl command with the body encoded in HEX to the specified url and then a build will be created and the output will be added to it but what I get instead is part of my output in clear text and the rest in weird characters like so :
Asking akamai to purge this urls:
http://xxx/sites/all/modules/custom/uk.png http://aaaaaasites/all/modules/custom/flags/jp.png
<html><head><title>401 Unauthorized</title> </h�VC��&�G����CV�WF��&��VC�������R&R��BWF��&��VBF�66W72F�B&W6�W&6S�����&�G�����F����F�RW&�F �6�V6�7FGW2�bF�R&WVW7B�2��F�RF��RF�v�B�2��6�Ɩ�r&6�w&�V�B��"F�6�V6�7FGW2�bF�RF�6�W#�v�F��rf�"���F�W&vRF��6O request please keep in mind this is an estimated time
Waiting for another 60 seconds
Asking akamai to purge this urls:
This is how I'm doing it :
export output=`cat msg.out|xxd -c 256 -ps`
curl -k -X POST -d "<run><log encoding=\"hexBinary\">$output</log><result>0</result> <duration>2000</duration></run>" https://$jenkinsuser:$jenkinspass# -H'.crumb:c775f3aa15464563456346e'
If I cat that file is all fine and even if I edit it with vi I can't see any problem with it.
Do you guys have any idea how to fix this ?
Could it be a problem with the hex encoding ? ( I tried hex/enc/dec pages with the result of xxd and they look fine)
I had the same issue, and stumbled across this:
From that page, you can get the encoding you need via this command:
echo "Hello world" | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%02x"'
An excerpt from the explanation:
So what the hell is that? -v means don't suppress any duplicate data
in the output, and -e is the format string. hexdump's very particular
about the formatting of the -e argument; so careful with the quotes.
The 1/1 means for every 1 byte encountered in the input, apply the
following formatting pattern 1 time. Despite this sounding like the
default behaviour in the man page, the 1/1 is not optional. /1 also
works, but the 1/1 is very very slightly more readable, IMO. The
"%02x" is just a standard-issue printf-style format code.
So in your case, you would do this (removing 'export' in favor of inline variable)
OUTPUT=`cat msg.out | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%02x"'` curl -k -X POST -d "<run><log encoding=\"hexBinary\">$OUTPUT</log><result>0</result> <duration>2000</duration></run>" https://$jenkinsuser:$jenkinspass# -H'.crumb:c775f3aa15464563456346e'

Monitoring URLs with Nagios

I'm trying to monitor actual URLs, and not only hosts, with Nagios, as I operate a shared server with several websites, and I don't think its enough just to monitor the basic HTTP service (I'm including at the very bottom of this question a small explanation of what I'm envisioning).
(Side note: please note that I have Nagios installed and running inside a chroot on a CentOS system. I built nagios from source, and have used yum to install into this root all dependencies needed, etc...)
I first found check_url, but after installing it into /usr/lib/nagios/libexec, I kept getting a "return code of 255 is out of bounds" error. That's when I decided to start writing this question (but wait! There's another plugin I decided to try first!)
After reviewing This Question that had almost practically the same problem I'm having with check_url, I decided to open up a new question on the subject because
a) I'm not using NRPE with this check
b) I tried the suggestions made on the earlier question to which I linked, but none of them worked. For example...
./check_url | echo $0
returns "0" (which indicates the check was successful)
I then followed the debugging instructions on Nagios Support to create a temp file called debug_check_url, and put the following in it (to then be called by my command definition):
echo `date` >> /tmp/debug_check_url_plugin
echo $* /tmp/debug_check_url_plugin
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_url $*
Assuming I'm not in "debugging mode", my command definition for running check_url is as follows (inside command.cfg):
'check_url' command definition
define command{
command_name check_url
command_line $USER1$/check_url $url$
(Incidentally, you can also view what I was using in my service config file at the very bottom of this question)
Before publishing this question, however, I decided to give 1 more shot at figuring out a solution. I found the check_url_status plugin, and decided to give that one a shot. To do that, here's what I did:
mkdir /usr/lib/nagios/libexec/check_url_status/
downloaded both check_url_status and
Per the user comment / review on the check_url_status plugin page, I changed "lib" to the proper directory of /usr/lib/nagios/libexec/.
Run the following:
./check_user_status -U
When I run the above command, I kept getting the following error:
bash-4.1# ./check_url_status -U
Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/lib/nagios/libexec/ /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at ./check_url_status line 34.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./check_url_status line 34.
So at this point, I give up, and have a couple of questions:
Which of these two plugins would you recommend? check_url or check_url_status?
(After reading the description of check_url_status, I feel that this one might be the better choice. Your thoughts?)
Now, how would I fix my problem with whichever plugin you recommended?
At the beginning of this question, I mentioned I would include a small explanation of what I'm envisioning. I have a file called services.cfg which is where I have all of my service definitions located (imagine that!).
The following is a snippet of my service definition file, which I wrote to use check_url (because at that time, I thought everything worked). I'll build a service for each URL I want to monitor:
# Monitoring Individual URLs...
define service{
host_name {my-shared-web-server}
service_description URL:
check_command check_url!
max_check_attempts 5
check_interval 3
retry_interval 1
check_period 24x7
notification_interval 30
notification_period workhours
I was making things WAY too complicated.
The built-in / installed by default plugin, check_http, can accomplish what I wanted and more. Here's how I have accomplished this:
My Service Definition:
define service{
host_name myers
service_description URL:
check_command check_http_url!
max_check_attempts 5
check_interval 3
retry_interval 1
check_period 24x7
notification_interval 30
notification_period workhours
My Command Definition:
define command{
command_name check_http_url
command_line $USER1$/check_http -I $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $ARG1$
The better way to monitor urls is by using webinject which can be used with nagios.
The below problem is due to the reason that you dont have the perl package utils try installing it.
bash-4.1# ./check_url_status -U Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains:
You can make an script plugin. It is easy, you only have to check the URL with something like:
`curl -Is $URL -k| grep HTTP | cut -d ' ' -f2`
$URL is what you pass to the script command by param.
Then check the result: If you have an code greater than 399 you have a problem, else... everything is OK! THen an right exit mode and the message for Nagios.
