Dreamweaver + PhoneGap + Xcode App build nightmare - ios

The issue is that I cannot now successfully build my Dreamweaver + PhoneGap App in Xcode for release in the iTunes App Store.
Background - I have been building an app using Dreamweaver and the built-in PhoneGap. To start with everything was working, including the emulator which started via Dreamweaver and the Xcode build. I have an early version of the app running on my iPhone right now with no problem.
After installing Lion on release, I started to encounter problems in that the App would not start in the emulator straight from Dreamweaver, but produced a fail message. However it did make an App bundle which could then be opened from Xcode itself. That was fine, but unfortunately now the App will not build or run at all in the emulator or my 'phone, which seems to stem from me doing a Clean in Xcode which I haven't done for a while. Very frustrating as it has been 3 months work and I was just about to release it on iTunes.I would be really grateful for ideas - the full buildlog.log is here http://bit.ly/tbYzVU

You may notice in your build log the following error on Line 39, which appears many times in your log:
ERROR: The requested SDK ("4.3") is not installed.
The version of PhoneGap you're using in Dreamweaver is looking for the iOS 4.3 Simulator at:
However, when upgrading to Mac OS X 10.7 "Lion" and presumably installing Xcode 4.2 from the AppStore, you probably only have the iOS 5 SDK. From the Xcode release notes:
What's New in Version 4.2.1
Features and enhancements in previous Xcode updates:
Xcode 4.2 includes SDKs for Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and iOS 5.
To verify what SDKs (Software Developer Kits) you have on your computer, open the following directory in the Finder:
It's likely that all you need to do is adjust which SDK Dreamweaver is targeting when building or emulating your app.
In your situation, you'll want to change your Site/App's SDK from iOS 4 to iOS 5.
From the Dreamweaver Help section for Packaging Web Applications, refer to Creating an Application Package (Mac OS):
Select Site > Mobile Applications > Configure Application Framework
Confirm iOS Developer Tools Path is configured to /Developer
Select Site > Mobile Applications > Application Settings
Under Select Target OS Version, for "iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, choose 5.0
Build your App using Site > Mobile Applications > Emulate and Build


Submit to App Store built with iOS 12.1 SDK

I’m using Xamarin Forms 3.4 and VSTS to build and deploy to iTunes and Google Play.
During February (perhaps a bit earlier) I was getting a warning when I was trying to deploy to iTunes. The warning was the following
SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 11.4 SDK.
Starting March 2019, all iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built
with the iOS 12.1 SDK or later, included in Xcode 10.1 or later
Everything that I tried so far didn’t work.
So I added a “Bash script” step before the build step and added the following 2 lines in the script
sudo $AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY/scripts/select-xamarin-sdk.sh 5_16_0
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MD_APPLE_SDK_ROOT;]'/Applications/Xcode_10.1.app;sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode_10.1.app/Contents/Developer
I found the previous script and guideline in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/agents/hosted?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml&viewFallbackFrom=vsts#xcode
The build is successful but the deployment to iTunes fails with the error
ERROR ITMS-90596: "Invalid Bundle. The asset catalog at 'Payload/MyApp.iOS.app/Assets.car' can't be processed. Rebuild your app, and all included extensions and frameworks, with the latest GM version of Xcode and resubmit."
Before adding the “Bash script” step, I didn’t have this problem in iTunes deployment.
So I guess that the question is obvious… what am I doing wrong?
Go to This Link And look at
Apple has indicated that starting in March 2019, all apps and updates
submitted to the App Store must have been built with the iOS 12.1 SDK
or later, included in Xcode 10.1 or later. Apps should also support
the iPhone XS and 12.9" iPad Pro screen sizes.
I think in your case maybe updating Visual studio will solve your issue, Because updating VS will update your Xamarin.iOS sdk version to 12.1+ if it is lower than this.
And also if you have Xcode 9.4 installed then you will need to install Xcode 10.1 to provide support for iOS 12.0 and above for Visual Studio
You can download latest version of Xcode from following link
How to download Xcode DMG or XIP file?

IBM Worklight 6.1 - How to open the iOS app in Xcode?

I have installed Worklight 6.1.0 in Eclipse Kepler in OS X 10.9.2.
I wish to create a hybrid application in iPhone environment. Generally, creating an iPhone mobile application requires Xcode and iOS SDK. I don't know how to link Xcode with worklight. Any tutorials or documentation?
Sure, plenty of tutorials, see: IBM Worklight Getting Started training modules.
The steps are:
Create new Worklight project
Add an application
Add the iPhone and/or iPad environment
You can now:
Right-click on the iPhone folder and select Run As > Xcode project
This will build and deploy the app to the Worklight Server + open the generated iOS project in Xcode
Right-click on the app folder and select Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
This will build and deploy the app to the Worklight Server.
Navigate to the iphone\package folder and copy from it the generated, zipped, Xcode project
You can now paste it somewhere, like on the Desktop, extract it and double-click the .xcodeproj file to open the project in Xcode
You do not need to link any SDKs. Worklight does most of the job for you. It generates a fully functioning Xcode project containing your web app within, hence a Worklight Hybrid app.
The above does not replace reading the training material!

MonoTouch: how to run app in Simulator 6.0 with SDK 4.4?

On my machine I have installed:
Xcode 4.5
Xcode 4.4
MonoTouch 6.x
MonoTouch 5.2.13
For an older app, I build using Xcode 4.4 and MonoTouch 5.2.13. To do so, I change the paths in the SDK section of MonoDevelop's settings.
However, now I need to test run the app that was built with SDK 4.4 and MT 5.2.13 on the iOS Simulator 6.0. How can I tell MonoDevelop what path for the simulator to use?
The dropdown of the Simulator itself doesn't offer v6.0 because back than with SDK 4.4, there was no v6.0.
This is currently not supported in MonoTouch (nor in Xcode for that matter).
That said, you might be able to do the following:
Build & run your app using the Xcode 4.4 SDK / iOS 5.1 Simulator. Copy the app directory from the simulator (one way to figure out where the app resides is to run it in the simulator using MonoDevelop, then execute ps aux | grep debugtrack from a terminal window - this should show the simulator process and the path to the binary).
Build & run your app using Xcode 4.5 SDK. Figure out again where the app resides like above (since it's a different simulator the directory will change), and replace the contents of it with what you saved in the previous step.
Now you might be able to run the app in the iOS 6 simulator (either with MonoDevelop or by tapping it). Note that since Xcode itself doesn't really allow you to do this, many things may break. The only supported way to test a build using an older SDK is to test it on a real device.

XCode Compatibility Issue with different versions

I recently made a project using XCode 4.5.1 on iOS 10.8.
I want to run this project on a different computer using XCode 4.4.1 on iOS 10.7.5.
It is currently giving me the error:
XCode cannot run using the selected device.
No provisioned iOS devices are available with a compatible iOS version. Connect an iOS device with a recent enough version of iOS to run your application or choose an iOS simulator as the destination.
Is there a way to open the project on the other computer without having to redo all the delegations and such?
I have tried turning off AutoLayout and running it on the iOS 10.7.5 computer and it is still giving the same error.
Change the deployment target to the ios version you want to run the project on.

Titanium studio setup issue (multiple xcode/ios)

I was not able to build sample test app with iOS Simulator. Also I see only iphone is enabled and ipad is not. I have multiple xcode (4.0, 4.0.1, 3.2.5 and 3.2.1) installed on machine.
When I create a new app and build, it actually build to ios 3.1.3 as default. Here is my log http://pastebin.com/y9uX1RSz It finds all sdk and it quits the simulator as soon as it open.
There is an option to change the android sdk folder, but there is no alternative to change the ios SDK version in preferences.
I even try to modify the build deployment sdk to 4.2 with no luck. Also I see there are some plist (stylesheet.plist and debugger.plist) missing. And no demos (kitchensink) available as part of mobilesdk.
I've downloaded Titanium studio 1.0.1 which downloads mobilesdk 1.7.1 on its initial run.
It is the same with mobilesdk 1.7.2 which I've downloaded separately and copied to /library/Application support/Titanium
The issue is, I was not able to run a sample prj with iphone simulator. Ironically it works if I try to build with Android. The same mobile sdk works if I try from Titanium developer 1.2.2, but I was not able to develop or run sample code with Titanium studio.
