Can iOS Web Apps receive Apple Push notifications? - ios

I'm trying to evaluate whether to implement my application as a Web App or native app and was wondering if its possible to a web app to receive Apple Push notifications?
I suspect not but want to confirm so.

No, you must use the SDK, the best way to achieve this would be to have a wrapper app for your web app.


How can I send a notification from Vaadin backend to one or a specific number of (android smartphone) users in a native way?

The problem with PWA is that when the browser is closed (or inactive for smartphones) the user won’t be able to see a notification.
Optimally the PWA icon should receives a number++ and a ring tone to catch the users attention.
It is possible at all? if not what solutions are there?
What you need is native push notifications.
Vaadin doesn't have built-in support for push notifications, but it is possible to integrate it using the generic JavaScript integration support. You can find an example of this in You can follow issue #4747 to get updates related to official Vaadin support.
One thing to consider is that this does currently only work for Android devices, but not for iOS. (Update: As of iOS 16, push notifications are also supported on iOS)

Turn web app into iOS app with push notification

I developed a web application for a customer.
Web users can login and have their private account.
The application manager want to send "push" notification to users connected on iOS mobile devices.
Since I cannot achieve this feature with a simple web applications but I don't have resources to develop a native iOs application, the question is:
Is there a simple way to create an iOS "wrapper" to my web application and enable push notification for that app?
It will just be a webView pointing to my web application?
I'll be grateful if somebody can point me to resources, skeleton apps, alternative solutions, etc.
The kind of app you are talking about would be rejected from the app store due to the poor value aported in comparison to your website. This is part of the policy apple applies for a while now.

iOS Push Notification not sent from server (Jetpack)

I'm implementing an iOS application to manage my self-hosted website. My app make use of the many features already built for WordPress-iOS app, but it has differences and extra features.
One of the problem I'm currently having is that push notification was not sent from Jetpack ( server) to Apple's APNs, because I'm not getting any notification on my device. I have already registered successfully my device token with Jetpack during app launch.
My problem could be the certificate key (.pem) file not getting uploaded to (which I do not have access). Is this the reason why I'm not receiving any push notification to my iphone?
Additionally, I'm not getting any result on the NotificationsViewController. I do not have Simperium account setup yet. Could that be my problem for getting no results in NotificationsViewController?
Many thanks.
Sorry about the delay!. For the time being, i'm afraid that WordPress iOS doesn't support 3rd party apps integrations with its Notifications stack.
Meaning that if you'd like to handle Push Notifications support, you'd need to implement a plugin to handle the APN message delivery.
As per the Simperium side, there is no 3rd party app support -at least for now!- due to security restrictions.
If there's anything we could help you with, you may find us on the WordPress Slack (#mobile channel!).

Detect Twitter and Facebook Notifications in my App

I am developing an application in which I need to detect when my iPhone receives a notice of Twitter or Facebook, and then perform an action on my application.
example: I'm hardware developer and would like to make an application when a notification arrives me, flashing a LED (independent of the iPhone).
What need would be to know if it is possible to detect from my application notifications from other applications, and what is the way to do it, because I have knowledge in ios development.
Thank you.
You can't detect notification from other apps, since apps are sandboxed.
You could only write your own server on which you check twitter and facebook for new messages then to notify you app via a push notification of the new message(or whatever else you wan't to check for).
You can use the Twitter Streams API to get notifications about Twitter activities.
Use this post:
Twitter iOS Streaming API: no data being received

Blackberry push notification implementation

How does one implement a push notification for a blackberry app?
I heard that in order to do so I need to purchase a Blackberry Enterprise Server which costs me 1400 per year. Is this true? Where is a good starting point in implementing push notifications?
I am experienced with iPhone push development, but cannot find the equivalent for blackberries.
Earlier this year Blackberry launched a push service that does not require a BES, similar to Apple's offering. The have a Java SDK for it. You can find more information here:
also check out UrbanAIrship, which offers blackberry push notifications as a service (BBPNaaS)
Well, its true that you need a BES for Blackberry push services.
AFAIK,In a "non BES environment", you can use a number of other methods such as email, SMS or polling to do the 'push'.
and the good news is: Check out foll. link :
Thanks. also is about to launch push notifications for BlackBerry on top of their cloud hosting services for mobile applications.
