Blackberry push notification implementation - blackberry

How does one implement a push notification for a blackberry app?
I heard that in order to do so I need to purchase a Blackberry Enterprise Server which costs me 1400 per year. Is this true? Where is a good starting point in implementing push notifications?
I am experienced with iPhone push development, but cannot find the equivalent for blackberries.

Earlier this year Blackberry launched a push service that does not require a BES, similar to Apple's offering. The have a Java SDK for it. You can find more information here:

also check out UrbanAIrship, which offers blackberry push notifications as a service (BBPNaaS)

Well, its true that you need a BES for Blackberry push services.
AFAIK,In a "non BES environment", you can use a number of other methods such as email, SMS or polling to do the 'push'.
and the good news is: Check out foll. link :
Thanks. also is about to launch push notifications for BlackBerry on top of their cloud hosting services for mobile applications.


Is there a way to send Push Notification to an iPhone from my website?

I have been trying to figure out a solution to send Push Notification to a device from my website. I have looked into Pushed, OneSignal, etc. but have been unable to find a solution.
Is it possible through some way through APNS (Apple Push Notification service)?
Other questions on SO, either talk about Push Notifications on a web browser on a desktop but I am hoping to find a solution for a browser on an iPhone.
It is possible for Websites to send Web Push notifications to Chrome (and soon Firefox) users on Android, however it is not possible to do this on iOS devices.
Apple has not currently indicated whether they plan to add support for this, but there's a good chance they will add it eventually.
Here is a blog post I wrote a few months ago that discusses this limitation:
As of 2018-05-09: While desktop Safari has implemented the proprietary "Safari Push Notifications" API, there is still, as of today, no way to send push notifications to iOS' Safari v11.1.
More info about (Desktop) Safari Push Notifications:
On the upside, the recently-released Safari 11.1 does now have support for Service Workers, which is a prerequisite for the standards-compliant Web Push API, so it is now possible we will see Push API support land in a future version of Safari (including, hopefully, the iOS edition)
More info about Service Workers in Webkit:

Do iOS Safari and/or Microsoft Edge support push notifications?

From the research I've done, I cannot find any concrete answers to this question. The desktop version of Safari has supported this functionality for some time, but does the iOS version also natively support pushing notifications from websites? If not is there an alternative solution?
I also cannot find anything on Microsoft Edge supporting this function either. I feel like I read that at one point in time, but I'm having a hard time finding anything now.
Microsoft Edge does not currently support notifications, although it is currently under consideration with 550 votes on User Voice.
You can find the current status on
Support for Microsoft Edge will come very soon, since on Feb 3, 2016 Microsoft announced:
The Push API is on the backlog with a priority of high.
For iOS currently there are no official plans.
Safari on iOS don't support push notifications. If you need services to send push notifications to your phone without making an app/etc. You could always use Pushover/Pushbullet.
If you want to display push notifications from your web application on Windows 10 you might consider building a hosted web app and distribute it through the store. This will give you the opportunity to send system push notifications. See for an introducation. The sample on that page demonstrates the use of push notifications from a web app:
if (typeof Windows !== 'undefined' &&
typeof Windows.UI !== 'undefined' &&
typeof Windows.UI.Notifications !== 'undefined') {
//Call Windows.UI.Notifications
The problem with push notifications is there are still a lot of people on older Firefox and Chrome Browsers, Internet Explorer may never be supported, Safari will be based around Apple's own protocols, and so as exciting as web browser push is - it can only be part of the solution.
I am starting to code up notifications via Amazon Web Services SNS, and if it goes well I will circle back. They don't yet support the Chrome/Firefox notifications, but as Amazon want this for internal use I think there is a good chance it will happen (or I can create a simple Lambda function for this if needed).
Currently Amazon support:
You send push notification messages to both mobile devices and desktops using one of the following supported push notification services:
Amazon Device Messaging (ADM)
Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) for both iOS and Mac OS X
Baidu Cloud Push (Baidu)
Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)
Microsoft Push Notification Service for Windows Phone (MPNS)
Windows Push Notification Services (WNS)
Note that does include iOS and OSX, and the Windows Desktop
Starting with the most recent Windows Insider Preview release (build 14.14342), Web Notifications are enabled by default in Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 PCs and tablets. (since may 16, 2016)

is it possible to generate Device Token within Phonegap to use user defined push notifications?

As the title says, i want to develop web application and compile it to native iOS using Phonegap. Application should send specific push notifications to specific users.
Is there a way?
I would recommend using a third party service with a remote API.
PushWoosh already has a great PhoneGap plugin designed specifically for easy integration of push notifications. Urban Airship are still working on smth similar.
Another small, but important thing: Remote API is a Premium account feature in PushWoosh, however, you will pay at most 200 EUR per year for their Premium, while pricing at UA is simply unreasonable.
Depends on what type of push notification you mean?
Local notifications can be set (on delay) through a plugin like this one:
If you mean push notifications from a remote server: The phonegap wiki might help you:
It uses a external service called airship.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for push notifications on iOS?

Amazon Web Services have an SDK for iOS which supports the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).
Does this mean it would be possible to use SNS to send push notifications to a running iOS app? So for example you could make an real-time instant messaging app.
Is this right, or have I misunderstood what SNS does? It just seems to me that you would need to open a connection/socket in order to recieve push notifications from your server. How does the SDK actually work?
I've since asked this question on the AWS Mobile Development Forum:
Apparently there is an article coming out (probably here: shortly to explain everything.
Update 2
The article:
According to Apple documentation "Local notifications and push notifications are ways for an application that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has information for them.".
So, technically speaking, any data, including notifications, received when the application is running in the foreground are not "Push Notifications" and can't be a reason for rejecting the application. They're simply data being consumed that way or the other by the application.
In this specific case you are not asking about Push Notifications per Apple's documentation, rather about a technology used to deliver data to the application when the application is running and user is interacting with it. It happens that the name Amazon SNS is similar to Push Notification.
In any case Apple wouldn't be able to see what is the technology behind delivering data to your application, whether it is Amazon SNS or anything else. All they can see is that the application may have some additional ports open when it's running, and that of course would be absolutely legal. In fact, many applications communicate with their back-end servers using sockets (not HTTP requests), and that is the same technology as used by Apple to deliver their Push Notifications.
According to the Amazon documentation, they in turn uses the APNS method and provide a much simpler frontend for Apple, Android and Kindle. A realtime instant messaging app could be considered as workable since by using the Amazon SNS platform, you could even consider the application to be available for all.
I mean by utilizing the Amazon SNS, the communication could be done between iOS and Android devices and to kindle also provided the applications are written accordingly. Though the Amazon documents do not provide a comprehensive example, there are bits and pieces. Also there is an upcoming event on the Aug 29 which could be seen from the Amazon SNS page.

Push notification on BlackBerry

I need to send a notification to the BlackBerry device when new information is added to the server. The server should send the notification to the BlackBerry device and blackberry device should then receive this notification.
I installed the BlackBerry push SDK, and I obtain registration with the BlackBerry Push Service, but I didn't understand how to use it and when. What is the next step? What should I do for the client and server part?
Blackberry provide the sample demo "HttpPushDemo" in that you can get one "readme" file. Follow those rules. Enough. You can understand every thing.
Tongue in cheek - use Urban Airship! No i don't work for them, I just love their service, although I'm sure there are others out there so look for them too.
More seriously, if you are doing this for commercial reasons do bear it in mind as an option, but don't let it stop you expermenting! UA does involve writing your own server code too but gives some nice abstraction.
