Using persistence to display number of times visits for a BB Application? - blackberry

I have developed an application. I want to display a message before the user starts implementing my application. Like when it is used first time i want to show "Count = 1". And when app is visited second time, "Count = 2".
How can i achieve it? I had done such thing in android using sharedperferences. But how can i do it in blackberry. I had tried something with PersistentStore. But cant achieve that, for i dont know anything about the Persistance in BB.
Also i would wish to restrict the use for 100. Is it possible?
sample codes for this will be appreciable, since i am new to this environment..

You can achieve it with Persistent Storage.
Check this nice tutorial about storing persistent data.
Also you can use SQLite. Link to a development guide which describes how to use SQLite databases in Java® applications: Storing data in SQLite databases.
You can restrict user for trying your application at most 100 times using your own logic with the help of persistent data. But I think there may be some convention, so try Google for that.

got it...
I created a new class which implements Persistable. In that class i had created an integer variable and set an getter and setter function for that integer...
import net.rim.device.api.util.Persistable;
public class Persist implements Persistable
private int first;
public int getCount()
return first;
public void setCount()
this.first += 1;
Then in the class which initializes my screen, i had declared persistence variables and 3 functions to use my, initStore(), savePersist(), and getPersist()
public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener
* Declaring my variables...
private static PersistentObject store;
public Persist p;
public MyScreen()
//my application codes
//here uses persistence
p = getPersist();
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
//three function....
public static void initStore()
store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(0x4612d496ef1ecce8L);
public void savePersist()
synchronized (store)
public Persist getPersist()
Persist p = new Persist();
p = (Persist)store.getContents();
p = new Persist();
return p;
I hope u all will get it right now....
If there are another simple way, plz let me know...


Need to pass a ds(data structure) when Http server is being started, and to make that ds global across controllers

Here is the code setup.
There is a driver application, which starts the HTTP server(ASP.NET core Web API project).
The method called by driver application for starting HTTP server is
public class Http_Server
public static ConcurrentQueue<Object> cq = new ConcurrentQueue<Object>();
public static void InitHttpServer(ConcurrentQueue<Object> queue)
cq = queue;
var host = new WebHostBuilder()
Controller Action Task:
public virtual IActionResult AddXYZ([FromBody]List<Resourcemembers> resourcemembers)
//add something to ds
Http_Server.cq.Enqueue(new object());
//respond back
return new ObjectResult(example);
The data structure(a concurrent queue) being passed is to be made visible at controller level(like a global variable accessible across all controllers).
Is it fine to make the ds a static variable and access it across controllers?
Or Is there a way to pass this ds across to different layers?
This is my go at a better solution for this. What you are trying to do doesn't seem like the best way to approach this.
First, you want to enable caching in the application by calling the AddMemoryCache in the application StartUp.ConfigureServices method.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add framework services.
Then, you want to use the cache. Something like this should get you going in the right direction.
public class XYZController : Controller {
private IMemoryCache _memoryCache;
private const string xyzCacheKey = "XYZ";
public XYZController(IMemoryCache memoryCache)
_memoryCache = memoryCache;
public IActionResult AddXYZ([FromBody]ResourceMember[] resourceMembers)
if (!_memoryCache.TryGetValue(xyzCacheKey, out ConcurrentQueue<Object> xyz))
xyz = new ConcurrentQueue<Object>();
_memoryCache.Set(xyzCacheKey, xyz, new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
SlidingExpiration = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0)
return Ok();
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest(ex);
public class ResourceMember { }
What this does is allow you to use a Memory Cache to hold your object(s), and what ever you Enqueue in the ConcurrentQueue object, should you stay with that as your main object within the Cache. Now, you can cache any object type in the MemoryCache, and pull the value when you need to based on the key you gave it when you added it to the cache. In the case above, I created a const named xyzCacheKey with a string value of XYZ to use as the key.
That static global variable thing you are trying is just not... good.
If this doesn't help, let me know in a comment, I will delete the answer.
Good luck!

Uncaught exception no application instance

i am working on UI-application that handles multiple entry point approach.
I am referring the link and try for make a demo.
Here is the code :-
public class DemoApp extends UiApplication implements RealtimeClockListener
private static DemoApp dmMain ;
private static final long dm_APP_ID = 0x6ef4b845de59ecf9L;
private static DemoApp getDemoApp()
if(dmMain == null)
RuntimeStore dmAppStore = RuntimeStore.getRuntimeStore();
dmMain = (DemoApp)dmAppStore.get(dm_APP_ID);
return dmMain;
private static void setDemoApp(DemoApp demoAppMain)
RuntimeStore dmAppStore = RuntimeStore.getRuntimeStore();
dmAppStore.put(dm_APP_ID, demoAppMain);
public static void main(String[] args)
Log.d(" Application argument "+args);
if( args.length > 0 && args[ 0 ].equals( "Demo_Alternate" ) )
Log.d("Running Demo_Alternate #### Running Demo_Alternate #### Running Demo_Alternate");
dmMain = new DemoApp();
Log.d("Running Demo #### Running Demo #### Running Demo #### Running Demo");
public DemoApp()
private void initializeMain()
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable()
public void run()
pushScreen(new DemoMainScreen());
} catch (Exception e)
public void clockUpdated()
showMessage("DemoAppClock Updated");
Log.d("DemoAppClock Updated #### DemoAppClock Updated #### DemoAppClock Updated");
private void showMessage(String message)
synchronized (Application.getEventLock())
Dialog dlg = new Dialog(Dialog.D_OK, message, Dialog.OK, null, Manager.FIELD_HCENTER);
Ui.getUiEngine().pushGlobalScreen(dlg, 1, UiEngine.GLOBAL_QUEUE);
:- I have created an alternate entry point named Demo_Alternate , that runs at start up.
:- If the application has separate entry points, that means a separate process the link
Now my questions are :-
While running the code, I am getting "Uncaught exception : no application instance".
I just want to make one application instance - don't want separate processes.
Can we use (Application) Singleton approach for alternate entry-points?
Only looked briefly at this code, but see an obvious problem here:
enterEventDispatcher never returns, so you never put your Application instance in RuntimeStore.
I suggest you review the following KB article, you might find its approach to accessing a RuntimeStore maintained object easier to use. Or not.
Singleton using RuntimeStore
If this solution does not work, please update your original post with the corrected code.
I certainly agree with Peter, that calling setDemoApp(dmMain) after enterEventDispatcher() means it doesn't get called.
That said, I think you have a more basic misunderstanding here.
Using alternate entry points will create multiple processes. See here for more.
But, you say that you don't want separate processes. Can you tell us why not?
Separate BlackBerry processes that are designed to work together can still share data, using the RuntimeStore, for example.
Maybe you could tell us more about what your "Demo" and "Demo Alternate" are supposed to do.

Manage multiple ravendb document stores through castle windsor in an MVC app?

I twist myself around a workable solution to use several databases in RavenDB for an ASP.Net MVC app using Castle Windsor for the wiring.
This is the current installer
public class RavenInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
static IDocumentStore CreateDocumentStore()
var store = new DocumentStore { ConnectionStringName = "RavenDb_CS9" };
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(Users).Assembly, store);
return store;
static IDocumentSession GetDocumentSesssion(IKernel kernel)
var store = kernel.Resolve<IDocumentStore>();
return store.OpenSession();
The above works perfect but only for one Database.
I can't find the proper thinking how to handle another database. The whole chain starts with a domain service asking for an IDocumentSession. Then the flow is as specified in the above installer. But where/how do I ask for a "SessionToDb1" or a "SessionToDb2"?
The important is of course what connection string to use (where the DB property is specified) but also what indexes to create in respective DB / DocumentStore.
Did anyone accomplish this using Windsor? Am I thinking/attacking it wrong here?
Because you have:
Your GetDocumentSession method is going to be called any time you inject an IDocumentSession. This is good.
When working with multiple databases, you need to pass the database name as a parameter to OpenSession. So, you need some way to resolve which database you would like to connect to based on the current web request.
You need to modify the GetDocumentSession method to implement whatever custom logic you are going to use. For example, you may want to look at a cookie, session item, current thread principal, or some other criteria. The decision is custom to your application, all that matters is somehow you open the session with the correct database name.
I've run into this problem before with nhibernate.
I found the best solution is to create a SessionManager class which wraps the Creation of the document store and the Session..
So I.E.
public interface ISessionManager
void BuildDocumentStore();
IDocumentSession OpenSession();
public interface ISiteSessionManager : ISessionManager
public class SiteSessionManager : ISiteSessionManager
IDocumentStore _documentStore;
public SiteSessionManager()
public void BuildDocumentStore()
_documentStore = new DocumentStore
Url = "http://localhost:88",
DefaultDatabase = "test"
IndexCreation.CreateIndexes(typeof(SiteSessionManager).Assembly, _documentStore);
public IDocumentSession OpenSession()
return _documentStore.OpenSession();
// And then!.
Container.Register(Component.For<ISiteSessionManager>().Instance(new SiteSessionManager()).LifestyleSingleton());
// And then!.
public class FindUsers
readonly ISiteSessionManager _siteSessionManager;
public FindUsers(ISiteSessionManager siteSessionManager)
_siteSessionManager = siteSessionManager;
public IList<User> GetUsers()
using (var session = _siteSessionManager.OpenSession())
// do your query
return null;
Rinse and repeat for multiple databases.!

How to perform Cache Storage concept in Blackberry?

I need to create an application,that should contain two storage,one is persistent storage and another one is cache storage.After loading, the application should check the username and password with the cache storage data if it is empty then it should check with the persistent storage.How to accomplish this task?Is there any separate concept of cache or we have create the persistent as cache.please help me.
You can use RecordStore which is also persistent, or RuntimeStore which is shared between all apps but is non persistent.
Alternatively you can use some custom storage class to implement cache functionality,
storing, updating values in that class, sharing it as a field of Application class:
class Cache {
String mName = null;
String mPhone = null;
public class CacheApp extends UiApplication {
Cache mCache = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
CacheApp app = new CacheApp();
public CacheApp() {
CacheScr scr = new CacheScr();
private void initCache() {
mCache = new Cache();
mCache.mName = "Name";
mCache.mPhone = "Phone";
class CacheScr extends MainScreen {
public CacheScr() {
CacheApp app = (CacheApp) UiApplication.getUiApplication();
String name = app.mCache.mName;
String phone = app.mCache.mPhone;
Coldice is correct, however I fail to see why one would use a store separate from PersistentStore (or RecordStore) for data that must endure and may be shared, and RuntimeStore for data which is shared but not durable. This just seems to be adding complexity to normal application transient storage.

Access the website settings of an mvc app stored in a database table using NHibernate

I have an ASP.NET MVC app which depends on a lot of settings (name-value pairs), I am planning to store this information in a database table called SiteSettings. Is there an easy way in which I can get these settings using NHibernate. And what are the best practices when saving settings for a web application. And by settings I mean the settings which control the flow of processes in the web application and which are governed by business rules. These are not the typical connection string kind of settings. I was unable to get much information on the web on this topic. Maybe I am not searching on the right keywords, Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I can't answer in the context of nhibernate (which I'm not using) or best practices (I came up with this on my own recently). However, it works well for me, and will probably work for you.
I have a table (Biz_Config) in the database to store business preferences. (I've created a web.config section for what I call IT preferences.)
I have a class that is in charge of managing the biz preferences. The constructor grabs the entire table (one row per setting) and copies these into a dictionary, and it has methods to access (such as bizconfig.get("key")) and update this dictionary, also updating the table at the same time. It also has a few shortcut properties for specific dictionary values, especially where the value has to be cast (I have a few important numbers). It works quite well.
In order to be more efficient and not instantiate it every time I need a setting, and also to access it easily from my controllers and views, I created a static class, Globals, that is in charge of getting things out of the session or application variables. For the biz config object, it checks the application variable and, if null, creates a new one. Otherwise it just returns it. Globals is part of my helpers namespace, which is included in my web.config to be available to my views. So I can easily call:
<% Globals.Biz_Config.Get("key") %>
I hope this helps. If you'd like code, I can dig that up for you.
If you have a set of key/value pairs, you probably want to use a <map>. See the official NHibernate documentation or Ayende's post about 'NHibernate Mapping - <map/>'.
I have come up with a solution which is quite similar to the one suggested by James. I have an SiteSettingsService class which manages the settings for the whole site, it has a simple dependency on an interface called ISiteServiceRepository. This might not be the most elegant solution, But it is working perfectly for me. I have also configured the SiteSettingsService class as a Singleton using StructureMap. So, it saves me unnecessary instantiantion every time I need any settings.
//ISiteServiceRepository, an implementation of this uses NHibernate to do just two things
//i)Get all the settings, ii)Persist all the settings
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain.Model;
namespace Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain {
public interface ISiteServiceRepository {
IList<Setting> GetSettings();
void PersistSettings(IDictionary<string, string> settings);
//The main SiteSettingsService class depends on the ISiteServiceRepository
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain;
using Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Domain.Model;
namespace Cosmicvent.Mcwa.Core.Services {
public class SiteSettingsService : ISiteSettingsService {
private readonly ISiteServiceRepository _siteServiceRepository;
private IDictionary<string, string> _settings;
public SiteSettingsService(ISiteServiceRepository siteServiceRepository) {
_siteServiceRepository = siteServiceRepository;
//Fill up the settings
public int ActiveDegreeId {
get {
return int.Parse(GetValue("Active_Degree_Id"));
public string SiteTitle {
get { return GetValue("Site_Title"); }
public decimal CounsellingFee {
get { return decimal.Parse(GetValue("Counselling_Fee")); }
public decimal TuitionFee {
get { return decimal.Parse(GetValue("Tuition_Fee")); }
public decimal RegistrationFee {
get { return decimal.Parse(GetValue("Registration_Fee")); }
public void UpdateSetting(string setting, string value) {
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) {
SetValue(setting, value);
//Helper methods
private void HydrateSettings() {
_settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();
IList<Setting> siteRepoSettings = _siteServiceRepository.GetSettings();
if (siteRepoSettings == null) {
throw new ArgumentException("Site Settings Repository returned a null dictionary");
foreach (Setting setting in siteRepoSettings) {
_settings.Add(setting.Name.ToUpper(), setting.Value);
private string GetValue(string key) {
key = key.ToUpper();
if (_settings == null) {
throw new NullReferenceException("The Site Settings object is Null");
if (!_settings.ContainsKey(key)) {
throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("The site setting {0} was not found", key));
return _settings[key];
private void SetValue(string key, string value) {
key = key.ToUpper();
if (_settings == null) {
throw new NullReferenceException("The Site Settings object is Null");
if (!_settings.ContainsKey(key)) {
throw new KeyNotFoundException(string.Format("The site setting {0} was not found", key));
_settings[key] = value;
private void PersistSettings() {
Hope this helps future developers facing similar problems. Any suggestions for improving this are more than welcome.
