When I attempt to compile a pascal unit for Win64 platform, I encounter errors. The methods contain ASM block. I have no ideas how to make it works for Win64 platform:
Method 1:
Function TSparseList.ForAll( ApplyFunction: Pointer {TSPAApply} ): Integer; Assembler;
MOV EAX,[EAX].TSparseList.FList
JMP TSparsePointerArray.ForAll
Method 2:
Function TSparsePointerArray.ForAll( ApplyFunction: Pointer {TSPAApply} ):
itemP: PAnsiChar; { Pointer to item in section } { patched by ccy }
item: Pointer;
i, callerBP: Cardinal;
j, index: Integer;
{ Scan section directory and scan each section that exists,
calling the apply function for each non-nil item.
The apply function must be a far local function in the scope of
the procedure P calling ForAll. The trick of setting up the stack
frame (taken from TurboVision's TCollection.ForEach) allows the
apply function access to P's arguments and local variables and,
if P is a method, the instance variables and methods of P's class '}
Result := 0;
i := 0;
mov eax,[ebp] { Set up stack frame for local }
mov callerBP,eax
While ( i < slotsInDir ) And ( Result = 0 ) Do
itemP := secDir^[i];
If itemP <> Nil Then
j := 0;
index := i Shl SecShift;
While ( j < FSectionSize ) And ( Result = 0 ) Do
item := PPointer( itemP )^;
If item <> Nil Then
{ ret := ApplyFunction(index, item.Ptr); }
mov eax,index
mov edx,item
push callerBP
call ApplyFunction
pop ecx
mov #Result,eax
Inc( itemP, SizeOf( Pointer ) );
Inc( j );
Inc( index )
Inc( i )
I'm not familiar with the particulars of x64 instructions, so I can't help with rewriting the assembly code to support 64-bit, but I can tell you that Embarcadero's 64-bit compiler does not currently allow you to mix Pascal and Assembly in the same function. You can only write all-Pascal or all-Assembly functions, no mixing at all (a Pascal function can call an Assembly function and vice versa, but they cannot coexist together like in x86). So you will have to rewrite your methods.
You may be able to rewrite the whole method in x64 ASM. As Remy told, you'll need to rewrite the whole method, since you can't nest some asm .. end blocks within begin .. end.
The real issue is that calling conventions are not the same in Win32 and Win64 mode. Registers changes (i.e. they are 64 bit and now shall include SSE2 registers), but the main problem is about the fact that your call re-injector shall know the number of parameters: some space must be allocated on the stack for every parameter.
If your TSPAApply function has a number of fixed parameters, you could convert it to a plain pascal version - which is safer than everything.
TSPAApply = function(index: integer; item: pointer);
Function TSparseList.ForAll( ApplyFunction: Pointer {TSPAApply} ): Integer;
result := FList.ForAll(ApplyFunction);
Function TSparsePointerArray.ForAll( ApplyFunction: Pointer {TSPAApply} ):
itemP: PPointer;
i: Cardinal;
j, index: Integer;
Result := 0;
i := 0;
While ( i < slotsInDir ) And ( Result = 0 ) Do
itemP := secDir^[i];
If itemP <> Nil Then
j := 0;
index := i Shl SecShift;
While ( j < FSectionSize ) And ( Result = 0 ) Do
If itemP^ <> Nil Then
result := TSPAApply(ApplyFunction)(index,itemP^.Ptr);
Inc( itemP );
Inc( j );
Inc( index )
Inc( i )
But you should better rely on a TMethod list, for a more generic OOP way of doing it. Some code refactoring would be a good idea, here.
Function TSparseList.ForAll( ApplyFunction: Pointer {TSPAApply} ): Integer; Assembler;
MOV RAX,[RAX].TSparseList.FList
JMP TSparsePointerArray.ForAll
Pointers are 64-bit on x64, so will occupy a full 64-bit register.
The "A" register is AL/AX/EAX/RAX for 8/16/32/64-bits respectively.
For the second function, I'd need to know more about the function being called in the asm block.
I'm trying to read a .MEM file using Delphi. It's a FoxPro Memory Variable Files. I've tried to read using TFileStream and load into TStringList. But, it only returns the first word.
F := TFileStream.Create(sFile, fmOpenRead);
L := TStringList.Create;
F.Position := 0;
The reason is because I want to migrate some useful .MEM values from an old program to my new program. Thanks for any help.
If it's a one-time affair and you have access to a VFP installation - i.e. the IDE, not only the runtime - then David Heffernan's suggestion is certainly the most sensible way. In this case you can load and inspect the .MEM via
release all extended && to clear away all existing memvars
restore from foo && assuming the file in question is named FOO.MEM
activate window Locals && inspect the variables...
list memory to foo && or list them to FOO.TXT
modify file foo.txt
However, LIST MEMORY (and DISPLAY MEMORY) also include all the system variables - the things that start with an underscore - which would need to be parsed off.
If it's an ongoing affair - repeated imports necessary - and you know which variables you need then there are two fairly clean and easy ways.
The first is only valid if a VFP IDE is installed on the computer on which the Delphi program is to be run. In this case you can instantiate VFP from Delphi (leave it invisible), have it read the .MEM and then query individual variables:
procedure fetch_variables_from_MEM (mem_filename: string; var_list: CFoos);
fox: Variant;
foo: CFoo;
fox := CreateOleObject('VisualFoxpro.Application.9');
fox.DoCmd('release all extended');
fox.DoCmd('restore from ' + mem_filename);
for foo in var_list do
foo.Value := fox.Eval('m.' + foo.Name);
fox.Quit; // AutoQuit not supported
I glossed over some details, like that CoInitialize() needs to be called on the thread somewhere before calling this, and I assumed suitable definitions for the variable list (a list/collection of hypothetical CFoo objects), but the sketched outline works - even in 64-bit Delphi.
The advantage is that things like datetime values arrive as TDateTime by virtue of the COM infrastructure and the use of variants.
The second easy way is applicable if an IDE is not available on the machine where the Delphi program is to be used but you have access to an IDE somewhere, so that you can build a small COM server:
define class FoxWrapper as custom olepublic
function Eval (cExpression as string) as variant
return evaluate(m.cExpression)
procedure DoCmd (cCommand as string)
This can then be used instead of "VisualFoxPro.Application.9" in the example above. Note: for 64-bit Delphi you need to build this as an out-of-process server (i.e. an EXE). Also, this may run afoul of the VFP licence conditions.
For accessing the data directly, here's some quick & dirty Delphi code that I modelled after some FoxPro stuff that I coded eons ago and updated for VFP9. This is proof-of-principle code with simplified array handling and other compromises for the sake of exposition; it lacks all the production-quality noise necessitated by Delphi's half-assed language definition and its quarter-assed runtime.
TMEMVarHeader = packed record
var_name: array [0..10] of AnsiChar;
mem_type: AnsiChar; // 0ACDHLNOQYacdhlnoqy
big_size: UInt32; // only if mem_type == 'H'
width : Byte; // special meaning if mem_type == 'H'
decimals: Byte;
padding : array [0..13] of Byte; // 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
SizeOf_TMEMVarHeader_eq_32 = true .. SizeOf(TMEMVarHeader) = 32;
TMEMVarInfo = record
header: TMEMVarHeader;
null_t: AnsiChar;
name : AnsiString;
value : Variant;
function ReadFromStream (stream: TStream): Boolean; // false if EOF
function TMEMVarInfo.ReadFromStream (stream: TStream): Boolean;
DELPHI_EPOCH = 2415019.0;
header_bytes_read: Integer;
name_length: UInt16;
text_length: UInt32;
array_dim_1: UInt16;
array_dim_2: UInt16;
d: TDate; // 64-bit double
l: Boolean;
n: Double; // 64-bit double
q: array of Byte;
c: AnsiString;
t: TDateTime; // 64-bit double
y: Int64;
binary: Boolean;
i: Cardinal;
a: array of Variant;
v: TMEMVarInfo;
name := ''; value := Unassigned;
header_bytes_read := stream.Read(header, SizeOf(header));
if header_bytes_read <> Sizeof(header) then begin
if not ((header_bytes_read = 1) and (header.var_name[0] = #26)) then
raise Exception.Create('unexpected MEM file format (problem reading header)');
result := false; // EOF
result := true;
// variable name
if header.var_name[0] = #0 then begin // long variable name
assert(header.mem_type = LoCase(header.mem_type));
stream.ReadBuffer(name_length, Sizeof(name_length));
SetLength(name, name_length);
stream.ReadBuffer(name[1], name_length);
end else begin
assert(header.mem_type = UpCase(header.mem_type));
name := header.var_name;
// variable value
case UpCase(header.mem_type) of
stream.ReadBuffer(array_dim_1, SizeOf(array_dim_1));
stream.ReadBuffer(array_dim_2, SizeOf(array_dim_2));
if array_dim_2 = 0 then // it's a vector, not an array
array_dim_2 := 1;
SetLength(a, array_dim_1 * array_dim_2);
for i := 0 to array_dim_1 * array_dim_2 - 1 do begin
if not v.ReadFromStream(stream) then
raise Exception.Create('error reading array element');
a[i] := v.value;
value := a;
'0': begin stream.ReadBuffer(null_t, 1); value := Null; end;
'C', 'H', 'Q':
if UpCase(header.mem_type) = 'H' then begin // length > 254
binary := header.width <> 0;
text_length := header.big_size;
end else begin
binary := UpCase(header.mem_type) = 'Q';
text_length := header.width;
if binary then begin
SetLength(q, text_length); stream.ReadBuffer(q[0], text_length); value := q;
end else begin
SetLength(c, text_length); stream.ReadBuffer(c[1], text_length); value := c;
'D': begin stream.ReadBuffer(d, Sizeof(d)); if d > 0 then d := d - DELPHI_EPOCH; VarCast(value, d, varDate); end;
'L': begin stream.ReadBuffer(l, Sizeof(l)); value := l; end;
'N': begin stream.ReadBuffer(n, Sizeof(n)); value := n; end;
'T': begin stream.ReadBuffer(t, Sizeof(t)); if t > 0 then t := t - DELPHI_EPOCH; value := t; end;
'Y': begin stream.ReadBuffer(y, Sizeof(y)); VarCast(value, y / 10000.0, varCurrency); end;
raise Exception.Create('unexpected type ''' + header.mem_type + ''' in MEM file');
For reading a .MEM, create a TFileStream and a TMEMVarInfo variable, then read variables one by one until var_info.ReadFromStream(stream) returns false.
Note: the byte at offset 19h (shown as 3 in the structure comment) is a code page identifier. The values are the same as those found in .DBF headers, i.e. 1 for DOS 437, 3 for Windows 1252 and so on. However, even though VFP stores these identifiers when writing a .MEM, all the newer versions of VFP that I tested completely ignore these code page marks when loading a .MEM. A self-written importer could put the code page marks to good use, though.
Reading the binary .mem files is not the correct way to proceed. The correct solution is to get VFP to export the data. It knows how to read it. Get VFP to export to a known format, and read that. This is the standard approach to data migration.
How can I concat an array of strings with Move. I tried this but I just cannot figure how to get Move operation working correctly.
program Project2;
procedure Concat(var S: String; const A: Array of String);
I, J: Integer;
Len: Integer;
Len := 0;
for I := 0 to High(A) do
Len := Len + Length(A[I]);
SetLength(S, Length(S) + Len);
for I := 0 to High(A) do
Move(PWideChar(A[I])[0], S[High(S)], Length(A[I]) * SizeOf(WideChar));
S: String;
S := 'test';
Concat(S, ['test', 'test2', 'test3']);
I'd write this function like so:
procedure Concat(var Dest: string; const Source: array of string);
i: Integer;
OriginalDestLen: Integer;
SourceLen: Integer;
TotalSourceLen: Integer;
DestPtr: PChar;
TotalSourceLen := 0;
OriginalDestLen := Length(Dest);
for i := low(Source) to high(Source) do begin
inc(TotalSourceLen, Length(Source[i]));
SetLength(Dest, OriginalDestLen + TotalSourceLen);
DestPtr := PChar(Pointer(Dest)) + OriginalDestLen;
for i := low(Source) to high(Source) do begin
SourceLen := Length(Source[i]);
Move(Pointer(Source[i])^, DestPtr^, SourceLen*SizeOf(Char));
inc(DestPtr, SourceLen);
It's fairly self-explanatory. The complications are caused by empty strings. Any attempt to index characters of an empty string will lead to exceptions when range checking is enabled.
To handle that complication, you can add if tests for the case where one of the strings involved in the Move call is empty. I prefer a different approach. I'd rather cast the string variable to be a pointer. That bypasses range checking but also allows the if statement to be omitted.
Move(Pointer(Source[i])^, DestPtr^, SourceLen*SizeOf(Char));
One might wonder what happens if Source[i] is empty. In that case Pointer(Source[i]) is nil and you might expect an access violation. In fact, there is no error because the length of the move as specified by the third argument is zero, and the nil pointer is never actually de-referenced.
The other line of note is here:
DestPtr := PChar(Pointer(Dest)) + OriginalDestLen;
We use PChar(Pointer(Dest)) rather than PChar(Dest). The latter invokes code to check whether or not Dest is empty, and if so yields a pointer to a single null-terminator. We want to avoid executing that code, and obtain the address held in Dest directly, even if it is nil.
In the second loop you forget that S already has the right size to get filled with all the elements so you have to use another variable to know the destination parameter of Move
procedure Concat(var S: String; const A: Array of String);
I, Len, Sum: Integer;
Len := 0;
for I := 0 to High(A) do
Inc(Len, Length(A[I]));
Sum := Length(S);
SetLength(S, Sum + Len);
for I := 0 to High(A) do
if Length(A[I]) > 0 then
Move(A[I][1], S[Sum+1], Length(A[I]) * SizeOf(Char));
Inc(Sum, Length(A[I]));
Casting the source parameter to PWideChar is totally superfluous since the Move function use a kind of old generic syntax that allows to pass everything you want (const Parameter without type).
How can I do that with Delphi 6? UInt64 is not known in Delphi 6. It was introduced in later versions.
i, j: Int64;
if UInt64(i) < UInt64(j) then ...
I am thinking of an asm procedure.
function UInt64CompareLT(i, j: Int64): Boolean;
function UInt64CompareGT(i, j: Int64): Boolean;
The Int64Rec type from SysUtils is designed for the task of picking out the parts of a 64 bit integer.
If you happen to be using a Delphi that pre-dates this type, define it yourself:
Int64Rec = packed record
case Integer of
0: (Lo, Hi: Cardinal);
1: (Cardinals: array [0..1] of Cardinal);
2: (Words: array [0..3] of Word);
3: (Bytes: array [0..7] of Byte);
What's more, you only need a single function that returns -1 for less than, 1 for greater than and 0 for equals. Something like this:
function CompareUInt64(const i, j: Int64): Integer;
if Int64Rec(i).Hi < Int64Rec(j).Hi then
Result := -1
else if Int64Rec(i).Hi > Int64Rec(j).Hi then
Result := 1
else if Int64Rec(i).Lo < Int64Rec(j).Lo then
Result := -1
else if Int64Rec(i).Lo > Int64Rec(j).Lo then
Result := 1
Result := 0;
The idea is that you first compare the high order part, and only if that is equal do you then go on to compare the low order part.
This can be made simpler with a compare function for Cardinal.
function CompareCardinal(const i, j: Cardinal): Integer;
if i < j then
Result := -1
else if i > j then
Result := 1
Result := 0;
function CompareUInt64(const i, j: Int64): Integer;
Result := CompareCardinal(Int64Rec(i).Hi, Int64Rec(j).Hi);
if Result = 0 then
Result := CompareCardinal(Int64Rec(i).Lo, Int64Rec(j).Lo);
Finally, should you need the boolean functions of your question, they can be implemented on top of this more general function.
There's no need in using assembler (but, sure, you can do it): you can compare hi and low parts of Int64 instead:
function UInt64CompareLT(i, j: Int64): Boolean;
if (LongWord(i shr 32) < LongWord(j shr 32)) then
Result := true
else if (LongWord(i shr 32) > LongWord(j shr 32)) then
Result := false
else if (LongWord(i and $FFFFFFFF) < LongWord(j and $FFFFFFFF)) then
Result := true
Result := false;
function UInt64CompareGT(i, j: Int64): Boolean;
if (LongWord(i shr 32) > LongWord(j shr 32)) then
Result := true
else if (LongWord(i shr 32) < LongWord(j shr 32)) then
Result := false
else if (LongWord(i and $FFFFFFFF) > LongWord(j and $FFFFFFFF)) then
Result := true
Result := false;
Using assembler is possible, but would bind your code to a specific machine architecture.
You can achieve this in pure Pascal as follows:
//Delcare a variant record to have 2 ways to access the same data in memory.
T64Bit = record
case Integer of
0: (I64: Int64;);
1: (Small: Cardinal; Big: Cardinal);
I, J: T64Bit;
//You can set the value via normal Int64 assignment as follows:
I.I64 := 1;
J.I64 := 2;
//Then you can compare the "big" and "small" parts on the number using
//unsigned 32-bit comparisons as follows.
if (I.Big < J.Big) or ((I.Big = J.Big) and (I.Small< J.Small)) then
//The logic is as follows...
// If the big part is less than, the the small part doesn't matter
// If the big parts are equal, then the comparison of the small parts determines the result.
I have this function that should crypt bytes from resource file but it's just crashing my app:
function crypt(src: Pointer; len: DWORD): DWORD;
B: TByteArray absolute src;
index: DWORD;
for index := 0 to len - 1 do
B[index] := B[index] xor 5; //just to test if its working
result := 1;
i am using it like this:
hFind := FindResource(...);
size := SizeOfResource(HInstance, hFind);
hRes :=LoadResource(HInstance, hFind);
bytes :=LockResource(hRes);
crypt(bytes, size);
if i dont call the crypt function program works. What am i doing wrong?
You've got two problems with that code. First is with the byte array, its elements do not contain your resource data but random data starting with the address of your pointer 'src'. Use a pointer to a TByteArray like this:
B: PByteArray absolute src;
index: DWORD;
for index := 0 to len - 1 do
B^[index] := B^[index] xor 5; //just to test if its working
Second is, you'll still get an AV for trying to modify a read-only memory segment. Depending on what you are trying to do, you can use VirtualProtect on 'bytes' before calling 'crypt', or copy the memory to a byte array and modify it there, or use BeginUpdateResource-UpdateResource-EndUpdateResource if you're trying to modify the resource.
Code like this is easiest to write with pointers like this:
function crypt(src: Pointer; len: DWORD): DWORD;
B: ^Byte;
index: DWORD;
B := src;
for index := 0 to len - 1 do
B^ := B^ xor 5; //just to test if its working
result := 1;
Naturally you do need to respect the issue of read-only memory that Sertac highlighted. I'm just adding this code to illustrate what I believe to be the canonical way to walk a buffer that arrives as a void pointer.
Is there a way to access (and call) procedures like _CopyArray that are defined in the interface in the unit System?
NB: I am trying to create a routine that makes a deep clone of any dynamic array, and do not use Delphi 2010 (using Delphi 2007).
The reason why I am trying to solve this without using Copy is the fact that I have only a pointer where the dynamic array is located (the pointer that is) plus a typeinfo reference. I cannot call the Copy function because it implicitly needs to fill in the typeinfo.
You need to reference it by replacing the _ with an # and scoping it with system.
procedure CopyArray( dest, source, typeInfo: Pointer; cnt: Integer );
PUSH dword ptr [EBP+8]
CALL system.#CopyArray
PObject = ^TObject;
function TMessageRTTI.CloneDynArray( Source: Pointer; T: TTypeRecord ): Pointer;
TypeInfo: TTypeRecord;
L: Integer;
PObj: PObject;
PArr: PPointer;
Assert( T.TypeKind = tkDynArray );
// set size of array
Result := nil;
L := Length( TIntegerDynArray( Source ) );
if L = 0 then Exit;
DynArraySetLength( Result, T.TypeInfo, 1, #L );
if Assigned( T.TypeData^.elType ) then TypeInfo := ByTypeInfo( T.TypeData^.elType^ ) else TypeInfo := nil;
if Assigned( TypeInfo ) then begin
case TypeInfo.TypeKind of
tkClass: begin
PObj := Result;
while L > 0 do begin
PObj^ := CloneObject( PObject( Source )^ );
Inc( PObject( Source ) );
Inc( PObj );
Dec( L );
tkDynArray: begin
PArr := Result;
while L > 0 do begin
PArr^ := CloneDynArray( PPointer( Source )^, TypeInfo );
Inc( PPointer( Source ) );
Inc( PArr );
Dec( L );
else CopyArray( Result, Source, TypeInfo.TypeInfo, L );
end else begin
// We can simply clone the data
Move( Source^, Result^, L * T.ElementSize );
Like Serg and Andreas said, the _ routines all use compiler magic to provide functionality, so you should use Copy instead of _CopyArray, is instead of _IsClass, etc.
To directly answer your question though, no, there is no way to call those routines from Delphi code in other units. The makefile for the RTL passes an undocumented compiler switch when compiling System.pas and SysInit.pas which tells the compiler to convert any leading _ characters to #. _CopyArray becomes #CopyArray, for example. You can call it using a BASM (assembly) block, but that's it.
The comment by Andreas Rejbrand is actually an answer - the _CopyArray procedure is called automaticaly when you copy complicated arrays. For example, set a breakpoint in _CopyArray and run the following code (should be compiled with debug .dcu to activate the breakpoint):
procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
TArr2D = array of TBytes;
A, B: TArr2D;
A:= TArr2D.Create(TBytes.Create(1, 2, 3), TBytes.Create(4, 5));
B:= Copy(A);
Button4.Caption:= IntToStr(B[1, 1]);