Remove "Delete" menu for BlackBerry application - blackberry

I want to remove "Delete" menu for application from home screen or download folder or wherever it is placed.
How can i achieve this?

As I understand you would want your application to be installed so that the user CANNOT delete the application.
First, you will need to rethink if this requirement is justified. Suppose you are the end user and purchased the latest and greatest Blackberry phone for $600 and you install this application which you have found to be annoying (say this application sends SMS to some unknown number) and blast your phone bill. Ask yourself if you want to have the ability to delete this application.
Second, with this kind of feature, you will NEVER be able to host your application in Blackberry App World. Your application will be rejected outright. Consumers will not be able to install your app from App World.
Third, it is not possible to accomplish this. The following changes can be made to your application's icon
Change the application name of displayed
Change the application's Icon. This can be useful to alert the user that there is something interesting happening with the application.
Change the application's roll over icon.
That's it!
Nothing else if possible.


Is there a way to get back to your application from the settings page of iphone

I have designed an app where the app needs to enable the GPS. There is a page for the user which ask use GPS? To this answer there are 2 options YES and NO. Now my concern is when user clicks on YES he should be directed to settings page and that part is done but now after enabling the GPS from this page the user should redirect to the app again but unfortunately there is no way as there is no back button in the setting page.. Please suggest what I can do in this regards?
As far as I know, the only way to open your app (aside from user tap your app or a related notification) is to do some custom url handling. but unfortunately you can't do such a thing. The other thing you can try is to:
Setup a background thread when your app goes to background
check for location service availability
if it changed to your desired value, open a custom url which in turn will open your app (you should register for hat particular url in your info.plist and such)
but There are some things to keep in mind:
Such Behavior will almost surely get your app rejected by Apple.
in iOS 9+ Apple added a new feature that will help you in this particular problem. when an app gets opened from another app ( for you here) it will add a Back to xxxx in place for network indicator to help user get back were he was.
So, IMHO leave the user experience be as it is for all other applications and don't worry about how he would get back to your app.

Can I find out the location of an app's icon on the home screen?

Is is possible to dynamically figure out the position of an app's icon on the home screen of an iphone/ipad?
Sorry I don't have enough credit to comment yet so I'm posting here.
To my knowledge no you cannot natively or easily do this. I know of no open source or other libraries. The reason being that your app exists in its own world, it is not in touch per say with the rest of the device. It can get permissions to read and write data but it doesn't know of itself.
Does that make sense?
When you open a website it cannot know which tab it is in the browser. Instead it knows how it was accessed and what device (physically) is using it. It knows the user-agent, the time, the browser, etc because that is information sent to it in the request. In turn the phone on launch gives data to the app in how to handle it but not for example how many other apps are running, or where it is on the screen. It's not normally considered relevant to run time. In addition it's a security feature in preventing an app from deleting or altering other apps, as well as itself. If you have an iPhone you will notice that SIRI cannot turn off google maps navigation or any other non-apple specific app. Only apps natively comparable and private party ones (ex apples) are accessible because Apple did that intentionally. They all know of their own existence and each others. However non-native in the sense of apps that do not come preinstalled and manufactured by the company creating the device are less trustworthy, in addition there are no guarantees about how they will be run by the device, where they will be, or what other apps will be there.
It is true that an app can request for another app it may be comparable with but it is up the user to handle that information.
May I ask for curiosities sake why you are trying to do this? Are there any other workarounds?
However in terms of it being physically possible, yes. I doubt that apple allows independent developers to do this however. But an example of this occurring may be gridlock where a user can move their apps around differently on the screen. The app in this case has the ability to access app position. But I believe in this case app position is about the UI and not about nested files. apps cannot to my knowledge modify information outside of their own file. Imagine if you had an app that could edit other games scores.
It is not possible to dynamically find out the position of an app's icon on the Home Screen (even for jailbreak apps). Apple wants you to respect the user's privacy settings.
Extra Info - There is popular JavaScript library that adds a promo bubble to the bottom of your mobile web application, inviting users to bookmark the app to their device's home screen.

Make users manually update app

In iOS7 my application is automatically updated... Is there any way I can release an update of my app and make the plist or something so that the app will NOT be auto-updated by the device, but instead users will only get the update if the manually go to the AppStore and update it?
This is not possible. You need to find a way to notify your users their app has been updated. For example, alert your users the first time their open the app that it has been updated.
Clash of Clans app prompts an alert telling that there is a new update available. The caveat is that this is a online game so the user needs to have internet access to play it. If the user expects to use your application offline and you previously stored an information that the app needs an update and you don't allow the user use it can be frustrating.

How do I push notifications if my app hasn't been run yet?

Assuming the user has not launched your app yet, but it has been run before. Is there a way to still "push" news/updates?
To explain what I mean:
Imagine the user installed "your-restaurants-in-your-area" local orientated app, and configured the app in some setting to notify the user when new restaurants open... However, the user forgets to run this app at a daily basis. Is there a way for the app to auto-show news inside iOS?
I have found this for XE4 where Anders is stying to help people get it working with XE4
After further searching (I missed this first round) I found this:
It requires editing Delphi XE4 bundled source files (i.e. so it is not officially supported / made easy in XE4), but it seems it can be made to work. (I have not found any official mention of official "built-in" support in XE5.)
I upvoted the answer given sofar since it was helpful in a way.
The question is not related to Delphi…
It is impossible to auto-run/unattended-run applications in iOS.
If the user has never opened your application, you will not able to send him “Push notification”, because your application must be registered with the token. Usually the application registers on the start.
Let’s assume the user launched the application at least once, and your application successfully registered the token for “Push notification”. In this situation, you will able to notify the user when the new restaurant will be opened.
The problem in this situation that you don’t know the physical location of the user. Maybe you can add the region of interests in your applications, so you will know to whom to send the notification.

Modal Application

I'm using Xamarin.Android and I would like to build an application that start in modal way and don't close if you push the home button.
So this application need to be the only one application than a user can use on device.
Somebody can suggest how it can be done?
You best way to do is to make a "Launcher"/"Home" application. The Android SDK comes with a sample on how to do this.
You basically do this by adding your main Activity to the android.intent.category.HOME and android.intent.category.DEFAULT category and you set the launchMode to singleInstance.
This will register it as a Home application, then when you press your home button it should ask you to choose which launcher you want to use. You will have to set it once and it can be changed by the user.
You can find the sample in: android-sdk\samples\android-17\Home\src\com\example\android\home (should also be available in the other API samples).
You cant stop people from installing applications on android devices. You would have to build your own hardware for that however, you can override OnKeyTouch and check for the key being home.
You could build a service that checks the package of each running application and log which applications are run on the device to prevent users from using company property on other things. However, if android ever decides to kill your application the service should stop and this wont work.
Long story short what you are trying to do is flawed in its inception given the platform you are trying to do it on.
