How can I recall last method state in iOS? - ios

I just can't get my head around this and possibly my title isn't perfectly clear. I am a newbie, learning how to program. I am creating a simple calculator and when the user selects any operand, the title of the operand changes its color from white to orange. I setup a switch statement and change setTitleColor. As soon as a digit is pressed the operand button returns to original state of color white. What I want to do is if the user then presses the clear button once, change the color of the last highlighted operand back to orange.
I am just stuck trying to figure out a way to return back one step. If anyone can give me an idea of how I can achieve this, I will really appreciate it.

There is nothing specific to iOS here. All you need to so is probably have a stack maintained or a simple lastUpdatedDigit variable tracking the last action performed. Here in your app its the last digit typed.
So when you want to change the color of the last highlighted operand back to orange all you need to do is access this lastUpdatedDigit variable & change its color. You are good to go.
Not sure if this answers your question. If i have misunderstood, then please correct...


How to implement a special indicator in a single- or multi-line edit control

I've occasionally come across examples of edit controls that have a special indicator to assist the user, like so:
and I'd like to be able to implement similar in my own code.
The screen-scrap is actually from the property editor for the TIBQuery Sql property and isn't quite what I'm after (otherwise I'd just look in the IBX code) because it disappears as soon as the user types anything. There are others where the indicator moves so as to keep its place as the user types something, but doesn't replace the caret, otherwise I'd just do that.
So my question is, how to implement a special indicator of the type I've tried to describe, that can be positioned and turned on/off in code? The simplest thing I could think of would be to somehow temporarily add a special glyph to the edit control's character set, but I have no idea how to do that, nor how to colour it differently than the control's text content.

nsISelectionDisplay custom highlight controller? (related to nsISelectionController)

I made an addon HiliteOnSelection, when hilight something it uses the SELECTION_FIND context to highlight other instances. The issue with this is that highlight all feature of find bar uses same controller.
Can you please help me to figure out how to create my custom highlight controller and how to style it, the SELECTION_FIND is pink.
This is how i get the selection_find context/controller and highlight with it:
let findSelection = controller.getSelection(Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_FIND);
I got this reply from the addon author. He's a nice guy:
Hey Noitidart,
You might find this one helpful:
I'm hardly the master you think I am, actually. :) To change those
colors I just change the values for preferences:
ui.textHighlightBackground ui.textHighlightForeground
ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention -> SELECTION_ATTENTION, it's not a
highlight, it's a normal selection (as you would select some text with
your mouse and it would turn the regular blue blackground, in windows
at least) but it's given "attention", so it has the green background
that the find operation reports. Basically it's a way of showing the
user "Here I am!!" after firefox automatically selecs the text he
searched for.
And I really don't know most of those contants, SELECTION_NORMAL is
for normal text selection, like it would be when you select text with
your mouse, SELECTION_FIND is for the highlights, and I only know the
ON/HIDDEN/OFF/DISABLED ones which are self-explanatory.
SELECTION_SPELLCHECK is probably for the auto-correct when you are
typing in an editable content node, but I'm just guessing that one
from the name.
Also, as far as I know, it's not possible to just create custom
selection ranges/contants, as the code simply won't recognize them
without editing the C++ code as well. Which is actually one of the
reasons I haven't implemented yet.
Hope any of this helps. I'm sorry to disappoint on the custom
controller thing.
Luís Miguel
So he changes the colors with a simple pref change. I'm going to have to dig into how that pref changes it.
He also thinks its not possible to create custom controllers without C++, I hope this is not true I'll keep digging if anyone can help that would be great.

How access items in an array based on button combinations in ios

Before I start I want to explain that I'm looking for a general solution to my inquiry, I don't have any code to show because I haven't the faintest idea of how to start. Let's say I have a program in which I have 4 buttons, two on the right (red and blue), two on the left (white and yellow). If I were to press a certain combination of buttons I want to get a specific output an example would be if I touch the red button and then the white one the word "cow" appears or if were to touch the white one then the red one the word "chicken" appears. Is there any documentation that anyone knows of that can help me with my problem? Can this even be done with an array?
HotLicks has a valid answer, but I think an NSDictionary is a better solution. Create keys based on button presses, like:
#{ #"RedWhite" : #"Cow",
#"WhiteRed" : #"Chicken" };
Your code will be easier to read, and you can support three presses easily (assuming you're working with a timer that you invalidate after each press) by just adding another key; no recalculating your array:
#{ #"RedWhiteBlue" : #"America" };

Entering/Clearing specific UITextfields?

My aim is to have text boxes - a set amount per level for people to guess a hidden word. I don't want the UITextfield to be tapped and then bring up the keyboard, I'd like to have a different button that brings up the keyboard - if that's possible.
If each box is a separate text field how could I go about entering text. When a user types on the standard apple keypad, how could each character be inputted into a certain text field. I'd preferably like the text to show in the box as soon as a key is tapped.
I'm also having trouble clearing certain letters. Say a user mis-spells something and doesn't realise until the keyboard has resigned as first responder, how could I make it so that a user can tap on maybe two boxes if the rest of the word is spelt right and the program clear it?
Is there any way of writing the program so that it inputs text only if the text field is empty? Continuing with the example above they switch two letters, they tap to clear, they then bring up the keypad and the next key then pressed fills the empty boxes. Not allowing the program to input text in a used text field that only contains a single character?
I'm using Cocos2d - I don't know if that makes a difference. I hope you understand what I mean, although I'm rather bad at explaining.
Thank you in advance for your time and any help :).
Instead of having a textbox that you don't want users to edit, why not use a label?
To show the keyboard, you need to have it linked to some UITextField (or similar). You could use an invisible UITextField, and then monitor the input and send the characters to the correspinding labels. Refer to this question.
To check if a textfield has anything in it:
[textField.text length] > 0, but I would use labels instead of textfields.
I dont really understand the other parts of your question.

DevExpress Bar Buttons showing black and white and color when hovered?

I know it's a fat chance I'll find an answer here, but since devexpress support is a little slow I thought I'd give it a try.
Basically I'm using DevExpress 2011.1.2 beta, it's been working wonders, I love it. But I had a small issue with it recently...
I inserted an expressbar on the Delphi form and used the images from cxImageList, however, I noticed that the icons on the bar buttons were showing black and white, but when I had my mouse over, it displayed the true colors. I did not modify anything, and yes, the button is enabled.
Here's an image to better illustrate my problem:
I know the solution must be simple, however I couldn't find anything related.
Thank you.
EDIT: After modifying the button's property AutoGreyScale to false the color returned, but dull and lifeless, and when mouse is over it, more colorful.
ImageOptions of my Bar:
Set the button's AutoGrayScale property to False. You may also want to change the value of the global dxBarMakeInactiveImagesDingy variable. The TdxBarManager.Style property may also have an effect.
Also, make sure you haven't set HotImages while leaving Images unassigned.
