Drag&Drop picture in Grails - grails

Is it possible to implement paste picture in grails? Or drag&drop picture like in gmail for example.

Of course, and this is not a Grails question as anything you do to solve this problem is client side related. The end result would just be a multipart form POST to the server anyways.
Example of how to implement on client side:
Grails end of things is identical to how you implement regular file uploading, don't see any point in showing examples for that.


Mandrill - View In Browser Functionality

This question was discussed about 2 years ago.
Do we have any feature built-in Mandrill since then to cater to the requirement mentioned in that link of displaying every email sent through Mandrill in browser by adding a "View In Browser" link? If not, then I am leaning towards implementing something similar to what #Muleskinner did (again mentioned in that link as one of the responses). Please let me know what you guys think about it?
Would strongly recommend using a full-featured templating service on top of mandrill (we use sendwithus. Services like that provide a templated URL that can power this sort of thing, and you won't have to worry about building and hosting the templates yourself.
Finally I have managed to implement the requirement mentioned above. Explanation below for anyone else looking for help on the same subject:
Mandrill still DOES NOT have any such feature out of the box. So we need to implement this on our own. What I am doing is immediately after sending every email through Mandrill, I call its Render method which gives the resultant parsed template in HTML with all customers' information and storing it in the system for future use.

Printing forms on Play Framework

I'm developing a web app, using Play framework and javascript, but exactly I don't know how to print a form (i.e. an invoice). I thought it has to be implemented on Javascript. but reading on web, I didn't find anything. I´m searching now if the implementation is on Server side (Java), but i dont have any idea.
That's a very weird question that you have here, I probably don't get it right..
What do you mean "Print a form" ?!
What about print page from your favorite browser ?
Must be missing something.
What about render the invoice in pdf format?If you are interested in doing something like that check this module:
I think it is the best solution and that's what most companies do.Hope that helped

MVC Upload ProgressBar

I have read many links in this forum and the asp.net forum and searched Google. I have found loads of progress upload bars, but not one that suits my specific needs. So i was hoping someone could help. I need an upload progress bar that does not use, flash, php, html 5 or any codebehindfiles, was hoping to find a javascript pure upload progress bar. Has anyone used anything like this before?
Valums Uploader. It uses pure Javascript (uploads file using Iframe)
I'm not sure if that's possible with all the stipulations you've added. The upload is a purely server side process. You can use javascript to poll the progress using ajax, but that still requires a server side code file.
The file uploader I always use is http://slfileupload.codeplex.com/
This allows you to do multiple files, have progress bars, and hook into events with javascript. It is silverlight, so that might rule it out for you.
The only other thing I can think of, with the limits you've imposed, is showing a 'working' gif, like a spinner or something. It's not true progress, but it'll show the user that something is happening.
Here's one that doesn't use anything except Javascript/HTML/CSS

Redmine: create issues via GET request

In JIRA it is possible to create new issues through a simple GET request: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Creating+Issues+via+direct+HTML+links.
A simple example of such a link:
This would create a new issue in project with PID=1042 with summary "Say Hello world".
Is there Redmine plugin/api which allows for such a use case? The REST API is inconvenient for my use since I would like to allow users to create new issues (with pre filled data) through a link sent in email and I don't want to use JavaScript for the job (to send the REST json/xml data).
From what I see (http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/RedmineReceivingEmails) Redmine provides an email API for submitting issues, this would be a parital solution. I would be able to add a "mailto:" link which would pre fill the content of the message.
This solution requires additional emails so still I would prefer to have a post link solution.
I have implemented a basic plugin which fulfills my needs. You can find it at:
You could also have a server-side script that actually sends the e-mail. There's no post link solution as far as I know.
You might want to look at the Redmine API for updating and creating issues.
In Redmine2 there is oficial API for it.

Testing SWFUpload with Cucumber

In a project, I recently replaced a simple form-based file upload with SWFUpload. When SWFUpload returns a success, I generate a form to add tags to the uploaded asset.
I'd like to be able to test inputting data into the tags textbox, but to do that I (think I) need to fake out SWFUpload.
Has anyone done this in the past? I haven't been able to find anything via google, and there doesn't seem to be anything in the cucumber docs re: testing Flash.
I dont think you need to fake flash at all, because all swfupload is doing for you is simulating a simple http post.
If you do a manual http post to the same action/controller that your swfupload is posting to and make sure the file field of your post is named the same as the swf parameter which swfupload passes (params[:Filedata]) you should get the same effect.
Also to answer Swanand's comment above you need to hack CGI::Session. Try http://blog.isshen.com/2008/10/5/making-swfupload-and-rails-2-1-sessions-work-together
I recently stumbled upon this plugin which may be able to help you with what yo need to do. You can read more here.
