How to create Tabs in Blackberry - blackberry

I am trying to create tabs at the bottom of the screen, which has to be there through out the application and a list needs to be displayed above. Please help...

Go to this below link:
Advanced UI Components
Here you can get one zip file. In that see the UIExamplePillButtonScreen and understand it. If you want the tabs for all screens then
Write the code in one class(Ex: which extends Field and add this to any screen like:
setStatus(new TabPannel());
This below link also helpful to you:
Tab bar in blackberry without ToolBarManager


Is it possible to create a collapsible sidebar with Kivy and/or KivyMD?

I'm working on a project for the GUI of an app written in Python that requires a collapsible sidebar like this one:
I already created a good portion of the GUI in Kivy and KivyMD. Applied also the Navigation Drawer that works as expected. However, it is fully retracted when not active, so not exactly what was asked.
Anyone managed to create something like this?
Thank you all in advance
Using Navigation Drawer component in KivyMD, it was possible to create something almost as required. Yet, there is no partial view (with little icons that would expand when the drawer were toggled).

Add custom menu option to JSQMessagesViewControllerCell

I am building a chat app that uses JSQMessagesViewController. The default functionality includes the ability for a user to long press a chat bubble which then presents a copy menu option (see screenshot). I would like to add an additional custom menu for reporting a comment. Ideally when the user long presses a chat bubble the menu now has two options, copy and report. Can someone please point me in the right direction for adding this custom menu button? Thank you!
See the demo file
See the use of customAction

How to make an iPhone spinner?

I am creating an iphone application, where i am getting confuse. I need to show a control (displaying Online option) as i have mention in below screenshot. I have seen such type of controls in Android.
When user will press, it should display Offline and Online two options in one small pop up view. Selected option text will come on to the control field. How to implement or give me suggestion to show such type of field in iphone.
Thanks in Advance.
Check the answer here: Any pull down or drop down menu for iOS?
Personally I would make a text box with an image view to make it look like a drop down box. then on tap load a UIActionSheet for the user to select from.

How do you create a raised tab bar item, like the one found in Instagram, with Titanium?

I am trying to create a menu like the one on Instragram, with the central item using a special design, but the Titanium Documentation does not provide information about this kind of feature
There's an example with an already answered question in here: How do you create a raised tab bar item, like is found in Instagram? but I need it working on titanium, any clues?
You can mimic that by following these steps;
(This is hackish but the only way for now)
Create the tab group
var tabGroup = Titanium.UI.createTabGroup({
Add tabs as much as you need
var tabTimeline = Titanium.UI.createTab({
Create a button without a title to mimic the raised tab bar like in Instagram.
var btnScan = Titanium.UI.createButton({
Add that button to the tab group.
(hope someday titanium supports more low level APIs as well)
I believe Instagram is written in Objective-C. Creating a custom tab bar as they have made involves subclassing the native tab bar, but you don't have the ability to do that with just JS and Titanium.
Here's a tutorial for faking a custom tab bar in Titanium, which involves creating a window with buttons that controls the real tab bar.
I don't know for which platform Instragram is developed in Titanium but I know about this type of tabs. I have created similar type of tab for one of my project so i can say that this is not built in tab you have to create it at your own.
you have to design icons, backgrounds, raised background and write logic to get this work same as Tab using available UI widgets like views, imageview and labe.
Hope you will be able write logic for this. According to my knowledge this is not built in tab, it's a custom tab.

How to separate menu and content in the same page

I have a list of menu items and content in a single page. In PC browser or ipad, I want to see both parts in the same page. But in the smaller devices such as iphone and android phone, I want to separate the two so that you selects one of menu items in a page and see its content when he clicks it.
Jquery mobile demo page already does it. But I can't figure out how I can achieve it. Can someone explain or point to any good reference? Thanks
You may take a look at the following blog post which illustrates how you could organize your views so that based on the client type you could provide different contents.
