Where could one find a 820 & 827 implementation guide and sample data files? - edi

Im looking for a 820 & 827 implementation guide (ASC X12) standard. (not for a particular company).
Im also looking for a sample data file of each. (this could or could not be for a particular company)
Does anyone know where both of these could be located?

Check out this site: http://www.faima.com/edi_4010/tsindex.htm
No sample files, but some nice transaction guidelines.

for specs see: http://www.disa.org/
the x12 specs are not for free.

You can purchase the specifications from http://www.disa.org. There is a cost associated with them, however. It will most likely be < $1000, and you'll get all of the messages. However, you do need to know the version, which will be a number like 004010 or 006020.
The specifications do not come with a lot of examples. But examples can be found all over the internet. For example, if you Google 820 004010 example (the message, the version, and "example"), you get quite a few links, one of which leads you to a nice little sample page like https://www.emedny.org/hipaa/emedny_transactions/820/820_sample_files.aspx and another to http://www.cokeconsolidatededi.com/EDISetups/Forms/CCBCC%20Inbound%20820%20Payments%20004010%20Ex.pdf (those are just the first two that came up for me).


Need local SDK tool for parsing native pdf file with large tables

User needs to parse native-pdf(selectable data, not scanned, no OCR required) in local. The pdf files may be over 400 pages with large tables. Some tables may not have clear borders. Is there any API I could use?
Now that I know you don't want an API, I might recommend that you check out ItextSharp, from nuget. I have used this several times in the past, and there are many stack overflow forums on how to use it. https://www.nuget.org/packages/iTextSharp/
EDIT: I apologize, it looks like iTextSharp has been replaced with iText 7 https://itextpdf.com/en/products/itext-7
It seems there are several PDF parser APIs out there you could use. PDFTron looks promising, and they offer a free trial: https://www.pdftron.com/pdf-sdk/parsing-library/
DocParser may also be helpful for you, https://docparser.com/features.
I found all of these through a simple google search, so it may benefit you to do some research for yourself. As we can only make broad suggestions based on the information in your question.

Append more than 100 products in Adobe Analytics

if i add more than 100 products under s.products in adobe analytics, I am seeing 414 status code
First, since you got this error, and I see in your screenshot it is a GET request, it sounds like you may not be using the latest Adobe Analytics AppMeasurement library (AppMeasurement.js) and Experience Cloud ID Service (VisitorAPI.js) - or at least a version that supports POST requests. So the first thing I suggest is update to the latest libraries.
But second - and perhaps more importantly - as #RobertSim commented - what are you doing that requires pushing 100+ products to an AA hit? I've been doing this for over 10 years with countless clients both directly working with them and indirectly on help sites such as this, and this is the first time I have ever seen someone try to push so many products at a time.. I'm a little impressed.
But nonetheless you are almost certainly going about things the wrong way. Are you trying to do product impression tracking on a category/product listing page? There is no way a visitor is viewing 100+ products at a time. The standard is to do top 5 or top 10 on a category/product listing page.
Are you trying to push meta data about products to AA? Definitely should not be doing it like this. You should probably be using SAINT classification uploads.
Provide more details about what you're trying to do here, what's the goal of this, etc. and perhaps a better answer can be given.

Good resources for finding intents from strings using NLP

I am looking to decode intents from many strings from many conversations I have stored in a database, so I can use machine learning to create an intelligent chatbot. I have heard and tested tools like Amazon Lex, but I am looking to receive the intent from a string not create my own intents. Here is a sample starting question from the data I am working with:
Hi, can I please find out the location of the nearest Depot to Meadow Springs WA 6210?
Is there any chance we could get 34 cases from Melbourne to Sydney by Friday. I am hoping it will be a Sydney to Sydney tomorrow but if not can anyone do this by Friday from Melbourne?
can you tell me how the warranty claim is going on booking number 9528 thanks
Intents are usually created for a specific application by providing examples. However, some services do provide pre-defined intents you can use.
LUIS provides prebuilt "domains" which include some place related queries
Snips has an "intents library" that you can use
That may be able to get you started. If that doesn't work, this guide to a from-scratch implementation may be useful.

F# Priority Queue

I have tried to use this snippet of code
to implement a heap-based implementation of Prim's algorithm to solve the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem in a non-directed connected graph.
after a few iterations, i find that the heap/priority queue is not well maintained anymore.
that is the head of the PriorityQueue doesn't have the lowest Key in the Heap.
PQ 0 [-7230, 309]
PQ 146 [-7277, 308]
Has anyone use this code and experienced similar problems ?
I can post a link on GitHub if anyone would be looking at it
My needs are for a heap datastructure which supports deletion of an element in the middle. It looks like Fsharpx.collections doesnt have such a data structure.
does anybody know a good implementation available somewhere ?
Recently, I ported a MaxHeap from PLINQ to F# here and made it MinHeap. It is array-based and performs much better than any "pure functional" alternative.
However, after a lot of benchmarking, I found that SortedDeque based on just a simple sorted circular buffer performs significantly better on most use cases even when I need to add or delete in the middle.
My answer is inspired by V.B. but here it is in full
I have used another library than FSharpx.collections, it is called
read that page for details and instructions.
SortedDeque is the data structure i need for this problem.
I used the same code, just changing from the microsoft blog page code to the library functions and found the good result, so it is indeed some bug in the microsoft blog page code
PS. this spreads library has been designed to format financial data for quantitative analysis and i'm happy i found it !!! IT looks like this library is rather recent and thats why its not on top of Google's search or referenced in any other SO question (or if it is i didn't see it)
FSharpx.Collections is of no use for that problem as you can see from that discussion heap issue in FSharpx.Collections

Where can I find the documentation for IdocScript for Stellent/Oracle UCM?

Where can I find the documentation for IdocScript for Stellent/Oracle UCM? I just got assigned to do maintenance on a page that uses it, and have no prior experience with either Stellent or the script. My specific problem has to do with string manipulation, but I can hardly find any documentation online at all, odd for a programming-related topic.
If you are after a book, there is the one by Brian Huff (Bex - http://bexhuff.com/) linked below.
Actually it is the only one. Written before Oracle bought Stellent and may be a missing some IDOC changes.
As a resourse tho it is very handy to have around as it touches on all things UCM (including a decent chunk on IDOC).
The Definitive Guide to Stellent Content Server Development
~ Brian Huff
Of course I answered my own question 15 minutes after I asked it. Oracle has a guide buried deep in its documentation website. It's available as a PDF or in HTML format (thanks, Raystorm).
