Where can I find the documentation for IdocScript for Stellent/Oracle UCM? - idoc

Where can I find the documentation for IdocScript for Stellent/Oracle UCM? I just got assigned to do maintenance on a page that uses it, and have no prior experience with either Stellent or the script. My specific problem has to do with string manipulation, but I can hardly find any documentation online at all, odd for a programming-related topic.

If you are after a book, there is the one by Brian Huff (Bex - http://bexhuff.com/) linked below.
Actually it is the only one. Written before Oracle bought Stellent and may be a missing some IDOC changes.
As a resourse tho it is very handy to have around as it touches on all things UCM (including a decent chunk on IDOC).
The Definitive Guide to Stellent Content Server Development
~ Brian Huff

Of course I answered my own question 15 minutes after I asked it. Oracle has a guide buried deep in its documentation website. It's available as a PDF or in HTML format (thanks, Raystorm).


Play Framework 2: Printable Documentation

While this question is asking for a downloadable documentation in general, I'm currently trying to find a good way to print the official Play framework documentation. My problem is that the whole documentation (available online) is split into small chunks of information and printing the whole documentation would mean hundreds of print jobs, each wasting a significant amount of paper. Is there some way to convert the whole documentation in a single/compact printable format? This would make a nice holiday reading :).
Apparently PDF documentation disappeared since Play version 2.1.0, I can see that is still available in 2.0.x if this satisfies you...
Anything I can advice is making a static copy of the pages so you can read it with some smartphone or tablet.

how useful is Cling C++ JIT interpreter developed at CERN?

I recently watched great google talks speech about Cling - C++ language interpreter. But I wonder if anyone except people at CERN (where it is developed) are using Cling, and how good it is from non-collider-physics-scientist point of view, can you write desktop apps with it?
There are some videos of uses cases different from the High Energy Physics: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cling+c%2B%2B (I think first couple are the relevant ones)
It has the potential to be very useful, but it is very young. There is no documentation that I could find, no dedicated mailing list, no online tutorials. I was able to get small toy code to run, but couldn't figure out how to use it productively on a large library yet.
Cling project is well established one. You can find more information in their official website cling. They also have a forum

Indy documentation

I think to start using Indy to replace the old and deprecated TSocket delphi component.
Indy seems to be a very rich collection of components but I have found no good documentation about it.
The only docs I found are both old or empty template without usefull info .
Can someone tell me where can I found some good documentation abou Indy 10 ?
Regards, Enzo
the documentation for Indy is all here: http://www.indyproject.org/sockets/docs/index.en.aspx
in some cases it's less than detailed enough, but developers of indy do answer questions on stackoverflow ;-)
I tried this myself some time ago - I still use TServerSocket and TClientSocket although you have to install them yourself. I struggled to find documentation also, but I did come across a lot of info for Indy sockets (enough to convince me to stick with TSockets anyway) on the embarcadero developer forums when considering the same path that you are now intending to take (I am assuming you have access to these if you are using c++Builder-XE like myself, so maybe try there if you have no luck here).

Where could one find a 820 & 827 implementation guide and sample data files?

Im looking for a 820 & 827 implementation guide (ASC X12) standard. (not for a particular company).
Im also looking for a sample data file of each. (this could or could not be for a particular company)
Does anyone know where both of these could be located?
Check out this site: http://www.faima.com/edi_4010/tsindex.htm
No sample files, but some nice transaction guidelines.
for specs see: http://www.disa.org/
the x12 specs are not for free.
You can purchase the specifications from http://www.disa.org. There is a cost associated with them, however. It will most likely be < $1000, and you'll get all of the messages. However, you do need to know the version, which will be a number like 004010 or 006020.
The specifications do not come with a lot of examples. But examples can be found all over the internet. For example, if you Google 820 004010 example (the message, the version, and "example"), you get quite a few links, one of which leads you to a nice little sample page like https://www.emedny.org/hipaa/emedny_transactions/820/820_sample_files.aspx and another to http://www.cokeconsolidatededi.com/EDISetups/Forms/CCBCC%20Inbound%20820%20Payments%20004010%20Ex.pdf (those are just the first two that came up for me).

Customizing a TListBox to resemble an Outlook list

Please down vote me if this is not appropriate, but I'm desperate to the point of pulling my hair out looking for this link. This is really a last resort.
Recently I browsed to a blog (at least I think it was) that had a very detailed description on how to modify a TListBox to have a multi-line look resembling some of the entries on an outlook list of emails, with a Title and the initial content. It was a particular good example because it had all the code for the modified TItem and TItemList objects and loads of images with that look
I've scoured my Firefox History, my Chrome history, my FeedDemon Feeds and my Google Bookmarks to no avail. I've done Google searches with TListBox, TListView, TItems, TItemList, Custom, Extending and some other variations and even looked 3 page results down to no avail...
Has anyone stumbled upon this article?
Please let an "old" man recover his memory, and his sanity :)
How to use is the one that "TListbox Ownerdraw Delphi" finds for me. Certainly Ownerdraw is what you are looking at to do this sort of thing. Good luck!
To answer my question with a proper answer:
Blaise Pascal Magazine Issue 4 November 2008 page 27.
