Accessing Mozilla Certificates from Delphi - delphi

I would like to access certificates stored in Mozilla products (Firefox and Thunderbird) from a Delphi (XE) applicaiton. For start I would like to list them, next it would be nice to be able to manage them (import, export, delete) and use them (sign). The software token would be sufficient although using all tokens supported by mozilla would be great.
So far I tried using XPCOM with delphi binding. However there is not much documentation around and I am kinda confused with all the terminology and concepts. The best I could manage was:
var ns:nsIX509CertDB;
Using this code I did get instance of certdb object and I was able to ask it for certificates. However it seems to be completely empty (count from FindCertNicknames is 0) and it also does not react on changing OCSP (IsOcspOn always returns true). I am thinking that I did either create new certstore or that I need to activate default user profile somehow.
I also tried accessing softokn.dll as a PKCS#11 library. As this seem to have some sort of PKCS#11 API, it is not responding well. I.e. CKR_BAD_ARGUMENTS on C_Inititialize.
The last and really bad way would be accessing certificate files directly as it should be "standard" NSS but I realy do not like this way.

Our SecureBlackbox works with softtokn.dll via PKCS#11 and you can use interfaces provided by SecureBlackbox for handy certificate management.

I explored the PKCS#11 way a little more and I actually got it to do something. The softokn.dll library is "almost" standard PKCS#11 library, see . The key thing is that you need to initialize it with special arguments (the structure is described in the linked URL).
Its also handy to check the NSS erorr return values: see CKR_NETSCAPE_... at .
The last key thing is that you need to specify the tokens by hand as the documentation is unclear about using secmod.db - there is a missing word, probably "supported", in "The MOD DB function is not through standard PKCS #11 interfaces".
All this is rather low-level coding and will still need a lot of work so it may be better to use SecureBalackbox as suggested by Eugene if you are starting from scratch.


Delphi protecting your source code

i've created program that use FTP to upload some files. Now the problem is that someone can use simple decompiler to see source code (my ftp account details) , what is the best way to encript my program. Is it only possible to encrypt details of my login, or to prevent someone from decompiling my program ? Also I've though about getting data from external source with HTTP request. Would that work ?
The simple answer is that there is NO WAY to prevent someone decompiling your code.
You can hide embedded passwords using some simple tricks like XOR-ing them with a "key". Or complicated tricks ...
However, if the program is self-contained, then it must be able to recover the hidden password for itself when it runs. And if it can do that, then a hacker can figure out how it does that and do the same calculations hirself.

What's the proper and correct way to access files on O365 from iOS

I know that someone mean will probably close this question for being opinion, but the truth is, I'm not after opinion as such, but actual facts about the correct way and how to do this.
I've been searching around for quite a time and I'm still unclear as to what direction to take. It seems there are a billion* libraries that I could use, but I want to know what would be the correct, proper supported method of achieving this.
Essentially, I have a very simple requirement to list and download files from Sites on our Office 365 subscription to an iOS application.
Initially, I looked at the REST interface for Sharepoint and, from a browser, was able to easily perform a GET to our site and receive and receie a response with meta data about the file, for example:'/MyFile/Here/Document.txt')
I could also retrieve JSON output instead of XML by specifying an Accept header of application/json using the POSTMAN REST client for Chrome.
So far, so easy. Just the authentication to do outside of the browser and that's it.
I started by looking at Basic authentication, but wasn't sure if this is the right way to do it and even if it would work?
On looking further, it seems that actually, using OAuth might be the way to go. Apparently, you can either do this yourself (no idea how), or use a library (ADAL?) from Microsoft? Unfortunately, this all looks half baked will very little documentation that seems to work. It also requires the use of CocoaPods and workspaces and isn't just a simple library that I can copy to my project and start using (a la SwiftyJSON). There also seems to be a lot of other libraries around too.
I should mention that I'm using Swift, so I've tried converting code from Objective C to Swift (unsuccessfully) too. Apparently I can't use "readWithCallback" with an argument list that the code tells me I should actually use -- even a sample application I downloaded had the same issue.
I've also tried using node.js with a script (not a Web Application) and the documentation and number of libraries available for that is almost worse.
Any assistance to achieve this really simple capability would be hugely appreciated -- it's been driving me nuts.
Many thanks,
*this might be a slight exaggeration.
Office 365 has a RESTful API that you can use any programming language to authentication and integrate in your app.
Here is a simple example for iOS connected app to office 365. The sample shows how to do this in Objective C and SWIFT.
If you want to full iOS samples for office 365 connected apps, Check out this link:
Enjoy :)

Signing a document using MS cryptoAPI with Delphi

I have tried to find some complete examples in Delphi of how to sign a piece of data using the Microsoft CryptoAPI. Online I find mostly snippets and pseudo-code, but no concrete examples of how to do this.
From what I understand, having spent a day hunting for code and info, you can create a hash of a document/file based on a public key (either if you self-generate a pair, or provided by a certificate on the keychain). This hash is then encoded into the encrypted output file (container section) and can be verified and decoded by the receiver holding the private key.
If a Delphi example doesnt exist, are there any free commanline programs I can use to sign a file/document?
I have found code for MD5/SHA1 hashing and also one that encrypts a file using a password string (deriving a hash from a keypar generated on the fly). But sadly no signing of a stream or a file.
The closest match on google is an older product by Turbopower (LockBox) but I have no idea if the generated output is compatible with MS cryptoAPI (?)
Update: This is something along the lines of what I am looking for, but written in C:
Also, when you downgrade a question - be good enough to describe why you do so. It is a perfectly valid question for Delphi regarding something you face in larger, corporate applications.
I know it's bad form to actually answere your own question, but since there seem to be little "hands on" examples for this under Delphi, I decided to post what I found here to help others.
Security, certificates and signatures is a massive and complex topic which requires serious study, so forgive me for the simplicity of this post. It is only meant to point people in the right direction.
Signing XML, what does it mean?
In very simple, hands-on terms this is what happens:
You generate a HASH of your XML document (MD5 for instance, or
You encrypt this HASH using the private key, either generated
by yourself or provided/derived by your certificate
A new XML node (DSIG signature) is inserted into the document which contains the encrypted hash (and more)
In order to verify that an XML document has not been tampered with, the reader must use the public key to decode the HASH value. So the reader-software must generate a hash of the same document (minus the appended XML) and compare that to the (decrypted) value embedded in the document. If these match, then we know the document is intact. And it will only match if you use a valid key to decrypt the appended hash.
Since this is tedious work (and it includes quite a few steps, like looking up providers in the keystore [in my case] and much, much more) I ended up buying ready-made VCL components from ELDOS (SecureBlackBox) which saved me a lot of time.
External references
XML DSIG Documentation
MSDN C# example for signing XML

Oauth library for iOS (in particular Yelp)

I want to add Yelp search into my application.
To do this I need to use Yelps Oauth authentication. This sounded easy as I've made some server applications before.
However, I keep getting an INVALID_SIGNATURE with the code I have created to make and retrieve data from a constructed URL.
I have checked the signature output by my app and it is exactly the same as the one they provide at (I've even checked the two strings (before the hashing) at and they said they were the same)
It seems I hit a dead end and cannot get around this error.
Can anyone point me in the right direction with why my signature might not work
Can someone point me to a good iOS Oauth tutorial and library (any library I have found has poor documentation on how to use it)

MD5 in ActionScript

I am trying to build a web based flash application. I am quite new to flash. I would like to develop it in two forms - demo and paid version. For this application to act as a paid version I need to have some kind of serial key. In order to achieve this I googled and came across something like this
I think 'thisuri' points to the current url page but I don't know how to get that url and I don't know whether '+' acts as a character or an operator.
Can you please help me?
It seems that a library exists in AS3.0 : as3corelib
An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript? 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.
To use it, just download the zip file, decompress it and copy the contents of "src" directory to the root of your project.
Then in your actionscript code, simply do the following :
import com.adobe.crypto.MD5;
var hash:String = MD5.hash(”test”);
source in french
To add to #Julien's recommendation of using as3corelib, you will also need the advice from this post to get the current url: Get Current Browser URL - ActionScript 3
Somehow I think there's a more elegant way to get the url, but I don't remember it.
While this may provide you with some basic check for the paid version, a determined hacker will easily fool this algorithm. For example, I could fool the environment into thinking that its being served from a domain that you've registered as part of the "paid" version. Also, since the client has the flash code, they can decompile the binary and potentially see the algorithm you're using. Depending on what you're offering in the app, this extreme case may or may not be acceptable to you.
Look into more secure authentication mechanisms if you're serious about security.
