How does incremental localization work? - ios

I'm trying to build my first localized application. I have all the strings in code translated using NSLocalizedString (for use with genstrings tool). Now I'm bumping into ibtool. How does incremental localization work? Regarding to the manual page, I should write something like this:
$ ibtool --previous-file path/to/prev.xib \
--incremental-file path/to/inc.xib --localize-incremental \
--write path/to/new.xib mod.xib
Where do I get the incremental file? To my understanding if I'm using the version control (git/svn), the "old" file is at few commits ago, the incremental file is the diff and path/to/new.xib is newly produced xib file. mod.nib is a mystery to me. Can anyone explain me how this works? Also - how do I start the localization of a xib if no previous versions are available (i.e. doing not incremental, but initial localization)?

I think their choice of terminology, particularly for --incremental-file, is causing confusion. The idea is that you have an old version of your xib in two languages (source and target) and that you have since changed it in your source-language and want to update the target-language version to match.
Let's take an example. You previously had home.xib in English (source language) and got someone to translate it to French (target language). You've since developed a new feature and you now have an updated version of home.xib in English in which you added a UILabel and a UITextField and moved things around. The command you showed can help you get an updated version of home.xib in French so that it has the new UILabel and UITextField and that things are moved around like in English. Note that any textual content that you set in your new UILabel and UITextField will be added in English and will then need to be translated in the French xib (but you can automate this by adding --import-strings-file and providing the translations in one more file).
So if we map the command you showed to this example:
--previous-file path/to/prev.xib specifies the old English xib
--incremental-file path/to/inc.xib specifies the old French xib
--write path/to/new.xib specifies the new French xib that will be created
mod.xib specifies the new English xib
For your other question regarding how you start the process, really it depends how you will localize your xibs. You'll obviously create the new language versions of the xibs (in XCode, you just add a language to the language list of the xib and the localized xibs are created automatically). And then if you localize them in Interface Builder yourself, then you'll simply make the relevant changes (translation of text and any necessary resizing) in the localized xibs. Or you could extract the text in the xibs into .strings files, get them translated, and inject them into the relevant language version of these xibs. For this, again you will use ibtool but with --generate-strings-file for the extract phase and with --import-strings-file for the inject phase.

I wrote a script for git projects which automates the steps necessary (as described in the answer above) to migrate a change to a different language.
Usage: <target_language> <xib file without ending>
After you've committed your changes to the english xib file, run the script at the root of your resource folder. de MyViewController
# checkout old version of xib file
git show `git log -2 --format="%H" $FROM_FILE | tail -n 1`:./$FROM_FILE > $PREV_FILE
# merge changes
ibtool --previous-file $PREV_FILE --incremental-file $TO_FILE --localize-incremental --write $TO_FILE $FROM_FILE
# remove previous version


How to change localisation from storyboard to strings file

TLDR: Xcode generated storyboards for each language, however I want the "old"(?) *.strings files. How?
I am currently in the process of localising my storyboards. After I enabled everything, Xcode generated another storyboard alongside the original (english) one for me to localise. I was surprised, I expected a Localizable.strings file, like the apple documentation still states as of April 3, 2021:
For storyboard and XIB interfaces, select the user interface files (files with a .storyboard or .xib filename extension). Xcode adds a strings file to the localization folder that contains the text to translate, as well as comments that describe the user interface components. For example, if you add German to an iOS app that uses storyboards, LaunchScreen.storyboard becomes a group containing a LaunchScreen.storyboard (Base) and LaunchScreen.strings (German) file.
I searched around the internet, in apple developer forums, watched both WWDC18 and 19 talks about localisation in Xcode, but did not find a single mention of translated storyboards.
After the initial translation, which works great due to the simplicity of just filling everything in, it gets frustrating however, since every layout change needs to be repeated for every language. This can't be intended, there must be a better way, right? Sadly, I didn't find anything. Even a hint to a piece of documentation regarding these storyboard copies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
There are some screenshots of the possibility to convert these two formats via a dropdown, like the third picture in this post. However for me, there is no dropdown next to the language item when I click the storyboard, neither on the group, nor individual base or localised ones:
Is this a bug or am I missing something here? I am using macOS Big Sur 11.2.3 with Xcode 12.4 (12D4e).
Turns out, you need to use the Base Localization feature, the dropdown then appears and you can convert existing storyboards to *.strings files.

Xcode 9.2 crashes exporting or importing xliff

I can see that this is a recurring problem with all sorts of Xcode versions. I'm using the latest non-beta build (9.2 9C40b).
I have already localized in Spanish. Doing that involved successful exports and imports of xliff files, with same Xcode. So what changed?
I am now trying to localize to another language. This is a showstopper. Any hints? I have looked through all the posts about previous versions crashing, and have not found anything that works.
(And before you mention it, I am done and over with genstrings. If it exists anymore.)
I've discovered that large .xliff files (more than about 6,500 lines or 1,200 <trans-unit> elements) cause Xcode 10.1 to crash consistently near the end of an import operation.
The work-around is to manually split the .xliff file into two distinct .xliff files, each containing a subset of the <file> elements in the original file. You can then import the two resulting .xliff files into Xcode separately without crashing.
Do not translate "bundle name"
I wanted to translate to Greek Language and every time I was importing xliff files, Xcode was crashing.
I realized that the problem was, that I was also translating "bundle name".
If you did the same mistake, open xliff file, find:
<trans-unit id="CFBundleName">
and delete the line
After that everything worked perfect for me!
Here's a workaround. Select your project icon in the Project Navigator. Select Info at top (as opposed to Build Settings). Under Localizations, click the + button and add your new language.
Xcode will create the new .strings files and fill them up with pre-existing translations. (If there are any.) Strangely, for me, some of the new .strings files were filled in with English, some with Spanish.
In any case, you have the new .strings files and can manually paste in the translations for the new language. If your app doesn't have too much user-facing text, this isn't onerous.
But really, with this problem going back to Xcode 4 (!) one would think it would be fixed by now.
it's a late answer I know, and I'm using Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61) already.
In my scenario, I added Chinese Hong Kong (zh-HK) language under Project > Info > Localization and exported successfully then sent to the agency for translations. After few days they sent to me Chinese translated text within. At that point, everything seems correct for me by eye. But I've tried 10 times to import file and it crashes 10 times without exception! Which makes me sick. I use to checked to see the difference between 2 document via Apple's File Merge App. I understand that agency geniuses added few missing <\target> tags. Hmmm, that means while exporting Xcode didn't add for some translations <\target> tag. Interesting...
I removed those unnecessarily translated tags and checked everything was equal in 2 documents except translations of the words to the Chinese language.
Tried to import again. Then BOOM! It works like a charm! I was surprised by this. It's so weird that Xcode never shows me a descriptive message about my mistake. Probably, It's just a parse error for Xcode.
Whatever, I hope this will work for someone else.

Xcode localization - how to create localized strings for development language

Using Xcode 7's localization export workflow, I can export to Xliff, which can be provided to translators, who will give back a translated version, which we import again.
However, how do I generate one for the original development language?
I want to do this so that I don't have to maintain my development language strings files manually by hand.
Here is the scenario:
I start with no strings file in my project, just Swift code which uses the NSLocalizedString
static let something = NSLocalizedString("something.hello", tableName: "MyStuff", value: "Hello world!", comment: "some comment")
From the project settings, I choose Editor -> Export for Localization. Because I have no existing strings files, when I export, there are no options. Just a "save as" prompt.
This will perform an Xliff export from the original source code. (Same as when you choose "Include: Development Language only" from the prompt when other localizations already present). The Xliff looks like this, with only <source> tags, and no <target> tags.
<trans-unit id="something.hello">
<source>"Hello world!</source>
<note>some comment</note>
The Xliff file is modified by translators, and translated to simplified chinese
The translated Xliff file is re-imported into project via Xcode
This creates the MyStuff.strings file for simplified chinese
Problem - when I run the app, the app will use the chinese strings file, even when language is english, because an english file doesn't exist. It doesn't seem to use the default value anymore. This means I need an english strings file too.
How can I generate an english (the development language) version of the strings files through the import/export process? Xcode doesn't let me "export" in the original development language. So I can't re-import it to create the strings files.
Note on genstrings
In the documentation for Separating User-Facing Text from Your Code, it says "Alternatively, you can generate the development language strings files from NSLocalizedString macros directly, as described in Creating Strings Files for User-Facing Text in Your Code." , which tells you to use genstrings
However that genstrings no longer works for Swift when you specify the tableName.
It's my understanding from what I've seen on SO that multiple radars have been filed, but it seems Apple is no longer supporting it.
I've worked out the problem.
It's doesn't seem necessary to generate strings files in the development language. This must be why the capability doesn't exist in Xcode.
My problem was that the app didn't think that my development language (english) was supported, so it did further fallback, and ended up picking a language that my app was localized for (in this case, chinese).
By adding a file localized for english, and ensuring there is an en.lproj folder in the bundle, it infers my app is localized for english, and will correctly use the default values specified in the NSLocalizedString calls.
This means I don't need a seperate copy of the english strings files. Which is great, because I won't need to keep that up to date as the app changes. The source of truth is the Swift source code only.
This link was helpful:
How does iOS determine the language for my app

Xcode 6 - Base internationalization -exporting and importing en.xliff file

My app only supports english. I am using base internationalization (English- Development Language)
Steps I followed:
1. Separate out user-facing text using NSLocalizedString();
2. Using Genstrings command i have added Localizable.strings in base.lproj.
3. In Editor >> Export for Localization
4. Save en.xliff and provide to translator team for updating English content
5. While importing updated en.xliff file, i got below error.
Might be i doing in wrong way to export/import for English. Please suggest me the best approach for handling English content. (development language).
It is not obvious to me what you want to achieve: do you want to have your strings translated into some language other than English, or do you want to run your strings through an English linguistic review? For the first case the error message is pretty clear: check if the file element in your translated XLIFF file has a target-language attribute and add it if not. Details about this attribute can be found in the XLIFF spec here.
If adding this attribute is not enough you may also want to look at the answer to this previously asked question.
For the second case XLIFF is not really a good format.

Update translation for iOS internationalization

To extract the string "marked" with NSLocalizedString in my iOS app, I use the following terminal command:
find . -name \*.m | xargs genstrings -o ro.lproj
This will basically extract all the marked strings in all the .m files and put them in the Localizable.strings file inside my project romanian's folder.
My problem is that I don't manage to get it to update the strings file. If I change/add some strings it will overwrite my old strings file.
I've look to the arguments the genstrings accepts, looked on the man page, and I don't seem to find the option to update the file instead of overwriting it.
How do I update the translation file ?
genstrings doesn't do updates. If it did you'd still be stuck with the problem of what to do to manage updates to the localized files (which require the attention of a translator to make changes to their translations, particularly for edited source strings, so they need to see the differences in the source text).
There are tools designed for this. For example the Localization Suite desktop app ( and the Gengo String web app (
You could:
Use the -a flag which will append the strings to the existing file
Or, choose a different location for the output and use a file merge tool to collect the results.
Or use Version control to merge back previous versions.
Genstrings does not update, its a one way one time deal.
I use the Linguan tool see
its not expensive and works great with xcode 5. You just point
it to your xcode project and it will extract all strings from your
code (simular to genstrings but without the commandline stuff) and
build the .strings files. When you update your code, you ask Linguan
to scan again and it will nicely tell you what the new strings are.
You can also do other stuff like stats, export, import...
