Localize application icon and default tile icon? - windows-phone-7.1

I know the trick to localize the application title for a windows phone 7 application:
Is there a (maybe similar) way to localize the application icon (I need a different icon for each language) and default tile icon (called "background image" in project settings)?

You can modify the image of the tile icon when the app first starts using ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First().Update(...). Don't know about application icon or changing things before you start, but perhaps the sample code from that msdn article would also work for additional resources, so when they ask to define resources like this one:
AppTileString, 200, "The English (United States) name of your application to be displayed in the application Tile when pinned to Start."
-that is later used in the manifest file as:
-maybe you could also define something like
AppTileIconPath, 300, "The name of the tile icon file"
Then try using it like:
<BackgroundImageURI IsRelative="true" IsResource="false">#AppResLib.dll,-300</BackgroundImageURI>
This might not work really, but it's worth a shot if you really want to localize your icons.

You can localize the app tile as described here. The app icon can't be updated as far as I know. The title icon can be changed per code (ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First().Update).
You can delete the SplashScreenImage.jpg file - this resulsts that you will be navigated to the first page immediately. On the page you can display the localized content while doing your init stuff. After you are done with initialization you can navigate to your second page. To satisfy the certification requirements you'll need to remove the navigation entry for your splash screen page (NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry() - Mango only API).


ios "Copy to myApp" in activity view

i'm working on developing share extension.
I add NSExtensionActivationRule in info.plist. and my app appear on activity view when it match file type.
But in some app(not for all) trying to share image (ex. google drive..) this (Copy to *) icon has already on the activity view before i start develop. so i have two my app icon on activity view/ first one i created, second already in it.
i try to make a change in plist reomve another attributes, but none of them working correctly
i want to disappear "Copy to MyApp" let me know someone knows about this.
Finally after long research and test i found solution~!!!
there is "Document types" key in info.plist in project.
My Project has been set All files supports so I delete this property .
Now that Save to MyApp icon disappear in UIActivityViewController.

How to set Application Name to be 2 (or more) lines on iOS Home Screen?

When developing with Xamarin, I understand that in order to change the app name on Home Screen I need to change "CFBundleDisplayName" property value on "info.plist".
If the name is to long, is there a way to break line?
No. If the name is too long to be displayed, iOS will shorten it.

Xcode Deployment Info and icons using CMake

I've tried looking for info on how to set these (in red) using CMake but have had no luck so far:
1st red box issue:
First of all, even though the device seems like it's been set to 'Universal' correctly, the value isn't being interpreted correctly by Xcode. When I set it to 'Universal' manually using the dropdown, it gives a tab each for iPhone and iPad. Furthermore, I know it's not being interpreted correctly as the app does not function correctly (in my case, neither the launch image nor the app itself run full screen).
I don't think setting orientation programmatically is an option for me since I need the launch image in the correct orientation as well.
So can't do something like this:
How do I programmatically set device orientation in iOS7?
2nd red box issue:
I use an asset file for all my icons, so at the moment I'm having to build using CMake and then press 'Use Asset Catalog' each time.
I found this but doesn't seem very useful:
Regarding the "1st box issue", I've found that the approach taken by this demo project works really well.
They use a templated Info.plist to inject the bundle identifier, etc, during configure. The nice part is then you can modify the orientations in the plist.in file, and then these get translated cleanly to the Info.plist once you open the project.
Regarding the 2nd red box issue, i found that the attribute I needed to set was XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME
For example:
set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES
For Launch Images I got it to work by setting it in the plist.in file under UILaunchStoryboardName as described in yano's previous answer.

WatchKit Long Look: how to start content from underneath the Sash?

I found following text in the Apple documentation about WatchKit's Long Look (the detail view of a push notification):
The content area ... For custom interfaces, you can configure this area to start underneath the sash or just below it.
How to start the content from underneath the sash? I'd like to partially overlap an image with the sash, but couldn't find any options for that (could only layout all my content below the sash).
On the watchkit forums over at developer.apple.com there was a discussion about this topic. It's removed from beta 5 by design and that's all we know right now.
edit: I found out how to get this to work!
Select the "Static Notification Interface Controller"
Change the color field
This is good question and...I can't answer it directly.
The thing is: if you download Xcode Beta 4, content will start from underneath the Sash.
However in Xcode Beta 5 it starts from below lower edge of sash. Don't know whether it's a bug or feature.

Ios app icon not shown and name missing why?

I am having some problems with icon & name of my app and although I finished my app because of these I cant publish it.Its not a code related problem and because of that I asked it on diffrent forums but none gave me right answer so as a last hope I decided to ask it here.
1)I managed to put 57x57 px png icon for my app and when I put the it on my phone it's oke but in itunes my app is shown without a icon.I thought that putting 114x144 px icon should solve this problem but I cant do it.When I rightclick and select the "select-file" in 57x57 I can put any png there but its not avalible on 114x114 when I rightclick there is no "selectfile" option and other options aswell.Also same problem happens in launch images.
Is it the reason of no icon showing problem in my itunes or my app can work without it?
In some pages I saw people talking about putting all png files in root with a info file and made it automaticly but I couldt find any tutorial about it.
2)My second problem is about the name.My project name is kdd2 but of course its not my app name kdd2 was a simple name I gave it a month ago.When I disturbute my app I change the name and save it to my desktop.In desktop its shown with the name I wrote it but when I put it in ıtunes or iPhone its name again changes to kdd2 how can I solve it ?
Please help me solve these problems I just cant find any answer around thanks...
To change the app name:
-Click your project in the navigator in Xcode.
-Go to "Build Settings" tab.
-Change "Product Name" under "Packaging'.
To set the icon:
You must right lick the border then "Select File". Do not right click "No image specified".
