How to add a button on UIPageViewController - ios

I have created an iPad app, using UIPageviewController in Xcode 4.2 (iOS 5). Now, I want to add a button, at the left-bottom corner of the page, which will appear on every page.
The problem is, while clicking the button, a page transition takes place, and the button click event is not called.

You need to take control over the Gesture Recognizers. Decide which one gets the click, take a look at this post


Other buttons in my view are being pressed on button press

Something strange is happening in my app. I'm finding that when I press any button, all of the other buttons on my view are getting pressed. They all seem to be linked somehow.
There are no outlets connecting them to each other, they're not linked to the same function or anything. I can't figure out why this is happening? Any ideas why pressing one button will trigger a touchupinside event on another, unrelated button?
I bet you created a button, added an action to it, and then duplicated it, dragged the copy to a new location, and added an action to the copy. Then you continued with that process.
Go to the "connections inspector" tab on the right (The circle with an arrow on it). Select each button. I'm guessing that you have multiple actions on each button. (A button can contain multiple actions.)

Touching an area of screen dismisses view controller

I've never seen a problem like this until now. When I first updated my app, this problem did not exist. It was fine. Since then there've been a couple of iOS updates, so it's possible this is where the problem began.
I basically have a few view controllers that proceed like a wizard from one step to the next, by either clicking back/cancel button or the next button.
There's a textView covering the main area.
Normally by touching inside the textView it would begin editing.
On this viewcontroller it's fine, that works. No problem.
On this viewcontroller and every subsequent view controller including tableviews with options to select, if you touch anywhere underneath the cancel and next buttons inside the view controller, it dismisses the view controller and goes back to the previous screen. There doesn't appear to be anything executed in my code when this happens. It just dismisses the view controller as if one pressed the back button. I know the back button code is not being executed because I printed a line in there.
The next view controller is a tableView and does not have a textView. It's got nothing to do with the textView. It just dismisses if I touch anywhere on the screen other than the next or cancel buttons. The next views are the exact same way. It's like a big invisible button is in the way of the screen blocking any interaction with the top half.
What's going on here? How do I fix this? It has never done this before and I didn't change anything.
Turns out that this was caused by using page curl transitions. I changed it to flip horizontal and it works now. Page curl transitions are obviously bugged currently.

UIButton doesn't respond to touch on first load, but works after segueing back from another view controller

I'm not sure when or how this happened in my project, but it did. The main button in the middle of my initial view controller ignores all touch events when I first load the app. The buttons in my navbar on the bottom all work fine.
If I follow one of those buttons through a modal segue to another view controller and then segue back into the initial view controller, the button works perfectly.
I'm at a loss. Any idea how this could have occurred or how I could fix it?
I can't put my finger on what, but this has something to do with my constraints. If I remove them (and my app tumbles into a mess on 3.5 inch phones), the button works at all times.
I have the same problem: on the first load of the view one particular UIButton doesn't work, but if I tap on other tab bar element, launching a segue and then coming back to my home screen, it works perfectly.
My problem persists even if I remove every constraints for the view.
In my case, the POSITION of the button seems to be the cause of the issue: in the right side of the view it becomes not working, but if I move the same button on the center or left of my view it becomes available.

Method for a custom back button

I am working on an iOS app for iPhone using Objective C in Xcode. I have a custom toolbar and a custom back button.
If I use
[ vigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Then the button does not do the back action and go back to the previous screen.
How do I navigate to the previous screen if I click the custom back button?
Make sure that you have already add selector to your button.
Then check event of the button, event should be 'touchUpInside'.
These are the most common mistakes.

Tapping background to close subview in Xcode 4.3

Currently I am creating an app. for the ipad that uses a media player. When you click on a button the media player pops up and I have code that when you press another button the media player stops and is hidden so you can go back to using the superview. The problem is, I dont want to have to click a button to close the subview, I want to be able to click anywhere on the background to close. I've tried making the whole background a button but I'm having trouble writing code to make it so that the full window button that closes the subview ONLY appears when the subview is up. Right now the full window button is up constantly so I can't click on the button that brings up the subview in the first place because the large button is overlapping. I hope this dilemma is fairly easy to understand. If not I can send some code.
Try a UIPopover instead. What you're describing is the default behavior.
