jquerymobile double up of initial page in DOM - jquery-mobile

I'm having an issue whereby I navigate around my site but when I return to the first (initial) page of the website, the DOM doubles up. I.E there are two div data-role pages with the same ID.
It's because as you navigate around your site, for some reason, JQM always keeps the first initial page in the DOM, but then when you return to it, it doubles up (and consequently your handlers on elements don't work because they are inside the hidden data-role="page" element and the new ones have no handlers..
Have I done something wrong here or is this a common problem one needs to work around in JQM? Thanks
I also don't understand why JQM holds onto the initial page... I thoguht it was supposed to hold on to the last

Please look at this issue: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/2258
The first page will never be removed

So use
a href='#id' // jump to #id, which is already in DOM
but NOT
a href='index.html#id' // jump to 'create' a new one


Link does not jump to id when page is first loaded

I have a page where I've added anchor IDs at various points, and at the top of the page I created links to jump to the IDs. When I first load the page the link doesn't work, and I've determined that it's because it hasn't loaded the portion of the page that contains the section ID that it should jump to. Only after I manually scroll through the portion of the page with the ID and then scroll back to the top does the link work properly.
Is there a way to either force the page to be loaded in its entirety (not just the initially visible region of the screen) when it is first opened, so that it recognizes the IDs without needing to physically scroll to them first? Alternatively, is there a better way to handle this? I'd just like to be able to skip to the ID tags as soon as the page is loaded.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Dojo Tabs - Populating w/ HTML/JS & Anchor links

I'm developing a web application that is making use of tabs. I've run one issue that seems small, but I haven't been able to locate a solution and I'm worried it is indicative of larger problems with my code.
My application has one main page that includes a tab container with several content panes then inserted as children. I figured that having each content pane load an external HTML file and loading it that way was a good solution - it seemed to provide modular design and allow for easy changing of the contents of an individual tab. The issue I am running into now is that while everything loads correctly, I'm unable to provide anchor links in inside a tab or between tabs. Here is some sample code:
var tabs = new TabContainer({
style: "height: 100%; width: 100%;"
}, "tab-container");
var metadata = new ContentPane({
title: "Metadata",
id: "Metadata"
/* repeat for the non-metadata content panes */
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
splash.set("content", results);
/* repeat for each pane */
For my metadata page I want it to contain information about the datasets I am providing to users. Ideally, it would have a table of contents with anchor links to the proper entries. However, when I implement an anchor link, like so:
Click me to jump down the page!
<!-- some content here -->
<div id="test">We made it!</div>
The link is clickable and it does in fact bring you to the proper location, but it seems to invariably load this in a new frame that requires a user to reload the page if they wish to do anything else. I've tried playing with tag properties but it's been to no avail. I'm also hoping to be able to link between tabs (say, if a user is querying on one of the query pages I have presented them and then wants to know where a dataset came from or other information).
Here is a simple imgur album showing what happens: http://imgur.com/a/JCnlH
After clicking the link in the first image, you're sent down the page. However, the tab bar and the navigation bar of the page disappear completely, even when you scroll back up. I don't know why this is.
So, this has been a long question, but here is the core of it:
What am I doing wrong with anchor links?
To answer your first question:
You should put all JavaScript inside your main page, not inside partials. This is not considered a best practice with JavaScript because it means you will have to eval() the content and usually when you start doing that when you don't need to, then you're doing something wrong.
In this case you can easily add all JavaScript code to the main page. If you need to wait for a specific tab to be opened or loaded, you can use the onShow or onLoad events on the dijit/layout/ContentPane widgets.
Also, when you're using ContentPane you should use the proper setters for adding content/HTML to it.
Rather than doing:
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
dojo.byId("Splash").innerHTML = results;
You should be doing:
request.get("/js/viewer/templates/splash.html").then(function (results) {
splash.set("content", results);
Or if you don't have a reference anymore to the splash variable, you should be using registry.byId("splash").set("content", results).
About the hyperlinks, I have no idea. I'm not getting the same behavior, so could you explain a bit further on that?
Here's a (as far as I can see) working example: http://jsfiddle.net/n4515tsz/
In my case, this behavior seems to be caused by interaction of the overflow: hidden CSS property of my website's body interacting with the height: 100% property of my tab container. I didn't realize that the overflow: hidden property was set because it was part of a framework I was using. By changing the overflow property I have been able to achieve the desired behavior.

jQuery UI droppable problem

I have a script that uses jQuery UI's graggable and droppable functionality.
Items are dragged from left panel into main area and dropped.
There are two scenarios:
Items are dropped into other boxes, preset on page load or can be dropped into main area to create a new box. The items can be moved between the boxes. Everything works fine with this setup.
In second scenario there are no preset boxes in main area. They are supposed to be created whn an item is dragged and dropped from the left panel. However, for some reason it only allows me to create one box. Here's an example.
My level of UI proficiency is not high enough to spot what the problem is.
Your problem is that in this code:
$.when(createEmptyStack()).then(function(data) { ... }
data is always "" meaning that you're attempting to add a new element to the page with the same id over and over again (your AJAX request to createEmptyStack is not returning anything in the response). This is why it works fine the first time; the id doesn't exist and so the code works as expected.
When you drag another item into the main area, the element may be successfully appended, but it has a duplicate id. This code:
(in the same block as the code above)
Is always called with the draggable object and just STACK as the newstackId.
In short, this is a problem with your server-side code not returning a stack id. According to Firebug, your AJAX request isn't returning anything at all.

jquery accordion with dynamic content

My initial page has an empty div. An ajax transaction fills it with suitable h3/div content. If I call .accordion() before there's any content, it has no effect. If I call it after the first content is loaded, the first content looks good. Calling it a second time, however, does not work. Do I really need to destroy and redo?
At the moment you have to destroy and re-create the whole thing using the official stable release. There is already a feature request for it, scheduled for 1.next: http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/4672
If you have a read above, mrfr0g says he built a custom accordion based on jQuery UI 1.8.2, give that a try.
give the inner DIV of each tab an id
and use document.getElementById("content1").innerHTML = "HelloEveyOne345443333334422" to dynamically change the content of each tab

Way to override where jQuery-UI dialog places things in markup?

I am trying to get a simple jQuery UI dialog to work in an ASP.Net project. I have some buttons inside the dialog's <div>, but they weren't posting back. Upon closer inspection, for whatever reason when making the <div> a panel it moves it in the DOM so that it is the last tag before </body>. This would all be fine and dandy except for it also moves it outside of the <form> tag which is needed so that the buttons can do a postback.
What is the purpose of this behavior and how can I override it?
An example is here: http://jsbin.com/olumu4/
Looking at Firebug though I get this:
alt text http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/9049/dialog.png
This is a common problem with jQuery/ASP.NET.
After you assign your modal like this
modal: true
do this
If you have more than one modal on a page, I've found it doesn't work as expected, so in that case when you call the open method on the modal, do this:
If you want to have it auto-open. You can append it right after the model is assigned.
modal: true
Hope this helps,
I have had this problem before, an option is to setup an even on the $(form).submit that appends what is in the dialog to the form.
