Way to override where jQuery-UI dialog places things in markup? - jquery-ui

I am trying to get a simple jQuery UI dialog to work in an ASP.Net project. I have some buttons inside the dialog's <div>, but they weren't posting back. Upon closer inspection, for whatever reason when making the <div> a panel it moves it in the DOM so that it is the last tag before </body>. This would all be fine and dandy except for it also moves it outside of the <form> tag which is needed so that the buttons can do a postback.
What is the purpose of this behavior and how can I override it?
An example is here: http://jsbin.com/olumu4/
Looking at Firebug though I get this:
alt text http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/9049/dialog.png

This is a common problem with jQuery/ASP.NET.
After you assign your modal like this
modal: true
do this
If you have more than one modal on a page, I've found it doesn't work as expected, so in that case when you call the open method on the modal, do this:
If you want to have it auto-open. You can append it right after the model is assigned.
modal: true
Hope this helps,

I have had this problem before, an option is to setup an even on the $(form).submit that appends what is in the dialog to the form.


Angular/Bootstrap ui modal dialog with a form issue

I have an Angular JS app with a bootstrap ui modal dialogue hosting a simple edit form.
The form can be for a new "thing" or a populated "thing".
I find that when I cancel out of the modal with the form populated, submit is being called.
Any help appreciated.
Plunkr here... http://plnkr.co/edit/XhQCqlGUfcmQOhqLDeXR?p=preview
I forked your plunk and got it working here: http://plnkr.co/edit/jgg5pDQOH46XgrbW3Mvh?p=preview I think the cancel button was participating in the form submit event since it was inside the form element. Moving it outside of the form seems to have fixed the problem. I also set up the submit event to fire the modalInstance close event and the cancel event to fire the modalInstance dismiss event. This gives you the opportunity to handle things appropriately in the parent controller (ModalDemoCtrl).
You could also stop the click event from propagating in the cancel event and still use the save as an input element inside the form tag. See this plunk for example: http://plnkr.co/edit/A81KkUUQEL3IBbOSnHQb?p=preview
I was having a similar problem. My problem was that when I clicked in the button to open the modal, my form was submited. I was using a "button" html tag, without specifying the "type" attribute. So, I found your problem and I went to the W3C documentation. I found that:
Tip: Always specify the type attribute for a button element. Different browsers use different default types for the button element. (http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_button.asp)
I wasn't defining the type of my button, so the default type of my browser was submit. I defined the type to "button" and everything is ok now.

jQuery mobile button staying pressed

I have a jQuery mobile button hooked up to an ajax POST. If the POST fails, the jQuery mobile button stays pressed instead of ``popping up". Any ideas?
It can be done easily.
Here a jsFiddle example made for one of my previous answers: http://jsfiddle.net/3PhKZ/7/
If you take a look there's this line of code:
$.mobile.activePage.find('.ui-btn-active').removeClass('ui-btn-active ui-focus');
It will try to find pressed button on a current active page, if it succeed it will remove 2 classes responsible for a button pressed state. Unfortunately pure CSS solution is impossible here. You can test this example, just comment top line and see what will happen.
One last thing selector $.mobile.activePage can only be used during the pagebeforeshow, pageshow, pagebeforechange, pagechange, pagebeforehide and pagehide page event so takes this into account.
In case you cant use this selector just replace it with a page id, like this:
$('#pageID').find('.ui-btn-active').removeClass('ui-btn-active ui-focus');
So your final code would look like this:
$.ajax( "example.php" )
.success(function() { doStuff(); })
.error(function() {
$('#pageID').find('.ui-btn-active').removeClass('ui-btn-active ui-focus');
Add an error clause to your AJAX handling which pops the button back.
$.ajax( "example.php" )
.success(function() { doStuff(); })
.error(function() { /*code to unpress button here*/ })
For those folks out there using "input" and not "anchors" as buttons. When using for instance "submit" and "reset" buttons and pressing them they remain as active, which is sometimes undesired depending on the actions performed when the buttons is clicked.
I am not sure if it is the expected behaviour, I have read that is a jQuery mobile bug, but the behavior is still present at least in jQM 1.3.2
An yes the trick is to remove the active class as stated however those get tricky because the class is not added to the input tag, i*t is added to a parent DIV* that is created by all of the ugly stuff around the "input" to style the button, that is why removing the active class when selecting the input doesn´t work.
By analyzing the HTML produced by jquery mobile a workaround is to:
remove the active class on the input parent instead of the actual input element.
I prefer this approach instead of clearing all the active classes across the whole page in case you want to be more selective with the class removal.

jQuery UI resizable/selectable not working in Backbone View

I have a view for my model, and in the initialization I use the following code
initialize: function (){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render);
opacity: 0.5,
containment: "parent"
Although draggable works, resizable and selectable do not (I haven't tested other jQuery UI interactions to check if they work). I tried placing this.$el.resizable inside the render function, but that wouldn't work either. I'm using jQuery 1.8.3 and jQuery UI 1.9.2 (I do include the necessary jquery-ui.css in my html). When the view renders, I inspect the element in my browser and it does indeed have a class of ui.draggable, ui.resizable and ui.selectable as it is supposed to, yet it's only draggable.
Trying to work around this issue, I've used CSS3 property resize: both in the class of the element I want to resize and it works just fine, but I'd really like to utilize jQuery UI for resizing, and I'm curious why it won't work.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
EDIT: Added jsfiddle example http://jsfiddle.net/IgnorantUser/u7JkX/ the problem described is in the initialization of the ButtonInCanvas backbone view
ok so, apparently using this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); in my render function on the ButtonInCanvas view was causing the problems. The aforementioned gets the "caption" attribute of the model, and passes it into the view as html content.
There solution is to put this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); in the init function.
In case it's needed to be done in the render function, there should be another div, within the one we want to resize, that will get the caption property from the model. In the following JSBIN you can see a solution using a div inside the button. (thanks to user shoky, from the #jquery freenode irc channel for the implementation and his heads up)
I don't really understand why the problem was occurring though (maybe this.template(this.model.toJSON()) in my render function, was causing a re-rendering of the view?) so feel free to point me out why, and help me understand further!

jquerymobile button's css not applied

I'm trying to add a delete button to a custom div. However when the page is loaded, the jquery mobile button does not take the format of jquery and displays it like a hyperlink.
var currDelButton = $("<a>").attr("href","#").attr("data-role","button").attr("data-icon","delete").attr("data-iconpos","left").text("حذف");
anyone has an idea about this issue?
Best Regards
If you are adding the button after the page is loaded then you need to refresh the element for example $("#mybutton").button(); should work.
here is a working example with the code you provided: http://jsfiddle.net/ashanova/RQVd8/1/
call the .page for the main wrapper where new buttons are added.

jquerymobile double up of initial page in DOM

I'm having an issue whereby I navigate around my site but when I return to the first (initial) page of the website, the DOM doubles up. I.E there are two div data-role pages with the same ID.
It's because as you navigate around your site, for some reason, JQM always keeps the first initial page in the DOM, but then when you return to it, it doubles up (and consequently your handlers on elements don't work because they are inside the hidden data-role="page" element and the new ones have no handlers..
Have I done something wrong here or is this a common problem one needs to work around in JQM? Thanks
I also don't understand why JQM holds onto the initial page... I thoguht it was supposed to hold on to the last
Please look at this issue: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/2258
The first page will never be removed
So use
a href='#id' // jump to #id, which is already in DOM
but NOT
a href='index.html#id' // jump to 'create' a new one
