How to Run the copied sercidor symfony project in local machine - symfony1

I'm new to symfony framework and a new customer has a system developed over this framework. I do not particularly have problems with PHP for many years and I have difficulty learning to use the frameworks, symfony is not difernete.
However, I took the files to my server from the client machine and am having difficulty accessing the system address on my machine.
I'm getting an error accessing the address of the application.
You don't have permission to access /project on this server.
Someone could still help me?

php symfony project:permissions
to fix permission problems on the project. If this does not work you can contact me (in portuguese)

Maybe you forgot the
allowoverride ALL
Directive inside the vhost, which block your .htaccess.
See config/vhostexample.txt for an example.


How to access phpmyadmin on DDEV Windows 10 pro localhost with SSL record too long error

I am using DDEv and Docker with Windows 10 pro to set up a localhost install of drupal 8.8 using Composer. I have set up and configured the local drupal installation (it is a fresh install) and it appears to be running correctly, but in the admin section of the drupal site I receive a warning to change write permissions of sites/default/settings.php.
I tried to change settings using Filezilla, but it appears that local files in Filezilla do not provide access to write permissions? When I right-click the file in Filezilla, no permissions option appears.
Following troubleshooting tips from ddev, I tried to access phpmyadmin at
Instead of loading phpmyadmin, I got the following error message:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
I've been searching around for a couple of hours now and do not find a solution to this. I ran ddev describe and all seems fine with the installation. The drupal site in the container seems to run okay. There are no port conflicts present so far as I have found, so I am not sure why I cannot get access to phpmyadmin.
I am a relative newbie in terms of skills, but have successfully maintained drupal 4-7 on localhost with XAMPP and my web host. Now I am wrestling with the move to drupal 8/composer/docker/ddev. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Update 2022-09-14: DDEV has had https support fpr PHPMyAdmin and MailHog for years now, ddev describe will show you the URL.
(Original answer) ddev's PHPMyAdmin connection doesn't support https, just http. You can find the links for both PHPMyAdmin and MailHog using ddev describe; both are http-only, as in your example, It would be possible to provide https URLs for PHPMyAdmin and MailHog, but nobody has ever asked for them, and there's no security reason to do so.
Note that the key reason for https on the actual project URL is because real projects run behind https and people need to see problems like mixed content during the development phase. But there's no such need for PHPMyAdmin. However, I'm sure if people ever want it, we'll do it, it's not hard to do.
Just as a general add on, after ddev start you can run ddev launch -p in order to open PHPMyAdmin for the current project database in the browser.

access var/www folder on ubuntu 14.04 vps

I recently installed apache and php on a ubuntu vps and i'd like to be able to make web requests from an iPhone app to php files on the server namely files inside the www folder ex:'var/www/myfolder/echo.php' by ways of a web request from the app to the URL 'http://ipaddress/myfolder/echo.php' or whatever the correct url is. I do not know the URL i need to type in to access the echo.php file. can anybody shed some light on this confusing situation I'm in?
ps. this is my first time working with servers
You need to check what your DocumentRoot is set to in your Apache configuration.
So if /var/www is the DocumentRoot, which is the default on Ubuntu, then your URL will be http://machinename/myfolder/echo.php, which is what you have.
Before doing any coding on the iPhone, test the .php file in a web browser.
Any errors during development and testing, then check the Apache error log (/var/log/apache/error.log).
solved my problem! i just had to specify the document root to actually be the folder i was working on, i though it'd be enough just having it at/var/www but apparently not, had to be /var/www/folder

SquishIt Access to the path denied exception when deployed to hosting

Whilst on my local machine the following code behaves perfectly.
A new minified style.min.css file is created under the specified directory.
However, when I deploy my code to my hosting provider I get an UnauthorizedAccessException with the message of "Access to the path 'C:\...\style.min.css' is denied".
I don't think it is a problem with my SquishIt implementation, but I can't for the life of me figure this one out.
You might need to use your hosting provider's file management tool to give the app pool identity write access to the folder SquishIt is trying to create style.min.css in. For an example of how this is done at one hosting provider, see Setting Folder Permissions for Elmah in this tutorial:
On your local machine do you run under IIS or using the Visual Studio Development Server (Cassini)? If it's a folder permission issue you'd see the same thing locally, as in the preceding tutorial from the same series:

Rails 2.3.8 in IIS6

My server is running on IIS6, and i having trouble with setting up rails with IIS.
1st) is there any posible way to run Nginx on a domain:80 while therest:80 are running on IIS?
2nd) How should I make it work on IIS6 because despite follow the instruction here , I just can't get it to work. Result is a "Directory Listing Denied" error.
Thank you very much.
I see two options if IIS is a necessity:
I would propose to investigate IronRuby, which integrates better with IIS.
Otherwise I would run nginx on another port, and let IIS forward a certain path to that instance.
Personally i have deployed on windows, but just used apache and a mongrel-cluster.
When i was looking at it, IronRuby did not yet offer the integration with IIS; and i found very little information concerning how to configure IIS to do what i wanted.
Good luck! :)
1.) No, there is no way you can have 2 different programs running on the same port, it's simply not possible. But you can change either one to run on different ports (for example, if you want Nginx as the "primary", give it port 80 and change IIS to 8080 or whatever). Or, as #nathanvda mentions, you could use a redirect script from one to send certain paths to the other (port & path).
2.) The "Directory Listing Denied" error suggests that either (a) you haven't set the directory permissions correctly in IIS--be sure that Execute Permissions allow scripts in all your Ruby directories, or (b) the handler mapping which directs files to use the Ruby interpreter via FastCGI is not set correctly--double-check step 8 or check other sources for more details on this setting.

Symfony with only FTP access

I'm currently developing on my local pc, to which I have complete access of course.
However to my production server I have only FTP access.
Now, this step
On Symfony's installation guide, suggests that I need to edit the httpd.conf
I was wondering if there's an alternative since I don't have access to it on production.
Try reading this. I haven't tried installing Symfony on a shared host, but I see no reason for it not to work.
Generally shared hosts allow you to set configuration parameters in .htaccess files, so you can override httpd.conf without modifying it.
