iOS Web App: Showing content only if the application is standalone - ios

If a user visits my websites example, from Safari Mobile how could I place there a blank page that says "Add To Homescreen."? Once added it would show different content.

You'll want to check two things. First, is it running on an iOS device? Second, is window.navigator.standalone == true?
window.navigator.standalone is primarily used by Webkit browsers to indicate the app is in fullscreen (or standalone) mode. Plenty of devices (like phones running Android), support this property, but don't have the option to 'Add to Homescreen' like iOS devices do, so you need to check both.
function isIOS() {
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return /iphone|ipad|ipod/.test( userAgent );
function isStandalone() {
return ( isIOS() && window.navigator.standalone );
window.onload = function () {
if( isStandalone() || !isIOS() ) { //either ios+standalone or not ios
//start app
} else {
//display add to homescreen page

Check window.navigator.standalone.

Slight slight different code, based on #ThinkingStiff solution, and this other question on this Post, to support IOS7 detection to provide CSS interface to add more padding-top in case of transparent app title.
isIOS7 = function() {
return navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod touch);.*CPU.*OS 7_\d/i);
isStandaloneAndIOS7 = function() {
return isIOS7() && window.navigator.standalone;
if (isStandaloneAndIOS7()) {
body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
body.className = body.className + " standalone";


How to emulate iOS user agent on Chrome, to enable Apple Pay to show?

For development-only reasons, how can one make Chrome running on non-Apple desktops trick "Apple Pay" buttons into showing themselves on enabled sites?
The "Apple Pay" button doesn't have to be functional, just get displayed.
This 'trick' worked for my team to enable simulate Apple Pay support. However, note that the styling for the Apple Pay buttons are only available to iOS devices using custom CSS rules
window.ApplePaySession = { canMakePayments: function() { return true; },
canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard: function() { return
$.Deferred().resolve(true).promise(); } };
The snippet runs early before the rest of your Apple Pay session validation code
You are using jquery deferred to resolve the promise to true
As a slight update to #anibe's answer, it is also required to add a callback method to return the supported version, as such:
window.ApplePaySession = {
canMakePayments: function() { return true; },
supportsVersion: function() { return 8; },
canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard: function() {
return jQuery.Deferred().resolve(true).promise();

Air for IOS Webview - apple app review says every tab and/or button launches mobile Safari.?

I pulling my hair out trying to figure out where I have gone wrong.
I created a very simple app for ios that uses webView to load certain webpages within app. from my knowledge and every ios air webView reference I have found online I have coded everything correctly. Runs beautifully on android.
apple app review says every tab and/or button launches mobile Safari.?
I don't see how this is possible because they even said my button that only has gotoAndPlay(2); apparently that navigates to Safari also. ?
here's the code I used for webView:
QMBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, QMB);
function QMB(event:MouseEvent):void
webView.viewPort = new Rectangle( 0, 135, stage.stageWidth, 600 );
webView.stage = this.stage;
webView.loadURL( "" );
and this is the code for my internal frame nav.
Menu_BTN2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, GoMenuSRC);
function GoMenuSRC(event:MouseEvent):void
webView.stage = null;
Am I missing something or ????
The only other thing I could think could be the culprit might be my error handler to handle errors when I click tel: or mailto: links on my webpages.
The code for the tel: / mailto: error handling.
// Error handle
var openLinksInDefaultBrowser = false;
//Check tel: func
function cdCTfunc():void
var NEWtelLNK = webView.location.substr(0,4);
if (NEWtelLNK=='tel:')
openLinksInDefaultBrowser = true;
}else{openLinksInDefaultBrowser = false;}
webView.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGING, function (ev:LocationChangeEvent):void
if(openLinksInDefaultBrowser == false)
webView.loadURL(ev.location); //'ev.url' changed to 'ev.location'started with prerelease build - [07/20/10]
if (openLinksInDefaultBrowser == true)
trace('page loaded in default browser');
var phStr:String=ev.location;
var callPH:URLRequest= new URLRequest(phStr);
webView.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGE, function (ev:LocationChangeEvent):void
if (webView.location.indexOf('authentication_complete') != -1)
trace('auth token is: ' + webView.location.substr(webView.location.indexOf('token=') + 6));
trace('the new location is: ' + webView.location);
webView.addEventListener('complete', function(ev:Event):void
trace('complete event');
webView.addEventListener('error', function(ev:ErrorEvent):void
var phStr:String=webView.location;
var callPH:URLRequest= new URLRequest(phStr);
trace('SOME Bloody Error Loading The Page: ' + ev.text);
but I still don't see how this could cause a gotoAndStop(); to launch safari.
I am absolutely stumped.
Please Help?
Thank you in advance.
Before submitting your app for review you should run it through Testflight.
This allows you to test an 'AppStore' build of your binary so you will see exactly what the reviewer will see.

Set timeout for notifications.notify FireFox Addon SDK

Please help me with Notification in my Firefox add-on.
var notifications = require("sdk/notifications");
function showNotifcation(title, text) {
iconURL: data.url("img/icon.png"),
title: title,
text: text
setTimeout(notifications.close(), 1000);
Not work.
Without more information from you it is not possible to be sure as to what your problem/issue is.
However, a brief look at the sdk/notifications documentation, and source code, indicates that you are attempting to use a non-existent method: notifications.close(). There is no such method in sdk/notifications.
One possible reason for your attempt to use this method is that you are conflating the Web Notification API, more detail, with the Add-on SDK sdk/notifications.
The Add-on SDK, sdk/notifications, has no way for you to programmatically close the notification from your code. Thus, there is no way for you to set a timeout for the notification using this interface. However, in some operating systems/windowing systems there is already a default timeout for these notifications.
You will need to either display a panel on your own, or use the chrome interfaces described in User Notifications and Alerts.
In addition, it would be unusual for you to be able to just call setTimeout(). That will, under most contexts, not be defined. You would normally need to use sdk/timers with:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
In some contexts, you might be able to use window.setTimeout(), when window is appropriately defined (which you will probably have to set yourself).
Modifying the code from my answer to Prevent XUL notificationBox from closing when button is hit (if you want buttons, that answer will show you how to do it), and other answers of mine: Something along the lines of what I believe you desire would be (code for the timeout is at the bottom):
function showNotificationBox(text) {
//Create some common variables if they do not exist.
if (window === null || typeof window !== "object") {
// Add/remove a "/" to comment/un-comment the code appropriate for your add-on:
//* Add-on SDK:
var window = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
/* Overlay and bootstrap (from almost any context/scope):
var window=Components.classes[";1"]
if (typeof gBrowser === "undefined") {
var gBrowser = window.gBrowser;
let notifyBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox();
//appendNotification( label , value , image (URL) , priority , buttons, eventCallback )
let theNotification = notifyBox.appendNotification(text, "Test notification unique ID",
notifyBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, [], null);
//* Add-on SDK:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
setTimeout(theNotification.close(), 10000);
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
let timerCallback = {
notify:function notify() {theNotification.close(); }
let closeNotificationTimer = Components.classes[";1"]
Note: I changed the timeout to 10 seconds from the 1 second which is in the code in your question. One second is a unreasonable amount of time to expect to show anything which you actually desire the user to see and understand.
The above implements the user notification in a notificationBox. As such it shows up within the Firefox window:
It is also possible to use the nsIAlertsService which is what sdk/notifications uses. This will normally display an alert box in the bottom right of the screen, potentially outside of the Firefox window (see image on nsIAlertsService for example). The notification may show up elsewhere depending on how you have your windowing system set up (this is OS dependent). However, the documentation did not have a method to clear the notification, or set a timeout. However, the interface definition does show that a closeAlert() method does exist. The source code for the sdk/notifications does not expose this to the Add-on SDK. Thus, you would need to use the chrome interfaces. I have updated the documentation to show closeAlert().
Such as (some code taken and modified from nsIAlertsService):
//* Add-on SDK:
var {Cc, Ci} = require("chrome");
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
function showNotifcation(title, text) {
var alertsService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService);
try {
//The second use of title is the alert name.
alertsService.showAlertNotification(icon, title, text, false, "", null, title);
} catch (e) {
// This can fail on Mac OS X
//* Add-on SDK:
var { setTimeout } = require("sdk/timers");
setTimeout(alertsService.closeAlert(title), 10000);
/* Overlay and bootstrap:
let alertTimerCallback = {
notify:function notify() {alertsService.closeAlert(title); }
let closeAlertTimer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces
I have only tested the above code with a bootstrapped/restartless Firefox add-on. Thus, the Add-on SDK code may be slightly off.

webkitIsFullScreen on ipad/iphone?

I have an application that requires a page refresh whenever the orientation changes (ipad/iphone). Within this application, HTML5 videos also gets presented at certain times in UX. Whenever a user is viewing a video in full screen mode, their first inclination is to rotate the device to landscape orientation if it was not already in that mode. When they do this, however, it triggers the nasty page reload, effectively ending their viewing session. By tapping into webkit full screen API I was able to write logic to control this behavior, which works perfectly on Safari desktop as well as with the iPad/iPhone user agent selected in developer tools, but it DOES NOT work on the native iphone/ipad.
document.webkitIsFullScreen returns false/true correctly in console in Safari, but comes up as undefined on iphone/ipad. Can anyone tell me how to accomplish this on ipad/iphone, since these are the only devices that require this functionality anyway? Or is there a much simpler solution that I am overlooking? Any help is greatly appreciated!
$(document).ready( function () {
var video = document.getElementById('video');
var canrefresh = true;
// Detects if video is in full screen mode and toggles canrefresh variable
// canrefresh = false when webkitfullscreenchange event is heard
// canrefresh = true after exiting full screen
if (canrefresh == true) {
canrefresh = false;
} else {
canrefresh = true;
console.log(document.webkitIsFullScreen+' | '+canrefresh);
}, false);
$(window).resize(function() {
// Look to make sure not in full screen, and canrefresh variable is true before refreshing page
if((document.webkitIsFullScreen == false) && (canrefresh == true)){
window.location = window.location.href+'?v='+Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
console.log(document.webkitIsFullScreen+' | '+canrefresh);
$('body .test').text(document.webkitIsFullScreen+' | '+canrefresh); // document.webkitIsFullScreen is returning 'false' in Safari (correct), but 'undefined' on native iphone/ipad device
The equivalent property which is compatible with Mobile Safari is the webkitDisplayingFullscreen property on the HTMLVideoElement DOM object.

iPad website fullscreen in Safari

I am trying to get a website that runs fullscreen for all pages, I have looked over here: iPad WebApp Full Screen in Safari and followed that and my index page fills the screen just nicely, but whenever I click a link to another page even though that page is all setup with the meta tags it pulls the chrome bar back in and all the alignment goes out.
There must be a way or is that a limitation of safari that will be fixed in a later revision.
I have written a jQuery plugin for this exact purpose:
Include the plugin somehow , then run it like so:
$(function() {
By default it will attach to all <a /> elements. You can pass a different selector to attach it to specific links. For example, $.stayInWebApp('a.stay'); will attach to all links that have class="stay"
Because its so small, I usually just copy the minified version into one of my other external javascript files to include it, rather than having to add another external js reference.
Also available on
You can try something like this:
if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') != -1)) {
// for standalone (app) fulscreen mode
if (window.innerHeight == 748 || window.innerHeight == 1004) {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) {
if (a[i].getAttribute("href");) {
a[i].onclick = function() {
window.location = this.getAttribute("href");
return false;
