How to get a filename without extension in ant - ant

I know how to get the basename for a file with java's ANT build tool, but in this case I want to change the name of a file to include a build version number. Unfortunately the file's name gets set in another ant script (from the android system) which I am importing and I'm not able to set the property for that file or the imported script will complain that the property should not be set already. Thus, if i have a property holding MyApp-release.apk and I want to change the value to MyApp-release-1.10.apk how would I do this? I know I can put the 1.10 at the start of the filename with basename and that's probably what I will do, but I'd rather do it the other way.

Task to determine the basename of a specified file, optionally minus a
specified suffix.
<basename property="cmdname" file="D:/usr/local/foo.exe"


Is ANT copy task case-sensitive?

I am trying to copy a file inside my ANT build script. For example the below copy statement -
<copy file="myfile.txt" tofile="mycopy.txt"/>
My doubt is- if by mistake/chance the physical file name becomes myFile.txt or MyFile.txt or MYFILE.txt, will the above statement still work??
I am unable to find any relevant documentation for the same. Please clarify if you are aware. Thanks.
UPDATE- I am aware that if I use fileset, I will be able to use 'casesensitive' attribute of fileset. But, I'm just using the 'file' type.
At the bottom of the copy page, it mentions if a file with a different case exists in windows, it copies over it. This to me indicates it's OS dependent, hence linux would be case sensitive and Windows not so much.
As you've already said, fileset allows you to control case-sensitivity.
When using the file attribute the task's copySingleFile method kicks in which uses File#exists to determine whether there is anything to copy. exists is case-sensitive on Unix-like systems and insensitive on Windows. So using the file attribute is platform dependent.
Given your doubt you probably want to use something like
<copy tofile="mycopy.txt">
<fileset file="myfile.txt" casesensitive="false"/>

How to manage property files with Ant?

I have a program that takes values from a property file(host,port), the path of the property file is currently beign hard coded, but I want to be able to compile and place the property file in the same directory as my compiled classes(in bin/) and when I make a jar and run the program,it should take the values from there automatically, how do I do that?
You should be able to use a "copy" task to copy the property file in your bin directory, inside the same package directory as the java file that needs to read the properties. Then, jar the program, using the "jar" task.
In the java program, you should now be able to read the properties in this way:
Properties props = new Properties();
String host = props.get("hostname");
String port = props.get("port");

Issue with the space in the path specified for build.xml

I have a build file, which has the following property in it.
<property name="schema.dir" value="src/main/resources/schema" />
This schema.dir is used to refer a wsdl file.The parent folder which contains the build.xml has a space in it like this folder name .
When I echoed the property it displayed only src/main/resources/schema.
But I can see from the ant logs that issue is with the space in the folder name.
Since the parent folder is having a space in it, I am not able to refer the wsdl.
Can somebody suggest a solution so that file can be accessed with out changing the folder name
Is it possible to provide directly full path to wsdl file?
Try to replace " " sign with "%20".
For test you can hardcode that and with ANT you can use the propertyregex task from Ant Contrib.
See Replacing characters in Ant property
Have you tried specifying your property as a location rather than a string so Ant knows it's dealing with a file path, you can also specify the path as relative to your base directory.
<property name="schema.dir" location="${basedir}/src/main/resources/schema"/>
Adding ${basedir} to the path may not be necessary after changing the property from a value to a location.

Passing property files in a loop to Ant script

I have a directory with a list of property files for different environment(DEV/STG/QA etc.,)
I want to call an Ant target in a loop with each of this file. How do I do this. I downloaded ant-contrib and tried using the foreach but I couldn't find any example where I can read property files one at a time and call the target. Any suggestions?
I have been looking at a lot of samples on this site and online, nothing seem to match my requirement.
As per apacche documentation :
<property file=""/>
reads a set of properties from a file called "".
so, if you have my.var=25 , then ${my.var} will get you its value 25. For your requirement you can iterate through the files based on 'env' name & do required tasks.

How do I find a particular sub directory using Ant and then use it to create a symlink?

I need to create a symlink to a sub-directory using Ant. The issue is that I don't know where the target sub-directory is.
To create a symlink with ant I do this:
<symlink link="${parent.dir}/FOO/linkname" resource="${parent.dir}/BAR/target"/>
But I don't know what BAR is called in advance so I need to do a search for "target" under parent.dir and then pass the one result into the resource.
Is this possible using fileset? Or another way?
It might be possible to use a fileset but that might give you several symlinks or none.
A much better approach is to define the path to BAR in a property. If there is a dynamic part in this path, change the code so that Ant evaluates the dynamic part and everyone else uses Ant's value.
The typical example here is that the path contains a version or timestamp. Define those in your build file so you can use them everywhere. If a Java process needs the values, pass them to the process as a system property (-D...).
