jquery mobile bind/live tap - ios

I'm trying to bind a tap event to no avail:
$('label[for=p_divisionR]').bind('tap', function(){
I have tried with .live('tap', fn) as well which doesn't work. However when on a desktop, using .live('click', fn) works fine.
Why would the click event work but not tap? It's being tested on an iPad using jQuery mobile rc1.

You can use other events like touchstart along with click. They respond to touch on safari in iOS. This approach worked for me.
$('#p_divisionR').live('click touchstart', function(){

Use vclick There were issues with tap back in the beta days and their developers recommended people use vclick. vclick will work on both mobile and desktop. Tap will sometimes trigger multiple events.
$('#p_divisionR').live('change', function(){
Forgot you were using radio buttons. For those you should use change instead of vclick


How to Fix JQuery UI Autocomplete in Combination with Touch Punch?

Selection of words in an autocomplete input field (within a dialog) is not working properly when using JQuery UI in combination with Touch Punch. It seems to work if the autocomplete field is directly on the HTML page, but not in a dialog.
Note that selection by mouse is working perfectly in all cases, but selection by touch (i.e. on mobile device) not.
I have reduced the whole case to a few lines of HTML and JavaScript code.
Once with JQuery UI Touch Punch, once without JQuery UI Touch Punch.
I am able to reproduce the error with all combinations of browser and OS, e.g. Chrome on an iPhone, Chrome on an Android mobile as well as with Safari on an iPad,
Would be nice if somebody knows a workaround.
I think this behavior is a result of the fact that on one the one hand Touch Punch developers are not that smart and on the other hand jQuery UI seems to be not very cooperative with Touch Punch.
There are two ways how mouse event might be triggered:
browser might simulate click events after touch events
some library might simulate click events after touch events
Your example without Touch Punch works because mobile browsers currently simulate click events.
So how Touch Punch works and how it messes things up? If you look at the source code https://github.com/furf/jquery-ui-touch-punch/blob/master/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js you'll see that it wraps $.ui.mouse.prototype._mouseInit with its own code and the main intention is to attach various touch-related listeners for all widgets that inherit $.ui.mouse. So far so good. But what exactly those listeners do? The _touchStart handler runs a check using $.ui.mouse internal API:
to check if it needs to simulate mouse events. The logic is: if there is no click handler in the widget, there is no need to simulate click. It looks OK at the first glance but what's going wrong? The autocomplete widget puts its dropdown menu to the outside context of the containing dialog and thus touch events on the menu items actually hit listeners registered by touch-punch for the dialog (or rather for its draggable and resizable sub-components). But the dialog subcomponents have no click listeners and thus events are not simulated by the library. Moreover, draggable in your version (see https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/blob/1-11-stable/ui/draggable.js) calls
this._blurActiveElement( event );
unconditionally and this seems to stop browser from generating mouse events. So now neither browser nor library simulate click event.
It seems that in the development branch of jQuery UI the bug is fixed https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui/commit/8c66934434214ab92cbcf46240beb739154fdfbf but for a bit different reason. This fix seems to be available in the jQuery UI 1.12.1 but not in your 1.12.0
So the simplest solution seems to be to upgrade jQuery UI to 1.12.1
See working demo with jQuery UI 1.12.1 at https://jsfiddle.net/cjvgv102/1/ and http://jsfiddle.net/cjvgv102/1/embedded/result/
Ugly hack (stop here unless you really have to)
If for some reasons you can't upgrade jQuery UI, you can do a hack by explicitly creating a fake mouse object on the dropdown and calling its _mouseInit so event will not be handled by dialog's sub-components.
$( "#demoDlg" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Close": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
open: function(event, ui) {
$( "#words" ).autocomplete({
source: ["these", "are", "some", "words"]
// super-hack
$( "#words" ).autocomplete("instance").menu.element.mouse().mouse("instance")._mouseInit();
See full demo at

Removing 300ms tap delay on mobile web.

I am trying to have an element respond to a tap on a mobile device. Tapping the black box should reveal elements behind the top div. See here: http://shaloon.com/help/
When I implement hammer.js "tap" in lieu of jQuery's "click", my interaction doesn't work.
This works:
$('.HomeButton').on("click", function() {
This doesn't work
$('.HomeButton').hammer().bind("tap", function() {
Thank you!
FastClick.js removes the 300ms delay for Tap on mobile devices
Include the javascript file and then use this code for attaching it to the body:

jQuery BlockUI with Click overlay NOT mobile friendly

I'm using jQuery BlockUI Plugin, and it pops up an image over the homepage. I want to be able to click outside of the image anywhere and be able to close it on smart phones.
I set this code, and it only works on Desktop, but NOT on Mobile:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#demo9').click(function() {
$('.blockOverlay').attr('title','Click to unblock').click($.unblockUI);
Try binding the event with .on() in case there is a timing issue where the overlay does not exist yet:
$(".blockOverlay").on("click", function(){ $.unblockUI });
$(document).on("click", ".blockOverlay", function(){ $.unblockUI });
Also, does it make any difference if you use vclick instead of click?
Using touchstart with click works on Iphone, Kindle, Ipad
$('.blockOverlay').attr('title','Click to unblock').on('click touchstart',$.unblockUI);

jQuery Mobile - preventDefault() on button (link)

I'm developing jQuery Mobile (jQm) app.
I wanna utilize taphold event to some crucial elements, such as remove button, to assure, that this element is secured from unwanted trigger.
I created Remove button on jQm popup and aded some JS to it, but I cannot force default action to quit, not with event.preventDefault() and event.stopImmediatePropagation(), nor with return false.
I prepared jsFiddle as duplicate of my code. The popup there contains simple progress bar as indicator of holded tap. You can try it here: jsFiddle (note: HTML5 data tag taphold="true" is not jQm default)
As a workaround, I'm currently replacing <a href="#" data-role="button"...></a> with <div>styled like button. This works well, since it doesn't have any default action, but I'm curious why the "proper" solution doesn't work?
$("a:jqmData(taphold='true')").bind("vmousedown vmouseup", function(event) {
The event.preventDefault(); and event.stopImmediatePropagation(); used in the above piece of code, refer to the vmousedown and vmouseup events and not to every event which is bound to the selected element(s).
This means that the default behaviour for the click event still exists. So when you click the remove button, the click event is triggered and that's why the pop up closes immediately.
I hope this helps.

Can I temporarily supress the 'Copy Paste' dialog on iPad for a taphold event? (phonegap / jquery mobile)

I have a screen in my app where I would like users to have to taphold a div instead of just tap.
The only problem is that about every third time, the copy/paste ipad dialog pops up... this is annoying and if I cannot stop it, I will have to come up with a different solution.
But I would really like to just turn that iPad option off, but just while on that page.
I found out you have to disable right-clicking.
document.oncontextmenu = function() {return false;};
if ( e.button == 2 )
alert('Right mouse button!');
return false;
return true;
I'm guessing this isn't possible since I received no answers yet... I just changed the event to swipe as opposed to tapHold which works just as good for me.
