Dynamic programming in F# - f#

What is the most elegant way to implement dynamic programming algorithms that solve problems with overlapping subproblems? In imperative programming one would usually create an array indexed (at least in one dimension) by the size of the problem, and then the algorithm would start from the simplest problems and work towards more complicated once, using the results already computed.
The simplest example I can think of is computing the Nth Fibonacci number:
int Fibonacci(int N)
var F = new int[N+1];
for(int i=2; i<=N; i++)
return F[N];
I know you can implement the same thing in F#, but I am looking for a nice functional solution (which is O(N) as well obviously).

One technique that is quite useful for dynamic programming is called memoization. For more details, see for example blog post by Don Syme or introduction by Matthew Podwysocki.
The idea is that you write (a naive) recursive function and then add cache that stores previous results. This lets you write the function in a usual functional style, but get the performance of algorithm implemented using dynamic programming.
For example, a naive (inefficient) function for calculating Fibonacci number looks like this:
let rec fibs n =
if n < 1 then 1 else
(fibs (n - 1)) + (fibs (n - 2))
This is inefficient, because when you call fibs 3, it will call fibs 1 three times (and many more times if you call, for example, fibs 6). The idea behind memoization is that we write a cache that stores the result of fib 1 and fib 2, and so on, so repeated calls will just pick the pre-calculated value from the cache.
A generic function that does the memoization can be written like this:
open System.Collections.Generic
let memoize(f) =
// Create (mutable) cache that is used for storing results of
// for function arguments that were already calculated.
let cache = new Dictionary<_, _>()
(fun x ->
// The returned function first performs a cache lookup
let succ, v = cache.TryGetValue(x)
if succ then v else
// If value was not found, calculate & cache it
let v = f(x)
cache.Add(x, v)
To write more efficient Fibonacci function, we can now call memoize and give it the function that performs the calculation as an argument:
let rec fibs = memoize (fun n ->
if n < 1 then 1 else
(fibs (n - 1)) + (fibs (n - 2)))
Note that this is a recursive value - the body of the function calls the memoized fibs function.

Tomas's answer is a good general approach. In more specific circumstances, there may be other techniques that work well - for example, in your Fibonacci case you really only need a finite amount of state (the previous 2 numbers), not all of the previously calculated values. Therefore you can do something like this:
let fibs = Seq.unfold (fun (i,j) -> Some(i,(j,i+j))) (1,1)
let fib n = Seq.nth n fibs
You could also do this more directly (without using Seq.unfold):
let fib =
let rec loop i j = function
| 0 -> i
| n -> loop j (i+j) (n-1)
loop 1 1

let fibs =
|> Seq.unfold (fun (n0, n1) -> Some (n0 , (n1, n0 + n1)))
|> Seq.cache

Taking inspiration from Tomas' answer here, and in an attempt to resolve the warning in my comment on said answer, I propose the following updated solution.
open System.Collections.Generic
let fib n =
let cache = new Dictionary<_, _>()
let memoize f c =
let succ, v = cache.TryGetValue c
if succ then v else
let v = f c
cache.Add(c, v)
let rec inner n =
match n with
| 1
| 2 -> bigint n
| n ->
memoize inner (n - 1) + memoize inner (n - 2)
inner n
This solution internalizes the memoization, and while doing so, allows the definitions of fib and inner to be functions, instead of fib being a recursive object, which allows the compiler to (I think) properly reason about the viability of the function calls.
I also return a bigint instead of an int, as int quickly overflows with even a small of n.
Edit: I should mention, however, that this solution still runs into stack overflow exceptions with sufficiently large values of n.


Converting a loop to pure functions

I have this code written for a Project Euler problem in c++:
int sum = 0;
for(int i =0; i < 1000; i++)
//Check if multiple of 3 but not multiple of 5 to prevent duplicate
sum += i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 != 0 ? i: 0;
//check for all multiple of 5, including those of 3
sum += i % 5 == 0 ? i: 0;
cout << sum;
I'm trying to learn f# and rewriting this in f#. This is what I have so far:
open System
//function to calculate the multiples
let multiple3v5 num =
//function to calculate sum of list items
let rec SumList xs =
match xs with
| [] -> 0
| y::ys -> y + SumList ys
let sum = Array.map multiple3v5 [|1 .. 1000|]
What I have may be complete nonsense...so help please?
Your sumList function is a good start. It already iterates (recursively) over the entire list, so you don't need to wrap it in an additional Array.map. You just need to extend your sumList so that it adds the number only when it matches the specified condition.
Here is a solution to a simplified problem - add all numbers that are divisible by 3:
open System
let rec sumList xs =
match xs with
| [] -> 0 // If the list is empty, the sum is zero
| y::ys when y % 3 = 0 ->
// If the list starts with y that is divisible by 3, then we add 'y' to the
// sum that we get by recursively processing the rest of the list
y + sumList ys
| y::ys ->
// This will only execute when y is not divisible by 3, so we just
// recursively process the rest of the list and return
/// that (without adding current value)
sumList ys
// For testing, let's sum all numbers divisble by 3 between 1 and 10.
let sum = sumList [ 1 .. 10 ]
This is the basic way of writing the function using explicit recursion. In practice, the solution by jpalmer is how I'd solve it too, but it is useful to write a few recursive functions yourself if you're learning F#.
The accumulator parameter mentioned by sashang is a more advanced way to write this. You'll need to do that if you want to run the function on large inputs (which is likely the case in Euler problem). When using accumulator parameter, the function can be written using tail recursion, so it avoids stack overflow even when processing long lists.
The idea of a accumulator-based version is that the function takes additional parameter, which represents the sum calculated so far.
let rec sumList xs sumSoFar = ...
When you call it initially, you write sumList [ ... ] 0. The recursive calls will not call y + sumList xs, but will instead add y to the accumulator and then make the recursive call sumList xs (y + sumSoFar). This way, the F# compiler can do tail-call optimization and it will translate code to a loop (similar to the C++ version).
I'm not sure if translating from an imperative language solution is a good approach to developing a functional mindset as instrument (C++ in your case) had already defined an (imperative) approach to solution, so it's better sticking to original problem outlay.
Overall tasks from Project Euler are excellent for mastering many F# facilities. For example, you may use list comprehensions like in the snippet below
// multipleOf3Or5 function definition is left for your exercise
let sumOfMultiples n =
[ for x in 1 .. n do if multipleOf3Or5 x then yield x] |> List.sum
sumOfMultiples 999
or you can a bit generalize the solution suggested by #jpalmer by exploiting laziness:
Seq.initInfinite id
|> Seq.filter multipleOf3Or5
|> Seq.takeWhile ((>) 1000)
|> Seq.sum
or you may even use this opportunity to master active patterns:
let (|DivisibleBy|_) divisior num = if num % divisor = 0 the Some(num) else None
|> Seq.map (fun i ->
match i with | DivisibleBy 3 i -> i | DivisibleBy 5 i -> i | _ -> 0)
|> Seq.sum
All three variations above implement a common pattern of making a sequence of members with sought property and then folding it by calculating sum.
F# has many more functions than just map - this problem suggests using filter and sum, my approach would be something like
let valid n = Left as an exercise
let r =
|> List.filter valid
|> List.sum
printfn "%i" r
I didn't want to do the whole problem, but filling in the missing function shouldn't be too hard
This is how you turn a loop with a counter into a recursive function. You do this by passing an accumulator parameter to the loop function that holds the current loop count.
For example:
let rec loop acc =
if acc = 10 then
printfn "endloop"
printfn "%d" acc
loop (acc + 1)
loop 0
This will stop when acc is 10.

Getting every nth Element of a Sequence

I am looking for a way to create a sequence consisting of every nth element of another sequence, but don't seem to find a way to do that in an elegant way. I can of course hack something, but I wonder if there is a library function that I'm not seeing.
The sequence functions whose names end in -i seem to be quite good for the purpose of figuring out when an element is the nth one or (multiple of n)th one, but I can only see iteri and mapi, none of which really lends itself to the task.
let someseq = [1;2;3;4;5;6]
let partial = Seq.magicfunction 3 someseq
Then partial should be [3;6]. Is there anything like it out there?
If I am not quite as ambitious and allow for the n to be constant/known, then I've just found that the following should work:
let rec thirds lst =
match lst with
| _::_::x::t -> x::thirds t // corrected after Tomas' comment
| _ -> []
Would there be a way to write this shorter?
Seq.choose works nicely in these situations because it allows you do the filter work within the mapi lambda.
let everyNth n elements =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i e -> if i % n = n - 1 then Some(e) else None)
|> Seq.choose id
Similar to here.
You can get the behavior by composing mapi with other functions:
let everyNth n seq =
seq |> Seq.mapi (fun i el -> el, i) // Add index to element
|> Seq.filter (fun (el, i) -> i % n = n - 1) // Take every nth element
|> Seq.map fst // Drop index from the result
The solution using options and choose as suggested by Annon would use only two functions, but the body of the first one would be slightly more complicated (but the principle is essentially the same).
A more efficient version using the IEnumerator object directly isn't too difficult to write:
let everyNth n (input:seq<_>) =
seq { use en = input.GetEnumerator()
// Call MoveNext at most 'n' times (or return false earlier)
let rec nextN n =
if n = 0 then true
else en.MoveNext() && (nextN (n - 1))
// While we can move n elements forward...
while nextN n do
// Retrun each nth element
yield en.Current }
EDIT: The snippet is also available here: http://fssnip.net/1R

Permutation generator function F#

I need to generate a list of all distinct permutations of 1..n x 1..n where teh first value does not equal the second
(i.e. generate 3 -> [(3,2):: (3,1):: (2,3) ::(2,1)::(1,3)::(1,2)]
the exact scenario is you have a pool of objects(cards) and one is dealt to each player. If a player is dealt a card, no other player can be dealt that card(ignore suits for the time being, if I have to I will make a lut for 1-52 to map to the actual cards)
I came up with the following which seems messy at best
let GenerateTuples (numcards: int) =
let rec cellmaker (cardsleft: int) (cardval:int) =
if cardval = cardsleft then (if cardval <= 0 then [] else cellmaker cardsleft (cardval-1) ) elif cardval <= 0 then [] else (cardsleft, cardval) :: cellmaker cardsleft (cardval-1)
let rec generatelists (cardsleft:int) =
cellmaker cardsleft numcards # (if cardsleft > 1 then generatelists (cardsleft-1) else [])
generatelists numcards
is there a better way of doing this?
You can do it easily using list comprehensions:
let GenerateTuples (n:int) =
[for i in 1..n do for j in 1..n do if i <> j then yield (i,j)]
The problem is best seen as a matrix problem, and the nested "for" loops of the imperative solution can be done functionally.
let Permute n =
let rec Aux (x,y) =
if (x,y) = (n,n) then
let nextTuple = if y = n then ((x + 1),1) else (x,(y + 1))
if x = y then
Aux nextTuple
(x,y)::(Aux nextTuple)
Aux (1,1)
This is not tail-recursive, so get's a stack overflow at approx n = 500, on my machine. It is almost trivial to make this function tail recursive.
The times for this were very interesting. This function (tail recursive version) took 50% more than the original, and the imperative solution took approx 3 times as long again! Yes - the original functional solution is the fastest, this is the next fastest, and the imperative list comprehension was the slowest, by approx 1::1.5::4. Tested on a wide variety of datasets.

When creating an intermediary value should I store it?

I am trying to learn F# so I paid a visit to Project Euler and I am currently working on Problem 3.
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7,
13 and 29.
What is the largest prime
factor of the number 600851475143?
Some things to consider:
My first priority is to learn good functional habits.
My second priority is I would like it to be fast and efficient.
Within the following code I have marked the section this question is regarding.
let isPrime(n:int64) =
let rec check(i:int64) =
i > n / 2L or (n % i <> 0L && check(i + 1L))
let greatestPrimeFactor(n:int64) =
let nextPrime(prime:int64):int64 =
seq { for i = prime + 1L to System.Int64.MaxValue do if isPrime(i) then yield i }
|> Seq.skipWhile(fun v -> n % v <> 0L)
|> Seq.hd
let rec findNextPrimeFactor(number:int64, prime:int64):int64 =
if number = 1L then prime else
//************* No variable
(fun p -> findNextPrimeFactor(number / p, p))(nextPrime(prime))
//************* Variable
let p = nextPrime(prime)
findNextPrimeFactor(number / p, p)
findNextPrimeFactor(n, 2L)
Based off some of the feedback I have refactored the code to be 10 times faster.
module Problem3
module private Internal =
let execute(number:int64):int64 =
let rec isPrime(value:int64, current:int64) =
current > value / 2L or (value % current <> 0L && isPrime(value, current + 1L))
let rec nextPrime(prime:int64):int64 =
if number % prime = 0L && isPrime(prime, 2L) then prime else nextPrime(prime + 1L)
let rec greatestPrimeFactor(current:int64, prime:int64):int64 =
if current = 1L then prime else nextPrime(prime + 1L) |> fun p -> greatestPrimeFactor(current / p, p)
greatestPrimeFactor(number, 2L)
let execute() = Internal.execute(600851475143L)
I would like to thank everyone for there advice. This latest version is a compilation of all the advice I received.
module Problem3
module private Internal =
let largestPrimeFactor number =
let rec isPrime value current =
current > value / 2L || (value % current <> 0L && isPrime value (current + 1L))
let rec nextPrime value =
if number % value = 0L && isPrime value 2L then value else nextPrime (value + 1L)
let rec find current prime =
match current / prime with
| 1L -> prime
| current -> nextPrime (prime + 1L) |> find current
find number (nextPrime 2L)
let execute() = Internal.largestPrimeFactor 600851475143L
Functional programming becomes easier and more automatic with practice, so don't sweat it if you don't get it absolutely right on the first try.
With that in mind, let's take your sample code:
let rec findNextPrimeFactor(number:int64, prime:int64):int64 =
if number = 1L then prime else
//************* No variable
(fun p -> findNextPrimeFactor(number / p, p))(nextPrime(prime))
//************* Variable
let p = nextPrime(prime)
findNextPrimeFactor(number / p, p)
Your no variable version is just weird, don't use it. I like your version with the explicit let binding.
Another way to write it would be:
nextPrime(prime) |> fun p -> findNextPrimeFactor(number / p, p)
Its ok and occasionally useful to write it like this, but still comes across as a little weird. Most of the time, we use |> to curry values without needing to name our variables (in "pointfree" style). Try to anticipate how your function will be used, and if possible, re-write it so you can use it with the pipe operator without explicit declared variables. For example:
let rec findNextPrimeFactor number prime =
match number / prime with
| 1L -> prime
| number' -> nextPrime(prime) |> findNextPrimeFactor number'
No more named args :)
Ok, now that we have that out of the way, let's look at your isPrime function:
let isPrime(n:int64) =
let rec check(i:int64) =
i > n / 2L or (n % i <> 0L && check(i + 1L))
You've probably heard to use recursion instead of loops, and that much is right. But, wherever possible, you should abstract away recursion with folds, maps, or higher order functions. Two reasons for this:
its a little more readable, and
improperly written recursion will result in a stack overflow. For example, your function is not tail recursive, so it'll blow up on large values of n.
I'd rewrite isPrime like this:
let isPrime n = seq { 2L .. n / 2L } |> Seq.exists (fun i -> n % i = 0L) |> not
Most of the time, if you can abstract away your explicit looping, then you're just applying transformations to your input sequence until you get your results:
let maxFactor n =
seq { 2L .. n - 1L } // test inputs
|> Seq.filter isPrime // primes
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> n % x = 0L) // factors
|> Seq.max // result
We don't even have intermediate variables in this version. Coolness!
My second priority is I would like it
to be fast and efficient.
Most of the time, F# is going to be pretty comparable with C# in terms of speed, or it's going to be "fast enough". If you find your code takes a long time to execute, it probably means you're using the wrong data structure or a bad algorithm. For a concrete example, read the comments on this question.
So, the code I've written is "elegant" in the sense that its concise, gives the correct results, and doesn't rely on any trickery. Unfortunately, its not very fast. For start:
it uses trial division to create a sequence of primes, when the Sieve of Eratosthenes would be much faster. [Edit: I wrote a somewhat naive version of this sieve which didn't work for numbers larger than Int32.MaxValue, so I've removed the code.]
read Wikipedia's article on the prime counting function, it'll give you pointers on calculating the first n primes as well as estimating the upper and lower bounds for the nth prime.
[Edit: I included some code with a somewhat naive implementation of a sieve of eratosthenes. It only works for inputs less than int32.MaxValue, so it probably isn't suitable for project euler.]
Concerning "good functional habit" or rather good practice I see three minor things. Using the yield in your sequence is a little harder to read than just filter. Unnecessary type annotations in a type inferred language leads to difficult refactoring and makes the code harder to read. Don't go overboard and try to remove every type annotation though if you're finding it difficult. Lastly making a lambda function which only takes a value to use as a temp variable reduces readability.
As far as personal style goes I prefer more spaces and only using tupled arguments when the data makes sense being grouped together.
I'd write your original code like this.
let isPrime n =
let rec check i =
i > n / 2L || (n % i <> 0L && check (i + 1L))
check 2L
let greatestPrimeFactor n =
let nextPrime prime =
seq {prime + 1L .. System.Int64.MaxValue}
|> Seq.filter isPrime
|> Seq.skipWhile (fun v -> n % v <> 0L)
|> Seq.head
let rec findNextPrimeFactor number prime =
if number = 1L then
let p = nextPrime(prime)
findNextPrimeFactor (number / p) p
findNextPrimeFactor n 2L
Your updated code is optimal for your approach. You would have to use a different algorithm like Yin Zhu answer to go faster. I wrote a test to check to see if F# makes the "check" function tail recursive and it does.
the variable p is actually a name binding, not a variable. Using name binding is not a bad style. And it is more readable. The lazy style of nextPrime is good, and it actually prime-test each number only once during the whole program.
My Solution
let problem3 =
let num = 600851475143L
let rec findMax (n:int64) (i:int64) =
if n=i || n<i then
elif n%i=0L then
findMax (n/i) i
findMax n (i+1L)
findMax num 2L
I basically divides num from 2, 3, 4.. and don't consider any prime numbers. Because if we divides all 2 from num, then we won't be able to divide it by 4,8, etc.
on this number, my solution is quicker:
> greatestPrimeFactor 600851475143L;;
Real: 00:00:01.110, CPU: 00:00:00.702, GC gen0: 1, gen1: 1, gen2: 0
val it : int64 = 6857L
Real: 00:00:00.001, CPU: 00:00:00.000, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
val problem3 : int64 = 6857L
I think that the code with the temporary binding is significantly easier to read. It's pretty unusual to create an anonymous function and then immediately apply it to a value as you do in the other case. If you really want to avoid using a temporary value, I think that the most idiomatic way to do that in F# would be to use the (|>) operator to pipe the value into the anonymous function, but I still think that this isn't quite as readable.

Project Euler Problem 27 in F#

I've been trying to work my way through Problem 27 of Project Euler, but this one seems to be stumping me. Firstly, the code is taking far too long to run (a couple of minutes maybe, on my machine, but more importantly, it's returning the wrong answer though I really can't spot anything wrong with the algorithm after looking through it for a while.
Here is my current code for the solution.
/// Checks number for primality.
let is_prime n =
[|1 .. 2 .. sqrt_int n|] |> Array.for_all (fun x -> n % x <> 0)
/// Memoizes a function.
let memoize f =
let cache = Dictionary<_, _>()
fun x ->
let found, res = cache.TryGetValue(x)
if found then
let res = f x
cache.[x] <- res
/// Problem 27
/// Find a quadratic formula that produces the maximum number of primes for consecutive values of n.
let problem27 n =
let is_prime_mem = memoize is_prime
let range = [|-(n - 1) .. n - 1|]
let natural_nums = Seq.init_infinite (fun i -> i)
range |> Array.map (fun a -> (range |> Array.map (fun b ->
let formula n = n * n + a * n + b
let num_conseq_primes = natural_nums |> Seq.map (fun n -> (n, formula n))
|> Seq.find (fun (n, f) -> not (is_prime_mem f)) |> fst
(a * b, num_conseq_primes)) |> Array.max_by snd)) |> Array.max_by snd |> fst
printn_any (problem27 1000)
Any tips on how to a) get this algorithm actually returning the right answer (I think I'm at least taking a workable approach) and b) improve the performance, as it clearly exceeds the "one minute rule" set out in the Project Euler FAQ. I'm a bit of a newbie to functional programming, so any advice on how I might consider the problem with a more functional solution in mind would also be appreciated.
Two remarks:
You may take advantage of the fact that b must be prime. This follows from the fact that the problem asks for the longest sequence of primes for n = 0, 1, 2, ...
So, formula(0) must be prime to begin with , but formula(0) = b, therefore, b must be prime.
I am not an F# programmer, but it seems to me that the code does not try n= 0 at all. This, of course, does not meet the problem's requirement that n must start from 0, therefore there are neglectable chances a correct answer could be produced.
Right, after a lot of checking that all the helper functions were doing what they should, I've finally reached a working (and reasonably efficient) solution.
Firstly, the is_prime function was completely wrong (thanks to Dimitre Novatchev for making me look at that). I'm not sure quite how I arrived at the function I posted in the original question, but I had assumed it was working since I'd used it in previous problems. (Most likely, I had just tweaked it and broken it since.) Anyway, the working version of this function (which crucially returns false for all integers less than 2) is this:
/// Checks number for primality.
let is_prime n =
if n < 2 then false
else [|2 .. sqrt_int n|] |> Array.for_all (fun x -> n % x <> 0)
The main function was changed to the following:
/// Problem 27
/// Find a quadratic formula that produces the maximum number of primes for consecutive values of n.
let problem27 n =
let is_prime_mem = memoize is_prime
let set_b = primes (int64 (n - 1)) |> List.to_array |> Array.map int
let set_a = [|-(n - 1) .. n - 1|]
let set_n = Seq.init_infinite (fun i -> i)
set_b |> Array.map (fun b -> (set_a |> Array.map (fun a ->
let formula n = n * n + a * n + b
let num_conseq_primes = set_n |> Seq.find (fun n -> not (is_prime_mem (formula n)))
(a * b, num_conseq_primes))
|> Array.max_by snd)) |> Array.max_by snd |> fst
The key here to increase speed was to only generate the set of primes between 1 and 1000 for the values of b (using the primes function, my implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes method). I also managed to make this code slightly more concise by eliminating the unnecessary Seq.map.
So, I'm pretty happy with the solution I have now (it takes just under a second), though of course any further suggestions would still be welcome...
You could speed up your "is_prime" function by using a probabilistic algorithm. One of the easiest quick algorithms for this is the Miller-Rabin algorithm.
to get rid of half your computations you could also make the array of possible a´s only contain odd numbers
my superfast python solution :P
flag = [0]*204
primes = []
def ifc(n): return flag[n>>6]&(1<<((n>>1)&31))
def isc(n): flag[n>>6]|=(1<<((n>>1)&31))
def sieve():
for i in xrange(3, 114, 2):
if ifc(i) == 0:
for j in xrange(i*i, 12996, i<<1): isc(j)
def store():
for i in xrange(3, 1000, 2):
if ifc(i) == 0: primes.append(i)
def isprime(n):
if n < 2: return 0
if n == 2: return 1
if n & 1 == 0: return 0
if ifc(n) == 0: return 1
return 0
def main():
mmax, ret = 0, 0
for b in primes:
for a in xrange(-999, 1000, 2):
n = 1
while isprime(n*n + a*n + b): n += 1
if n > mmax: mmax, ret = n, a * b
print ret
