xcode 4.2 build and archive issues in iTunes - ios

i have upgraded my xcode to 4.2 and tried to build my old project using new xcode.
i changed the following settings in new xcode -
Architectures -> armv6 armv7
Base SDK - ios5
Compiler - > LLVM GCC 4.2
iOS Deployment Target -> iOS 3.1
i was able to build and install it in device(5.0 ios) but when i tried to make an distribution build using archive, it failed to install in the devices showing invalid entitlements both for ios4 and ios5.
when i googled it i found that in order successfully intall set
Build Active Architecture Only - > NO
After this i got success to install my distribution build .ipa through iTunes in iphone 3gs/4(both 4 and ios5) but it still showing invalid entitlements in iphone3g(3.1.3ios).
i have static libraries in my project as well.
Please help me figure out how to create an build which should install in 3.1 to 5.0 ios.

You will have to plug your device and open organizer, than it will ask to install IOS3.0 - 3.2.2 Device Debugging Support, install it and try again, it works for me.


Can't install my Adhoc ios build in a specific ios Device (iPhone XS - iOS 14.2)

I tried to build and distribute couple of Adhoc distribution build with bit code and without bitcode .. and generated build on both Diawi and installonair anyway the link installed on 2 devices without any problems. 1. iphone x - ios 14.1 and iPhone 6s - ios 14.2 but it's not installing on my manager's iPhone xs - iOS 14.2 :(. I am receiving following message on his phone "Unable to install - This app cannot be installed because its integrity could not be verified. I think this problem happens only after I updated to Xcode 12.2 and I am still running on macOS catalina version 10.15.7.
Remove anything you have in embedded framework and archive it again, It worked for me. I had Pods framework of my own project that generated by automatically after I removed that and archive again it worked. And also I used fresh distribution certificate and bundle identifier. Hope it will helps for some developers.
I was facing similar problems.
Enterprise app:
installing smoothly from the current server.
Change the server and some user-facing this problem.
Solving methods:
Update the version number of the app.
Change the build number of the app.
Its working fine.

dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib on Xcode 9 only

I recently upgraded to Xcode 9 from 8.3.3.
Our project is written in Objective-C as are all the other frameworks we use. I have added a framework which is written in Swift (version 3.0). In Xcode 8, I am able to build and run the project without problem in simulator and on device. In Xcode 9 I am unable to run the project on simulator or device due to the error:
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/libswiftCore.dylib
Referenced from: .../libraryname
Reason: image not found
After downgrading, I was able to run the project again.
My configuration has:
After battling for several hours with this error and trying various solutions, my solution turned out to be different than others here so I'm adding it for others who may benefit.
I tried:
- LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = $(inherited) #executable_path/Frameworks
No luck. Turned out the issue was more basic. My project has multiple build targets and somehow the setting for Host Application had gotten unset.
The Swift framework has to be built with the same version of Swift as your project (in this case Swift 4 inherantly since you upgraded and are running through Xcode 9).
Rebuild and re-add/replace the framework with the new version and it should work.
Are you using Carthage and have multiple XCode_s on your machine? I had an issue recently when I ran
carthage update --use-ssh --platform iOS while xcode8.3.3 was selected in the command line. Then included built frameworks into the build.
For it to work in XCode9 you will need to run switch command
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer for your Xcode.app and run carthage again.
Hope it helps.
Had the same problem. I'm using Xcode 9.2, Swift 4 and my device runs in iOS 11.1.
I deleted Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority in Keychain Access and replace it with a new one (you can download certificate here)
After that, I have changed "Trust"(double-click the certificate) from "Always Trust" to "System Default".
Try restarting Xcode. I tried everything else and this is what stopped the problem.
It mainly occurs if your certificate trust settings is set to "Always Trust". Change it to "System Defaults" and recreate the build. This should solve the issue: https://egeek.me/2017/10/21/code-signing-blocked-mmap-on-ios-device/
I faced the same problem (on Xcode 9.4.1) but couldn't solve it with any of the help. I faced a problem where Xcode kept on prompting me to use my keychain but couldn't complete the request—although I gave my password. The app built successfully and installed. However, it crashed upon running on the device immediately.
Here's what solved my issue.
Deleted my Certificate & public/private key pair
Created a new Certificate (via a CSR) and installed it on my computer
Linked the new certificate to the provisioning profile and installed the profile on Xcode
Cleaned the build and deleted the existing build on the device
Hope this helps someone who is searching through the planet!
Just clean and built solve this problem. Tested in Xcode 9.2 and Swift 4

Invalid Bundle while submitting swift app + framework

My app is in swift and depends on a private framework (dynamic not static) in swift+obj-C (includes Parse libs) which manages call to Parse.com APIs.
I followed this tuto to build my app in a workspace.
Code is running fine on my iPhone.
Archiving is fine (if I uncheck 'Include app symbols' or it fails like here) but I received a mail from iTunes Connect with this message :
Invalid Bundle - This app includes files that were built with bitcode enabled but without doing an Archive or Install build, possibly from a library or framework that was imported but not built as part of the project. Full bitcode content is only generated in an Archive or Install build.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
It's been three times I checked and rechecked my build settings and I can't find what I missed.
My conf :
XCode Version 7.0 (7A220)
Try to disable Bitcode support
Project > Build Settings > All > Build Options > Enable Bitcode = NO
Maybe your library was compiled without Bitcode, but the setting above is enabled in your project by default in Xcode7

ITMS-90086 Missing 64-bit support

We have a Xamarin application that we are trying to deploy to the apple appstore, but when we try to submit the application for review we get the exception ITMS-90086 Missing 64-bit support. Here is a screenshot:
Here are the build options for my Xamarin project showing that ARMv7 + ARM64 is selected for the Supported architectures setting.
Note from the screenshot that the configuration is set to Release; I did read in one of the Xamarin appstore guidelines that this must be set to Appstore, but I do not have that configuration in my project. (See screenshot below). Could this have anything to do with the error we are getting?
We are able to set the Active configuration to Appstore\Device in the Project menu and have done so. So Appstore configuration is just not available in the project build options.
We also make use of 4 statically linked libraries which we recompiled in Xcode after updating to iOS SDK 8.3. Here is a sample screenshot of the build settings for one of our statically linked libraries.
Here is a summary of the actions that we performed to try get our application submitted:
Upgraded Xcode to the latest version with iOS 8.3 SDK installed
Upgraded to the latest version of Xamarin Studio
Upgraded to latest version of Xamarin.iOS (Version:
Migrated the application to the Unified API
Recompiled our static libraries in Xcode using iOS 8.3 SDK
Used btouch-native to import the libraries into our Xamarin project.
Changed the Active configuration to 'Appstore\Device`.
Configured the correct provisioning profile in the iOS bundle signing section
Selected ARMv7 + ARM64 for the Supported architectures build setting.
We can compile that application with ARM64 architecture specified in the build settings; we can create the archive; we can even validate the archive in Xcode and it passes the validation. But when we do the submission we get this error.
Does anyone know why this error occurs and what we could do to try resolve it?
The problem is that your project file doesn't have an AppStore configuration.
To solve:
Right-click your project => Options.
Select Build/Configurations.
Select Distribution/iPhone, and Copy to:
Name: AppStore
Platform: iPhone
Now you should be able to select the AppStore configuration and set the architecture properly.

Running an iOS application in a device with iOS 5.1.1, using Xcode 5

I am trying to install an iOS application in my iPad running in iOS 5.1.1. When i launch it with Xcode with the development profile, i am getting the following errors :
Xcode cannot install or launch applications supporting the 64-bit
architecture on devices running iOS versions prior to 6.0. This
configuration is supported for distribution through the iOS App Store,
but cannot be used during development with Xcode. To continue, edit
the Run scheme action and select a build configuration that does not
include the 64-bit architecture.
I have tried to change the building architecture by removing the arm64 but i have the same error.
I have tried to install it with testflight by building an ipa with an adhoc provision profile but the same error repeats.
How i can test my application in real device running iOS 5.1.1, building with Xcode 5
You need to make a test target that has no arm64 within valid architectures.
See screenshot, check that you don't have arm64.
Changing the Build Active Architecture Only to Yes for the Debug scheme fixed this for me. This is shown in the screen shot of the accepted answer and it's possible that is the real solution, rather than what the accepted answer describes.
