BlackBerry - BrowserField - NAVIGATION_MODE_NODE - OS 6.0 - Radio buttons don't work - blackberry

[OS 6.0, BrowserField, NAVIGATION_MODE_NODE]
I have a strange problem here...
I must develop an application (6.0) which will use the BrowserField for rendering some HTML files. It will use NAVIGATION_MODE_NODE, the keypad will be used to navigate from a focusable element to another.
I've created a HTML test file here with some input fields.
All of them are working fine, only the radio buttons don't work.
If I don't add "checked="checked"" into a radio button (from a group - all radio buttons are unchecked), the group is skipped (no radio button from the group receives the focus);
If I check a radio button from a group, only this checked radio button will be focused, but still I cannot select another radio button from the group - the rest of the radio buttons from the group are skipped.
The checkboxes are working fine...
final BrowserFieldConfig browserConfig = new BrowserFieldConfig();
browserConfig.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);
browserConfig.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.ENABLE_COOKIES, Boolean.TRUE);
browserConfig.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.ALLOW_CS_XHR, Boolean.TRUE);
browserConfig.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE, BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE_NODE);
I'm using 9800 and 9700 emulators (I don't have a 6.0 device), but somebody tested on a real device, and this wrong behavior is present too.
I've tested with -> Settings (there are some radio buttons in that page), and the same: I cannot select another radio button from a group...
What I want to implement is: using the BrowserField, I want to navigate between controls using the keys.
Do you have a hint for that?
It's quite urgent...
Thank you very much,
I've tried on a BB 9780, and the combo-box doesn't work!
So, in NAVIGATION_MODE_NODE mode, the radio buttons and combo boxes don't work?
On some 6.0 emulators the combo boxes are working.
Do you have any clue?

use BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE_POINTER, otherwise it doesn't work. It sees your combobox as single node and that is why it is not showing properly.


How to change AppiumDriver focus to dropdown that appears on a different layer? iOS

I'm using Appium and I don't face this issue on Android. Only on iOS.
The app is made on React Native. Some sections of the app use a dropdown that when you tap on them, show some options but hide the rest of the app behind a shadow. Something similar to this:
When this happens, the focus of the AppiumDriver remains on the background, so I can't tap/click on the options or any of the elements that appear on the front. Similar in some way to what happens when you're using Selenium WebDriver and a new popup appears and you have to change the focus of the driver in order to interact with its elements.
I've tried with "getWindowsHandles()" or "getContextHandles()" but it doesn't work for this scenario.
The only thing that worked to click these options was using X,Y coordinates which is not very optimal, so I'm aiming to find a better solution in which I can interact with these elements setting the AppiumDriver focus on the options.
You can try locating it using the Accessibility Id in your code (not in Appium Inspector). The Accessibility Id will be similar to the text of the option like
accessibility id = "Reload"

Windows Phone 8.1 - Textbox not accessible for editing

I have a Windows Phone 8.1 app. I have a webview and a TextBox in same grid on a page. TextBox is for copying text to clipboard so the user has to interact with it to copy the text. I am using the visibility.collapsed to Show the webview or to collapse it and Show the TextBox.
The Problem occurs when I use the webview and then collaps it and Show the TextBox, I can't interact with the TextBox any more. I can tap on it and it Looks like focused but I can't interact with it. I can't copy the text or mark it for copy. I must also say that a messagebox appears when switching from webview to TextBox (I did this). maybe this is impoortant for you.
How can I bring the TextBox's functionality back? And the funny Thing is that sometimes (rarely) it works. But when it is not working any more than it doesn't work until you Close the app completely and open it again.

Hide Twitter Bootstrap 3 dropdown on clicking anywhere outside on iPad

I am using Bootstrap 3 and I need to hide the dropdown when clicking anywhere outside on iPad.
Also I need to trigger dropdown on hover instead of click.
This is my code so far:
I don't see the problem with the click, the dropdowns hide when I click outside (tested in my PC but I think it must work same on iPad). Btw, in this question you can find the solution about hover in dropdowns.

JQuery Mobile: how to disable default keyboard when clicking in text field?

I am currently using input text fields that spawn a chooser (listview with various entries) when they are clicked on. Testing this on the appMobi emulator works flawlessly; however, when testing it on an iPhone, the default keyboard appears when the text fields are touched and then quickly disappears to be replaced by the chooser.
Is there a way I can prevent the default keyboard from showing with JQM?
If they require user input, then you can't prevent the browsers' default implementation (at least in a x-browser friendly way). They is certainly no solution with JQM.
I suggest you style your own text box from a div or similar, using html/css. With js you can then wire up the chooser to this element.

jQuery Mobile Force hide soft keypad on focusing text input field

I have a date field on a PHP website and I'm using jQuery Mobile for mobile site.
While browsing the site on a mobile browser, (eg firefox mobile on android), on clicking on the date text input, the calendar dialog comes up, but the soft keyboard also comes up on my android (Soft keypad comes up whenever one focuses on a input field)
Is there a way, I can force hide the soft keyboard ? Is there a generic javascript based trick to force hide the soft keypad (that works on all mobile devices like iphone, android etc ?
I'm using the jQuery Mobile datepicker from here
A more simple solution is to add readonly="true" to the input boxes that you have the datepicker attached to. Even though you can't manually type in a date, on mobile you won't have to deal with the keyboard popping up and getting in the way
Just found an answer to my question. (Guess I didn't search with the right keywords earlier :-|)
Adding a jQuery blur event on focus solves the issue.
Thanks to this post by Danny C
My workaround (though I am using a different plugin: the datebox from is currently the following:
set a disabled attribute on the input
bind a click handler to the input or its parent
the click handler triggers .datebox('open') on the selected element
This way there is no focus element so no triggering of Android soft keyboard.
add the readonly attribute to your date box. (or readonly="readonly") input type="text" data-role="date" readonly
For JQM add the folloiwing files jqm.datepicker.css , jqm.datepicker.theme.css , jqueryUI.js , jqm.datepicker.js
