Rails Dev Server not visible on network - ruby-on-rails

Trying to do something very basic and test my Rails app on my phone.
Starting the server with:
rails s
But when accessing mymachinename.local:3000, Mobile Safari says that the server stopped responding after about 30 seconds.
I do this all the time on other machines, but I have no idea what could be causing it here. Any suggestions?

I've had a similar issue before trying to access the server from a virtual machine, I had to use the following format for the rails server command:
rails s -b your.dev.ip.address

Whoops. Firewall. Don't know why I even had it turned on.


When running "rails server" why does my localhost refuse to connect on both Chrome and Firefox?

I'm trying to see my Ruby on Rails app on my localhost, when I run rails server it looks like it is running good with no errors but when I open up my localhost at http://localhost:3000/ it redirects me to https://localhost:8080/ and says refuses to connect. I am able to open my localhost files with no problems but when I run rails server and open localhost with the port it redirects me to https instead of http no matter what I do. I even tried running with different ports. I am on Ubuntu and my app is using Puma.
I have done the following so far:
Cleared all my cache & history
Opened incognito window
Ran rails server with different ports
Changed some about:config settings to false in firefox
Have searched localhost in 'chrome://net-internals/#hstsand' but says not found
I've tried the other solutions on this link: Google Chrome redirecting localhost to https
None have worked at all. What could the problem be?
I get this error on Chrome
And this error on Firefox
Any advice on this helps! Thanks.
EDIT: Let me know if this needs to be changed, this is how I have my
etc/host/ set up
After scrolling through posts and much research my issue was that I did not run yarn before running rails server. I found this post and referred to this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/58369306/14365156
But I did not follow those steps exactly, I only ran yarn then ran rails server and now am finally able to view http://localhost:3000/. Hopefully this helps others!

websocket-rails standalone mode running heroku

I'm trying to run websocket app using rails module "websocket-rails" by standalone
mode on heroku. I ran the app in my local env but it seems not working on heroku.
It seems my app cannot reach websocket server.
I use redis for the websocket backend and the redis config does not show any errors.
Is there anything else I can check to investigate the fault? Or heroku does not
support standalone mode websocket?
If there is any document, I'll appreciate that.
thanks in advance.
It was just the setting of websocket server. I'm not sure this is the legit answer, but just specify the app uri for websocket server, it worked. I wrote the details here

Running Ruby on Rails app on server

I am using Aptana Studio 3 for development of ROR apps. I used run server command and it showed you can access your app on {http//}, but when I try to access this URL, it tells me to check your Internet connection. I tried several other ports also but it is not working. I have created/modified the files necessary and migrated the database successfully too. Appreciate any help in running the app over the browser. I am currently using WeBrick Server.
so, in your title you say "on server". what does that mean? when you are running it on a different machine than your own, you need to use the address of that machine or it's domain name. keep in mind that firewall rules might prevent any connection to that server.
when you are ON the machine, via ssh for example, you can try calling the then "local" rails instance with curl http://localhost:3000/ to verify that it is running.

Rails server will not stop and even if it is running it is not working

I am new to Ruby on Rails, but I managed to install it using the RailsInstaller and I am using Aptana Studio 3 as a text editor. I am on a Windows 7 x64.
Last week I managed to create a simple Hello world project, and it worked as it should when starting and stopping the rails server. To start the server I used the command rails server and to stop it I used CTRL+C.
Somehow, this week, when I'm trying to start the server it says "A server is already running". But, when I go to the correct page in a web browser it doesn't work. I get the error "Google Chrome could not connect to localhost:3010". So, this makes it seem like the server is not working, even though it supposedly is running.
So, I then try to stop the server from running, but CTRL+C doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't give any kind of message at all when I input that, it just skips to a new line in the terminal window.
the standard port is 3000.
You can kill the server in the task manager and start it from new..
There is probably a rails process still running but bugged out/crashed. Try looking at the processes in the windows task manager to for a rails process, and cancel it. Additionally you can start a rails process on a different port with rails server -p PORT

Rails only responds when accessed from local machine

I'm running a Rails application on a Mac Mini server machine (with Webrick, running ruby 1.9.2 using rvm). It works fine when I run it locally on my MacBook, and it was working before I reinstalled rvm, but now whenever I try to access it from a browser on my local machine, it simply hangs and doesn't respond.
If I do a curl on my server, though, I get the webpage back fine.
I created a fresh Rails app just to double-check it wasn't a problem with my app, and I get the same problem. I also get the problem with Mongrel, and if I try running a bare Sinatra app with Thin.
It sounds like the same problem documented here: Webrick is very slow to respond. How to speed it up?, but I tried modifying my config.rb file to use :DoNotReverseLookup => true, and it didn't help.
Any ideas?
I don't think the issue is related to Rails or your dispatcher. It looks like the OS firewall is blocking ingoing requests to port 3000. Did you try to allow all ingoing connections from your System Preferences ?
