Rails 3 Query - IN (?) can be blank - ruby-on-rails

This query won't return any records, when hidden_episodes_ids is empty.
:conditions => ["episodes.show_id in (?) AND air_date >= ? AND air_date <= ? AND episodes.id NOT IN (?)", #show_ids, #start_day, #end_day, hidden_episodes_ids]
If it's empty, the SQL will look like NOT IN (null)
So my solution is:
if hidden_episodes_ids.any?
*mode code*:conditions => ["episodes.show_id in (?) AND air_date >= ? AND air_date <= ? AND episodes.id NOT IN (?)", #show_ids, #start_day, #end_day, hidden_episodes_ids]
*mode code*:conditions => ["episodes.show_id in (?) AND air_date >= ? AND air_date <= ?", #show_ids, #start_day, #end_day]
But it is rather ugly (My real query is actually 5 lines, with joins and selects etc..)
Is there a way to use a single query and avoid the NOT IN (null)?
PS: These are old queries migrated into Rails 3, hence the :conditions

You should just use the where method instead as that'll help clean all of this up. You just chain it together:
scope = Thing.where(:episodes => { :show_id => #show_ids })
scope = scope.where('air_date BETWEEN ? AND ?', #start_day, #end_day)
if (hidden_episode_ids.any?)
scope = scope.where('episodes.id NOT IN (?)', hidden_episode_ids)
Being able to conditionally modify the scope avoids a lot of duplication.


Rails 3.1 - quick rewrite on deprecated query needed

I have this:
Product.find(:all, :conditions => ['release_date >=? AND release_date <=?', #start, #start + #weeks.weeks], :order => "initial_stock DESC")
I understand conditions is now deprecated. This works fine locally but when I upload to heroku the order doesn't work, so probably best I rewite right? Problem is each thing i've tried throws an error. Can anyone help?
This should do it:
Product.where("release_date >= ? AND release_date <= ?", #start, #start + #weeks.weeks).order("initial_stock DESC")
If this is used across the app I generally like to create a scope on the model for it. I haven't tested this code but here's what I would do:
# scope on Product.rb
scope :by_release_date, lambda { |date| where("release_date BETWEEN ? AND ?", date.beginning_of_day, date.end_of_day) }
# query anywhere in app
Product.by_release_date('2012-06-11 00:00:00').order('initial_stock DESC')

Active Record Query Using Associated Model in Find Clause

I'm having a blonde moment and probably a brain freeze.
In my rails3 app, I have users and tasks. My users have many tasks...
I have due and overdue tasks as follows:
#due = Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["dueddate >= ? AND AND status = ?", Date.today, false], :include => :taskcategories, :order => "dueddate asc")
What I want to do in my tasks view, is list the users with due tasks...
For some reason, I can't get my head around it. I have tried this, but it's not working:
#task = Task.all
#user = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["#task.dueddate <= ? AND
#task.status = ?", Date.today + 7.days, false])
I'm sure this is easy, can anyone help me!!?
I guess this should work
.where("tasks.dueddate <= ? AND tasks.status = ?", Date.today + 7.days, false).group(:id)
This should work with SQLite and MySQL. However, PostgreSQL requires that you supply all the columns of the table. If it's a small table, you could simply type the names. Or you could add this method to the model:
def self.column_list
self.column_names.collect { |c| "#{self.to_s.pluralize.downcase}.#{c}"}.join(",")
and change .group(:id) to .group(User.column_list)

rails find created_on withing last 5 minutes

I have the following code:
#gameRequests = GameRequest.find(:first, :conditions => ["created_on >= ?", created_on])
I'd like to find the oldest record within the last 5 minutes. How can I subtract the 5 minutes from created_on to do this? I cant seem to find any examples.
The code you want is:
#gameRequest = GameRequest.first(:conditions => ["created_on >= ?", DateTime.now - 5.minutes])
BTW, are you sure the field is named created_on and not created_at? Also, .first gets only the first record, not all of them. For that, you need .all
gameRequests = GameRequest.find(:first, :conditions => ["created_on >= ?", created_on - 5.minute])
Try this:
#gameRequests = GameRequest.find(:first, :conditions => ["created_at >= ?", Time.now - 5.minutes], :order => "created_at ASC")

Combine arrays of conditions in Rails

I'm using the Rails3 beta, will_paginate gem, and the geokit gem & plugin.
As the geokit-rails plugin, doesn't seem to support Rails3 scopes (including the :origin symbol is the issue), I need to use the .find syntax.
In lieu of scopes, I need to combine two sets of criteria in array format:
I have a default condition:
conditions = ["invoices.cancelled = ? AND invoices.paid = ?", false, false]
I may need to add one of the following conditions to the default condition, depending on a UI selection:
#aged 0
lambda {["created_at IS NULL OR created_at < ?", Date.today + 30.days]}
#aged 30
lambda {["created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?", Date.today + 30.days, Date.today + 60.days]}
#aged > 90
lamdba {["created_at >= ?", Date.today + 90.days]}
The resulting query resembles:
#invoices = Invoice.find(
:conditions => conditions,
:origin => ll #current_user's lat/lng pair
).paginate(:per_page => #per_page, :page => params[:page])
Is there an easy way to combine these two arrays of conditions (if I've worded that correctly)
While it isn't contributing to the problem, is there a DRYer way to create these aging buckets?
Is there a way to use Rails3 scopes with the geokit-rails plugin that will work?
Thanks for your time.
Try this:
ca = [["invoices.cancelled = ? AND invoices.paid = ?", false, false]]
ca << ["created_at IS NULL OR created_at < ?",
Date.today + 30.days] if aged == 0
ca << ["created_at >= ? AND created_at < ?",
Date.today + 30.days, Date.today + 60.days] if aged == 30
ca << ["created_at >= ?", Date.today + 90.days] if aged > 30
condition = [ca.map{|c| c[0] }.join(" AND "), *ca.map{|c| c[1..-1] }.flatten]
Edit Approach 2
Monkey patch the Array class. Create a file called monkey_patch.rb in config/initializers directory.
class Array
def where(*args)
sql = args[0]
unless (sql.is_a?(String) and sql.present?)
return self
self[0] = self[0].present? ? " #{self[0]} AND #{sql} " : sql
Now you can do this:
cond = []
cond.where("id = ?", params[id]) if params[id].present?
cond.where("state IN (?)", states) unless states.empty?
User.all(:conditions => cond)
I think a better way is to use Anonymous scopes.
Check it out here:

Use the same parameters many times in a find conditions: hash

I have a model who holds 2 properties: valid_from and valid_to.
I need to select all instances that are currently valid, i.e. valid_from <= today and valid_to >= today.
i have the following find :
Mymodel.find(:all, :conditions => ["valid_from <= ? and valid_to >= ?", Date.today, Date.today])
I already thought about storing Date.today in a variable and calling that variable, but i still need to call it twice.
my_date = Date.today
Mymodel.find(:all, :conditions => ["valid_from <= ? and valid_to >= ?", my_date, my_date])
Is there a way to improve and do only one call to the variable to match all the "?" in the :conditions ?
I would use named_scope. In model add:
named_scope :valid,
:conditions =>
["valid_from <= ? and valid_to >= ?", Date.today, Date.today]
And then in your controller you can call:
#mymodels = Mymodel.valid
I think that focusing on reducing two calls to Date.today to only one call is wasting of time. It won't make your application faster or using less memory.
I'm not aware of a way to do what you're asking, but even if you could I don't think it would buy you much. I would create a named scope within your model class.
In this example, you can pass the date to the named scope, or it will default to today's date if no date is specified:
named_scope :by_valid_date, lambda { |*args|
{ :conditions => ["valid_from <= ? and valid_to >= ?",
(args.first || Date.today), (args.first || Date.today)]} }
