Custom ActionFilter for disabling the BACK button -

Currently working on an ASP.NET MVC 3.0 application and using FormsAuthentication.
When the user clicks the Logoff link, it calls the following:
public ActionResult LogOff()
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Works great!
But if the user clicks the BACK button, he gets to see his previous page (although he won’t be able to do anything since the [Authorize] attribute is set) and we didn’t want that.
After many searches and posts regarding this subject, I ended up creating a custom ActionFilter called [NoCache] which is placed right underneath each [Authorize] attribute I have.
The [NoCache] attribute looks like this:
public class NoCacheAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
It seems to work but I’m curious to know if this seems like the appropriate approach to use (or not). Are there any known issues I’m not aware of in using this technique?
In addition, I’ve been told that if I had an SSL Certificate then I wouldn’t need to do this but instead, create and set an HTTP Header with Cache-Control: no-cache which would, ultimately, make all my https pages not cached.
Can anyone confirm this?
If the above is true, then why would I create a custom ActionFilter?
Feel free to share any thoughts or better approaches…
Keep in mind, the ultimate goal is to make sure a user does not see his previous page(s) when clicking the BACK button after he’s been signed off (FormsAuthentication.SignOut();)

Would using RedirectToActionPermanent("Index", "Home") work for you? I think it will prevent them returning to the immediately previous page (maybe not all).
Scott Hanselman recommended changing the application design to a Post/Redirect/Get PRG Model when a similar question was asked here.
A third option is to generate a unique token for every page and invalidate the previous token upon every request. Here is an answer to a similar question that even mentions a bank using that methodology.

I’ve decided to close this post with the following conclusion…
The PRG Model suggestion (and link) provided by Shawn is great and indeed should be practiced while developing MVC applications.
The pattern makes sure users who hit refresh (F5) are not re-submitting the form/data again. So it is a question of making proper redirect after a form submission.
As for my issue, I wanted to show the login page to the users that did try and hit the back button only after they’ve signed off (After FormsAuthentication.SignOut).
The behavior I am looking for is the same as when you logoff a banking web site. You are free to hit the back button but they will display a message letting you know that your session has expired (which in turn, you are forced to login again.)
I haven’t found (or worked on) a solution yet but the custom NoCache Attribute seems to be the way to go.
Once in production, I will have an SSL certificate applied to the protected pages and perhaps, when we get there, I might find a different way to achieve my task without the use of the NoCache Attribute.
When and if I do, I will share my findings.


How can i set a time limit to a page link in mvc?

I'm new to and I would like to know I can set a time and date to a page link to expire?
You don't give us much context in your question, so I'm going to reply assuming some things: You're using ASP.NET MVC and the URL is something like
As you're new, I urge you to be more specific when asking, though.
You should be able to do so using the controller to establish the criteria to say whether or not the page has expired.
In the controller for Asdf, check if token "abc" is still valid or not (can't be more specific here, because I lack the details of your problem). If it is, render the page as usual. If it's not, redirect to an error page.

App navigation only throw links

In Rails, Is it possible to prevent HTTP requests that come from the Browser's address bar ? And only allow navigation through links made within the app ?
I really looking for preventing a user to simply type his destination in the browser and only uses the links provided.
I know It maybe sounds silly. But I'm kind of trying to give a different UX than any regular website.
Is this approach possible? And If yes, How?
And what is the possible disadvantages or deficits that may cause?
For completeness, Yes.
The previous responder is right, this sounds like a bad idea, but it is possible. I imagine it similar to how authentication work. Set a secret value in the session on the first page, ask for it it on the second page the user reaches, if they don't match user didn't use your navigation. Refresh as quickly as needed (every page, for example).
Drawbacks? It's weird, that's not how webpages work. A clicked link (or GET request) is not different than a URL typed in the browser. What do you mean by "different UX than any regular website", the more details we have the easier we can help.
You can make it harder for a user to guess the correct URL by using obfuscation or use sessions to make the application stateful. But technically a GET request sent by clicking a link or by typing the url in the browser are identical to the server. The former is a form of security by obscurity.
The whole basically violates the core tenants of what a RESTful application does. In REST a resource should be omnipotent - requesting the same resource should provide the same response no matter how the user got there.
If you find that an action should not be able to be performed by typing the address into the browser you are most likely using the HTTP verbs wrong (using GET where you should be using POST, PUT or DELETE) or have a poor authorization system.

Refresh a Sitecore rendering after logon

I feel like this should be obvious, but I'm stumped. We're running Sitecore 7.1 with MVC.
There is a Header rendering that includes conditional logic depending on the status of Sitecore.Context.IsLoggedIn. Works fine.
There is a second rendering that either allows the user to log in OR displays account information. When the [HttpGet] acton is called, the controller checks IsLoggedIn and returns one of two views. When the [HttpPost] action is called (i.e. when the user logs in), The controller calls AuthenticationManager.Login() and then returns the view with the account info. Works fine.
It's a simple solution that allows us to place one rendering on the page, and it works great, except for one thing: the header rendering still shows the not-logged-in content immediately after logging in.
Caching is turned off on the header rendering and in the presentation details. When any link is clicked or the page reloads, the header updates to show the correct info. The problem is only after the initial request/response, when the login form submits and returns an alternate view. Although we've had a complete HTTP request/response cycle, it's like Sitecore doesn't bother to check anything except the rendering that was directly affected.
I know I can solve this by returning a hard Redirect() after logging in but that seems inelegant and creates annoyances, like losing ViewBag info.
What I am really looking for is a way to tell Sitecore, "hey, refresh that other rendering!"
The fact that I can find nothing at all on-line about this 'problem' tells me I might be doing something conceptually wrong.
As I see it there are two ways of handling this problem:
You use #Html.FormHandler to specify a Controller and an Action to handle the authentication. The FormHandler action will execute very early (see: in the page execution, before anything is rendered, and all your Renderings will have the same view of whether users are logged in or not.
Martina did a good writeup on Sitecore MVC and forms:
I really want Sitecore MVC to have this feature build in, as it is useful for all form submission scenarios (bar AJAX). The idea is to handle the POST request and work out what you want to respond (and store this in tempdata). Instead of returning a ViewResult you issue a redirect to the same URL, this forces a GET to the page (at this point all the logged in state is same for all Renderings) where you fish the result out of tempdata. Also P-R-G protects against resubmitting POST requests.
cprakash documented his experience doing P-R-G:
Off Topic: Multiple forms on single page
This will not solve the OP problem, but worth having a look at in this context:
In MVC, your renderings are executed sequentially, top to bottom. So if your header rendering comes before the login status rendering, it's going to be done before the user is logged in.
The elegant way to do this would probably be to do your post and update both elements via JavaScript. If you want to keep the header logic separate from the login status logic, your login status script could allow other components to register their own callbacks. You could even build out a client-side message bus, if you will be doing this sort of thing frequently.
You could take a look at Jeremy's approach:
The key takeaway, I think, is where he switches the order of the placeholders by placing the results into variables and then render them wherever you want them.
HtmlString main = Html.Sitecore().Placeholder("MAIN");
HtmlString head = Html.Sitecore().Placeholder("HEAD");

AuthorizeAttribute MVC - restrict access to user created content

So I read about how implementing your own authorization routines are bad!
And I got scared, because I've been implementing my actions as such (example, preventing access to account details if authenticated user is not the logged in user)
public ActionResult DisplayAccount(int someid){
Account a = context.Accounts.Single(a => == someid);
// currentUserId() returns userid from FormsAuthentication
if (!a.owner == currentUserId()){
/* Not Authorised! */
Which apparently means it will break if ASP decides to cache my action (so the action doesn't even get executed).
So I'm now looking into using AuthorizeAttribute to do what I need to do, which is
prevent access to an action if not authenticated
check if authenticated user has access to the retrieved resource
However whenever I think about it, I can't think about how to implement the 2nd point. Roles don't work because its on a site wide level, but within the application there users have roles as well (e.g. Owner, Moderator, Contributor, User etc.), and they only have these roles within their respective parts of the application (e.g. owner of thread, contributor to wiki, moderator of forum etc.)
I have run into several examples of overriding AuthorizeCore. I can sort of imagine creating multiple AuthorizeAttribute subclasses for each resource I have (luckily not many), But just by looking at it, does that mean I have to query the database everytime I hit that action to ensure that the logged in user should be able to access that data, then query the database in my action to get the model, instead of doing that in my query?
So my questions are
am I getting too worried about caching too much? Will any of the following happen
website caches user A details, which is rendered on user B's screen?
website caches admin version of a page (with edit controls), and normal user sees cached version?
Using AuthorizeAttribute is a given, but how do I achieve what I need to do in point 2 without having to hit the database prior to the Action? Or what is the best way to achieve it in any case.
Or do I only use AuthorizeAttribute to determine if the user is logged in, and do other checking logic in my action?
Anyway, I hope this post isn't treading on any old paths (I couldn't find anything on this that I found definitive)
Edit: I guess, if I don't enable caching this problem wouldn't occur, is this correct?
Edit: for now, I am going to going to use vanilla AuthorizeAttribute, then check resource level access in my actions, then make sure I don't use caching for any authenticated actions. Hopefully will get more answers for this over the week.
I used the following approach in a recent project, by creating a DataRightsAttribute that used an enumeration for each supported model type. It works by first extracting the id from the route data, formcollection or querystring. Then it queried up the model type determined by the enum, and did the appropriate check to see if the current user is authorized to access it.
Usage was like this:
This was used alongside AuthorizeAttribute (which we overrided), and never noticed any problems with caching.

Asp.NET MVC Customer Application

I'm designing (and developing) web software that will allow the general public to sign up for a service, become a customer, and exchange fairly sensitive data.
I'm working through the documentation and the tutorials, and of course the RESTful pattern adopted by the default routing in ASP.NET MVC is to do URL's like this: /customer/edit/3487.
I guess I am a little squeamish about displaying such technical details as customer ID in the URL bar.
What do the smart kids do these days? Does RESTful have to mean "put your record ID's on display"?
Edit: In an ASP.NET WebForm I would have stored this in the session, I think. But I'm finding that this is discouraged in ASP.NET MVC.
I do not intend to rely on security through obscurity.
That still doesn't mean its a good idea to give the users any ideas, or any information about the underlying data. Let's say I have an app that's publishing information about the different business in a Chamber of Commerce, to be arbitrary. Once you are logged in, you have an administrative right to click on every business in the directory and see them all - but the application is supposed to spoon feed them to you as search results or the like. Just because the user technically is allowed to access all records, this doesn't mean it should be trivial for you to write a screen scraper that downloads all of my content in a few minutes. As well, the user can just look at customer ID's and make a guess about how many customers I might have. There's lots of good reasons not to display this.
As long is there is proper authentication and authorization being done on server side then displaying ids is not an issue.
Otherwise just try to encrypt the particular id or username in the URL, this way it will be difficult for the attacks.
You don't have to put the Id in the Url, you just need to use a unique value or unique combination of values to find the data you want to display.
I'd think that the actual bussinesses name would be good and also look good in the Url. So you would have something like this:
Or if the business name is not unique you could use a combination of business name and zip/postal code.
You would have to write a new route to handle this.
new { controller = "Business", action = "Index", Name = "", PostalCode = "" }
All this action would need to be secured with the [authorize] attribute, or the controller its self.
If you also decorate your actions with [authorise] then if another user does use the id from another user, they will automatically be challenged for a login.
It's 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other as to whether you use an ID or a Name. Eventually they both resolve to a record.
The important thing is to only allow authorised persons to view the data by allowing them to log in.
I've got a site which has sensitive data but only if you are the holder of that info can you see it and I do that by decorating my actions and checking rights etc.
I think that putting an ID in a url is fine -- as long as it is a Surrogate Key. The key has no value, except to identify a record. Just make sure that the requester is authorized before you send sensitive data back to the client.
I can see how having a number as part of your URL is undesirable. After all, a URL for a web app is part of the user interface, and exposing such internal details can take away from the UI's elegance. However, you are faced with limited options.
Somehow, you have to identify the resource that you want to get. The crux of REST (IMO) is that a request to a server for a particular resource must be described entirely by the request. The key for the item you want has to be encoded into the HTTP GET somehow. Your options are: put it into the URL somehow, or add it to a cookie. However, adding a key to a cookie is frowned upon.
If you look at this site you will see the question id in the url. If you view your profile you will see your username. So you would probably want to use usernames intead of an id.
If you're really concerned about it you can use a Guid, which isn't very user friendly but would be very hard to guess. :)
If you use some other way than customer id simply because you're concerned about security, then that means you're using security through obscurity, which is a bad idea. Proper authorization would require something like you either 1) have to be logged in with that customer id, or 2) be logged in as an admin, to have that request succeed.
