I have a video URL like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAAAAAAAAA
How can I get a RTSP URL for this video?
EDIT: Seems like Youtube stopped supporting this method.
Go to:
For example:
If we want to get the RTSP link for this video:
We'd use:
This will download an XML file for you. In there search for 'rtsp' and you'll get the full link.
Hope this helps.
Go to this link, and Replace "VIDEOID" with the actual ID of the video you want:
then right click the image of the video, and copy the link.
For example, if the video is http://youtube.com/watch?v=ABCDEFGHIJK, you would request http://m.youtube.com/add_favorite?v=ABCDEFGHIJK
The link is affectively permanent, but it will vary depending upon whether or not you are logged in and what preferences you have set when you request the page.
I made a javascript function that can give you the rtsp of any youtube video, you just have to set the original youtube url as param. Maybe it is what you are looking for.
Here's the github link. Hope this helps!
Or you can always follow this simple 45 second video tutorial. And it will show you how to get the RTSP from any youtube video also.
Use the below format and replace VIDEO_ID with your VIDEO's ID.
To view the same in android(chrome) enable "Request desktop site".
For more details see this article.
According to my experience.
1) Browse the video.The url wud look like this
2) After replacement of www with m
3) Right click on the image now loaded in the browser during step 2 (dat wud be the rtsp addr)
I have an old BlackBerry Bold 9900, and when using the stock web browser on the YouTube website and play a video, it plays via rstp (in the browser), so I can just go and copy the url out of the url bar. That's probably kind of an inconvenient method of finding it, but it works. Maybe if you changed your user agent to that of an old BlackBerry (mine is on os 6.x.x)?
Hope this is useful,
EDIT: Just figured out how to do this.
1. Install user agent switcher chrome extension here
2. Open it and go to "options"
3. Click the big green "New User-Agent" button
4. Put "Blackberry" in the name field
5. Paste this into the user-agent field: headers: 'User-Agent: BlackBerry9800/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1/UCWEB8.1.0.104/161/999'
result: { browser: { name: 'UC Browser', version: '8.1', type: browser }, engine: { name: Gecko }, os: { name: 'BlackBerry OS', version: '6.6' }, device: { type: mobile, subtype: smart, manufacturer: RIM, model: 'BlackBerry Torch 9800' } }
readable: 'UC Browser 8.1 on a RIM BlackBerry Torch 9800 running BlackBerry OS 6.6'
6. Press save
7. Go to youtube; notice the much older ui
8. Search for a video of your choice and click on it
9. There will be a box with a video thumbnail underneath which there will be a "Watch video" hyperlink
10. Right-click it and press "copy link address"
11. You now have a streamable rtsp link
12. Profit!
I have a local video link, and i want when the user press the button -> show twitter app with my video and title there (without using UIActivityViewController), just by pressing the button
You have to choose which way you want to go to upload a video, i.e. post a tweet with just that title you've mentioned.
Option 1
Use the HTTP API and create a URLRequest that contains the video as 'attachment'. You have to handle authentication first or the request will most likely fail.
Option 2 (Not really an option anymore)
Another way would be the iOS SDK provided, as given in the other example here. Problem is: there is no longer an official Twitter SDK for iOS. You could try your luck with the archived OpenSource SDK but maintainability is pretty decent with this.
With youtube-dl I can get url for video, which opens browser video player. I need download it with title.
This link from internet works:
Generated link by youtube-dl opens player:
I'm trying to find differences inside parameters, and I see "usequic=no, title=", but adding it to my url doesn't help me
The second link works for me, it downloads a file named "videoplayback.3gpp". The first downloads a .webm file, with the original title I suppose. I use Chrome.
I'm trying to link to the iOS VLC app via its URL scheme. I need to open a FLV file(preferably as a stream, rather than downloading). I have tried vlc://http://domain.com/path/to/video.flv which opens VLC with a popup asking if I would like to play or download. Tapping download works, however play doesn't do anything except close the popup(I can get it to eventually work if I tap Play in the popup -> Play in Control Centre -> tap back in VLC). Is there a way to get it to play by directly through the URL?
Bonus points if you figure out how to select the "Scan for Subtitles" option in the "Open Network Stream" section of VLC. ;)
I've looked all over Google and can't find any documentation of the URL scheme. Any help is greatly appreciated.
the vlc:// pseudo protocol is broken in the current 2.6.4 release - it is fixed in 2.6.5 which is currently waiting for review by Apple. I hope that it will be out this week but this is beyond our control.
Generally speaking, I recommend to use another protocol though based on x-callback-url, documented on our wiki: https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:IOS/#x-callback-url
Regarding an extra subtitles URL, this is currently not supported. We could add it though, it's just that nobody asked for it so far.
For those who want to add subtitle it has been added in this commit and can be used like this:
I've got an issue with an app builded on phonegap build (build.phonegap.com) on iOS with Phonegap 2.3.
I'm trying to open the native map application with this link :
<a id="gmap_image" href="">
The js code that sets the href attribute :
$("#gmap_image").href('http://maps.apple.com/?q='+$xml.find( "adresse" ).text());
I've seen that for opening native maps application with a link, i have to give an url based on maps.apple.com domain (Apple Map Links).
But when I click on the link, all that happens is that the page refreshes (and I don't know why it refreshes too because no code asks to do it).
Has someone an idea ?
maybe it's too late, but i had the same issue.
Try this way:
$("#gmap_image").href('maps:q='+$xml.find( "adresse" ).text());
just change http://maps.apple.com/?q= into maps:q=
that works for me
You can launch the google Maps app on an iOS device using this header in the URL Scheme. comgooglemaps:// This is according to the developer documentation found here. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios/urlscheme
for example a web link to open the Google Maps app in iOS6 and get directions from New York to Washington DC would look like this.
Directions from New York, NY to Washington DC
Try this one
$('#map').bind('tap', function(){
var url = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?';
url += 'q=[place_name]'; //add ur querystrings
// open the native maps app by calling window location
window.location = url;
Unfortunately, this is a no-go on iOS 6, since Google maps is no longer "natively" part of the OS.
Though you can still launch Apple Maps, since this is supported natively.
If you are using one of the latest PhoneGap/Cordova versions, it seems that it's not longer possible to open safari or maps from standard "a href=xxx" tags.
In order to open maps, you will need to attach a click event and open the link using:
window.open('http://maps.apple.com/?q=whavever', '_system');
within Phonegap, window.open() will open a link with a new in app browser, but, if you specify '_system' as the second param, it will send the URL to the OS (thus, opening the maps app in this situation).
How do I launch the Youtube app in Windows Phone 8 without going to the browser. Basically I am currently using the following code and it takes me to the default browser instead of opening up the Youtube app:
Dim webBrowserTask As New WebBrowserTask()
webBrowserTask.Uri = New Uri("http://www.youtube.com/embed/3aP3KBsh3Y8",UriKind.Absolute)
I want to be able to launch the Youtube app directly. So far I haven't been able to come up with a solution.
There is a slightly better way. Use WebBrowserTask but give it URL in this format
where youTubeId is the ID of the youtube video (3aP3KBsh3Y8 in your case)