Automatically login to Twitter - twitter

I'm doing a little experimentation. The end goal is to open Twitter in a new tab for a user that is already logged in.
I have gone down the oAuth route and I can post to twitter, retrieve tweets etc. but when I visit I still get the login page. I have a couple of questions
A) Is it possible to automaticaslly log a user in like this (I can see why it can't be but need to make sure)
B) Does anyone know of another way to acheive it?

When you redirect the user to twitter to authorize, send them to oauth/authenticate, instead.
This flow is called Sign in with Twitter.


tracking user invite through oauth login

I'm building an app where the user will receive an invite to join a team.
The invite link is unique to the user, and when the user hits the sign-up page, they they can login using oauth (google).
After the user goes through the authentication and gets passed back to my app, I need to get their invite code, so I can look it up in the db and add them to the correct team.
I thought I could pass a state variable to the oauth provider which would get passed back to me like auth?state=INVITE_CODE, but when I send a state parameter to google in my auth request, it doesn't respond at all.
What's the best way to accomplish this?
I'm using express passport if that makes any difference.
I was WAY over thinking this, so hopefully this will help somebody else.
If you look at the res.headers.referer it is actually your original link, not the link from the oauth provider, which I expected.

Post with Twitter API and PHP

I am new to Twitter API and in twitter in general so I have some questions. I have a web site and I want to add a button for sharing a message (for example "Hello World", taken from my site) to a user's twitter page.
First of all I have created an application in twitter, call myTwitterApp and I want to post through this. When the user clicks the button I want to see the authentication page, for login, and then after login I want to see my message inside the editable input, being able to be changed my the user. And finally I want the user to post it by clicking the tweet button, but continue saying that the post was "via myTwitterApp".
Does anyone have an idea how to do it or how to search about it?
Thanks in advance.
I have some experience with the twitter api lately, but not comprehensively. so I can only give you some kind of direction, and hopefully this will help you. So the idea is that you should understand how the Oauth protocol works, steps like requestToken->accessToken->api calls. there is a tutorial for beginners here, you shold take a look. if you have manage to go through the oauth authentication, then you should be able to call the POST method which you can post contents to Twitter. you can search for Twitter oauth api, there are a bunch of them online. grab one and use it.

How to detect if already logged in with OpenID and bypass web app login page

I would like to know the best way of implementing automatic login to my web site. What I mean by automatic is this:
I've already signed into Google. I now go to my web site and its login page. Instead of clicking on the link to login with Google I would like the web app to detect that I'm already logged into Google and bypass the whole login page.
1) Would I use the DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty.OpenIdAjaxRelyingParty.HttpApplicationStore to get associations?
2) Or do I need to look at cookies.
To your "1) Associations" guess, no. Associations that the RP may already have with Google are irrelevant to who the user is at the browser or whether they're logged into Google. Your "2) cookies" won't work either because browser isolate Google's cookies from those of your RP so you have no insight into that.
Hbas was right. I think Auto Login user to website when user is logged in to FB or google - DotNetOpenAuth has the answer to your question.
Distant memory suggests that Google had a way to disclosing to an RP that the user was logged into a Google account (with no way to identify which user or auto-login that user) with the idea being that the RP could then promote the "login with Google" button since you know the user has a Google account. However that wasn't well advertised (privacy concerns probably) and I can't find any info on it at the moment.

Using Twitter api logout on Twitter?

User login my application with oauth, after logout my application but twitter can't do, problem is user twitter account is active.
when that logout my application at the same time logout twitter
twitter api not support this action?
No, the twitter API will not log your users out of twitter.
account/end_session only ends the current API Session. I'm working on an site that requires users to be able to log out and then log back in again with another twitter account. To do that, you have to store multiple access tokens per user and establish one as the current access token. More info in the link below.
As far as signing out of twitter, it's up to the user to sign into twitter and sign out themselves, which is not ideal if working on a shared computer.
Twitter just closing the session at api ,not close the session on Twitter :)
You'll have to call account/end_session to end the session of the authenticated user on twitter.
Old thread agreed, I just integrated Twitter login in my android app using Fabric. I found the following method
I guess they have implemented it now! I couldn't find any documentation, honestly I've not put too much time into it. But I think logout means what I think it means :)
Twitter does not have api for logout. You can use the session closing api to end the user session.
You can use oauth/authenticate or oauth/authorize and add "force_login=true" parameter. This will prompt the user with a login form.
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RoR - How to obtain an access token for the facebook user using OAuth?

i want create something like "link_to" which can link to "request for permission" in facebook, so if user click "allow" then redirect to my site and i can get their data.
my question is how to create a "link" like that? so i can get access token from facebook user. (i had register my app)
Better explained here:
It's quite simple. Just redirect the user to the Facebook Auth Page:
There're several optional parameters you can pass to get the required site.
For further Information just read the corresponding paragraph on the Facebook Documentation ("Authenticating Users in a Web Application"):
