How does TFS's convertworkspaceitem work? - tfs

I'm trying to follow the instructions for deploying a database via TFS build listed here:
The instructions include notes about how to configure a ConvertWorkspaceItem element. I've followed the directions, but TFS remains unhappy with my setting for 'Result' and 'Workspace'. For now, I simply entered the text from the directions ('dbproj' and 'Workspace', respectively). TFS complains about my values:
Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "dbproj". 'dbproj' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its production level.
I'm trying to find basic tutorial information on the ConvertWorkspaceItem element, but other than the MSDN reference page there isn't a lot of info. Does anyone know much about configuring this element?

You need to specify valid variable names for both of these properties. there should already be a variable declared in the workflow called workspace, You will need to declare a variable of type string that you wish to receive the result of this activity and specify it's name as the Result property. It looks like in your linked article the author must have already created a variable called dbproj. At the bottom of the workflow designer is a variables tab where you can define your own variables.


Suffix appended to properties logged through Serilog for dotnet

We're logging to Elastic through the Serilog dotnet package and have noticed that properties that we add to the Poerperties part of the log events seem to be suffixed with _ (underscore) and then some type identifier. For example:
This causes some issues for us in the indexing process. I've been looking through the Serilog library code to try to find the source of this but without any luck. Can someone point me in the right direction as to where the suffix is added to the property names?
It looks like you're overriding the ElasticsearchSinkOptions.CustomFormatter with code to do this when constructing the sink. Using the default formatter (leaving this un-set) should not result in this style of property name.
If this doesn't cover it, please post as much as you can to show how the sink is being configured in your app.
See also:

Microsoft Visual Studio extension (VSIX) lower case $safeprojectname$

I'm developing a Microsoft Visual Studio extension, for which I've seen there are:
$projectname$ variable to get the name given to the project,
$safeprojectname$ variable to get the name given to the project with all unsafe characters and spaces replaced by underscore.
For example with project name "Tata yoyo" variables will be:
$projectname$ = "Tata Yoyo SWIG",
$safeprojectname$ = "Tata_Yoyo_SWIG".
The extension I'm building is for SWIG projects that will generate Java from C++, and in this context there is a swig.exe call that, among others, takes the Java package as parameter, for which I want it to be all lower case, but for now it is$safeprojectname$, then, not necessarily lower case (pointing the obvious: if project name is not lower case, package will not be lower case) and I then have to convert it manually to lower case.
What I'm looking for
From source page above (and other documentation pages) I've already seen there is no $lowercasesafeprojectname$ for example, then if anybody knows a way to do it from a function, script or any other way I would be glad.
Edit: while I want for this purpose a lower case safe project name I still want to keep the original $safeprojectname$, then even if #Ed Dore answer is relevant it is not the solution for me.
In any case, do not hesitate if this is not clear or you want more information.
If you implement a custom wizard (IWizard) with your template, you can replace the respective token values in the ReplacementsDictionary passed to your IWizard.RunStarted method, with lowercased equivalents.

Does erlang-ls support go-to-definition for variables?

Does erlang-ls support go-to-definition for variables?
Going to definition seems to work for functions and modules, but Coc.vim says "provider not found" when I gd on a variable name. Cmd-clicking a variable name doesn't do anything in VSCode, either.
What I tried:
erlang-ls docs and issues
Peeking through the source, I see that els_code_navigation matches on poi_kind. The relevant poi_kind would be variable, but "variable" doesn't appear in els_code_navigation.
There is currently no support in erlang_ls for jumping to the definition of a variable.
If this is something that you would like implemented please open a feature request in the erlang_ls GitHub project.

Updating to TFS2017 BugWorkItems

After updating to TFS I tried to configure new features and I get the following error message:
[Error] TF400654: Unable to configure Planning Tools. The following element contains an error: BugWorkItems/BugWorkItems. TF400506: This element defines the states for work items that represent Bugs or Defects. Each state must exist in at least one of the work item types that are defined in: BugWorkItems. The following states do not exist in any of the work item types: Approved, Committed.
I read all about updating WIT and what not on the MSDN page but it is not the easiest way to go about.
Can someone help me out and point me into a direction on what I have to do?
TF400654 error means a mapping defined in the ProcessConfiguration file specifies a field or state that does not exist in the WIT defined for the team project.
You can either download the process template, modify the ProcessConfiguration file to correct the mapping, and then upload the process template, or export the WIT using witadmin exportwitd, add the missing field or state, and then import the WIT. Get more information from following links:

How do I fix 'Setup project with custom action file not found' exception?

I am trying to create a setup project for a Windows Service. I've followed the directions at to create the setup project with no trouble.
I want to be able to get a value during the installation in order to update the app.config with the user's desired settings. I added a Textboxes (A) dialog to retrieve the values. I set the Edit1Property property to "TIMETORUN", and in my Primary Output action's CustomActionData property I put in the following: /TimeToRun="[TIMETORUN]\". So far so good. Running the setup I can retrieve the TimeToRun value from the Context.Parameters collection without issue.
In order to locate the app.config I need to also pass in the value of the TARGETDIR Windows Installer Property to my custom action. This is where things begin to fall apart. In order to achieve this, the above CustomActionData must be altered like so: /TimeToRun="[TIMETORUN]\" /TargetDir="[TARGETDIR]\". Now when I run the setup I get the following error message:
Error 1001. Exception occurred while initializing the installation.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Files' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot
find the file specified.
If you google this problem you will inevitably find people having tremendous success by simply adding the trailing slash to the /TargetDir="[TARGETDIR]\" portion of the CustomActionData. This unfortunately does not solve my issue.
I tried so many different variations of the CustomActionData string and none of them worked. I tried logging to a file from my overridden Install method to determine where the breakage was, but no log file is created because it's not even getting that far. As the error indicates, the failure is during the Initialization step.
I have a hunch that it could be one of the dependencies that the setup project is trying to load. Perhaps somehow something is being appended to the CustomActionData string and isn't playing well with the TARGETDIR value (which contains spaces, i.e. "C:\Program Files\My Company\Project Name"). Again, this is another hunch that I cannot seem to confirm due to my inability to debug the setup process.
One further thing to mention, and yes it's another hunch, could this be an issue with Setup Projects on 64-bit version of Windows? I'm running Windows 7 Professional.
I'll provide names of the dependencies in case it helps:
Microsoft .NET Framework
As you may glean from the dependencies, the Windows Service is scheduling a call to a DTSX package.
Sorry for the long rant. Thanks for any help you can provide.
The answer is so maddeningly simple. If the last argument in the CustomActionData is going to contain spaces and thus you have to surround it with quotes and a trailing slash, you must also have a space following the trailing slash, like this:
/TimeToRun="[TIMETORUN]\" /TargetDir="[TARGETDIR]\ "
The solution and explanation can be found here.
Had a similar issue. In my case, it was odd because my installer had ran successfully once, then I uninstalled my app via Add/Remove Programs successfully, did some coding (did NOT touch my CustomActionData string), and rebuilt my project and setup project. It was when I re-ran my MSI that I got this error.
The coding I had done was to bring in more values of more parameters I had been specifying in my CustomActionData string. That syntax for getting the parameter values (i.e. string filepath = Context.Paramenters["filepath"]), which was in my Installer class, was actually fine, but as I found out, the syntax of the later parameters I was now trying to get from my CustomActionData string had not been correct, from the very beginning. I had failed to add a second quote around one of those parameters, so nothing else could be obtained.
I was using the "Textboxes (A)" and "Textboxes (B)" windows in the User Interface section. A has 1 box, EDITA1, where I get the path to a file, and B has 2 boxes, EDITB1 and EDITB2, for some database parameters. My CustomActionData string looked like this:
/filepath="[EDITA1]" /host="[EDITB1] /port="[EDITB2]"
It should have been:
/filepath="[EDITA1]" /host="[EDITB1]" /port="[EDITB2]"
(closing quote on [EDITB1])
