Where to download the latest version of Entity Framework? - entity-framework-4

I am using EF 4.0, at the time I am writing these lines I heard that EF 4.1 update 1 has been released and EF 4.2 is in beta. From wikipedia
A refresh of version 4.1 named Entity Framework 4.1 Update 1, was
released on July 25, 2011. It includes bug fixes and new supported
But I only found a link of Version 4.1.10311.0 from Microsoft which date published is 3/21/2011. So I wonder if version 4.1.10311.0 is the latest release so far. If it's not, where can I download the latest release ?
ps : For some reasons I can't use live update, I need to download package to install manually.

From Arthur Vickers:
What if I can’t use NuGet? What if you can’t connect to the Internet
from your development machine. Or what if you are not allowed to
install NuGet on your machine. Don’t worry; all is not lost.
First you need to get the NuGet package. For this you do need to be
able to connect to the Internet from some machine—but it doesn’t have
to be your development machine. You’re reading this so presumably
you’re not completely off-the-grid. :-)
You can get the package by using NuGet in Visual Studio on a machine
connected to the Internet in the normal way—just install the package
you want into a dummy project. After installing the package you can
find the .nupkg file either in the dummy project folder or by browsing
the Package Cache from the Package Manager Settings menu option.
You can also get the package without Visual Studio by using NuGet.exe.
If you are able to install NuGet on your development machine then do
so and setup a local feed. This may sound daunting but it’s really
easy. Copy the .nupkg file to your local feed and then use NuGet to
install it in the normal way—with no connection to the Internet
If you can’t install NuGet on your development machine then take the
.nupkg file and rename it to .zip—yep, it’s a zip file. You can now
extract EntityFramework.dll from the zip file and use it as you would
any other assembly. Note that you will not get any of the automatic
project-level integration I mentioned above, so you may have to do
more manual configuration of your project.

If you are using EFv4.0 you mostly don't need EFv4.1 or EFv4.2. Those versions bring new type of mapping (code first / fluent) and new DbContext API which can be used instead of ObjectContext API. So unless you want to start a new project with those "new" features or completely migrate your existing project you don't need it. Real new functionality for you will be included in .NET 4.5. DbContext API and code first is shipped only as NuGet package since EFv4.2.

use the package-manager in VS2010 to install
Tools + Library Package Manager + Nuget package manager

EF 4.2 has just been released: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2011/11/01/ef-4-2-released.aspx
This is a minor update over 4.1.
The runtime components are available via NuGet. The designer etc. updates for VS are a separate install.


Cannot create Q# Quantum Application in Visual Studio

I'm going to create Q# application for the first time. I installed the "Microsoft Quantum Development Kit" and I have .not core 3.1.301 (the latest)
I use VS 2019 Community Edition.
In VS, I see the Q# Application when creating new solution but when I try to create , I get below error:
The project file cannot be opened by the project system, because it is
missing some critical imports or the referenced SDK cannot be found.
Detailed Information: The SDK resolver "NuGetSdkResolver" failed to
run. Unable to find fallback package folder
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.301\Sdks\Microsoft.Quantum.Sdk\Sdk not
found. Check that a recent enough .NET Core SDK is installed and/or
increase the version specified in global.json.
I could not find any solution over the web.
The Quantum.SDK is not distributed with the extension, instead is downloaded the first time you try to build/create the Q# application.
Looks like Visual Studio is having problems downloading it using NuGet. I can think of two reasons:
1. You are not connected to the internet, so it can't connect to nuget.org to download the package
2. The error points to a missing "C:\Microsoft\Xamarin\NuGet\", I would suggest creating this folder.

Net standard Library missing reference in ASP.NET Boilerplate

every time i clone Abp.ModuleZero to my machine when i run nuget command update-database the error show me and when i build the solution in viusal studio the project doesn't build and show many errors in error list console window
most of them is like :
The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51'
i try to install Netstandard.library package from package manager console window but doesn't any sense.
my visual studio IDE version is 2015 Update 3.
ABP v3.0.0 is based on .NET Standard 2.0.
This concerns you regardless if you are on MVC 5.x, .NET Framework 4.x or .NET Core 2.x.
You should use VS2017 15.3.3+.
For VS2015, you may try installing NuGet client 3.6 or higher but that may no longer work.
i think downgrade to earlier version of this framework is good solution for me, where can i download early version of ABP framework like 2.3.4?
I don't see why you would download the framework, but it's on GitHub.
If you meant download a template that uses an earlier version of ABP:
You can only choose the project version for premium startup templates.
You can build your own from module-zero-core-template/releases/tag/v2.5.1.
You need to rename the files and folders yourself.

SalesForce: How to automate managed package installation in Continuous Integration

I have successfully set up continuous integration process using TeamCity for non-SalesForce projects, but need help with automating SalesFoce manage packages installation.
To migrate metadata from source to target org, I used ant migration tool, but how to do in case of managed packages?
How will TeamCity know that the new package has been created? I may watch the changes in source code tool, but not in the cloud where the created package is stored.
How to get the latest version of the package from the cloud? I need to compare the versions of the packages: the installed one and the new one
How to install the package?
Please help.
I checked SF documentation and found that SF API provides ability to install, upgrade and uninstall Managed Packages. Also it provides ability to run some Apex code after these actions. I think, you need to move in this way. Here is related documentation.

assembly uses System.Web.Http 5.1 which has a higher version than referenced assembly System.Web.Http 5.0

I created a new Project in Visual Studio 2013, a WebApi & MVC 5 project and updated all nuget packages. It updated to mvc 5.1. Now I cannot Successfully build the project it says
assembly uses System.Web.Http which has a higher version than referenced assembly System.Web.Http
Anyone run into this before? Why these kind of problems do occur so often in Visual Studio? Does anybody know how to solve this because I really am trying hard but no luck so far...
I opened the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio and run the command
PM> Update-package
It magically resolved everything for me. You can find Package Manager Console under
Nuget Package Manager
Package Manager Console
This command deletes all the old packages under the package folder and updates everything if necessary, you may also run the command on a specific package. Here all the variants of the command http://docs.nuget.org/docs/reference/package-manager-console-powershell-reference#Update-Package
Let me know if you found this useful I'm curious to know if it just happened to me accidentally
A new version of ASP.NET was released. Announcement here : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2014/01/20/announcing-the-release-of-asp-net-mvc-5-1-asp-net-web-api-2-1-and-asp-net-web-pages-3-1.aspx
You probably have two projects in your solution, where project A references project B. Both projects reference ASP.NET, but there is a version mismatch.
I had a very similar problem to yours exactly with a reference to System.Web.Http and have documented it here:
Could not load assembly error
When you update a Nuget package it would update dependent packages. But it would not update other packages in your solution that depend on the updated packages. These other packages might not even have a newer version built with the udpated packages.
So the solution is either to udpate all your packages like you did (this might not always work) or add binding redirects to the latest version of your assembly reference to your application config.
I solved this way. As I currently have fwk and don't want to install 5.X:
I removed the referenced DLLs
I removed a couple of bindingRedirects at packages.config,
Then I rebuilded that solution, that throws me errors
Then I added the reference again
And voilà, the solution is running with the fwk that I have.

How do I install the Entity Framework on my build server?

How do I install the Entity Framework on my build server? I only have MS Visual Studio Shell installed there and there is no Package Manager Console.
Do one of the following
Add the EF assemblies to source control so they can be downloaded on checkout
Enable nuget package restore and allow the build server access to the internet to download the packages.
You don't need to install EntityFramework on your build server. EntityFramework is part of the BCL, so all you have to do is install .NET on your build server. Now if you need to use some extensions that are available through NuGet packages, all you need to do is to add reference to those packages in your project and then all the necessary assemblies will be part of the web application. Thus the web application is self-contained. All you have to do is to put them under source control so that the build server is able to retrieve them.
