Using eventbrite api gem - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to build an app around information from the eventbrite API. I stumbled upon this unofficial eventbrite gem ( but can't figure out what the usage terms mean:
require 'eventbrite'
user ="USER_KEY") #=> <Eventbrite::User >
user.venues #=> [<Eventbrite::Venue>,...] # Venues the user has defined
I've included the gem in my gemfile, run bundle install, but can't figure out how to pull a user's events.
Anyone willing to help me out?

therabidbanana has released a very full-featured gem, but I'm not sure if he is currently maintaining or supporting it.
I would recommend contacting him (via GitHub) with questions, or taking a look at Eventbrite's official gem:
More information regarding open-source code related to Eventbrite is available on their GitHub page:
Feel free to contact Eventbrite's developer relations team if you have additional questions:


How to display live tweets in twitter-vibe using datasift in Ruby on Rails

I am trying to configure an existing Ruby on Rails application ( with datasift. Application displays live tweets of a user on the page. The datasift authentication parameters are set in config/social-config.yml. I have provided the correct authentication parameters in config/social-config.yml but yet the tweets do not show up. Only the html layout is displayed. Entire application is available in the same github link. I needed some help in fixing this application. What am i missing?
I created this app a while ago, before I joined DataSift. It's not something I've had time to maintain. I've added some instructions to the Readme file which I hope will help, I've also updated the app to use the latest DataSift library.
You'll need to have a Twitter, DataSift and Pusher account to get it running. Fortunately all are free or give you a free trial!
Probably all you were missing is that you need to start the data-collector & tasks scripts in /script to get it all running. I've added these to the Readme.
If you are going to use this in production or in public, please adapt the demo to meet Twitter's Terms of Service (for instance the display requirements). I created the app as an internal demo.
Well, you can always use the datasift ruby library. The repository that you mentioned; probably you might need a pusher account. You can use the datasift library.

Github Authentication API in Rails

I've been frustrated in my efforts to find information about this because a lot of the links posted on StackOverflow and elsewhere to related topics are 404'd. The Github API only says how to do things from the command line, and none of the gems I've found have given this kind of support. I know, however, that it is possible, because I've seen it done before.
How would I go about getting a user's current Github login information? That is, if a user is logged into Github, I want to find that out and use some of their user information in my website. If they are not logged in, I want to connect to Github to log them in.
Is there a gem for this, and if so, what is it and how does it work (if there isn't sufficient documentation)? If there isn't, then how do I go about using the Github API to do this in Ruby?
For authenticating with github, use the excellent omniauth gem with the (offcial) omniauth-github strategy.
You can see what basic information about the user you will get when the user authenticates with github here.
And here is a list of omniauth strategies that people have posted. For a good getting-started example, see the facebook strategy.
I found this blog post on using the Omniauth-Github gem. Provides a great tutorial top to bottom.
I used it today with no issues. Blog Post: Omniauth-Github Tutorial

(Rails) Is there a Koala equivalent for Twitter?

Koala provides a very easy way to post a status update on a user's wall for Facebook. I was wondering if a gem existed to do similar things with Twitter: in other words, I'm looking for a gem that makes it easy to allow your application to tweet something for a user.
Any suggestions much appreciated.
This is well documented and maintained:

How to integrate carrier site using Rails application

I am integrating the UPS, USPS, DHL and FEDEX with my Rails application.
For that I am using 'trackify' plugin to find the carrier type for given Tracking Number and for also finding the XML response from the respective tracking site.
I want a complete guide for each of the above about how to integrate tracking API's?
You need to go to the companies' sites themselves to get that information. Once you've done that then come back if you have any questions about actual implementation. Sorry for leaving this as an answer but I can't leave comments yet.

Rails 3 facebook plugin/gem?

Does anyone know of a good Rails 3 compatible gem or plugin that support the Facebook API (rather Graph API but old REST is ok too)? Mostly for getting profile picture, info, friends and posting on wall.
I am looking for something that seems to be maintained well so I know I can count on it in the future as well.
Koala :- A lightweight, flexible library for Facebook with support for OAuth authentication, the Graph and REST API's, real time updates, and test users.
I found Mini_fb as quite good one. Try it.
Well written, well maintained (as at time of posting)
