Uninstalling application (with Alternate Entry Point for synchronization) from device - blackberry

I have added to the project Alternate Entry Point with argument "init", "auto-run on startup" and "do not display on homescreen" checkboxes checked, so that application could be backed-up and restored. And now I can't delete it from my device... It doesn't appear on Desktop Manager as well.
Please advice :)

I have seen that before... Have you tried removing it with javaloader? Use the -u erase -f followed by your cod file name to force remove it.


How to remove error: the replacement path doesn't exist in XCode

I deleted an old project from my Mac, and now in my current project, which has no connections with the old I get a message:
error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/path/to/old/project"
when I run on my ios device.
How it possible? These two projects never have any relations
How to fix it?
Ok, I made some investigation :)
First solution
First and lazy solution - you can turn off the "debug executable" option in your scheme:
screenshot of the first solution
Second solution
Actually, you can find some files under your ~/ directory, they are hidden, so you should use command + shift + . to see them:
screenshot of files
.lldbinit and (maybe a little different) .lldbinit-tulsiproj
in my case, I think, it was connected because a building of Telegram.app and little touch a Bazel thing https://bazel.build/
... so, just delete them both and you are happy with a clear debug console!

where to find CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT in IOS

i am trying to install opencv on my Mac IOS and there is this step of Adding an SDK path to CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT, it will look something like this /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk.
and Add x86_64 to CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES, but don't know how to do it
I'm assuming you're already in the CMAKE application and you're following either one of these sets of directions.
Possible Instructions:
Given which steps you isolated, I'm assuming you also know how to check and uncheck boxes in the CMAKE window. To enter text, you just right click in the empty space ("value" section) to the right of the variable of interest. When I came across this step, the thing which tripped me up was confirming the path/determining the right thing to enter in the window.* TLDR: it turned out to be almost the same thing (for me at least) "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk."
To find your path you need to navigate to that folder WITHIN THE TERMINAL! (Using Apple's Spotlight Search (command + space bar) or using finder windows just won't work. Because they don't see "inside" the Xcode application within the Applications folder. Assuming your home directory is't at the root, you need to keep entering cd .. until you get to the section that outputs the following:
>>>/ $ls -1
User Information
Then you change directories ..., and see what's inside...
>>> $cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/
>>> SDKs $ls
Combine the path with whatever you find in your SDKs folder and you're done (see caveat below)!
Additional Caveat: Those instructions don't say explicitely, but at the end of the whole CMake process, you have to copy the ...opencv/SharedLibs/lib/cv2.so file to your directory of python packages: home/usr/.../lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cv2.so. Based on the advice found here, I installed the cv2.so file from the SharedLibs folder instead of the StaticLibs folder and it worked.
*I tried doing a spotlight serach for the "Developer" folder or "Xcode.app" and nothing was coming up! I thought that folder/path didn't exist and googling around for "CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT" with "Python" or with "opencv" and a whole bunch of other things made me think the problem was every more of a jumbled mess and problematic.

Application icon does not change after update

After updating application on the app store we see responses from our users that on some devices spring board icon did not change.
It was update which has been written completely from scratch so there wasn't any old image files in project.
I can't find any dependencies. Icon is just randomly changing or not on devices.
What I should do to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance!)
I already got this problem.
Check your myApp-info.plist so your icons correspond really to your new files. (If needed, delete all and rewrite all).

Error Starting MyApplication: Can't find entry point

I was successfully created a signed Blackberry app. I have ever deployed it and succeed. But i wonder why somehow, when now i debug it, the app won't run and said,
Error Starting `MyApplication`: Can't find entry point
During debugging, my project doesn't show any errors, packaging works well. As far as i remember, i do not perform any significant changes on my code nor on the project description and properties, before i got this error. Anyone here ever faced the same problem?
For your info, my project has only one main method and uses SMS listener thread inside UiApplication class. I get this error both on real device and simulator. I was trying to completely uninstall the app, but coincidentally it cannot be deleted because delete menu doesn't appear.
First of all, make sure that the main method is in a publicly accessible Class, and add a breakpoint to the first line inside the method, to check that the application isn't throwing an exception and dying on your. Also try putting the whole main method into a try/catch with exception logging to get a look at what might/might not be going on.
Secondly, it is possible that the device/simulator being used just needs the previous version of the application deleting. Go to the settings and navigate to the third party installed apps, and make sure yours is removed. A reboot is required (battery pull). On simulator, navigate to the bin/simulator folder in your SDK directory and run the cleanup.bat file to reset the simulator. Then try again. You say that the delete menu doesn't appear, I assume this is on the Third party Installs screen?
A third option is to go into your application descriptor xml file, and check that there is a visible entry point, and that everything is correctly filled in.
Also try doing a refresh and clean build, and checking that all the files are correctly compiling (is there a class file created correctly in your bin folder? And has the distribution folder correctly populated with the cod/jad files for distribution?)
Another option is to re-import the project into your IDE to force the IDE to regenerate some files, and to try loading another project onto the device. If that works an option could be to copy your class files etc over to the new project.
Some of the above are a hassle, but welcome to BlackBerry development!

Text cursor in xcode isn't typing. blinking rectangle instead of a blinking line

I'm using Xcode on a system that belonged to a former employe and I can't type. There's a weird rectangle text cursor blinking and a blank line at the bottom that responds to my key types in a weird manner. If I press a key the text cursor will just get smaller. There's also the location path of the file I'm currently on, I'd also like that to be removed. Thanks
added numbers in red next to each problem.
I suspect your former employee might have customized Xcode or, more possibly, customized the Macintosh to be non-vanilla (maybe it's a Text Input Entry setting or some internationalization or some third party extension or preference pane).
Try doing this: go to the "Text Editing" preferences within Xcode and toggle a few things to see if you have better luck. If that doesn't work, create a new user on the Macintosh and then launch and run Xcode from that new user account.
XVim.xcplugin <-- that was the file causing all of this. After deletion and relunch everything is back to normal. You can find more information about it here: https://github.com/WarWithinMe/xVim
This issue is composed by XVim.xcpluginxc. By deleting this we get free from this issue. For this issue. Please follow these steps.
1.Open the terminal.
2.Type "find ~/ XVim.xcpluginxc". This will list your entire system with this particular file/folder name.
3.From that list copy that particular path having this folder.
4.Type "rm -Rf path that you copied earlier".
5.Press "Enter".
6.type "exit".
Finally close the Terminal & Restart the Xcode.
