implement decreasing key in binomial heap - binomial-heap

in the binomial heap structure, we know only the pointer that points to the min node, but how can I decrease the key of arbitrary node? in this case, first of all, I should find this node and then perform swapping with O(lgN) time.
I search online and many points out how to decrease node but does not mention how to access this node to be decreased.
I should use pointers that point to each node of the heap.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but if you have the key to your 'arbitrary node' couldn't you just use an O(lg n) time lookup to find it, and then decrease it using the algorithm you found online?


How to specify maximum cost when running BFS Neo4j?

The docs of Neo4j data science library state:
There are multiple termination conditions supported for the traversal,
based on either reaching one of several target nodes, reaching a
maximum depth, exhausting a given budget of traversed relationship
cost, or just traversing the whole graph.
But in the algorithm specific parameters I could not find any parameter for constraining the maximum cost of the traversal (or simply number of relationships if cost is 1). The Only parameters listed are startNodeId, targetNodes and maxDepth.
Any Idea if this actually can be done or if the docs are incorrect?
Here is the list of procedures and functions for your reference. As you can see, Breadth First Search is still in Alpha stage and no estimate function is available yet. You can also see that functions in Beta and Production stages have this function *.estimate. These functions will give you an idea of how much memory will be used when you run those data science related functions. An example of gds.nodeSimilarity.write.estimate can be found below
CALL gds.nodeSimilarity.write.estimate('myGraph', {
writeRelationshipType: 'SIMILAR',
writeProperty: 'score'})
YIELD nodeCount, relationshipCount, bytesMin, bytesMax, requiredMemory
nodeCount relationshipCount bytesMin bytesMax requiredMemory
9 9 2592 2808 "[2592 Bytes ... 2808 Bytes]"

How to get top K elements from count-min-sketch?

I'm reading how the probabilistic data structure count-min-sketch is used in finding the top k elements in a data stream. But I cannot seem to wrap my head around the step where we maintain a heap to get our final answer.
The problem:
We have a stream of items [B, C, A, B, C, A, C, A, A, ...]. We are asked to find out the top k most frequently appearing
My understanding is that, this can be done using micro-batching, in which we accumulate N items before we start doing some real work.
The hashmap+heap approach is easy enough for me to understand. We traverse the micro-batch and build a frequency map (e.g. {B:34, D: 65, C: 9, A:84, ...}) by counting the elements. Then we maintain a min-heap of size k by traversing the frequency map, adding to and evicting from the heap with each [item]:[freq] as needed. Straightforward enough and nothing fancy.
Now with CMS+heap, instead of a hashmap, we have this probabilistic lossy 2D array, which we build by traversing the micro-batch. The question is: how do we maintain our min-heap of size k given this CMS?
The CMS only contains a bunch of numbers, not the original items. Unless I also keep a set of unique elements from the micro-batch, there is no way for me to know which items I need to build my heap against at the end. But if I do, doesn't that defeat the purpose of using CMS to save memory space?
I also considered building the heap in real-time when we traverse the list. With each item coming in, we can quickly update the CMS and get the cumulative frequency of that item at that point. But the fact that this frequency number is cumulative does not help me much. For example, with the example stream above, we would get [B:1, C:1, A:1, B:2, C:2, A:2, C:3, A:3, A:4, ...]. If we use the same logic to update our min-heap, we would get incorrect answers (with duplicates).
I'm definitely missing something here. Please help me understand.
Keep a hashmap of size k, key is id, value is Item(id, count)
Keep a minheap of size k with Item
As events coming in, update the count-min 2d array, get the min, update Item in the hashmap, bubble up/bubble down the heap to recalculate the order of the Item. If heap size > k, poll min Item out and remove id from hashmap as well
Below explanation comes from a comment from this Youtube video:
We need to store the keys, but only K of them (or a bit more). Not all.
When every key comes, we do the following:
Add it to the count-min sketch.
Get key count from the count-min sketch.
Check if the current key is in the heap. If it presents in the heap, we update its count value there. If it not present in the heap, we check if heap is already full. If not full, we add this key to the heap. If heap is full, we check the minimal heap element and compare its value with the current key count value. At this point we may remove the minimal element and add the current key (if current key count > minimal element value).

Calculating a full matrix of shortest path-lengths between all nodes

We are trying to find a way to create a full distance matrix in a neo4j database, where that distance is defined as the length of the shortest path between any two nodes. Of course, there is the shortestPath method but using a loop going through all pairs of nodes and calculating their shortestPaths get very slow. We are explicitely not talking about allShortestPaths, because that returns all shortest paths between 2 specific nodes.
Is there a specific method or approach that is fast for a large number of nodes (>30k)?
Thank you!
There is no easier method; the full distance matrix will take a long time to build.
As you've described it, the full distance matrix must contain the shortest path between any two nodes, which means you will have to get that information at some point. Iterating over each pair of nodes and running a shortest-path algorithm is the only way to do this, and the complexity will be O(n) multiplied by the complexity of the algorithm.
But you can cut down on the runtime with a dynamic programming solution.
You could certainly leverage some dynamic programming methods to cut down on the calculation time. For instance, if you are trying to find the shortest path between (A) and (C), and have already calculated the shortest from (B) to (C), then if you happen to encounter (B) while pathfinding from (A), you do not need to recalculate the rest of the cost of that path; it is known.
However, creating a dynamic programming solution of any reasonable complexity will almost certainly be best done in a separate module for Neo4J that is thrown in into a plugin. If what you are doing is a one-time operation or an operation that won't be run frequently, it might be easier to just do the naive solution of calling shortestPath between each pair, but if you plan to be running it fairly frequently on dynamic data, it might be worth authoring a custom plugin. It totally depends on your needs.
No matter what, though, it will take some time to calculate. The dynamic programming solution will cut down on the time greatly (especially in a densely-connected graph), but it will still not be very fast.
What is the end game? Is this a one-time query that resets some property or creates new edges. Or a recurring frequent effort. If it's one-time, you might create edges between the two nodes at each step creating a transitive closure environment. The edge would point between the two nodes and have, as a property, the distance.
Thus, if the path is a>b>c>d, you would create the edges
a>b 1
a>c 2
a>d 3
b>c 1
b>d 2
c>d 1
The edges could be named distinctively to distinguish them from the original path edges. This could create circular paths, which may neither negate this strategy or need a constraint. if you are dealing with directed acyclic graphs it would work well.

A* circular path finding algorithm with restrictions

I have a road map represented as a directed graph of junctions and links leading from one junction to another, each link is weighted with it's own traversal time (the time it takes to cross the link) and im asked to find an algorithm to get from junction A to junction B and back from junction B to junction A so that the total path cost (in time) takes no longer than 10% more time than the optimal path cost (that is the path cost returned by A* algorithm) while keeping the time overlaps of the path to B and the path from B to a minimum, that is if t(x,y) represents the time to cross link (x,y) i need to bring to minimum the sum of t(x,y) + t(y,x) for the links that overlap.
the algorithm should be optimal for the problem at hand and complete (it should also be efficient) and probably use some variants of A* like A*epsilon and the likes...
does anyone have a clue how to go about this problem?
i was thinking of representing the states of this problem as (junction,flag) where flag indicates whether the current node is a part of a path that already passed junction B and the goal state is (A,True) and then using A*epsilon on this... but i don't know how to take into account the time overlap issue.. i guess what im suggesting is not the way im intended to solve this.
any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Which Improvements can be done to AnyTime Weighted A* Algorithm?

Firstly , For those of your who dont know - Anytime Algorithm is an algorithm that get as input the amount of time it can run and it should give the best solution it can on that time.
Weighted A* is the same as A* with one diffrence in the f function :
(where g is the path cost upto node , and h is the heuristic to the end of path until reaching a goal)
Original = f(node) = g(node) + h(node)
Weighted = f(node) = (1-w)g(node) +h(node)
My anytime algorithm runs Weighted A* with decaring weight from 1 to 0.5 until it reaches the time limit.
My problem is that most of the time , it takes alot time until this it reaches a solution , and if given somthing like 10 seconds it usaully doesnt find solution while other algorithms like anytime beam finds one in 0.0001 seconds.
Any ideas what to do?
If I were you I'd throw the unbounded heuristic away. Admissible heuristics are much better in that given a weight value for a solution you've found, you can say that it is at most 1/weight times the length of an optimal solution.
A big problem when implementing A* derivatives is the data structures. When I implemented a bidirectional search, just changing from array lists to a combination of hash augmented priority queues and array lists on demand, cut the runtime cost by three orders of magnitude - literally.
The main problem is that most of the papers only give pseudo-code for the algorithm using set logic - it's up to you to actually figure out how to represent the sets in your code. Don't be afraid of using multiple ADTs for a single list, i.e. your open list. I'm not 100% sure on Anytime Weighted A*, I've done other derivatives such as Anytime Dynamic A* and Anytime Repairing A*, not AWA* though.
Another issue is when you set the g-value too low, sometimes it can take far longer to find any solution that it would if it were a higher g-value. A common pitfall is forgetting to check your closed list for duplicate states, thus ending up in a (infinite if your g-value gets reduced to 0) loop. I'd try starting with something reasonably higher than 0 if you're getting quick results with a beam search.
Some pseudo-code would likely help here! Anyhow these are just my thoughts on the matter, you may have solved it already - if so good on you :)
Beam search is not complete since it prunes unfavorable states whereas A* search is complete. Depending on what problem you are solving, if incompleteness does not prevent you from finding a solution (usually many correct paths exist from origin to destination), then go for Beam search, otherwise, stay with AWA*. However, you can always run both in parallel if there are sufficient hardware resources.
