How to get twitter timeline of specific area using twitter api? - twitter

I want to get twitter timeline in specific area like Korea or Japan. etc.
Is there twitter api for this work?

The closest solution to what you're looking for is using the place operator in the search API.
You will first need to lookup the location's place id, then provide it within the search query.


Google Maps API - Custom Markers

Is it possible to have specific markers based on a user's search with Google Maps API? For example, I'd like to be able to create unique markers for different food cuisine types: american, asian, european, and indian. If the user types in american for example, can I add a special marker for this and if so, how can I achieve this?
Google has a great API that details how to do what you need pretty well. The Google Places API has some examples of how to search for places. The Maps API has an example on how to add custom marker symbols. Once you get the data back from the query posted, you can parse it to get details on the restaurant and associate an icon with that restaurants position
I think you are looking for the iOS SDK (I just looked at your tags):

Twitter API location of tweets

I'm thinking up a new website idea which would allow a visitor to view on a map where certain things have happened. I want to use Twitter, with the idea that someone tweets using a specific hashtag. I want to capture that tweet using the API and find the location of where the tweet came from. Is this possible?
It is possible. However there are lots of tweets (a majority in reality) which do not get any location and it is impossible to get it for these ones. To be located, a user must enable location in its account parameters and give its location with the tweet while posting it but a majority of tweeps do not do that.
For retrieving tweets location, you just have to download the tweet with the corresponding Twitter API endpoint (GET statuses/show/:id). Once you get the tweet, search its "coordinates" field. This field has got a subfield also called "coordinates". This subfield is a list with two numbers : [longitude, latitude]. For further information, refer to the Twitter Developers documentation about tweets and coordinates.

Twitter API - search tweets and filter by bio keywords

Is there any way at all to search for latest tweets by keyword, then - crucially - only show the tweets when the twitter user it belongs to has a keyword in their bio? I've been searching for ways to do this and have found nothing other than sites (e.g FollowerWonk) which offer this functionality but not an API to tap into. Any advice appreciated!
You can use the regular Twitter api to search for Tweets containing your keyword. All docs are at In the results set that you get back, you can also get the bio of each user. You could make a subselection in that text. We found the easiest way to load the results into a SOLR instance, and search on anything you want.

Twitter media search

Is it possible to search through Twitter's media for specific tags?
I know you can access the media via this url:!/therealpaddock/media/grid
Appending media/grid to the end of a user's ID, I was wondering if there is a way to search through all the twitter media photos via a tag???
I have been searching through the API and googling, and I can't find anything out there that does this.
I have been looking at Twitpic's API but can't seem to find anywhere that lets you search and display images.
Tag? I'm not sure you understand Twitter. A photo is simply attached to a tweet. A tweet may have a hashtag. If you want to search by hashtags, simply use the normal tweet search, then filter the photos.
Not sure why you linked to Twitpic, as what you're looking for is the normal Twitter search.
You can look at the Twicsy API.
It allows you to search all Twitter pictures using a search term (which is what I think you mean by tag).
They also provide ways to filter results, by number of results and date. (Go to the API docs for more details).
Another solution would be to use the Twitter search API to make the query and parse out the images manually. This blog post explains how.

find tweet location

I'm using the Twitter search api to search for a keyword so I can grab all the tweets containing that keyword. I also need to find the location of these tweets. Is this possible? I've looked through the JSON and the 'Geo' property is always null - i'd be happy to just use the location that the user has filled out in their profile but I can't see that this is available through the search api.
I've seen lots of apps that allow you to find tweets nearby based on your location but I want to do something different. find tweets by keyword and then find their location.
Is this possible?
Apologies, just found a solution.
The REST api allows me to query based on a search string:
and this returns some json including the user id and then from there I can query again using this:
which returns me user info including a location.
