Acceptance criteria (and other things) for a BDD story - bdd

We have a workflow engine that presents a list of available workflows (I mean workflow definitions, not instances) and user can click on the "Execute" link next to any workflow to ,well, execute a new instance of that workflow. I want to do this "execute a workflow" story(feature?) in the BDD way.
Story: execute a workflow
Scenario: execute a workflow by clicking on execute link in workflow list and nothing goes wrong
Given I am a user with sufficient rights
And I have added a workflow called "wf"
When I click on the execute link next to "wf" in the workflows list
When I view the list of workflow executions
Then the output is:
1 | wf1 | not started
(1st column: item#, 2nd: workflow name, 3rd: state)
I kinda feel this is more like a mess than a nice cut DBB scenario, I'm specially concerned with the acceptance criteria. My mind is not clear about how exactly I should approach something coarse-grained and user-coupled like "executing a workflow". I mean when it is API you are doing, everything is clear but what if you are describing some behavior which is initiated through (human)user interaction and the result of which is evident from initiating another use-case with complex output (like a list of items). The criteria for knowing that the workflow is indeed executed is to see a new item in the list of workflow executions, which is another story for itself. I kinda feel confused here.
Should I talk to database layer and check for the row that stores the newly created workflow instance -or- should I check for the presence of the item that points to the new instance in the list of workflow executions? If the second, then how exactly? should I check for all columns with correct values in one scenario or each column in it's own scenario?

May I refer you to a post I did quite recently on Acceptance Criteria vs. Scenarios? I think the example might be more illuminating if you use something resembling a specific use of the workflow engine, rather than a generic one. For instance, here's a fake pet shop which I'm using to try out an automation tool. I've then written scenarios around the pet shop, rather than trying to specify generic automation concerns.
If your customers are sometimes in healthcare, for instance, knock up a fake diagnosis tool which uses your engine and write a scenario around that. It might seem like a bit of work to start with, but I've found it pays back for itself very quickly.
Story: A doctor diagnoses black death
Scenario: The doctor starts the diagnosis
Given I am doctor with rights to use the system
And I've added a workflow called "diagnosis"
When I choose the "diagnosis" workflow
Then it should tell me that it's not started.
This is the benefit you're looking for - that a user gets some information, not that something is stored in a database. As far as possible, a scenario should push for the end value! So maybe it should even say something like:
Story: A doctor diagnoses Black Death
Scenario: The doctor starts the diagnosis
Given I am doctor with rights to use the system
And I want to diagnose a patient
When I choose "Diagnosis"
Then the system should prompt me to start diagnosing.
Given that all the symptoms match Black Death
When I perform the diagnosis
Then I should be able to diagnose the patient with Black Death.
Any smaller steps which are needed to make this easy and aesthetic are really usability issues. Don't use BDD frameworks to describe usability concerns (though they can step through them, thus giving you your regression tests). Instead, try it manually. BDD isn't a substitute for manual testing, it just helps out a bit.
If you can create a vaguely realistic use of the workflow engine, it'll help you to think of scenarios which you might miss. For instance, I have no idea right now how this workflow can be associated with a particular patient. I find specific, imaginative examples tend to help people visualise other scenarios more than something vague, generic and all-encompassing.
Also, try phrasing it in the same language the business might use, thinking about the business outcomes that you really want. Try not to think about how to implement the scenario - instead, just write it. This will be much, much easier if you actually go and talk to your business people or customers about the scenarios they can think of!
Any complexity needed to make the scenario run then goes into the code, where it's easier to maintain and refactor.
As an additional benefit, by identifying particular customers with particular needs, you can help your customer avoid the trap of putting every possible feature into the workflow engine "in case someone needs it". By talking through real scenarios with real people, they'll be able to help identify who needs which features the most, reducing scope and helping you to deliver as much value as possible.


How should BDD statements be properly constructed? Is there a convention used in teams?

Is there a preferred way of creating BDD scenarios in small agile teams and amongst the community? I'm using courgette and it gives an example on
Scenario: Refunded items should be returned to stock
Given a customer previously bought a black sweater from me
And I have three black sweaters in stock.
When they return the black sweater for a refund
Then I should have four black sweaters in stock.
Does this sound like a good idea? Would this work well for communication in teams?
I've used their web steps bit, and am now doing the refactor bit to make it clear to the business.
Any links would help. Thanks
The conversations in BDD are more important than the tools. Rather than starting with the finely-grained specification in Courgette's example, try talking to the business first. Ask them for an example of the kind of behaviour they want.
When you write it down, start by just writing it the way they describe it. It's amazing how few people listen properly! After you've got the example from them, take a look at it. Can you see which bits are the contexts (Givens) and which are the outcomes (Thens)? Which is the step that's associated with triggering the behaviour you're interested in (Whens)?
Once you've worked that out, there are a couple more questions I like to ask:
Is there any other context which, for this same event, gives a different outcome?
Is there any other outcome that's important?
For instance, if I was implementing this behaviour for a big supermarket, I might come across an example like:
"Oh! No, don't add food back to stock. We don't know how it's been stored. We refund it if there's something wrong with it, but we bin it."
You can probably see how that might change your code!
Testers are really great at asking these questions and spotting missing scenarios! This leads us to the "Three Amigos" pattern. I like to include:
A business person, Product Owner, subject matter expert or person with the problem
A tester
A dev (or a pair of devs).
You can also include UI designers, technical writers, etc. - Matt Wynne says it's "Three Amigos where three is a number between 3 and 7".
I really like it when the developer writes the scenarios down, in any form that allows them to get to the "Given, When, Then". Sometimes I'll do it in the meeting; sometimes I do it later and show it or send it to my business person.
Courgette's example is something that typically happens when people don't have these conversations. If you start with the conversations, you're much more likely to get something that matches the above. Not only are those declarative steps easier for business to read and for the whole team to talk about, but they're also easier to maintain, as the detail of how they're achieved is hidden (usually in Step Definitions, and further in Page Objects).
There's all kinds of useful posts for BDD newcomers on my blog if you want to know more!

How to avoid duplicity of user stories for different users?

I am new in BDD, so I am struggling with some basic concepts.
Currently I am creating user stories for simple functionality: Login to a device.
Based on BDD methodology, I have to write user story for each (type of) user separately, so I ended up with this:
As a manager I want to log in so that I can use the terminal.
As a server I want to log in so that I can use the terminal.
As a order taker I want to log in so that I can use the terminal.
As a bartender I want to log in so that I can use the terminal.
As a kitchen I want to log in so that I can use the terminal.
For each role and each story I have slightly different scenarios on how to log in and where the user should end up after logging in (based on his status, time of the day, etc...). I think the scenarios are OK.
I am little confused, if this is how the stories should be written?
Thank you
The story template:
As a ...
I want ...
So that ...
was originally created in a context of mostly Waterfall projects. In those days, stakeholders only got one chance to request everything they thought they might need before the final release, after which change became expensive.
Now of course it's easier to ship multiple iterative releases, so we try to focus on small things that will make a difference. That template is just there to answer three questions that help sort out what's needed for the release from what isn't:
Who is it who wants this?
What do they want?
Why do they want it?
So if you can answer those three questions, it's a good story. And you know, it's OK for multiple people to want the same thing! As for the template, it's just "training wheels" to help you get used to asking those questions.
When we come to do BDD, a scenario is just an example of how something behaves. So we don't need one scenario for every person if the behaviour of the scenario is the same. We can just pick one as an example.
Given Sue is registered as a server
When she logs in
Then she should be taken to the terminal.
Of course, if different roles get different terminals you might want a couple of these; but if all the different roles get taken to different terminals then probably get the devs to put those in class-level unit tests instead. You only really need one example.
Lastly, don't start with login. Imagine they're logged in (hard-code it if you have to) and work out what they're logging in for. That's a much more interesting scenario.

User-defined dynamic workflows and user input

I have recently been tasked to look into Workflow Foundation. The actual goal would be to implement a system in which the end users can define custom workflows in the deployed application (and of course, use them). Personally I have never used WF before (and reading around here on SO people are very doubtful about it - so am I reading those questions/answers), and I am having a hard time finding my way around it given the sparse learning resources available.
Anyway, there are some questions, for example, this, which mention something they call dynamic or user-defined workflows. They point out that WF makes it possible to "rehost" the designer, so that end-users can define their own new workflows after the application is deployed (without developer intervention (?), this is the part I am not really sure about).
I have been told by fellow employees that this way we could implement an application in which once this feature is implemented we would no longer have to keep modifying the application every time a new workflow is to be implemented. However, they also pointed out that they just "heard it", they don't have firsthand experience themselves either.
I have been looking around for samples online but the best thing I could find was a number guess app - barely more than a simple hello world. So not much that would point me to the right direction of how this user-defined workflow feature actually works and how it can be used, what its limitations are etc.
My primary concern is this: it is alright that one can define custom workflows but no workflow is worth a penny without the possibility of actually inputting data throughout the process. For example, even if the only thing I need to do is to register a customer in a complaint management system, I would need the customer's name, contact, etc. If the end user should be able to define any workflow the given toolset makes possible then of course there needs to be a way to provide the workflow consumers with a way of inputting data through forms. If the workflow can be of pretty much any nature then so needs to be the data - otherwise if we need to implement the UIs ourselves then this "end-user throws together a workflow" feature is kind of useless because they would still end up at us requiring to implement a form or some sort of data input for the individual steps.
So I guess that there should be a way of defining the "shape" of the data that needs to be filled at any given user interaction phase of the workflow which I can investigate and dynamically generate forms based on the data. So for example, if I found that the required data was made up of a name and a date of birth, then I would need to render a textbox and a datepicker on the page.
What I couldn't really figure out from the Q&As here and elsewhere is whether this is even possible. Can I define and then later "query" the structure of the data to be passed to the workflow at any point? If so, how? If not, how should this user-defined workflow feature even be used, what is it good for?
To clarify it a little, I could imagine something as specifying a complex type, which would be the view model (input model) in a regular MVC app, and then I could reflect over it, get the properties and render input fields based on that.
Windows Workflow Foundation is about machine workflows, not business workflows. True, it is the foundational tool set Microsoft created for building their business workflow products. But out of the box WWF does not have the components you need to quickly and easily build business workflows. If you want to send an email in a workflow, you have to write that from scratch. Just about anything you can think of doing from a business point of view you have to write from scratch.
If you want to easily create business workflows using Microsoft products check out the workflow stuff in SharePoint. It is the easiest of the Microsoft products to work with (in my experience.) If that does not meet your needs there are other products like BizTalk.
K2 is another company with a business workflow product that uses WWF as their base to more easily build business workflows, the older K2 products actually create web pages automatically to collect the data from the user.
WWF is very low level, arguably it lost traction after they re-wrote the whole thing in 4.0. While not publically stated by Microsoft, my personal opinion is Service Fabric (from Microsoft) achieves the goals WWF originally tried to solve which was a "more robust programming environment."

Understand BDD with a pratical example

I'm trying to join the behaviour driven development approach, but to use it I need to understand how to think in that way.
I'd like to test it on a new personal project I'm starting right now (I'll use RoR)
The project will provide APIs to collect data from external applications, it will provide an authentication system (devise), several models to collect data as needed, and a payment system to purchase subscriptions which will give some premium-only features.
What kind of tests should I perform in order to cover all these functionalities but DRY?
I thought I should use both RSpec and Cucumber. For Devise I'll follow the documentation on their website, but it's not clear to me what kind of tests should I perform to check the data has been collected correctly and it is displayed correctly to the user and which tools use for that task. Also If you could provide a simple example of how would you organize tests and development for this kind of project will help (i'm not asking about real testing code -because I see it really depends upon the implementation-, but about development process and KIND of tests you would perform). If you need some more details to take a choice please let me know and feel free to invent it since it's for educational purposes.
I don’t think there can be any mention of BDD without someone chiming in that it’s all about the communication. So I’ll be that guy: it’s all about the communication! The real value is the exploration of functionality in accessible terms with different stakeholders to establish what the system needs to do transparently. With everybody talking the same language, it’s much easier to communicate goals. When it comes to implementation, developers know what they’re doing, stakeholders know what they’re getting and there shouldn’t be too many surprises (except for the things you missed / captured incorrectly / haven’t realised yet, perhaps).
So, get out there, speak to your stakeholders and work out what the person commissioning the system wants it do. If this is a solo effort, you're going to need to wear a number of different hats.
Your BDD tests will cover the behaviour of the system - units of desired functionality. You'll still need to do unit tests etc. - no change there.
As product owner, think about what you want the system to do – not how. You likely don’t care how things work, as long as they do work. If you’re a developer, this will likely be the difficult shift in thinking. When I first started looking into BDD, I was convinced that it made sense to go through UI journeys and technical details etc. in scenarios. It doesn’t. That stuff belongs in the step definitions. As developer, you can define all of the how stuff there.
As for keeping it DRY… Write your scenarios exactly how you need to in order to capture the required behaviour. Then you can worry about refactoring and identifying opportunities for step re-use. The use of regular expressions will help here too, to some extent. It’s tempting to go super-imperative and have a whole suite of re-usable steps, but you’ll likely realise it’s all very brittle when a change to a single step ripples through all of your scenarios, not just the one it was supposed to affect. If you're interested into any form of web automation, check out the web automation pyramid.
Useful resources (and lots of examples): < awesome free eBook – fun to read, too. < Liz really knows her stuff! < go Team Declarative!
I'm not sure this meets your exact requirements, but this is how I do BDD (example is a webapp):
Pretend you're sitting in front of the computer as a user of your application. Write down the steps you need to perform to achieve one of the use cases, for instance:
Navigate to the system's url
Select the function you require
Enter the relevant data to execute the function
Click the button to initiate the function
Wait for the system to respond
Ensure the data on the screen matches the data you expect.
If any of these steps fail to execute, or the data is incorrect, the test has failed.
Once you have this in a test file, you then use Gherkin/Cucumber/Webdriver to implement the code required to execute each of the steps. Each method of this is re-usable, so once you've implemented login in one place, it should work everywhere you call it.
for testing with cucumber or rspec for devise try this
see this - cucumber/rspec
or on github

BDD, what's a feature?

I'm just starting with BDD and I'm trying to build a small app, so I can see it working in a real environment, but I'm having trouble deciding what should be a feature. I'm building a tiny shop.
I decided that "Compare products" will be a feature and "User can checkout as guest" will be one, but to get to that, I first need to list products.
My question is, should "There should be a list of products" be a feature?
It should probably be a feature, but try wording it from a user's point of view. What does this list of product offer him?
User should be able to get an overview of offered products
User should be able to order and reorder products on name, price, availability.
It's pretty hard to begin doing BDD. The only thing that helps feeling confident in your abilities and the whole approach is to write test scenarios and the code that executes them. I would suggest you not to make already complex and confusing situation harder. Pick whatever task that you need to implement, open a blank text file and try to explain using simple sentences the behavior. Every sentence should start with one of three keywords: given, when and then. Using your favorite BDD framework write the code that will parse these sentences and stimulate the application to get into the start state (given), execute some commands (when) and assert the transitioned state (then). Application code may start from mere mocks. Replace gradually those mocks with gradually built code and grow your application with higher confidence and quality levels.
User story is a feature. Something that can be expressed in format:
As role
I would like to do something
So that goal
As user
I would like to be able to compare products
So that I can select a product satisfying my needs in a best way
As guest
I would like to checkout my shopping cart
So that I can complete the purchase
Each feature have to be confirmed by a series of Given-When-Then scenarios of course.
You're basically asking what is a feature. Think about it, you have a story, a story describes a feature you (or other people involved) want for your app. Usually it has the form of: As a user I want to view list of products. You may add notes to this story, in order to make it more clear. But then comes the specific behaviour (that eventually you will test against) - there are infinite number of behaviours that conform to this story (think about view of products and the many ways to present them). Your focus, in BDD, is on finding the behaviour that suite your app needs (I use app and not user, because sometimes you should decide for the user) - by talking to as many people as you can, by trying stuff out and iterating it over.
It's like going from top to bottom - always trying to focus on behaviour - being more specific as you go. If you think about it, given a behaviour (meaning a set of tests) there is an infinite number of implementations. That's why the focus of BDD is to truly understand the behaviour by experimenting and talking - there is always a degree of freedom.
More important would be to figure out what the user wants to do with the list of products?
the feature would be providing something valuable to the user.
so in your case it would be
Choose a product to view from a list of products
Choose x products to compare from a list of products
I would classify a feature as a minimum useful set of stories that deliver some coherent (business) value.
for BDD framework see
To determine, if a requirement is an explicit feature / user story, you could use the guidelines of task based design / documentation (e.g. Such concepts acknowledge that a user of a system wants to achieve a specific result. Usually, to know something (such as: which products are available) is only a step in the process of purchasing / selling / building / etc.
A good starting point in BDD is to write the topics you would use as chapters in your user manual. These topics are usually the features you are going to provide in your software solution.
A nice framework that supports such an approach of specification-by-example is Concordion ( Please have a look at the description of “acceptance tests in plain English” (
