I want the user to pick a time so that at that time, the system will stop sending messages to its clients. However it possible to enter in EditField but still i want to use the built in feature of black berry to use the time picker. I learned that DateTimePicker class will be useful for this. But i cant find the code for it anywhere. Please help me by providing some hints or code. Thank you
This code shows only Time Picker. Check this:
final DateTimePicker datePicker = DateTimePicker.createInstance( Calendar.getInstance(), null, "hh:mm:ss aa");
Further details check this link:
It took me quite a long time trying to find a solution, still no solution.
Take the official example to illustrate:
I can add showFilter and filterLabel property to the parent ReactiveCompnent, however, after user picked the color, how to notify the SelectedFilters component about the value picked? how to get notified when user clear the color in the SelectedFilters?
You will need to use custom SelectedFilters with ReactiveComponent. We are constantly working on the improvement of docs. I will add the respective link which might help you understand the usage of ReactiveComponent.
For now, you can check this example. I have created tab-based filtering using ReactiveComponent with custom SelectedFilters.
Hope this helps!
My problem is the following :
On my website, I use the Jquery-ui datepicker to allow my visitor to enter a date.
I have configured the datepicker such users can modify the month and the year.
However, I have noticed that they never enter the year : they leave in the default value.
In my mind, they don't see that they can edit the year value...
So, I would like to intialize the default year value to empty/blank and show an error alert if the user has not modified it.
I try to do that, but in vain....
So how can I do that ?
Maybe, there is an other way to force my users to select a correct year value. Have you got any suggestions ?
In advance, thanks for your answer.
I thought a little bit and I think what I would do is not possible...
How could the datpicker calculate the days of the month if the year is not specified?
So, Have you got any suggestions to force my users to change the year default value ?
You could identify what the default value is and then, in your onSelect callback you could see if the current year value is different than what the original was and execute whatever code seems appropriate.
I'm working on a site in Symfony that displays graphs of a range of metrics.
Currently I'm trying to implement a simple datepicker to decide what graph to show.
Preferably in one of these forms:
a simple calendar icon that presents a calendar when clicked
three drop-downs for the day, month and year
The latter only as a plan-b really, the first would be great.
Now, I'm new to Symfony and I'm quite spoiled. Everything I wanted so far has always been but a plugin/helper/tag away. I sort of hoped that it was the same for a date-picker like this one, but so far I'm coming up empty. There are a few possibilities, but they all require a crap-load of dependencies and seem to have a low success-rate with people who have tried to implement them.
I have the feeling that I'm overlooking something that's right in front of me.
So in short: what is, according to you guys, the simplest way to implement such a date picker in Symfony? And if you have one, do you have a link with a clean and clear explanation?
Thanks a bunch,
I use sfWidgetFormJQueryDate widgets based on jquery-ui from sfFormExtraPlugin.
class YourFormFilter extends BaseYourFormFilter
public function configure()
$date_widget = new sfWidgetFormJQueryDate(array(
'date_widget' => new sfWidgetFormDate(array('format' => '%day%/%month%/%year%')),
'culture' => 'ru'
Check this one, it is intended for Syfmony2
I want to design a calendar in asp.net mvc and I want to take month information as a string in address bar. What should I do? And after that I have to show this month from index.aspx. How can I do this?
It's a little unclear what you're trying to do. If you're trying to present a calendar so that a user can input a date, I'd use jQueryUI's datepicker. The default style looks pretty nice, it's simple to use, and it works really well.
After re-reading your question, it seems you want your URL to be in some sort of date format. If this is the case, you need a custom route, like the one in this article. After you have created your custom route, printing the date is rather simple: pass the month part of the date from your controller down to your view and display it.
i am making a application in which user enter a date when he want to see an alert,
i have taken the date and stores in database,and sorted date,what is the best way how we schedule them and how?
please send me Code as well
I am knew in Blackberry
Thanks a lot
Look to class java.util.Timer
method schedule(TimerTask task, Date time)