State machine transitions at specific times - ruby-on-rails

Simplified example:
I have a to-do. It can be future, current, or late based on what time it is.
Time State
8:00 am Future
9:00 am Current
10:00 am Late
So, in this example, the to-do is "current" from 9 am to 10 am.
Originally, I thought about adding fields for "current_at" and "late_at" and then using an instance method to return the state. I can query for all "current" todos with now > current and now < late.
In short, I'd calculate the state each time or use SQL to pull the set of states I need.
If I wanted to use a state machine, I'd have a set of states and would store that state name on the to-do. But, how would I trigger the transition between states at a specific time for each to-do?
Run a cron job every minute to pull anything in a state but past the transition time and update it
Use background processing to queue transition jobs at the appropriate times in the future, so in the above example I would have two jobs: "transition to current at 9 am" and "transition to late at 10 am" that would presumably have logic to guard against deleted todos and "don't mark late if done" and such.
Does anyone have experience with managing either of these options when trying to handle a lot of state transitions at specific times?
It feels like a state machine, I'm just not sure of the best way to manage all of these transitions.
Update after responses:
Yes, I need to query for "current" or "future" todos
Yes, I need to trigger notifications on state change ("your todo wasn't to-done")
Hence, my desire to more of a state-machine-like idea so that I can encapsulate the transitions.

I have designed and maintained several systems that manage huge numbers of these little state machines. (Some systems, up to 100K/day, some 100K/minute)
I have found that the more state you explicitly fiddle with, the more likely it is to break somewhere. Or to put it a different way, the more state you infer, the more robust the solution.
That being said, you must keep some state. But try to keep it as minimal as possible.
Additionally, keeping the state-machine logic in one place makes the system more robust and easier to maintain. That is, don't put your state machine logic in both code and the database. I prefer my logic in the code.
Preferred solution. (Simple pictures are best).
For your example I would have a very simple table:
task_id, current_at, current_duration, is_done, is_deleted, description...
and infer the state based on now in relation to current_at and current_duration. This works surprisingly well. Make sure you index/partition your table on current_at.
Handling logic on transition change
Things are different when you need to fire an event on the transition change.
Change your table to look like this:
task_id, current_at, current_duration, state, locked_by, locked_until, description...
Keep your index on current_at, and add one on state if you like. You are now mangling state, so things are a little more fragile due to concurrency or failure, so we'll have to shore it up a little bit using locked_by and locked_until for optimistic locking which I'll describe below.
I assume your program will fail in the middle of processing on occassion—even if only for a deployment.
You need a mechanism to transition a task from one state to another. To simplify the discussion, I'll concern myself with moving from FUTURE to CURRENT, but the logic is the same no matter the transition.
If your dataset is large enough, you constantly poll the database to discover to discover tasks requiring transition (of course, with linear or exponential back-off when there's nothing to do); otherwise you use or your favorite scheduler whether it is cron or ruby-based, or Quartz if you subscribe to Java/Scala/C#.
Select all entries that need to be moved from FUTURE to CURRENT and are not currently locked.
-- move from pending to current
select task_id
from tasks
where now >= current_at
and (locked_until is null OR locked_until < now)
and state == 'PENDING'
and current_at >= (now - 3 days) -- optimization
limit :LIMIT -- optimization
Throw all these task_ids into your reliable queue. Or, if you must, just process them in your script.
When you start to work on an item, you must first lock it using our optimistic locking scheme:
update tasks
set locked_by = :worker_id -- unique identifier for host + process + thread
, locked_until = now + 5 minutes -- however this looks in your SQL langage
where task_id = :task_id -- you can lock multiple tasks here if necessary
and (locked_until is null OR locked_until < now) -- only if it's not locked!
Now, if you actually updated the record, you own the lock. You may now fire your special on-transition logic. (Applause. This is what makes you different from all the other task managers, right?)
When that is successful, update the task state, make sure you still use the optimistic locking:
update tasks
set state = :new_state
, locked_until = null -- explicitly release the lock (an optimization, really)
where task_id = :task_id
and locked_by = :worker_id -- make sure we still own the lock
-- no-one really cares if we overstep our time-bounds
Multi-thread/process optimization
Only do this when you have multiple threads or processes updating tasks in batch (such as in a cron job, or polling the database)! The problem is they'll each get the similar results from the database and will then contend to lock each row. This is inefficient both because it will slow down the database, and because you have threads basically doing nothing but slowing down the others.
So, add a limit to how many results the query returns and follow this algorithm:
results = database.tasks_to_move_to_current_state :limit => BATCH_SIZE
while !results.empty
results.shuffle! # make sure we're not in lock step with another worker
contention_count = 0
results.each do |task_id|
if database.lock_task :task_id => task_id
on_transition_to_current task_id
contention_count += 1
break if contention_count > MAX_CONTENTION_COUNT # too much contention!
results = database.tasks_to_move_to_current_state :limit => BATCH_SIZE
Fiddle around with BATCH_SIZE and MAX_CONTENTION_COUNT until the program is super-fast.
The optimistic locking allows for multiple processors in parallel.
By have the lock timeout (via the locked_until field) it allows for failure while processing a transition. If the processor fails, another processor is able to pick up the task after a timeout (5 minutes in the above code). It is important, then, to a) only lock the task when you are about to work on it; and b) lock the task for how long it will take to do the task plus a generous leeway.
The locked_by field is mostly for debugging purposes, (which process/machine was this on?) It is enough to have the locked_until field if your database driver returns the number of rows updated, but only if you update one row at a time.

Managing all those transitions at specific times does seem tricky. Perhaps you could use something like DelayedJob to schedule the transitions, so that a cron job every minute wouldn't be necessary, and recovering from a failure would be more automated?
Otherwise - if this is Ruby, is using Enumerable an option?
Like so (in untested pseudo-code, with simplistic methods)
ToDo class
def state
if to_do.future?
return "Future"
elsif to_do.current?
return "Current"
elsif to_do.late?
return "Late"
return "must not have been important"
def future? <= 8
def current? == 9
def late? >= 10
def self.find_current_to_dos
self.find(:all, :conditions => " 1=1 /* or whatever */ ").select(&:state == 'Current')

One simple solution for moderately large datasets is to use a SQL database. Each todo record should have a "state_id", "current_at", and "late_at" fields. You can probably omit the "future_at" unless you really have four states.
This allows three states:
Future: when now < current_at
Current: when current_at <= now < late_at
Late: when late_at <= now
Storing the state as state_id (optionally make a foreign key to a lookup table named "states" where 1: Future, 2: Current, 3: Late) is basically storing de-normalized data, which lets you avoid recalculating the state as it rarely changes.
If you aren't actually querying todo records according to state (eg ... WHERE state_id = 1) or triggering some side-effect (eg sending an email) when the state changes, perhaps you don't need to manage state. If you're just showing the user a todo list and indicating which ones are late, the cheapest implementation might even be to calculate it client side. For the purpose of answering, I'll assume you need to manage the state.
You have a few options for updating state_id. I'll assume you are enforcing the constraint current_at < late_at.
The simplest is to update every record: UPDATE todos SET state_id = CASE WHEN late_at <= NOW() THEN 3 WHEN current_at <= NOW() THEN 2 ELSE 1 END;.
You probably will get better performance with something like (in one transaction) UPDATE todos SET state_id = 3 WHERE state_id <> 3 AND late_at <= NOW(), UPDATE todos SET state_id = 2 WHERE state_id <> 2 AND NOW() < late_at AND current_at <= NOW(), UPDATE todos SET state_id = 1 WHERE state_id <> 1 AND NOW() < current_at. This avoids retrieving rows that don't need to be updated but you'll want indices on "late_at" and "future_at" (you can try indexing "state_id", see note below). You can run these three updates as frequently as you need.
Slight variation of the above is to get the IDs of records first, so you can do something with the todos that have changed states. This looks something like SELECT id FROM todos WHERE state_id <> 3 AND late_at <= NOW() FOR UPDATE. You should then do the update like UPDATE todos SET state_id = 3 WHERE id IN (:ids). Now you've still got the IDs to do something with later (eg email a notification "20 tasks have become overdue").
Scheduling or queuing update jobs for each todo (eg update this one to "current" at 10AM and "late" at 11PM) will result in a lot of scheduled jobs, at least two times the number of todos, and poor performance -- each scheduled job is updating only a single record.
You could schedule batch updates like UPDATE state_id = 2 WHERE ID IN (1,2,3,4,5,...) where you've pre-calculated the list of todo IDs that will become current near some specific time. This probably won't work out so nicely in practice for several reasons. One being some todo's current_at and late_at fields might change after you've scheduled updates.
Note: you might not gain much by indexing "state_id" as it only divides your dataset into three sets. This is probably not good enough for a query planner to consider using it in a query like SELECT * FROM todos WHERE state_id = 1.
The key to this problem that you didn't discuss is what happens to completed todos? If you leave them in this todos table, the table will grow indefinitely and your performance will degrade over time. The solution is partitioning the data into two separate tables (like "completed_todos" and "pending_todos"). You can then use UNION to concatenate both tables when you actually need to.

State machines are driven by something. user interaction or the last input from a stream, right? In this case, time drives the state machine. I think a cron job is the right play. it would be the clock driving the machine.
for what it's worth it is pretty difficult to set up an efficient index on a two columns where you have to do a range like that.
now > current && now < late is going to be hard to represent in the database in a performant way as an attribute of task

Never try to force patterns into problems. Things are the other way around. So, go directly to find a good solution for it.
Here is an idea: (for what I understood yours is)
Use persistent alerts and one monitored process to "consume" them. Secondarily, query them.
That will allow you to:
keep it simple
keep it cheap to maintain. Secondarily it also will keep you mentally more
fresh to do something else.
keep all the logic in code only (as it should).
I stress the point of having that process monitored with some kind of watchdog so you are ensured to send those alerts in time (or, in a worst case scenario, with some delay after a crash or things like that).
Note that: the fact of having persisted those alerts allows you this two things:
make/keeps your system resilient (more fault tolerant) and
make you able to query future and current items (by playing around with querying the alerts' time range as best fits your needs)

In my experience, a state machine in SQL is most useful when you have an external process acting on something, and updating the database with it's state. For example, we have a process that uploads and converts videos. We use the database to keep track of what is happening to a video at any time, and what should happen to it next.
In your case, I think you can (and should) use SQL to solve your problem instead of worrying about using a state machine:
Make a todo_states table:
todo_id todo_state_id datetime notified
1 1 (future) 8:00 0
1 2 (current) 9:00 0
1 3 (late) 10:00 0
Your SQL query, where all the real work happens:
SELECT todo_id, MAX(todo_state_id) AS todo_state_id
FROM todo_states
WHERE time < NOW()
GROUP BY todo_id
The currently active state is always the one you select. If you want to notify the user just once, insert the original state with notify = 0, and bump it on the first select.
Once the task is "done", you can either insert another state into the todo_states table, or simply delete all the states associated with a task and raise a "done" flag in the todo item, or whatever is most useful in your case.
Don't forget to clean out stale states.


Is is possible in ruby to set a specific active record call to read dirty

I am looking at a rather large database.. Lets say I have an exported flag on the product records.
If I want an estimate of how many products I have with the flag set to false, I can do a call something like this
Product.where(:exported => false).count.. .
The problem I have is even the count takes a long time, because the table of 1 million products is being written to. More specifically exports are happening, and the value I'm interested in counting is ever changing.
So I'd like to do a dirty read on the table... Not a dirty read always. And I 100% don't want all subsequent calls to the database on this connection to be dirty.
But for this one call, dirty is what I'd like.
Oh.. I should mention ruby 1.9.3 heroku and postgresql.
Now.. if I'm missing another way to get the count, I'd be excited to try that.
OH SNOT one last thing.. this example is contrived.
PostgreSQL doesn't support dirty reads.
You might want to use triggers to maintain a materialized view of the count - but doing so will mean that only one transaction at a time can insert a product, because they'll contend for the lock on the product count in the summary table.
Alternately, use system statistics to get a fast approximation.
Or, on PostgreSQL 9.2 and above, ensure there's a primary key (and thus a unique index) and make sure vacuum runs regularly. Then you should be able to do quite a fast count, as PostgreSQL should choose an index-only scan on the primary key.
Note that even if Pg did support dirty reads, the read would still not return perfectly up to date results because rows would sometimes inserted behind the read pointer in a sequential scan. The only way to get a perfectly up to date count is to prevent concurrent inserts: LOCK TABLE thetable IN EXCLUSIVE MODE.
As soon as a query begins to execute it's against a frozen read-only state because that's what MVCC is all about. The values are not changing in that snapshot, only in subsequent amendments to that state. It doesn't matter if your query takes an hour to run, it is operating on data that's locked in time.
If your queries are taking a very long time it sounds like you need an index on your exported column, or whatever values you use in your conditions, as a COUNT against an indexed an column is usually very fast.

How to efficiently fetch n most recent rows with GROUP BY in sqlite?

I have a table of event results, and I need to fetch the most recent n events per player for a given list of players.
This is on iOS so it needs to be fast. I've looked at a lot of top-n-per-group solutions that use subqueries or joins, but these run slow for my 100k row dataset even on a macbook pro. So far my dumb solution, since I will only run this with a maximum of 6 players, is to do 6 separate queries. It isn't terribly slow, but there has to be a better way, right? Here's the gist of what I'm doing now:
results_by_pid = {}
player_ids = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
n_results = 6
for pid in player_ids:
results_by_pid[pid] = exec_sql("SELECT *
FROM results
WHERE player_id = #{pid}
ORDER BY event_date DESC
LIMIT n_events")
And then I go on my merry way. But how can I turn this into a single fast query?
There is no better way.
SQL window functions, which might help, are not implemented in SQLite.
SQLite is designed as an embedded database where most of the logic stays in the application.
In contrast to client/server databases where network communication should be avoided, there is no performance disadvantage to mixing SQL commands and program logic.
A less dumb solution requires you to do some SELECT player_id FROM somewhere beforehand, which should be no trouble.
To make the individual queries efficient, ensure you have one index on the two columns player_id and event_date.
This won't be much of an answer, but here goes...
I have found that making things really quick can involve ideas from the nature of the data and schema themselves. For example, searching an ordered list is faster than searching an unordered list, but you have to pay a cost up front - both in design and execution.
So ask yourself if there are any natural partitions on your data that may reduce the number of records SQLite must search. You might ask whether the latest n events fall within a particular time period. Will they all be from the last seven days? The last month? If so then you can construct the query to rule out whole chunks of data before performing more complex searches.
Also, if you just can't get the thing to work quickly, you can consider UX trickery! Soooooo many engineers don't get clever with their UX. Will your query be run as the result of a view controller push? Then set the thing going in a background thread from the PREVIOUS view controller, and let it work while iOS animates. How long does a push animation take? .2 seconds? At what point does your user indicate to the app (via some UX control) which playerids are going to be queried? As soon as he touches that button or TVCell, you can prefetch some data. So if the total work you have to do is O(n log n), that means you can probably break it up into O(n) and O(log n) pieces.
Just some thoughts while I avoid doing my own hard work.
More thoughts
How about a separate table that contains the ids of the previous n inserts? You could add a trigger to delete old ids if the size of the table grows above n. Say..
(result_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, event_date DATE);
// is DATE a type? I don't know. you get the point
AFTER INSERT ON recent_results
WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM recent_results) > N
DELETE FROM recent_results
WHERE result_id = (SELECT result_id
FROM recent_results
WHERE event_date = MIN(event_date));
// or something like that. I have no idea if this will work,
// I just threw it together.
Or you could just create a temporary memory-based table that you populate at app load and keep up to date as you perform transactions during app execution. That way you only pay the steep price once!
Just a few more thoughts for you. Be creative, and remember that you can usually define what you want as a data structure as well as an algorithm. Good luck!

How do I avoid a simple race condition in Rails?

I have a simple race condition. I have a website where people can vote on photos, but maximum 10 votes are allowed.
When a user submits a vote, I update a num_votes column in the photos table for that specific photo. I do this for easy lookup for the number of votes.
How can I make sure that the and the num_votes update happen in the same transaction?
In order to achieve this you have to use some kind of locking. Basically you have 3 options: optimistic/pessimistic rails locking and some external locking backend (like Redis::Lock).
I personally would go for pessimistic locking if high performance is not really the case here
photo = Photo.find(photo_id)
photo.with_lock do
photo.num_votes += 1!
I should also point out that sticking to only wrapping incrementing num_votes and save into one transaction would not solve the race-condition. Most RDBMS by default work in read committed mode. Which doesn't prevent such a race condition.
FYI See Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking reference
If it is a simple race condition then you should resolve it as a race condition.
Try using some locking mechanism. Redis is good to go:
redis locking for ruby'vote_#{}').run! { }
# ... photo model
def vote
if num_votes <= 10
self.num_votes += 1
Well, Rails/Postgres supports transactions. You can simply declare one, on any ActiveRecord model:
Photo.transaction do
Photo.votes = thing!
If an exception is raised during the transaction block (say, by calling .save! on an invalid model), the transaction is rolled back and any database changes that would have happened in there aren't committed (in this case, the Vote record doesn't get inserted). You'll still need to rescue and handle the exception, of course.
Incidentally, storing number of associated objects in a record for easy lookup is a pretty common pattern, known as a counter cache, and Rails supports those as well - you might want to look into formally making num_votes a counter cache (the default name would be photos.votes_count, but it's not required). You might still want a transaction to check that it doesn't exceed the limit, though.
You don't need explicit locks for this
Photo.where(:id => photo_id).where('num_votes < 10').update_all('num_votes = num_votes+ 1')
will update the number of votes for that photo, but only if there are less than 10 votes. You can check the return value of update_all to see if anything was actually updated: the return value is the number of updated rows. If the update fails then don't create the vote (or if you have already created the vote, rollback the transaction).
Optimistic locking uses a similar technique to detect attempts at concurrent updates: it places a condition on the update that ensures that nothing will happen if someone has snuck in there before you and then checks the number of updated rows.

Multiple worker threads working on the same database - how to make it work properly?

I have a database that has a list of rows that need to be operated on. It looks something like this:
id remaining delivered locked
1 10 24 f
2 6 0 f
3 0 14 f
I am using DataMapper with Ruby, but really I think this is a general programming question that isn't specific to the exact implementation I'm using...
I am creating a bunch of worker threads that do something like this (pseudo-ruby-code):
while true do
t = any_row_in_database_where_remaining_greater_than_zero_and_unlocked
t.lock # update database to set locked = true
t.delivered += 1
t.remaining -= 1
Of course, the problem is, these threads compete with each other and the whole thing isn't really thread safe. The first line in the while loop can easily pull out the same row in multiple threads before they get a chance to get locked.
I need to make sure one thread is only working on one row at the same time.
What is the best way to do this?
The key step is when you select an unlocked row from the database and mark it as locked. If you can do that safely then everything else will be fine.
2 ways I know of that can make this safe are pessimistic and optimistic locking. They both rely on your database as the ultimate guarantor when it comes to concurrency.
Pessimistic Locking
Pessimistic locking means acquiring a lock upfront when you select the rows you want to work with, so that no one else can read them.
Something like
SELECT * from some_table WHERE ... FOR UPDATE
works with mysql and postgres (and possibly others) and will prevent any other connection to the database from reading the rows returned to you (how granular that lock is depends on the engine used, indexes etc - check your database's documentation). It's called pessimistic because you are assuming that a concurrency problem will occur and acquire the lock preventatively. It does mean that you bear the cost of locking even when not necessary and may reduce your concurrency depending on the granularity of the lock you have.
Optimistic Locking
Optimistic locking refers to a technique where you don't want the burden of a pessimistic lock because most of the time there won't be concurrent updates (if you update the row setting the locked flag to true as soon as you have read the row, the window is relatively small). AFAIK this only works when updating one row at a time
First add an integer column lock_version to the table. Whenever you update the table, increment lock_version by 1 alongside the other updates you are making. Assume the current lock_version is 3. When you update, change the update query to
update some_table set ... where id=12345 and lock_version = 3
and check the number of rows updated (the db driver returns this). if this updates 1 row then you know everything was ok. If this updates 0 rows then either the row you wanted was deleted or its lock version has changed, so you go back to step 1 in your process and search for a new row to work on.
I'm not a datamapper user so I don't know whether it / plugins for it provide support for these approaches. Active Record supports both so you can look there for inspiration if data mapper doesn't.
I would use a Mutex:
# outside your threads
worker_updater =
# inside each thread's updater
while true
worker_updater.synchronize do
# your code here
sleep 0.1 # Slow down there, mister!
This guarantees that only one thread at a time can enter the code in the synchronize. For optimal performance, consider what portion of your code needs to be thread-safe (first two lines?) and only wrap that portion in the Mutex.

How to group similar items in an activity feed

For a social network site, I have an activity of events from people you follow, and I'd like to group similar types of events made within a short timeframe together, for a more compact activity feed. Imagine how Facebook displays a comma separated list when you 'like' several things in rapid succession: 'Joe likes beer, football and chips.'
I understand using the group_by method on ActiveRecord Enumerable results, but there needs to be some initial work done populating a property that I can group by later. My questions deal with both storing activity data in a way that these groupings can be marked, and then later retrieving them again.
Right now I have an Activity model, which is a join association between the user that committed the activity and the item that that it's linked to (in my example above, assume 'beer', 'football' and 'chips' are records of a Like model). There are other activity types aside from 'likes' too (events, saving favorites, etc). What I'm considering is, as this association is created, a check is made when the last association of that type was done, and if it was made more than a certain time period ago, incrementing an 'activity block' counter that is part of the Activity model. Later, when rendering this activity feed, I can group by user, then type, then this activity block counter.
Example: Let's say 2 blocks of updates are made within the same day. A user likes 2 things at 2:05 and later 3 more things at 5:45. After the third update (the start of the 2nd block) happens at 5:45, the model detects too much time has passed and increments its activity block counter by 1, thus forcing any following updates into a new block when they are rendered via a group_by call:
2:05 Joe likes beer nuts and Hooters.
5:45 Joe likes couches, chips and salsa.
7:00 Joe is attending the Football Viewing Party At Joe's
My first question: What's an efficient way to increment a counter like this? It's no longer auto_increment, so the easiest thing I can think of is looking at the counter for the last record as a reference point. However, this couldn't be from the same query that checked for when the last update of that type was made, since a later update of another type could have already received the next counter value. They don't have to be globally unique, but that would be nice.
The other overall strategy I thought of was another model Called ActivityBlock, that joins groups of similar activities together. In many cases, updates will be isolated by themselves though, so this seems a little inefficient to have one record for each individual activity.
Do either of these seem like a solid strategy?
My final question revolves around pagination. Now that we're dealing with blocks, it's harder to always display exactly a certain amount of entries, before pagination kicks in. Either an individual (isolated) Activity update, or a block of then should count as just 1, so at the lowest layer of my group_by, I can incorporate a counter to track how many rows I've displayed, but this means I can't just make one DB query anymore and simply specify a limit statement. Is there any way I could still do this without repeatedly performing additional SQL queries until I've reached my page limit?
This would be one advantage of the ActivityBlock model approach, since I could easily apply a limit call to that, and blocks could contain an auto increment counter as well.
Check out
He also posted one on how to do it from scratch in episode 407 (it's a Pro episode though).
You could use the epoch time, or a variation of it as the counter since thats semi-unique and deterministic
