Revalidating a modified ViewModel within a controller method? -

EDIT - We're using MVC4 Dev Preview....
I'm implementing an edit page for a FishingTrip class. FishingTrip contains a child collection of simple Crew objects (i.e. FishingTripID, CrewID, CrewPosition).
I'm using Jarrett Meyer's approach to add, edit and delete from the Crew collection.
I'm using unobtrusive validation to specify that the properties of Crew are all Required.
My problem: when I logically-delete an item from the list (as per Jarrett's method), I don't want that item to be validated.
I have successfully tweaked the "removeRow" method on the client-side to disable unobtrusive validation for the logically-deleted item, so that the form will post despite there being an item that contains blank fields.
In my controller method [HttpPost] Edit, ModelState.IsValid starts off as false (as expected - because of the logically-deleted item that contains blank fields.) So I remove that item from my ViewModel.... but ModelState.IsValid is still false.
In summary, I (think I) want to modify my ViewModel within the controller method to remove the offending item, then call some kind of "revalidate", and have ModelState.IsValid show up as true.
Any ideas?

Once you have removed the offending item(s), clear the ModelState and validate again, like so:
TryValidateModel(crew); // assumes the model being passed is named "crew"
Note: Be carefull when use TryValidateModel method because this method does not validate nested object of model (As mentioned by #Merenzo).

Late to the game, but still:
I was also looking for a way to validate model after doing some tweaks to it (more precisely - to the items of its nested collection) - and TryValidateModel didn't work for me, as it doesn't process nested objects.
Finally, I settled with custom model binder:
public class MyItemModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override void OnModelUpdated(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext.ModelType == typeof(MyItemModel))
MyItemModel item = (MyItemModel)bindingContext.Model;
//do required tweaks on model here
//(I needed to load some additional data from DB)
//validation code will be called here, in OnModelUpdated implementation
base.OnModelUpdated(controllerContext, bindingContext);
on the model class:
public class MyItemModel : IValidatableObject


MVC - Inherited view model members [duplicate]

My Post call does not return the correct Model type. It always use the baseObject instead of the correct derived object that I passed in from the Get
public class RestaurantViewModel{
public Food BaseFoodObject{get;set;}
public class Food{
public string Price{get;set;)
Bread.cs -- Inherit from Food
public class Bread:Food{
public int Unit{get;set;}
Milk.cs -- Inherit from Food
public class Milk:Food{
public string Brand{get;set}
Editor For Template for Bread. Display the unit and allow user to edit
#Model RestaurantViewModel
#using(Html.BeginForm("SaveFood", "Food"))
<input type="submit" value="Process"/>
#Model Bread
public ActionResult Index(){
Bread bread = new Bread(){
Price = "$10",
Unit = 1
RestaurantViewModel viewModel = new RestaurantViewModel(){
BaseFoodObject = bread
return View(viewModel);
public ActionResult Post(RestaurantViewModel viewModelPost)
// When I inspect the viewModelPost, there is no attribute for unit
Final Result:
1. The display looks correct. EditorFor is smart enough to pick the correct editor template and display the value correctly
2. The Save does not work. The Unit attribute of Bread Object does not get passed in with the RestaurantViewModel. The reason for that is the RestaurantViewModel used the Food object instead of Bread
I hope there is away to modify the EditorFor and tell it to use the Model in the View or the Object Type that I passed in when I display it.
Update 1: I solved this problem by using the custom binder and using a factory to decide which object I really want. This helps construct the correct Model which I want
MVC is stateless. A couple of references.
There's a couple of statements in your question that conflict with this, and how MVC binding works eg:
My Post call does not return the correct Model type.
Possibly just terminology, but your Post call does not 'return a model type' - it goes into the model that's defined in the post action, in this case RestaurantViewModel.
instead of the correct derived object that I passed in from the Get
because it is stateless, it knows nothing about the model you passed in from the get... absolutely nothing.
The final html rendered via the getaction+view.cshtml+model is not linked to the postaction. You could just as easily take the rendered html, save it, reboot your PC, reload the rendered html and it will work exactly the same way.
a way to modify the EditorFor and tell it to use the Model in the View or the Object Type that I passed in when I display it
When you use EditorFor it sets an ID and name attribute based on the model it was bound to, so it already does this, but perhaps you are not binding to the model you want to bind to to get the correct id.
So, to the question, if, in 'normal' C# code you were to instantiate a new instance of RestaurantViewModel, what would you expect the type of BaseFoodObject to be?
This is what the ModelBinder is doing - it's creating a new RestaurantViewModel.
As your post action method's signature does not include anything to do with Bread - all the bread properties are ignored.
Some options:
Check for the food properties after binding and read them manually (probably the quickest+easiest but not very "mvc-ish")
public ActionResult Post(RestaurantViewModel viewModelPost)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["Unit"]))
// it's a bread form
to make this easier, you could provide a hidden field with the type
if (Request.Form["Type"] == typeof(Bread).Name)
var bread = new Bread { Unit = Request.Form["Unit"] }
Add bread to the action so it's bound
public ActionResult Post(RestaurantViewModel viewModelPost, Bread bread)
but then, obviously, it won't work for milk.
So could extend this using an ActionNameSelector to select the correct action
public ActionResult PostBread(RestaurantViewModel viewModelPost, Bread bread)
public ActionResult PostMilk(RestaurantViewModel viewModelPost, Milk milk)
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class FoodSelectorAttribute : ActionNameSelectorAttribute
public override bool IsValidName(ControllerContext controllerContext, string actionName, MethodInfo methodInfo)
... check if provided parameters contains bread/milk
(related link but not a solution to this specific case)
Another option might be to change the Restaurant type to a generic, but would require a few more changes (and ideally use of interfaces), and more details (provided here as an idea, rather than a solution)
The basics would be:
public class RestaurantViewModel<T>
where T: Food
public ActionResult Post(RestaurantViewModel<Bread> viewModelPost)
public ActionResult Post(RestaurantViewModel<Milk> viewModelPost)
but I've not confirmed if the default ModelBinder would work in this case.
The problem comes with the post. Once you post, all you have is a set of posted data and a parameter of type, RestaurantViewModel. The modelbinder sets all the appropriate fields on Food because that's all it knows. Everything else is discarded. There's nothing that can be done about this. If you need to post fields related to Bread then the type of your property must be Bread. That's the only way it will work.

MVC Controller Actions and ModelState.IsValid what happens

What happens during a controller method call? Does MVC for every PUBLIC method in your controller evaluate/set ModelState? Does it test EVERY class in the method parameters??
public ActionResult Create(Entity myEntity, AnotherEntity, myEntity2)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
If I had a return of int versus ActionResult:
public int Create(Entity myEntity, AnotherEntity, myEntity2)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Would there still be a ModelState with the evaluated classes??
Actually it's not the controller. It's the model binder. The responsibility of the model binder is to instantiate the corresponding model given the request values. So the first step is model binding and the second step is validation. The first step is done by the model binder. If there's an error during this step (for example you have attempted to bind an integer field on your model to an input text in which the user entered some arbitrary text), the model binder automatically adds an error to the model state, so once you enter the controller action you could test whether the ModelState.IsValid.
If model binding succeeds then you have an instance of the model that is now passed to the corresponding validation framework. So for example if you are using Data Annotations and decorated the model properties with validation attributes, they will be evaluated and once again if there are errors they will automatically be added to the ModelState.
If I had a return of int versus ActionResult:
You would violate standard conventions in ASP.NET MVC where all controller actions must return ActionResult. But the return type really has nothing to do with model binding of input parameters and validation. The return type could be any of the possible derived classes of ActionResult or a custom one.
So for example if you want to render the HTML representation of your model you return a ViewResult. If you want to return the JSON representation of your model you return a JsonResult. If you want to return some static string you return a ContentResult. If you want to allow the user download a file you return a FileResult. And so on.

Can I automatically trigger model validation inside a custom model binder?

I have a complex object that I'm binding off of a form. The model binder looks like this:
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var form = new MyForm();
var myObject = ...; //try to load up the object
/* logic to populate values on myObject */
form.MyObject = myObject;
bindingContext.ModelState.SetModelValue(bindingContext.ModelName, new ValueProviderResult(form, "", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture));
return form;
and it is doing what it's supposed to; I get a correctly populated MyForm out of it, and a reference to the same MyForm instance is included in the ModelState. However, the form does not get validated using either the DataAnnotations or my CustomValidation validation. In order to cause that validation, I have to add a TryValidateModel() call in my Controller:
public ActionResult ProcessMyForm(MyForm form)
//ModelState has the MyForm instance inside of it
//TryValidateModel(ModelState); //this does not work
TryValidateModel(form); //this works
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View("Complete", form);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Which not only calls into my custom validation, but also updates the value of ModelState.IsValid.
In addition to my title question, this raises a couple of questions:
Why does TryValidateModel(ModelState) not validate the form when ModelState has a reference to the same instance of the form that TryValidateModel(form) correctly validates?
Why does TryValidateModel(form) cause the value of ModelState.IsValid to be updated?
In general, why are the binders responsible for updating ModelState?
The ModelBinder's responsibility is to bind values from the request into the model(s) you are using.
The ModelState property is just a dictionary containing the current state of you models. Look at modelstate like an errorlist.
When you have a custom ModelBinder you map the values from the request into the class of your choice. That will end up as a parameter into your actionmethod.
I wouldn't agree with you that modelbinders are responsible for updating the ModelState since the ModelBinder is run when it binds the values, it can still have IsValid=true before you run TryValidateModel.
When you later run the TryValidateModel (or ValidateModel for that matter) it will update the ModelState property with whatever errors you have. You can also use different types to validation methods (DataAnnotations, IValidatableObject...)

Partial Record Updates with Linq to SQL and MVC

Let's say I have a DB table with columns A and B and I've used the Visual Studio designer to create a Linq objects for this table. All fields are marked NOT NULL.
Now I'm trying to edit this record using typical MVC form editing and model binding, but field B doesn't need to be editable, so I don't include it in the form.
When the post handler binds the object it doesn't populate field B, leaving it null. Now when I save the object I get a DB error saying field B can't be NULL.
The code to save looks something like:
m_DataContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, myObject);
How do I get this to work? Do I need to include field B as a hidden field on the form - I don't really want to do this as it may be updated by other users at the same time and I don't want to stomp over it.
I've found the solution to this problem revolves around getting the entity object associated with the data context before applying the changes. There's a couple of ways of doing this which I've described in separate answers below.
Descend into SQL
This approach ditches LINQ in favour of straight SQL:
public override void SaveMyObject(MyObject o)
// Submit
m_DataContext.ExecuteCommand("UPDATE MyObjects SET A={0} WHERE ID={1}", o.ID, o.A);
I like this approach the best because of it's simplicity. As much as I like LINQ I just can't justify it's messiness with this problem.
Use a Custom Model Binder
This approach uses a custom model binder to create the entity object and associate with the data context, before the binding takes place.
public class MyObjectBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType)
MyObject a = ((MyObjectController)controllerContext.Controller).Repository.GetMyObjectForUpdate(bindingContext.ValueProvider["ID"].AttemptedValue.ToString());
return a;
The repository then creates the object and associates it with the data context:
public Object GetMyObjectForUpdate(string id)
MyObject o=new MyObject();
return o;
The action handler needs to be attributed to use the model binder...
public ActionResult EditMyObject([ModelBinder(typeof(MyObjectBinder))] MyObject o)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View("EditMyObject", a);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
and finally SaveMyObject simply calls datacontext.SubmitChanges().
For this to work I also needed to set the update check attributes on all columns to Never (in the dbml file).
Overall, this approach works but is messy.
Use Two Entity Objects
This approach uses two entity objects, one for the model binding and one LINQ:
public override void SaveMyObject(MyObject o)
// Create a second object for use with linq and attach to the data context
MyObject o2 = new MyObject();
o2.ID = o.ID;
// Apply fields edited by the form
o2.A = o.A;
// Submit
This approeach doesn't require any special handling in the controller (ie: no custom model binding) but still requires
the Update Check property to be set to Never in the dbml file.
You could add a timestamp field and check one on the page with the one in the DB (hiding the timestamp field as well). If a user has updated the record, a concurrency error is returned and the page is refreshed, or left the same iwth the users changes.

ASP.NET model binding to ProfileCommon

I'm wondering if there is a good example of how to edit ASP.NET Profile settings in MVC using model binding.
Currently I have:
a custom ProfileCommon class derived from ProfileBase.
a strongly typed view (of type ProfileCommon)
get and post actions on the controller that work with ProfileCommon and the associated view. (see code below).
Viewing the profile details works - the form appears all the fields are correctly populated.
Saving the form however gives exception:System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyNotFoundException: The settings property 'FullName' was not found.
Thinking about this it makes sense because the model binding will be instantiating the ProfileCommon class itself instead of grabbing the one of the httpcontext. Also the save is probably redundant as I think the profile saves itself automatically when modified - an in the case, probably even if validation fails. Right?
Anyway, my current thought is that I probably need to create a separate Profile class for the model binding, but it seems a little redundant when I already have a very similar class.
Is there a good example for this around somewhere?
public ActionResult Edit()
return View(HttpContext.Profile);
public ActionResult Edit(ProfileCommon p)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return View(p);
It sounds correct when you say that the ProfileCommon instance is created from scratch (not from the HttpContext) in the post scenario - that's what the DefaultModelBinder does: it creates a new instance of the type based on its default constructor.
I think you could solve this issue by creating a custom IModelBinder that goes something like this:
public class ProfileBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext,
ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
return controllerContext.HttpContext.Profile;
You may need to do some casting to make it fit your profile class.
To use this ProfileBinder, you could then add it to your Edit controller action like this:
public ActionResult Edit([ModelBinder(typeof(ProfileBinder))] ProfileCommon p)
